4 Horsemen of Revelation Part 4

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Having looked at the first 3 horsemen of Revelation 6 we now look at the last, 4th, "Pale" Horseman.

Revelation 6:
"And when he opened the seal (the) 4th I heard (the) voice of the 4th living creature saying Come And I looked and behold a horse chloros ("pale") and the (one) sitting on it (the) name of him (was) Thanatos ("death")* and Hades ("underworld, realm of the dead")* was following with him (closely) and was given to them authority over the 4th of the earth to kill with sword and with famine and with plague and by the beasts of the earth."

( * Note:

Death / Grim Reaper / black (English) = Maveth/Mot / "Angel of Death" (Hebrew/Ugaritic), Thanatos / Ker / Apollyon "destroyer" (Greek), Mors/Morta/morbid / Letum / Obit / Necro (Latin), Todt (German), Azrail (Moslem/Arab), Mistress Death (Marvel).

Hades "unseen" or "knowledge" / Tartarus / Pluton/Plutus / Elysian fields / Phaeacian / Erebus / Katachthonios (Greek) = Sheol / Gehenna (Hebrew), Pluto / Dis / Orcus / Tartarus / Mundi Subterranean / Infernal / Manes "spirits of the dead" (Latin), Hel/Hela/Hell / Valhalla (Norse/Germanic), Hell / Hell on earth / Underworld / Lowerworld / Netherworld / Otherworld / Afterlife / Hereafter / life after death / Abode of the Dead / Black Sun / Grave / Heaven (English), Kur / Sadu / Aralu / Meslam / Allatu / "land of no return" / Dilmun / "land of the living" / Apsu (Mesopotamian), Amenti "land of the dead, hidden" / Urani "land of sunset" / Aaru / Tuat / Pet / Osiris (Egyptian), Patala / Yama / Bali / Agartha (Indian), Annwn / Arawn / Emain / Avalon (Celtic), Yomi / Emma-o (Japanese), Mictlan (Aztec/Mexican). )

Zechariah 1 & 6:
"I saw by night and behold a man riding upon a red horse , and he stood among the myrtle trees that (were) in the bottom/ravine; and behind him (were there) red horses, speckled, and white. ....
And in the 3rd chariot white horses; and in the 4th chariot grisled & bay horses. .... The black horses which (are) therein go forth into the north country; and the white go forth after them; and the grisled go forth toward the south country. And the bay went forth, and sought to go that they might walk to & fro through the earth...."

Unlike the other 3 horsemen I am not sure of any very possible match for this one (past, present or future).
But let us try and see what things can we guess from these verses?

The rider 'Death' may be the Devil/Satan/Sammael. He is equated with the Angel of Light and Dark in one source, which also matches the Devil (angel of light, prince of darkness). Compare also the prevalence of black/dark/charcoal suits/clothes in modern west (esp here in NZ), as black is the colour of death. The Grim Reaper is supposed to take peoples souls, which might match modern & future times. Death can also match the last decline & fall 'Winter' phase of cultures in Spengler. The Grim Reaper carries a scyth which might match the sickle of Communism, though Death doesn't carry a scyth in Revelation 6 so maybe not.

Hades who follows Death means "underworld". Hades is believed by linguists to come from a root meaning "unseen" or a root meaning "knowledge" (related to Fido, video, idea, wit, Edda, Veda). Perhaps the "unseen" might relate to the demons/spirits/devils, or it could relate to human secret societies, conspiracies, "underworld", esoterism, wire pullers behind the scenes. Hades was a "gloomy" realm which could relate to the modern corporate world cities & environment being cold, harsh, dull, mundane, depressing, alien, etc (not as obvious as communist bloc cities but more subtle and hard to put into worlds, though they try to make it look glossy etc), and like this regime/system seems more and more like hell on earth for some of us (though they make out they are making a paradise on earth). One source corresponds Hades with Adam. Or Hades could be like forces of darkness. The Roman equivalent of Hades is Pluto/Dis whose name also means "riches, wealth".

Previously I thought the 2 persons Death & Hades might match the likes of Hitler & Churchill. If Death is the Devil (or Apollyon) then Hades could be either the Demons/Devils/Spirits (as said above) or their followers/parallel on earth or the "Antichrist". Or Death could be the "Antichrist" and Hades the "false prophet". (If the 1st White Horse is Christianity then this could fit with the 4th Pale horse being Devil or Antichrist.)

The colour of the horse khloros/chlorus is variously read "pale/pallid/pallor", "green", "pale green", "yellowish green, greenish yellow", "ashen", "ashy pale" or "ashy pale & livid" or "pale & livid", "black and blue" (like bruised or suffocated body), or "creamy white". The pale colour could match the hue of dead bodies, or the colour of ghosts. It could also match the pale complexion of suburban dwellers who don't get much sunlight, and/or compare Churchill's complexion was "pasty" & his hands "white". Or it could match the "pale face" white hue of the Caucasian/White/European/Aryan race? Green could match environmentalism / Green movement, or Islam, or the Green Man. Or the yellowish colour could match yellow-cross mustard gas (which also contains chloride/chlorine) which Hitler suffered an attack of in WWI. Or it could match the colour of winter and match the 4th, last winter cultural phase of Spengler's. Yellow is a colour of sickness. Or chlorus could match Roman emperor Constantine Chlorus.

The number 4th/last of 4 horsemen might match 4th/last Winter phase of high culture in Spengler? If the preceding Red and Black Horseman possibly match WWI and the Great Depression then this Pale Horseman might match WW2? Or if the Red & Black horses are WW2 & the starvation afterwards then the pale horse could be the cold war or globalism. Or if the Red & Black Horses are Middle Ages (wars) & Industrial period then the Pale Horse is modern/present/future world since/after them?

The "authority over the 4th of the earth to kill with sword and with famine and with plague and by the beasts of the earth" is variously thought to either be referring to the 4th, Pale Horseman or referring to all the 4 Horseman. Previously I thought one possible match for this might be World War II 1939-1945.

Beasts of the earth might be literal animals, or might be the beasts of Daniel & Revelation (lion, bear, leopard) or humans, or possibly demons/devils.

So all we can really say about the Pale Horseman is that a number of those things above well match this present/future winter phase of the western civilisation/culture and of the world/humanity, and this hell on earth globalist system/regime and forces of darkness. The rider might be the Devil or "Antichrist".

In conclusion to our posts on all 4 horsemen we think that the 1st White horse(man) pretty certainly matches Christianity/Messianism (contrary to old hitherto belief that this horse and the other horses are all "evil". There is nothing definitely evil about the 1st White horse except that conquer could be either bad or good. Otherwise it is all good or not necessarily bad: White is good. There is no war associated with the conquest. No arrows with the bow. The victors crown (stephanos) also well matches Christianity (& Stephen.) The Red horse is war(s), possibly either the wars of middle ages or wars of (19th? &) 20th century, or possibly the Great War. The Black Horse is probably not famine as hitherto commonly supposed but is probably inflation/depression/economic, perhaps particularly the industrial period or the Great Depression. The Pale Horse is maybe the Devil or (unseen?) Antichrist and (unseen?) forces of darkness and this regime/system/world of the present/future end times and the winter phase of west and world.
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