When and why will God end our world?

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I was happy, never having thought about angels having sex with each other, until...now I have another perplexing thing to think about. Thanks...I think! Lol

You’re welcome...;)
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Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
I was happy, never having thought about angels having sex with each other, until...now I have another perplexing thing to think about. Thanks...I think! Lol
Apparently Angels can also read. John was instructed in the first two chapters of revelation to write epistles too them. Lol!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Angels can't have sex. They'd have to be physical to do that, and everyone knows that angels can't do physical things.
No "everyone" does not know that. In the Bible, when angels were sent to men, they generally appeared as men. And if an angel can take human form, he can also have sexual relations with human women. What many seem to forget is that the Bible tells us -- in the New Testament -- about those angels who procreated Nephilim, and were deemed to be "the angels which sinned" or "the angels which kept not their first estate. There is a special prison for these angels called Tartarus. That should be sufficient confirmation that in the OT "the sons of God" is a term for angels (being direct creations of God).

You will notice that most commentators have promoted the idea that "the sons of God" is the line of Seth. But Gaebelein has correctly interpreted Genesis 6:2:
The question is who are the sons of God who took the daughters of men. The general view is that the sons of God were the pious descendants of Seth and the daughters of men, the Cainitish offspring. However, there are strong arguments against it.

1. There is no proof in the text that the daughters of men were only the descendants of the Cainites. The text supports the view that in “daughters of men” the natural increase of the whole human family is meant, and not a special class.

2. The theory that “sons of God” must mean pious people can likewise not be sustained. The term sons of God is never applied in the Old Testament to believers. Isaiah 43:6 refers to the future gathering of the godly remnant of Israel. That the believer is a son of God, predestined to the son-place, with the spirit of sonship in him, crying, “Abba, Father,” is exclusively a New Testament revelation.

3. The result of the marriage of the sons of God with the daughters of men were children, who were heroes, men of the Name. If the sons of God were simply the pious Sethites, who mixed with the Cainites, it is hard to understand why the offspring should be a special race, heroes, men of the Name. The giants were Nephilim, which means “the fallen ones.”

“Sons of God” is the term applied in the Old Testament to supernatural beings, both good and evil. Angels good and fallen are termed sons of God in the Old Testament. Satan himself is reckoned among the sons of God in Job 1:6; Job 2:1. The term sons of God must mean here supernatural evil beings. These evil beings came down out of the air and began to take possession of such of the daughters of men as they chose.

“For if God spared not the angels which sinned, but cast them down to [Tartarus], and delivered them unto chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; and spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly” (2Peter 2:4-5).

Here we have a New Testament hint on Genesis 6:1-5. The Scripture declares that the fallen angels are still loose; here, however, are angels, which sinned and God did not spare them. Another passage in Jude’s Epistle is still more significant: “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, He hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” This statement in Jude is linked with the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah.

We stand not alone in this exposition. “The sons of God, in my judgment, mean the same beings in Genesis as they do in Job. This point will suffice to indicate their chief guilt in thus traversing the boundaries which God appointed for His creatures. No wonder that total ruin speedily ensues. It is really the basis of fact for not a few tales of mythology which men have made up.” (W. Kelly, Lectures on the Pentateuch.) God has veiled the awful corruption and we dare not intrude into the secret things.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Hi, Enoch. After I said that everyone knows that angels can't do physical things, I posted scripture that shows they can.
I was being sarcastic.
I believe that I've encountered both fallen angels and Nephilim. Once it took the name of Jesus to free me from paralyses brought on by a strange-looking being.
Another time my best friend and I couldn't figure out why we were missing an hour after we encountered a being that appeared to be made out of light energy. I believe that Enoch may have referred to this one as a lucifer.
I am a fan of Dr. Chuck Missler. It's 4 years this month since he left us.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
If the masses would wake up and see what was going on, we could throw them off. But it doesn't look like that's gonna happen.

It's important to understand God's Word about what is to happen at the end of this world. These things are not happening by chance. And we cannot stop their one world government plans, because God has ordained it to happen per His Word (Revelation 9 thru 17). There are major reasons why God is allowing it to happen. He is going to use it like a pruning of dead tree limbs. Only those in Christ who remain Faithful to Him and His Word all the way to the end will be gathered by Lord Jesus. Those who fall away will have their part in the "outer darkness" along with the wicked.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
It's important to understand God's Word about what is to happen at the end of this world. These things are not happening by chance. And we cannot stop their one world government plans, because God has ordained it to happen per His Word (Revelation 9 thru 17). There are major reasons why God is allowing it to happen. He is going to use it like a pruning of dead tree limbs. Only those in Christ who remain Faithful to Him and His Word all the way to the end will be gathered by Lord Jesus. Those who fall away will have their part in the "outer darkness" along with the wicked.
Some things can be put off. How do we know the timing? If I'm not concerned, then I'll be like the masses who just don't care.
I am aware that the enemy tries to change God's timing. As for what lies ahead, I'd say that we are heading into Chapter13. Though I keep a lose hold on my understanding of Revelation, knowing that there are just about as many interpretations of it as there are people giving interpretation. I don't allow other to sway me here...I'll make my own mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Some things can be put off. How do we know the timing? If I'm not concerned, then I'll be like the masses who just don't care.

Jesus Himself told us in Matthew 24:6 that as long as we hear of wars and rumors of wars, don't be troubled, because the end is not yet.

Matt 24:6
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.


The "end" He was talking about is the very end of this world, the time of "great tribulation" just prior to His future return. That... is the time when we are to be fully awake, spiritually, because the coming pseudo-Christ will be here demanding all bow to him as God. Thus literal flesh death is not what He showed to fear. It is 'spiritual' death we are to fear by falling away to worship the fake-Jesus that comes first (Matthew 24:23-26; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

I am aware that the enemy tries to change God's timing. As for what lies ahead, I'd say that we are heading into Chapter13. Though I keep a lose hold on my understanding of Revelation, knowing that there are just about as many interpretations of it as there are people giving interpretation. I don't allow other to sway me here...I'll make my own mistakes.

I'd agree. The one-world beast of ten horns, seven heads, and ten crowns, is no doubt coming next, along with the "another beast" at Jerusalem.
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
What would the USA do if Russia/China put missile bases on its Canadian or Mexican borders?

You're deflecting. If you disagree with my statements, give me your arguments against it. We could raise all kinds of complicated hypotheticals. The bottom line is, it doesn't matter what the US would do in the same situation. It's a matter of what's right and what's wrong.

Nobody put nuclear missiles in Ukraine. On the contrary, Ukraine disposed of their nuclear missiles, with the understanding that they would be an independent nation.

It seems that you're defending Russia's insolence and war-mongering? I could never take such a position personally, particularly since I likely still have relatives in Ukraine.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
If the sons of God were the angels locked in the pit, why are they called locust and not sons of God when released?

They were always angels and never sons of God. The sons of God were killed in the Flood, and angels were never killed as punishment. They were bound in the pit. Even Satan will be bound in the pit. The only other place would be the LOF. But even the sons of God in sheol and death are just humans. Humanity will end up in the LOF as well.

People come up with the weirdest reasons why they think certain things. No one has pointed out that Adam was once a son of God until he died and physically lost God's image as a son of God. Adam's descendants were the fallen humanity, from which the daughters of man were found. There were many sons of God, not just Adam. Jesus said angels cannot marry nor be given in marriage. That does not mean because they all appear as men, they cannot have same sex marriage. They cannot procreate period, as marrying and given in marriage is just symbolic for procreation.

Do you all not understand that after this physical death, the church stops procreating? The angels were created to serve as messengers and stars. Stars have served as signs in the sky. They appear as human to blend in with us. I guess that is more appropriate than actually appearing in various alien forms to decieve humanity into thinking impossible scenarios.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
It seems that you're defending Russia's insolence and war-mongering? I could never take such a position personally, particularly since I likely still have relatives in Ukraine.
Russian pleas over the past decade regarding Ukraines innocent killing of ethnic Russian Christians in the Donbass, in violation of the international "Minsk Agreements", these Christians are being liberated, from a brutal killer in Zelenskyy's genocide

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Russian pleas over the past decade regarding Ukraines innocent killing of ethnic Russian Christians in the Donbass, in violation of the international "Minsk Agreements", these Christians are being liberated, from a brutal killer in Zelenskyy's genocide

Well, I don't know anything about that. If Russia was protecting them, don't you think Putin went a little far? It seems rather that Putin's objective was in creating a new Soviet Empire. If he was interested in protecting Russians in Ukraine, how is it he doesn't think NATO should help Ukrainians who are being killed by Russia?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Well, I don't know anything about that. If Russia was protecting them, don't you think Putin went a little far? It seems rather than Putin's objective was in creating a new Soviet Empire. If he was interested in protecting Russians in Ukraine, how is it he doesn't think NATO should help Ukrainians who are being killed by Russia?
The 2014-2015 "Minsk Agreements" were guaranteed by France, Germany, and other European Nations, this was an agreement to "Stop" the killing in the ethnic Russian Donbas region

Ukraine broke the agreement, surrounding and bombing beyond the agreements "Grey Line" of protection, Ukraine planted land mines surrounding the region, and bombed within the lines of protection

Zelenskyy and the western world are the aggressors and cause of this war, the western world is pouring gas on a fire, Ukraine isn't going to win, the west is watching Ukranians being killed needlessly

Ukraine also banned the Russian language in these regions, removed Russian books from libraries and the government institutions

Russia was pleading for a decade to stop the innocent killing of civilians in the Donbas, speaking to deaf ears in the west, your now seeing Russia's resolve, it's that simple

In the near future, Ukraine will have a Russian installed government just like Kherson, the innocent killing of ethnic Russian Ukranians will stop
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
The 2014-2015 "Minsk Agreements" were guaranteed by France, Germany, and other European Nations, this was an agreement to "Stop" the killing in the ethnic Russian Donbas region

Ukraine broke the agreement, surrounding and bombing beyond the agreements "Grey Line" of protection, Ukraine planted land mines surrounding the region, and bombed within the lines of protection

Zelenskyy and the western world are the aggressors and cause of this war, the western world is pouring gas on a fire, Ukraine isn't going to win, the west is watching Ukranians being killed needlessly

Ukraine also banned the Russian language in these regions, removed Russian books from libraries and the government institutions

Russia was pleading for a decade to stop the innocent killing of civilians in the Donbas, speaking to deaf ears in the west, your now seeing Russia's resolve, it's that simple

In the near future, Ukraine will have a Russian installed government just like Kherson, the innocent killing of ethnic Russian Ukranians will stop
Of course, the innocent never kill the guilty. Lets build memorials to the innocent and teach our children to remember the innocent!
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
The 2014-2015 "Minsk Agreements" were guaranteed by France, Germany, and other European Nations, this was an agreement to "Stop" the killing in the ethnic Russian Donbas region

Again, I don't know anything about that, though I could look it up. It doesn't matter. Everybody agrees to "stop the killing." Murder is universally condemned. To give ethnic Russians in the Donbas region some autonomy is something else, and if Ukraine violated that, then they deserve to be challenged. And in fact, they may end up losing these regions?

Regardless, Russia shouldn't be trying to destroy Ukraine's government over the notion that Ukraine is violating Russian autonomy in the Donbas region! It doesn't make sense and is utterly contradictory.

You try to destroy the government of a sovereign nation because that government is persecuting ethnic minorities in some of its regions? Very same arguments Hitler made on behalf of German minorities before WW2!

You think there was no agreement from Russia to give Ukraine autonomy in governing itself? There certainly was! If all you want to do is liberate persecuted minorities in a small region adjacent to your own, why not confine the battles to that region? Why attack the entire sovereignty of Ukraine in the stated interest in restoring a Soviet Empire?

Zelenskyy and the western world are the aggressors and cause of this war, the western world is pouring gas on a fire, Ukraine isn't going to win, the west is watching Ukranians being killed needlessly

So you attack an aggressor by supporting the aggression of an even worse aggressor? And you validate that aggression by claiming the victim caused the aggression?

Okay, so prostitution is wrong. So blame the prostitute for her getting raped and killed?

Ukraine also banned the Russian language in these regions, removed Russian books from libraries and the government institutions

Making agreements under duress are not binding, if that's what happened. Perhaps Ukraine had no choice but to offer some limited autonomy to ethnic Russians in the Donbas region, if only because Russia threatened them?

But again, Ukraine had given up its nukes with the agreement that it would have government control over all of its regions. To then force the Ukraine government to abide by rules that outsiders impose upon them is unreasonable and the very definition of "duress." Just liberate the persecuted minorities--don't attack the entire country!
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Apr 27, 2022
East Coast
United States
The faithful are once again slowly conforming to the ways of the world and I believe when the church stops growing we hold back the advancement of Holy Spirit and we release satan to influence ours and others lives. When this happens we the church, the camp of God’s people, the city God loves find ourselves out numbered and surrounded by the autonomous people of the world and then God will act.

Revelation 20:7-9
7 When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. 9 They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them.

Romans 12:1-2
1Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

HOLY SPIRIT Fire. The City He Loves is New Jerusalem.

Why is this Parable telling us The Wedding already happened? Maybe because New Jerusalem as The Bride already came down from Heaven and became One with CHRIST?

Luke 12:36 KJV
And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.

Luke 12:49-51 KJV
I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?

But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!

Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

JESUS' Baptism of Fire is for the entire Body of CHRIST throughout the Age of The Reborn.
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Apr 27, 2022
East Coast
United States
No "everyone" does not know that. In the Bible, when angels were sent to men, they generally appeared as men. And if an angel can take human form, he can also have sexual relations with human women. What many seem to forget is that the Bible tells us -- in the New Testament -- about those angels who procreated Nephilim, and were deemed to be "the angels which sinned" or "the angels which kept not their first estate. There is a special prison for these angels called Tartarus. That should be sufficient confirmation that in the OT "the sons of God" is a term for angels (being direct creations of God).

You will notice that most commentators have promoted the idea that "the sons of God" is the line of Seth. But Gaebelein has correctly interpreted Genesis 6:2:
The question is who are the sons of God who took the daughters of men. The general view is that the sons of God were the pious descendants of Seth and the daughters of men, the Cainitish offspring. However, there are strong arguments against it.

1. There is no proof in the text that the daughters of men were only the descendants of the Cainites. The text supports the view that in “daughters of men” the natural increase of the whole human family is meant, and not a special class.

2. The theory that “sons of God” must mean pious people can likewise not be sustained. The term sons of God is never applied in the Old Testament to believers. Isaiah 43:6 refers to the future gathering of the godly remnant of Israel. That the believer is a son of God, predestined to the son-place, with the spirit of sonship in him, crying, “Abba, Father,” is exclusively a New Testament revelation.

3. The result of the marriage of the sons of God with the daughters of men were children, who were heroes, men of the Name. If the sons of God were simply the pious Sethites, who mixed with the Cainites, it is hard to understand why the offspring should be a special race, heroes, men of the Name. The giants were Nephilim, which means “the fallen ones.”

“Sons of God” is the term applied in the Old Testament to supernatural beings, both good and evil. Angels good and fallen are termed sons of God in the Old Testament. Satan himself is reckoned among the sons of God in Job 1:6; Job 2:1. The term sons of God must mean here supernatural evil beings. These evil beings came down out of the air and began to take possession of such of the daughters of men as they chose.

“For if God spared not the angels which sinned, but cast them down to [Tartarus], and delivered them unto chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; and spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly” (2Peter 2:4-5).

Here we have a New Testament hint on Genesis 6:1-5. The Scripture declares that the fallen angels are still loose; here, however, are angels, which sinned and God did not spare them. Another passage in Jude’s Epistle is still more significant: “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, He hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” This statement in Jude is linked with the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah.

We stand not alone in this exposition. “The sons of God, in my judgment, mean the same beings in Genesis as they do in Job. This point will suffice to indicate their chief guilt in thus traversing the boundaries which God appointed for His creatures. No wonder that total ruin speedily ensues. It is really the basis of fact for not a few tales of mythology which men have made up.” (W. Kelly, Lectures on the Pentateuch.) God has veiled the awful corruption and we dare not intrude into the secret things.

Angels are ministering spirits. The Reborn receive Jacob's Ladder of Angels (spirits). if we backslide on GOD ...we get seven evil spirits.

Heb 1:7
And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.

Heb 1:14
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

Luke 11:26
Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Angels are ministering spirits. The Reborn receive Jacob's Ladder of Angels (spirits). if we backslide on GOD ...we get seven evil spirits.

Heb 1:7
And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.

Heb 1:14
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

Luke 11:26
Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.

Rather extremist interpretations.

Jacob's ladder is something he saw in a dream with angels going up and down it between heaven and earth. It doesn't mean we are 'assigned' that when we become Christians. Yet we do have protecting angels.

And the parable of the man with the unclean spirit is about a man who after having been cleansed of the evil spirit, turns back to wickedness and chose to allow the evil spirits back into his life. This doesn't just happen when we as Christians slip up at times, though we need to repent to Christ when we do. That kind of thing is about those who 'intentionally'... fall away from The Father and The Son, like the example of Hebrews 6:4-8.


Apr 27, 2022
East Coast
United States
Back when we were gog and magog (dead spirits and worldly), some of us were killed (devoured) with HOLY SPIRIT Fire from Heaven ...to become Reborn. The old man was killed. We Joined JESUS' Baptism of Fire. The Reborn are Citizens of New Jerusalem right now.

Revelation 20:7-9


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Back when we were gog and magog (dead spirits and worldly), some of us were killed (devoured) with HOLY SPIRIT Fire from Heaven ...to become Reborn. The old man was killed. We Joined JESUS' Baptism of Fire. The Reborn are Citizens of New Jerusalem right now.

Revelation 20:7-9

Gog and Magog is a reference in Ezekiel 38 about nations aligned with Communism today, i.e., Russia (from "chief" which is origin of the word 'Rus', from which Russia is derived). And aligned with Russia today is Libya, Persia (Iran, Iraq, and probably Syria), Gomer (old statellites like Georgia), Ethiopia (newer portion of old Ethiopia, like Sudan), and Togarmah (area of today's Turkey).

Only Turkey still is not aligned with Soviet Communist Russia. But the Russians are working on it, since Turkey is a Muslim nation.

The Western Christian nations NEVER were part of Gog and Magog, nor the free nations that accepts Jesus Christ.


Apr 27, 2022
East Coast
United States
Gog and Magog is a reference in Ezekiel 38 about nations aligned with Communism today, i.e., Russia (from "chief" which is origin of the word 'Rus', from which Russia is derived). And aligned with Russia today is Libya, Persia (Iran, Iraq, and probably Syria), Gomer (old statellites like Georgia), Ethiopia (newer portion of old Ethiopia, like Sudan), and Togarmah (area of today's Turkey).

Only Turkey still is not aligned with Soviet Communist Russia. But the Russians are working on it, since Turkey is a Muslim nation.

The Western Christian nations NEVER were part of Gog and Magog, nor the free nations that accepts Jesus Christ.

Stuff was literal/physical for those under the Old Covenant. The Kingdom of GOD is Spiritual. The OT became symbolic for us to use as a reference and understand The Interpretations of Scripture. You can only be literal with everything because you don't have The SPIRIT in you. You are a hyper grace Premill only out for excuses to keep your fallen life ...you are still gog and magog.