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Do you think the USA and Europe should protect Taiwan in a war with China?

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Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
As most people here should know, there have been massive tensions in the Indo-Pacific region due to China's recent actions, a result of Nancy Pelosi suddenly visiting Taiwan despite their government's repeated warnings.

Some people think that there could possibly be a third world war on the horizon, between the USA, India, Australia, Japan and Taiwan all fighting China together:

Lots of Democrats and Republicans seem to be broadly supportive of the Taiwanese, but there is some unease and division among progressives and conservatives in both parties. Some Democrats of course think America should be more anti-war, and some Republicans are not enthused at the idea of spending more American lives and money to protect foreign countries with so many domestic problems and inflation and the Ukraine war still raging in Europe.
China says Taiwan issue could take it to "war" with the U.S.
The US could lose up to 900 warplanes fighting a Chinese invasion of Taiwan but would emerge victorious, says think tank

What do you guys think? If someone asked you whether you supported America and Europe protecting Taiwan together, how would you respond??


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
At this moment in time I am not sure i would agree, but only because the Ukraine war is so close and our troops have not gone in……it would be a kick in the teeth to bypass that war and go further afield to support another country facing invasion.
On the other hand us going into the Ukraine is slightly more complicated because as soon as we did go in Russia would see it as us starting a war ………
I don’t know enough about the situation in Taiwan to know if it would be the same scenario ….personally I get the Impression that Polosi trip didn’t really help in the first place……….still the powers that be want war because it makes them loads of money !

On a recent political debate the candidates for the primeminister ( ot sure I like either of them ) said they do not see us getting involved with Taiwan at the moment.
I guess it’s like every other situation, until things happen you don’t really know what decisions and views you will have, so I might think differently if and when things change. Rita


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
What do you guys think? If someone asked you whether you supported America and Europe protecting Taiwan together, how would you respond??
You can exclude Europe (since Western Europe cannot even defend itself against Russia). And the way the military of the USA is today, it would lose against China (which would be supported by Russia).


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
The US will not lose to China. Our hardware far surpases what they have to fight with. For China to take Taiwan, they have to consider a lengthy house to house war. The logistics to support troops, food, ammunition is not gathered together for that type of war. Keep in mind, we gathered hardware in Saudi for months to mount a carefully contrived strategy to defeat Iraq and then used Saudi as a launching pad again. We'll see China assembling troops and hardware well before they launch an attack.That's why no one is threatened by the Chinese playing war games off the Taiwan coast. The US doesn't need a nuclear strike to threaten China with either. The entire manufacturing capacity of China runs along one river. There is one dam with enormous problems holding all that water back. One cruise missile attack and all Chinese manufacturing comes to a halt. If the Three Gorges dam goes of natural causes, Wuhan is just one of many cities that will be in need of scuba equipment to operate. Xi has his own set of economic problems right now, he doesn't need to bring his economy to a brick wall at the present. The US shouldn't be spending money on the garbage of the climate cult to appease Germany and France or the UN. We should be focused on getting the new chips manufacturing facility up and running to offset a possible Taiwan attack. If the past ten years had been spent on moving strategic manufacturing back onto our shores, instead of the insanity that comes from Washington we would be well ahead of where we need to be for a China misstep.
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
You can exclude Europe (since Western Europe cannot even defend itself against Russia). And the way the military of the USA is today, it would lose against China (which would be supported by Russia).

Not necessarily, America and Europe's militaries are still very strong. Russia is ranked at #2, China is at #3, and India is at #4.
2022 Military Strength Ranking


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Not necessarily, America and Europe's militaries are still very strong. Russia is ranked at #2, China is at #3, and India is at #4.
Manpower is not really the true criterion. The will to win is really the key and there is no external measure for that. America does not have the will to win, and that has been proven over and over again. On top of that the USA is riddled with traitors at the very top of the heap.
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
China though will have the high ground in any war with the US.
We will have to attack them from the sea, not a good situation.

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
you bet, Taiwan semiconductor access will go offline for the US in a war, a serious problem.

I also think China wants the technology, expertise and manufacturing plants for those semiconductors preserved intact for their own use.
That is a great asset to them to keep.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
China though will have the high ground in any war with the US.
We will have to attack them from the sea, not a good situation.

Actually not ....If it were to become a long drawn out war, The US would be based in Japan, Korea, Okinawa and Australia. I still think the best way to bring the possibility to an end , when the shooting starts involves a cruise missile attack on the Three Gorges Dam. Breach the dam and China will be forced into backing off or shooting off their 100 missiles. At that time it won't matter, because all of the manufacturing cities on the Shang Hi River will be gone. Numerous multi million population manufacturing centers for China. At least the Wuhan problem would be under water.

China needs a surgical strike to save the chip manufacturing and the labor force. That's why I don't think we are looking at now and looking out 2-5 years. Recent rumors lean to Xi losing power and getting voted out as being weak. Hope Xi gets reelected which makes him King until someone knocks him off. Then he can call off the dogs .....maybe.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
At the end of the day Wars are all about money ! power and position. The rest of such is just for decoration.

The Ukraine War is just the biggest joke ever played out, it's just decoration ! There is nothing to it at all truly but for some criminal intent of a handful of men who have been undermining the Ukraine people for many years and now look at it, no regard to the people of Ukraine at all, for they let a total moron become the Leader ! who is such a criminal that he lead the Nation to War as stupid War in regards to the Ukraine People would loose ? Who can justify such loss to all them people who lost homes life etc etc. Sure the Nazis and the Jews have been totally undermining the majority of Ukraine people for years, with old mate G Soros etc tempting them on, in every event. It's a huge story the games that have been played in Ukraine from when the walls came down and our MSM is not telling the story that lead up to before this event. so much is hidden from view because if most people truly knew they would not support the Ukraine Government at all, nor the Nazis not the Bastard so called Jews with a finger in the pie ripping off the Ukraine people and playing them for fools for many years this has been going on.

As for Taiwan, China needs this Nation to prop it's self up, so they have to rob Taiwan, then they will go every other Asian Nation as well, they need it for China may fail ! it's in huge debt. It has risen too fast and history shows that such can fall sharply. As the Jew Banks can work to destroy them.
China is like a nigger slave to the Anti-Christ Jews banks and the Jews do not want their investments in China undermined.
But the system is controlled by the Anti-Christ Jews banking system. They will say how they want the War to go to plan. just like they have done for over 200 years. They build up Nations to play them and they can pull the rug out from them as well, because they hold all the cards. just like a Casino and anyone who enters into the Casino plays under their rules in fact ! or else !

When Japan did not want to be under the world Casino's influence, they sent down the Russian fleet to wipe them out but the Japs destroyed the Russian Fleet, destroying Russia's power at sea ! then they sent the UK down to Japan and the Japs said they would do the same to the UK Fleet and make them a backwater fleet but the UK was not as stupid as Russia and ran away like a dog,for it was not that stupid to loose it's fleet badly. but the UK as a nigger slave that it was and still is to such Banking interest in fact. but the UK said you go get the USA to go do your bidding for the UK feared dearly not to be compromised like Russia was.
It was not the UK's intent on War with Japan, so as to get the Japs to be in the same Casino ! so the USA went down to do it's masters bidding and sat off and threatened to set all of Japan on fire !
The Russians claimed to want to kill every Jap, that was the threat that was levelled at the Japs. so the Japs were really railed up, so as to fight to the last man standing full on, because of all the threats levelled against Japan, Japan did not want to be a Slave to the Jewish Casino.

So when the Casino got it's way they treated Japans people like slaves and that's why they were coming for the USA at Pearl Harbor and the Harbour was sacrificed by the USA Government, for their masters to go into the War. because the People of the USA did not want war at all, but this set it all off, planed by the masters of the Casino.

If Wars were truly about moral virtues, could their be a War ?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
China though will have the high ground in any war with the US. We will have to attack them from the sea, not a good situation.
On the other hand, China could easily capture the entire West coast of the United States before America makes a single move. China dominates the China Sea while the West dithers around. China could flood the West coast with its own soldiers since no one is expecting such a move. And they are willing to sacrifice millions of lives to achieve their objectives (unlike the USA). Plus they have the submarines to destroy major West coast cities. The only reason China is holding off is because of trade.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
On the other hand, China could easily capture the entire West coast of the United States before America makes a single move. China dominates the China Sea while the West dithers around. China could flood the West coast with its own soldiers since no one is expecting such a move. And they are willing to sacrifice millions of lives to achieve their objectives (unlike the USA). Plus they have the submarines to destroy major West coast cities. The only reason China is holding off is because of trade.
I think that the game play is to get the USA to fail ? this has been on the cards for 20 so years.
Now the USA Socialist traitors within, with the help of far right uber wealthy trash have no regard for working people. Such as they only work to undermine other people 24/7 I have seen such all my life. some dimwit brainwashed Socialist moron who can't see past his own nose the big picture and believes all the spin of big bro union thugs Mafia. and on the other side we see the same games played by the same Mafia only it's another game of cards been played for show. but they are controlling the show ! but do the people know the Game ? no the majority don't have a clue ! they are to occupied fighting a war against each other, but they can not see the hand that plays them all !

So why did our West society build up China ? we can get into all that game play.
So why did out West society prop up North Korea with USA tax payers money ?
So why did Russia truly become Communist, such was aided by who and what game play.
So why was Germany to become Nazi ? well it was just a game plan for an ends.
They can play Nations easy as pie, because the majority of people are under delusions and deceptions, for they are not Saved !

In the Bible When the Devil himself was talking to Jesus, The Devil had no hold on Jesus ever in fact ! but he tried to lead Jesus astray but Jesus pointed out the facts and said Be Gone !
Now idiots claim that the Devil as been defeated ? No ! Jesus exposed and showed us how to deal with the temptations of the Devil, such only has power over you if you are of this world, you must be born again ! for such are not of this world, but of the Kingdom of God. such a one is not afraid of the wolves, for they have no power over ones Soul, who is truly Saved.

If the USA has a War with China, Biden will sell us out !
Why would Biden pick a fight with Putin ? To enrage the Russians against USA ?
OK so we were lead to powered up China, a Communist Nation ? for what ends ?
Ok Where does the South Korea funding come into the game play ? it's a huge insane Army. that should not be their, because it can not feed it's self or such a army by it's self, so who are they being set to attack ?
We know what the end game is to do ? do we ! We will be set upon, it's all coming together. The New World Order ! and they have said 80% of the worlds population has to go ! or else. They are serious that the world can not sustain, climate change is man made ? so what's the plan ?

WW2 was just a Joke that they played on people for their own ends, W Churchill pointed it out that "They" just wanted to win Markets. It was just all one big joke to "Them". as it always is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
On the other hand, China could easily capture the entire West coast of the United States before America makes a single move. China dominates the China Sea while the West dithers around. China could flood the West coast with its own soldiers since no one is expecting such a move. And they are willing to sacrifice millions of lives to achieve their objectives (unlike the USA). Plus they have the submarines to destroy major West coast cities. The only reason China is holding off is because of trade.

The only reason the Chinese don't do that is because of logistics ....They don't have large amphibious fleets ....which is why they haven't stormed Taiwan yet either. The Chinese Navy is a small sea fleet. Not designed for long range pursuits.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
No, it's none of our business, we have our own problems here at home to deal with, like the border crisis and the acts of violence that have increased since this "administration" took over.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
China has one working Air Craft Carrier. The new one they built themselves is riddled with problems. The newest one, number three, is barely off the launch pad ......hardly ready for combat. China cannot launch their best fighters from the first two carriers. US has 11 Carrier battle groups ......China is not ready for a navy war. China hasn't figured out what it takes to fight a carrier war.

The US has been in business since World War Two.

Do not depend on what is read from some obscure magazine article. Go and do battle group breakdowns. Last week I did carrier breakdowns because there is a carrier adrift at sea that has been inactive for several weeks. That carrier design is a Chinese boat ...They only have two and a half .....
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
China has one working Air Craft Carrier. The new one they built themselves is riddled with problems. The newest one, number three, is barely off the launch pad ......hardly ready for combat. China cannot launch their best fighters from the first two carriers. US has 11 Carrier battle groups ......China is not ready for a navy war. China hasn't figured out what it takes to fight a carrier war.

The US has been in business since World War Two.

Do not depend on what is read from some obscure magazine article. Go and do battle group breakdowns. Last week I did carrier breakdowns because there is a carrier adrift at sea that has been inactive for several weeks. That carrier design is a Chinese boat ...They only have two and a half .....
Don't China still have the ability to make any USA Warship dead ducks sitting in the water.
Going back some years ago the USA Warship was stunned dead in the water, they had no control over the ship and a chopper crashed trying to land on the deck because China had sapped it as well.
China got this tec from Russia.

I have not heard anything more on that subject.

Maybe the USA Warship could fire it's guns ? but it could not control the direction of the ship and they could not land the chopper.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
No, it's none of our business, we have our own problems here at home to deal with, like the border crisis and the acts of violence that have increased since this "administration" took over.

But America and Taiwan's government (the ROC) have been allies since the Second World War, they were our allies against the Axis powers, and it seems kind of dishonorable to suddenly abandon them. I found their national flag anthem on YouTube, it's really inspiring actually! And the Taiwanese do have the 8th largest economy in Asia and the #21 most powerful military in the entire world, they are not a weak people for a small island.
2022 Taiwan Military Strength


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
But America and Taiwan's government (the ROC) have been allies since the Second World War, they were our allies against the Axis powers, and it seems kind of dishonorable to suddenly abandon them. I found their national flag anthem on YouTube, it's really inspiring actually! And the Taiwanese do have the 8th largest economy in Asia and the #21 most powerful military in the entire world, they are not a weak people for a small island.
2022 Taiwan Military Strength
Then they don't need our help.