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Do you think Tulsi Gabbard (no longer a Democrat) should join the Republican Party?

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Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
Very recently, Tulsi Gabbard who ran for President several years ago, has officially announced that she would be leaving the Democratic Party. Lots of liberals of course were extremely angry, I'm sure there were plenty of death threats against her, but they are just a hateful people these days.

Although I do not agree with all of her policies, I do think she has a good heart, is not afraid to engage with conservatives, and that as a veteran who served two tours of duty abroad, she does deserve our genuine respect and appreciation. She is also very athletic and beautiful of course! :)

"I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.

I believe in a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite.

I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me."

Tulsi Gabbard says she is leaving the Democratic Party
Tulsi Gabbard announces she is leaving Democratic Party, calling it an 'elitist cabal of warmongers'
Tulsi Gabbard plans to campaign for GOP Senate candidate Don Bolduc after suddenly leaving Democratic Party
Former Democrats echo Tulsi Gabbard on why they left the party: 'They shut down' opposing views

And she also has a new podcast out:

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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
She is not a Republican, she is a democrat through and through who believes in ever bigger government control. Of course some Republicans are like that also, they are called RINO.
Do you know there is no Republican party left in Hawaii? Hawaii is her state. For her to become a genuine Republican would go against her cultural political ideology ingrained into her. It is interesting that she will campaign for Republicans.
She just intensely dislikes Democratic party due to them becoming elitists over the common little people. So the democratic party is no longer her democratic party. Maybe she will join or try to make a new party.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Glenn Beck interviewed her when it was first announced. He asks very pointed questions when involved in an interview. The two of them agree that big government politics are a part of her and remain so. However, he pointed out the two of them saw the same trend of what the Democrats have become. Hannity interviewed her later that day. She stated she’s lost several of what she thought were friends. However, she was surprised at responses …one in particular, a staunch Democrat, gave her three thumbs up!

As long as she doesn’t start a broom riding party with Cheney.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
United States
Very recently, Tulsi Gabbard who ran for President several years ago, has officially announced that she would be leaving the Democratic Party. Lots of liberals of course were extremely angry, I'm sure there were plenty of death threats against her, but they are just a hateful people these days.

Although I do not agree with all of her policies, I do think she has a good heart, is not afraid to engage with conservatives, and that as a veteran who served two tours of duty abroad, she does deserve our genuine respect and appreciation. She is also very athletic and beautiful of course! :)

"I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.

I believe in a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite.

I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me."

Tulsi Gabbard says she is leaving the Democratic Party
Tulsi Gabbard announces she is leaving Democratic Party, calling it an 'elitist cabal of warmongers'
Tulsi Gabbard plans to campaign for GOP Senate candidate Don Bolduc after suddenly leaving Democratic Party

She makes a lot of sense when I've seen her interviewed but she is not a Christian. She is Hindu.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Do you know there is no Republican party left in Hawaii?
Not surprising. When you come right down to it the so-called Republicans have been betraying their own principles for decades.

The biggest mistake made by Donald Trump was to ignore the impact of the Tea Party and create a new genuinely conservative "Patriot Party" (or something similar) in 2016. All the actual conservatives (MAGA Republicans) would have abandoned the GOP and joined this party, and the RINOs would have been stuck trying to be pseudo-Democrats.

As we can see in hindsight the Republicans hated Trump all along and opposed and betrayed him at every opportunity. Some even wanted him impeached, but no one stood with him when it came down to the crunch. Thus he sabotaged himself and his agenda, but he has only himself to blame. Almost everyone he appointed was his enemy (including Pence and Kushner).

As to Tulsi Gabbard, she has tried to have it both ways, so now finally she had to make up her mind about the evil Democrats. What she now needs to do is educate herself on genuine Republican values, and expose the RINOs for what they are -- cowards and traitors.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
Not surprising. When you come right down to it the so-called Republicans have been betraying their own principles for decades.

The biggest mistake made by Donald Trump was to ignore the impact of the Tea Party and create a new genuinely conservative "Patriot Party" (or something similar) in 2016. All the actual conservatives (MAGA Republicans) would have abandoned the GOP and joined this party, and the RINOs would have been stuck trying to be pseudo-Democrats.

As we can see in hindsight the Republicans hated Trump all along and opposed and betrayed him at every opportunity. Some even wanted him impeached, but no one stood with him when it came down to the crunch. Thus he sabotaged himself and his agenda, but he has only himself to blame. Almost everyone he appointed was his enemy (including Pence and Kushner).

As to Tulsi Gabbard, she has tried to have it both ways, so now finally she had to make up her mind about the evil Democrats. What she now needs to do is educate herself on genuine Republican values, and expose the RINOs for what they are -- cowards and traitors.

It's not just this one case of Tulsi Gabbard. LOTS of prominent individuals who were lifelong Democrats have left the party quite recently. For example, Tara Reade said in her book that she received too many death threats from "tolerant" liberals after she dared to speak out against Joe Biden during the election.
Tara Reade leaving Democratic Party after response to Biden allegations

Andrew Yang also broke away last October and established a new "Forward Party", through which he's trying to build bridges between the two sides of America's deep political divide:
"Breaking up with the Democratic Party feels like the right thing to do because I believe I can have a greater impact this way."
Breaking Up with the Democratic Party | Blog | Andrew Yang

Marianne Williamson, a spiritual woman from Texas who also ran for President, was constantly mocked and treated like a crazy woman or something of a joke by most anti-spiritual and materialistic Democrats, for her calling for prayers and for the power of love to heal America's problems:
“What does it say that Fox News is nicer to me than the lefties are? What does it say, that the conservatives are nicer to me? It’s such a bizarre world! You know, I’m such a lefty. I mean, I’m a serious lefty, I understand why people on the right call them ‘godless,’ and I mean it’s like, I didn’t think the left was as mean as the right, they are.”
Marianne Williamson: Conservatives Are Nicer To Me Than The ‘Lefties’

My point is, none of these people in fact supported the Republicans, nor were they fans of the previous administration. But even so, they were still viciously attacked by so many "mainstream" liberals because they didn't fit the mold, or because they spoke out against their establishment, or tried to bring new and different ideas to the current crowd, which was deemed unacceptable.

Tulsi mentions this as well; in today's left-wing controlled hive mind, you have to constantly PROVE you are a "real leftist", one of their group, and then always support everything the party does almost 100%, or else you will either be banned, expelled or have your reputation slowly torn apart and completely destroyed. I've witnessed it myself at the college I used to attend, young conservatives or even moderates there are shunned and treated almost like garbage.

At least the hippies from the 1970s seemed to be a fairly laid-back and relaxed people, with some spiritual views like harmony and universal brotherhood, but today's leftists today truly are a very toxic and extremely angry and aggressive people, far more so than 50 years ago, I'm afraid -- frequently attacking and even threatening others outside their crowd, hating patriotism and family and people with the slightest bit of faith, and lots of them are proudly hardcore secular atheists also. :(

P.S. Tulsi's a really great singer also, she sang this really nice Christmas song with her husband a while ago! :)

And her wedding video was also beautiful!
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
...today's leftists today truly are a very toxic and extremely angry and aggressive people, far more so than 50 years ago, I'm afraid -- frequently attacking and even threatening others outside their crowd, hating patriotism and family and people with the slightest bit of faith, and lots of them are proudly hardcore secular atheists also. :(
You've brought up some good points and this exactly what the Leftists are today. The so-called "Democrats" today are actually the Marxist/Communist/Fascist/Anarchist party of America, and Biden is doing absolutely everything he can to destroy America, and establish a totalitarian police state. Unfortunately the RINOs are not demanding his resignation daily, and calling out the "Democrats" for their evil agenda. They have practically supported everything proposed by these evildoers.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Very recently, Tulsi Gabbard who ran for President several years ago, has officially announced that she would be leaving the Democratic Party. Lots of liberals of course were extremely angry, I'm sure there were plenty of death threats against her, but they are just a hateful people these days.

Although I do not agree with all of her policies, I do think she has a good heart, is not afraid to engage with conservatives, and that as a veteran who served two tours of duty abroad, she does deserve our genuine respect and appreciation. She is also very athletic and beautiful of course! :)

"I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.

I believe in a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite.

I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me."

Tulsi Gabbard says she is leaving the Democratic Party
Tulsi Gabbard announces she is leaving Democratic Party, calling it an 'elitist cabal of warmongers'
Tulsi Gabbard plans to campaign for GOP Senate candidate Don Bolduc after suddenly leaving Democratic Party
Former Democrats echo Tulsi Gabbard on why they left the party: 'They shut down' opposing views

And she also has a new podcast out:

IMNSHO, she should remain an independent and caucus with the GOP. Both parties are corrupt, but at least the GOP has more godliness going for it than the Dems. It is not much more, but if you put it under an electron microscope- you can see the difference!! :rolleyes:

Desire Of All Nations

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2021
United States
IMNSHO, she should remain an independent and caucus with the GOP. Both parties are corrupt, but at least the GOP has more godliness going for it than the Dems. It is not much more, but if you put it under an electron microscope- you can see the difference!! :rolleyes:
The Rep party isn't any more godly than the Dem party. They just do a better job at conning religious people for votes and support. The only real difference between the 2 parties lies in the fact that one party believes in bigger government and one believes in smaller government.

When it's all said and done, both parties are still Satan's muppets because both parties will not openly acknowledge that this country's problems stem from rejecting God's laws. Both parties still cling to the delusion that they can make these problems disappear with human reasoning, and you can mark my words when i tell you right now that the opposite is going to happen.

Trump didn't make the problems go away when he was in the White House the first time, and he won't make them go away when he ends up back in the White House. Why? Because both parties are oblivious to the fact that this nation is being cursed.

God could care less which party controls Washington when both of these parties are trying to convince the people to depend on them for the solutions instead of calling for the nation to repent like Abraham Lincoln did when he recognized the fact that the Civil War was God's way of cursing the country for forgetting Him is being the One who made the country great. And just over 150 years later, people on both sides of the political spectrum have forgotten that fact and fell right back into the trap of imagining that we accomplished it with our own vain reasoning.

All a person has to do in order to realize just how arrogant and sanctimonious both parties have become is by looking at how Trump arrogantly proclaiming at a rally that "he will make America great again" when the biblical psalms say that God is the One who decides the destinies of nations. When the day comes for America to experience its day of reckoning(and it is coming sooner than people think), there won't be a single thing any Democrat, MAGA Republican, Trump, or Never Trumper can do about it. God is going to show both of these parties that He is the One who makes and break countries!
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
The Rep party isn't any more godly than the Dem party. They just do a better job at conning religious people for votes and support. The only real difference between the 2 parties lies in the fact that one party believes in bigger government and one believes in smaller government.

When it's all said and done, both parties are still Satan's muppets because both parties will not openly acknowledge that this country's problems stem from rejecting God's laws. Both parties still cling to the delusion that they can make these problems disappear with human reasoning, and you can mark my words when i tell you right now that the opposite is going to happen.

Trump didn't make the problems go away when he was in the White House the first time, and he won't make them go away when he ends up back in the White House. Why? Because both parties are oblivious to the fact that this nation is being cursed.

God could care less which party controls Washington when both of these parties are trying to convince the people to depend on them for the solutions instead of calling for the nation to repent like Abraham Lincoln did when he recognized the fact that the Civil War was God's way of cursing the country for forgetting Him is being the One who made the country great. And just over 150 years later, people on both sides of the political spectrum have forgotten that fact and fell right back into the trap of imagining that we accomplished it with our own vain reasoning.

All a person has to do in order to realize just how arrogant and sanctimonious both parties have become is by looking at how Trump arrogantly proclaiming at a rally that "he will make America great again" when the biblical psalms say that God is the One who decides the destinies of nations. When the day comes for America to experience its day of reckoning(and it is coming sooner than people think), there won't be a single thing any Democrat, MAGA Republican, Trump, or Never Trumper can do about it. God is going to show both of these parties that He is the One who makes and break countries!

Well I was just trying to be a little polite. the GOp does have a prolife plank and many believers in the party8. Like I said it takes an electron microscope to see the difference.

ASs you brought up Lincolkn, I wish to paraphrase a statement he made when someone asked if the North was on
Gods side. He sais " It is not a question of whether God is on our side- but whether we are on Gods side!


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
The Rep party isn't any more godly than the Dem party. They just do a better job at conning religious people for votes and support. The only real difference between the 2 parties lies in the fact that one party believes in bigger government and one believes in smaller government.

I am not a Republican, but the conservatives and Republicans I've met in real life and online have generally been much nicer, calmer and more pleasant to converse with than most modern-day liberals, who seem very angry, bitter and..."damaged" in a way that is not easy to describe. I think I've lived in a Democratic state for too long, and the growing hatred and mockery for all things religious, as well as the massive surge in violent crime and pandemic here over the past few years, has severely turned me away from the Democrats. :(

I read a quote somewhere...these days in America, it's so EASY and seemingly very popular and mainstream to be a "liberal" (you just go along with what 90% of what the media and your classmates believe and stay silent when there is something you disagree with), but it's very, very difficult, especially if you're a younger American, to be a "conservative" - you have to actually make a real and committed heartfelt effort to do so.

Well I was just trying to be a little polite. the GOp does have a prolife plank and many believers in the party8. Like I said it takes an electron microscope to see the difference.

ASs you brought up Lincolkn, I wish to paraphrase a statement he made when someone asked if the North was on
Gods side. He sais " It is not a question of whether God is on our side- but whether we are on Gods side!

Abortion is another reason I can't vote Democrat in this lifetime. The angry feminists of today have casually pushed for abortion in every way possible, and celebrate their nihilistic culture of death. Anyone who disagrees with them is someone who "hates women", in their eyes, and worse than a racist. Some even use a symbol strangely similar to an upside-down cross in their protests. This is kind of "tolerance" and "progress" their side wants to force upon all Americans in the future. Reminds me a bit of Communism, to be honest. :(

Office of anti-abortion organization in Wisconsin targeted in arson attack, police say | CNN

And their general sentiments on "free speech" are also a joke - for example, Tulsi argued that Biden and NATO could have done more to prevent the Ukraine war, and people were saying things like, "%%%% you, you...traitor" on left-wing social media. Any bold or honest opinion will have you threatened and screamed at by a thousand other people these days.

"This war and suffering could have easily been avoided if Biden Admin/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine’s becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US/NATO forces right on Russia’s border."
Gabbard: Ukraine conflict avoidable if U.S. had recognized Russia concerns about Ukraine's NATO entry
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I am not a Republican, but the conservatives and Republicans I've met in real life and online have generally been much nicer, calmer and more pleasant to converse with than most modern-day liberals, who seem very angry, bitter and..."damaged" in a way that is not easy to describe. I think I've lived in a Democratic state for too long, and the growing hatred and mockery for all things religious, as well as the massive surge in violent crime and pandemic here over the past few years, has severely turned me away from the Democrats. :(

I read a quote somewhere...these days in America, it's so EASY and seemingly very popular and mainstream to be a "liberal" (you just go along with what 90% of what the media and your classmates believe and stay silent when there is something you disagree with), but it's very, very difficult, especially if you're a younger American, to be a "conservative" - you have to actually make a real and committed heartfelt effort to do so.

Abortion is another reason I can't vote Democrat in this lifetime. The angry feminists of today have casually pushed for abortion in every way possible, and celebrate their nihilistic culture of death. Anyone who disagrees with them is someone who "hates women", in their eyes, and worse than a racist. Some even use a symbol strangely similar to an upside-down cross in their protests. This is kind of "tolerance" and "progress" their side wants to force upon all Americans in the future. Reminds me a bit of Communism, to be honest. :(

Office of anti-abortion organization in Wisconsin targeted in arson attack, police say | CNN

And their general sentiments on "free speech" are also a joke - for example, Tulsi argued that Biden and NATO could have done more to prevent the Ukraine war, and people were saying things like, "%%%% you, you...traitor" on left-wing social media. Any bold or honest opinion will have you threatened and screamed at by a thousand other people these days.

"This war and suffering could have easily been avoided if Biden Admin/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine’s becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US/NATO forces right on Russia’s border."
Gabbard: Ukraine conflict avoidable if U.S. had recognized Russia concerns about Ukraine's NATO entry

Yes they coulde have talked abou tit.

But NATO has never been teh first to ever threaten Russia. It was formed as an alliance to halt teh advancinc Soviet takeover of Europe. And no nation should have teh right to demand another nation and tell it who it can ally itself with.

Both sides can persuade or discourage or whatever. but to invade with nearly 250,000 troops and thousand sof vehicles is ot the way to solve this issue.

Teh world already knew that NATO was not veryt keen on admitting Ukraine. but now that Putin has invaded and used terror tactics on civilian areas hundreds of times they are now far more amenable to letting Ukraine join.
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
Yes they coulde have talked abou tit.

But NATO has never been teh first to ever threaten Russia. It was formed as an alliance to halt teh advancinc Soviet takeover of Europe. And no nation should have teh right to demand another nation and tell it who it can ally itself with.

Both sides can persuade or discourage or whatever. but to invade with nearly 250,000 troops and thousand sof vehicles is ot the way to solve this issue.

Teh world already knew that NATO was not veryt keen on admitting Ukraine. but now that Putin has invaded and used terror tactics on civilian areas hundreds of times they are now far more amenable to letting Ukraine join.

And I do not support Putin or his war in Ukraine whatsoever. But nevertheless...it feels wrong that people think it's casually okay to openly attack and threaten others for stating even slightly controversial opinions. If you spent half an hour on Twitter, for example, you would know how viciously hateful, angry and radicalized many leftists today are - even saying you are pro-life could get you lots of widespread disgust and hatred. Other people proudly call themselves "militant atheists" and try their best to attack and destroy anyone with the slightest bit of faith and spirituality. And the media, our entertainment, our massive corporations, our colleges, they help aggressively promote this almost completely secular and materialist worldview.

Here are some of the comments made after Tulsi Gabbard left the Democrats:

I can't help but reminisce back to the older America of the not-so-distant past. What has happened to us, quite honestly? What happened to our sense of joy and wonder, our sense of unity and standing for a higher and timeless purpose? So much has changed, and so quickly, perhaps forever changed. If only we had some kind of time machine, my dear elder brother. How I wish I could have grown up in simpler times than ours today. :(

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
And I do not support Putin or his war in Ukraine whatsoever. But nevertheless...it feels wrong that people think it's casually okay to openly attack and threaten others for stating even slightly controversial opinions. If you spent half an hour on Twitter, for example, you would know how viciously hateful, angry and radicalized many leftists today are - even saying you are pro-life could get you lots of widespread disgust and hatred. Other people proudly call themselves "militant atheists" and try their best to attack and destroy anyone with the slightest bit of faith and spirituality. And the media, our entertainment, our massive corporations, our colleges, they help aggressively promote this almost completely secular and materialist worldview.

Here are some of the comments made after Tulsi Gabbard left the Democrats:

I can't help but reminisce back to the older America of the not-so-distant past. What has happened to us, quite honestly? What happened to our sense of joy and wonder, our sense of unity and standing for a higher and timeless purpose? So much has changed, and so quickly, perhaps forever changed. If only we had some kind of time machine, my dear elder brother. How I wish I could have grown up in simpler times than ours today. :(

First let us remember the good old days are gone forever! Leave it to beaver lifestyle shall never return. We as believers have been allowed to live in this time for HIs glory in the midst of all this darkness which will just continue to grow until Jesus returns.

Teh Right can be just as nasty (they just couch their hatred in nicer tones). Our job is to pray for govt. and to send out the gospel and bring in the harvest and await His coming while we wrork the fields of human souls.


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Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
First let us remember the good old days are gone forever! Leave it to beaver lifestyle shall never return. We as believers have been allowed to live in this time for HIs glory in the midst of all this darkness which will just continue to grow until Jesus returns.

Teh Right can be just as nasty (they just couch their hatred in nicer tones). Our job is to pray for govt. and to send out the gospel and bring in the harvest and await His coming while we wrork the fields of human souls.

You are a man of great learning and wisdom, Ronald, truly. And you are most blessed to be a grandfather. I deeply respect and admire the older generation, and another reason which I am saddened is that sadly, today's young adults do not seem to much revere or honor the elderly as much as before, which I frankly think is very wrong.

Do you not ever sometimes feel nostalgic for the America that we lost though? Watching those older movies, listening to those older songs...? Those times when praying together as a family was commonplace, the norm not the exception as we see today?

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
You are a man of great learning and wisdom, Ronald, truly. And you are most blessed to be a grandfather. I deeply respect and admire the older generation, and another reason which I am saddened is that sadly, today's young adults do not seem to much revere or honor the elderly as much as before, which I frankly think is very wrong.

Do you not ever sometimes feel nostalgic for the America that we lost though? Watching those older movies, listening to those older songs...? Those times when praying together as a family was commonplace, the norm not the exception as we see today?

t meloncholy sometime. I grew up as a child in the late 50's and 60's. It was a much more quieter and safer time for the most part!

But it came with a great danger that laid many believers prisoners of war in the great spiritual battle. People generally speaking were far more religious and nicer so we kind of sat back and did not pursue God as we should (once again generally speaking) Things were good and society was like a whited sepulchre. Just enough of a dose of religion to think they were good enough to make it.

As much as it is distasteful, the church and the individual members thereof tend to grow much stronger when we are under pressure from societry instead of society dulled by the drug of religion.

Thank you for those kind words. Yes I am blessed far beyond what I deserve. God has been gracious, patient and kind to this child of His.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
t meloncholy sometime. I grew up as a child in the late 50's and 60's. It was a much more quieter and safer time for the most part!

But it came with a great danger that laid many believers prisoners of war in the great spiritual battle. People generally speaking were far more religious and nicer so we kind of sat back and did not pursue God as we should (once again generally speaking) Things were good and society was like a whited sepulchre. Just enough of a dose of religion to think they were good enough to make it.

As much as it is distasteful, the church and the individual members thereof tend to grow much stronger when we are under pressure from societry instead of society dulled by the drug of religion.

Thank you for those kind words. Yes I am blessed far beyond what I deserve. God has been gracious, patient and kind to this child of His.
Ronald, do you think Tulsi Gabbard would have made a good President? Do you agree with what she has said regarding the Democrats, for example, that they have shifted far to the extreme and have become very hostile to religion and spirituality?

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Ronald, do you think Tulsi Gabbard would have made a good President? Do you agree with what she has said regarding the Democrats, for example, that they have shifted far to the extreme and have become very hostile to religion and spirituality?

I can't say for sure if she would make a good POTUS. To my standards, if she lived up to her word, she would have been decent, but I still disagree with many of her positions. But that is my personal opinion.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
I can't say for sure if she would make a good POTUS. To my standards, if she lived up to her word, she would have been decent, but I still disagree with many of her positions. But that is my personal opinion.
She has in fact recently changed her views on lots of different issues, even openly endorsing several Republican candidates. Whether you agree with that or not, I do think it is worth admiring for such a prominent public figure to change sides so drastically in this day and age; many of her former party members will NOT forgive her, I am afraid. :(

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
She has in fact recently changed her views on lots of different issues, even openly endorsing several Republican candidates. Whether you agree with that or not, I do think it is worth admiring for such a prominent public figure to change sides so drastically in this day and age; many of her former party members will NOT forgive her, I am afraid. :(
Without a doubt! Tulsi is one brave woman to challenge the DNC. I do not know all her views on many issues, but if she runs for national office, I will get a chance to know her better.
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