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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
Motor City
United States
As you don't trust anyone in authority nothing can be proved to you.

Putting your trust in "authority" figures is exactly the problem. We're not supposed to "trust" them. We're supposed to hold them accountable for their actions, keep their feet to the fire. The only one I "trust" is God.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
Motor City
United States
Then trust him.
Aliens, et etc are all irrelevant to living for Jesus.

It just might become relevant in the future. If E.T consistently replaces the God of the Bible, you will be required to give an answer for it, not to me or other believers, but to non-unbelievers, to give a reason for the faith.

(1 Peter 3:14-16) "But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; {15} But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: {16} Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ."

By all means, be dismissive, at least be honest with yourself, that you aren't preparing yourself to give a legitimate reason why others should believe in what you believe.

Forget them and go get involved in your local church.

The "churches" are just as lost as any, full of heresies, false doctrines, fake Christians galore. I've been down that road before, and I sure as hell ain't going back, better off without them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
If E.T consistently replaces the God

How can nothing replace something?

You reject all authority except your own, all understanding but your own.

The science, that is atheistic evolutionary science, that has no time for God, shows that there are no aliens, no it's out there in space and most certainly not in this solar system.

That leaves UFO's, as they are not visitors from distance planets they can only be demonic.

What should people believ, you will struggle with this.
People should believe the Bible, tha experts translated from the Hebrew, Greek etc into English. People should find out about Jesus.
One of the get places is at one's local church.

Full of heresies are they! I never believe blanker accusations. I suspect you have heresis and are not prepared to be challenged by anyone.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
Motor City
United States
Et is nothing and the Christian has nothing to fear from what ever happens in life.

:rolleyes:......This has nothing to do with what you fear, I could care less what you fear. This is about how you as a believer will respond to this deception, about your answer to questions that will inevitably arise as a result, in defense of the faith. You haven't given a real one, so this is the end of the discussion until further notice should such a scenario come to pass. If you wish to prattle on about it ad infinitum, talking in circles, look elsewhere.
Mar 30, 2020
United States

Amazon.com: 9781641407922

#1 When Alexander the Great died, his kingdom was divided among his four generals. The Antichrist's physical ancestry (the little horn) will be out of one of those four kingdoms. The only one of the four kingdoms from which he could wax great toward the other three in this way‑toward the south (Egypt), toward the east (Asia Minor), and toward the glorious land (Israel)‑ is the part that was Macedonia and Greece. The Antichrist will either himself be a Greek or at least will be of Grecian ancestry; but the facts of his true ancestry will probably not be publicly known. This knowledge will be kept known. This knowledge will be kept hidden. (See Appendix XIII.) Also, it is very likely that the Antichrist will rise to power out of Greece.

And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness: and I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns.... And the angel said unto me, wherefore didst thou wonder? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and the ten horns.... Here is the mind that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth: and they are seven kings (Caesars) the five are fallen, the one is, the other is not yet come and when he cometh, he must continue a little while. (Rev. 17:3, 7, 9‑10)

Who are these seven Caesars (the original Greek word translated as the English word kings)?

Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar ... (Luke 3:1)

Which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar. (Acts 11:28 KJV)

At the time John wrote the book of Revelation, Domitian, the sixth Caesar, was in power. Before the reign of Domitian, there had reigned five Caesars who had died unnatural deaths (are fallen) through murder or suicide. The first four of these (in chronological order) were Julius Caesar, Tiberius Caesar, Caligula, and Claudius Caesar. Physically, the Antichrist will rise to power suddenly as the seventh Caesar over a revived Roman Empire.


When Alexander the Great died, his kingdom was divided among his four generals. The Antichrist's physical ancestry (the little horn) will be out of one of those four kingdoms. The only one of the four kingdoms from which he could wax great toward the other three in this way‑toward the south (Egypt), toward the east (Asia Minor), and toward the glorious land (Israel)‑ is the part that was Macedonia and Greece. The Antichrist will either himself be a Greek or at least will be of Grecian ancestry; but the facts of his true ancestry will probably not be publicly known. This knowledge will be kept known. This knowledge will be kept hidden. (See Appendix XIII.) Also, it is very likely that the Antichrist will rise to power out of Greece.

And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness: and I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns.... And the angel said unto me, wherefore didst thou wonder? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and the ten horns.... Here is the mind that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth: and they are seven kings (Caesars) the five are fallen, the one is, the other is not yet come and when he cometh, he must continue a little while. (Rev. 17:3, 7, 9‑10)

Who are these seven Caesars (the original Greek word translated as the English word kings)?

Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar ... (Luke 3:1)

Which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar. (Acts 11:28 KJV)

At the time John wrote the book of Revelation, Domitian, the sixth Caesar, was in power. Before the reign of Domitian, there had reigned five Caesars who had died unnatural deaths (are fallen) through murder or suicide. The first four of these (in chronological order) were Julius Caesar, Tiberius Caesar, Caligula, and Claudius Caesar. Physically, the Antichrist will rise to power suddenly as the seventh Caesar over a revived Roman Empire.
Mar 30, 2020
United States

Amazon.com: 9781641407922

#2 I saw one of his heads as though it had been smitten unto death; and his death‑stroke was healed: and the whole earth wondered after the beast; ... And he maketh the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose death stroke was healed.... that they should make an image to the beast who hath the stroke of the sword and lived. (Rev. 13:3, 12, 14)

The Antichrist, shortly after coming to power as the seventh Caesar, will die physically from a fatal wound. The Antichrist is the one of the seven heads of the beast that is wounded fatally‑ this will not necessarily be a head wound‑ Scripture does not specify where he is wounded, only that it is a fatal wound inflicted with a sword stroke. This possibly will, but may not necessarily, be a literal sword stroke. It is much likelier that this is merely the symbolic means used to indicate a violent death. The body of the Antichrist (probably after about three days) will then be brought back to life by Satan as a counterfeit of the resurrection of Christ. How does Satan do this?

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and is about to come up out of the abyss, and to go into perdition. And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, they whose name hath not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast, how that he was, and is not, and shall come. (Rev. 17:8)

In speaking of the Antichrist physically (as the seventh Caesar), John says that he is not yet come: the Antichrist has not yet appeared and we will not know for sure who he is until his body is brought back to life. Yet in this verse here, John says that at the time that he wrote this, the Antichrist had already been on the earth but was not on the earth then, and would come out of the abyss when he appears again on the earth. This seems to be a contradiction with Rev. 17:10, where John says that He is not yet come. What is the reality here?

A Message for the Human Race

#2 I saw one of his heads as though it had been smitten unto death; and his death‑stroke was healed: and the whole earth wondered after the beast; ... And he maketh the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose death stroke was healed.... that they should make an image to the beast who hath the stroke of the sword and lived. (Rev. 13:3, 12, 14)

The Antichrist, shortly after coming to power as the seventh Caesar, will die physically from a fatal wound. The Antichrist is the one of the seven heads of the beast that is wounded fatally‑ this will not necessarily be a head wound‑ Scripture does not specify where he is wounded, only that it is a fatal wound inflicted with a sword stroke. This possibly will, but may not necessarily, be a literal sword stroke. It is much likelier that this is merely the symbolic means used to indicate a violent death. The body of the Antichrist (probably after about three days) will then be brought back to life by Satan as a counterfeit of the resurrection of Christ. How does Satan do this?

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and is about to come up out of the abyss, and to go into perdition. And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, they whose name hath not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast, how that he was, and is not, and shall come. (Rev. 17:8)

In speaking of the Antichrist physically (as the seventh Caesar), John says that he is not yet come: the Antichrist has not yet appeared and we will not know for sure who he is until his body is brought back to life. Yet in this verse here, John says that at the time that he wrote this, the Antichrist had already been on the earth but was not on the earth then, and would come out of the abyss when he appears again on the earth. This seems to be a contradiction with Rev. 17:10, where John says that He is not yet come. What is the reality here?
Mar 30, 2020
United States

Amazon.com: 9781641407922

#3 What is under the abyss? Hades, where the souls of dead people are imprisoned until the day of their judgment. When the body of the Antichrist is brought back to life, it will be brought to life not with the soul that was in it before the infliction of the fatal wound but with the soul of someone who had already lived on the earth and died before John wrote the book of Revelation. Whose soul will this be?

And the beast that was, and is not, is himself also an eighth, and is of the seven; and he goeth into perdition. (Rev 17:11)

The Antichrist will arise physically as the seventh Caesar, die of a fatal wound, and be brought back to life (reanimated) as the eighth Caesar. As the eighth Caesar, he will have the body of the seventh and the soul of one of the first five Caesars who suffered unnatural deaths.

Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding let him count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred and sixty and six. (Rev. 13:18)

At the time that John wrote Revelation, Domitian was in power‑ John could not come right out and name the actual name of the Caesar whose soul would reanimate the Antichrist's body, if he did he would have been put to death immediately. So John signified the name of that Caesar with a number, the number 666.

In the original language of the New Testament, Greek, every letter of the alphabet has a specific number associated with it. To say that the Antichrist's number is six hundred and sixty‑six is to say that the numbers corresponding to the letters of the Greek name of that Caesar add up to 666. Which one of the five Caesar's names is this true for?

#3 A Message for the Human Race

What is under the abyss? Hades, where the souls of dead people are imprisoned until the day of their judgment. When the body of the Antichrist is brought back to life, it will be brought to life not with the soul that was in it before the infliction of the fatal wound but with the soul of someone who had already lived on the earth and died before John wrote the book of Revelation. Whose soul will this be?

And the beast that was, and is not, is himself also an eighth, and is of the seven; and he goeth into perdition. (Rev 17:11)

The Antichrist will arise physically as the seventh Caesar, die of a fatal wound, and be brought back to life (reanimated) as the eighth Caesar. As the eighth Caesar, he will have the body of the seventh and the soul of one of the first five Caesars who suffered unnatural deaths.

Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding let him count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred and sixty and six. (Rev. 13:18)

At the time that John wrote Revelation, Domitian was in power‑ John could not come right out and name the actual name of the Caesar whose soul would reanimate the Antichrist's body, if he did he would have been put to death immediately. So John signified the name of that Caesar with a number, the number 666.

In the original language of the New Testament, Greek, every letter of the alphabet has a specific number associated with it. To say that the Antichrist's number is six hundred and sixty‑six is to say that the numbers corresponding to the letters of the Greek name of that Caesar add up to 666. Which one of the five Caesar's names is this true for?
Mar 30, 2020
United States

Amazon.com: 9781641407922

#4 The second epistle unto Timotheus, ordained the first bishop of the church of the Ephesians, was written from Rome, when Paul was brought before Nero the second time. (2 Timothy, KJV)

The fifth Caesar to die an unnatural death, and the only one of the five for whom the numbers corresponding to his name in Greek add up to 666, is none other than Nero. Nero is the Caesar who initiated the persecution of the Christians by the Roman Empire, throwing them to the lions and burning them as torches.

Who indeed is like the beast? No one before or after will be like him. The Antichrist will embody all of the desirable natural human attributes. He will have the body of one man and the soul of another, and the spirit in him will be Satan himself. In this way, Satan, a spiritual being, will be able to fully express himself in physical form on the earth but with no limitations of power. It is at the time of sounding of the fifth trumpet (seventh seal) that Satan, having been just cast out of heaven and given the key to the pit of the abyss, descends to the pit (Sheol and Tartarus) and releases not only the imprisoned demonic beings and fallen angels but also the soul of Nero. Therefore, it will be at that time that the Antichrist's body is reanimated.

#4 A Message for the Human Race

The second epistle unto Timotheus, ordained the first bishop of the church of the Ephesians, was written from Rome, when Paul was brought before Nero the second time. (Superscription to 2 Timothy, KJV)

The fifth Caesar (before Domitian) to die an unnatural death, and the only one of the five for whom the numbers corresponding to his other than name in Greek add up to 666, is none other than Nero. Nero is the Caesar who initiated the persecution of the Christians by the Roman Empire, throwing them to the lions and burning them as torches.

Who indeed is like the beast? No one before or after will be like him. He will have the body of one man and the soul of another, and the spirit in him will be Satan himself. In this way, Satan, a spiritual being, will be able to fully express himself in physical form on the earth but with no limitations. It is at the time of sounding of the fifth trumpet (seventh seal) that Satan, having been just cast out of heaven and given the key to the pit of the abyss, descends to the pit (Sheol and Tartarus) and releases not only the imprisoned demonic beings and fallen angels but also the soul of Nero. Therefore, it will be at that time that the Antichrist's body is reanimated.

I am certain that the Antichrist will suffer his physical death at the time of the great earthquake of the sixth seal and also that there will elapse three days (as with Christ) between this earthquake and the fifth trumpet of the seventh seal (when the Antichrist's body is reanimated), as a further counterfeit detail of Christ's death and Resurrection.
Mar 30, 2020
United States

Amazon.com: 9781641407922

... And he maketh all the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose death‑stroke was healed.... saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast who hath the stroke of the sword and lived. (Rev. 13:12, 14)

And he had power to give life to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. (Rev. 13:15 Intl. Greek)

Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but they speak not ... (Ps. 115:4‑5)

The Antichrist will have an image of himself in the temple at Jerusalem and require people to worship it. This image will be the first talking idol in the world and will be identical in outward appearance to the body of the Antichrist. It will also express his wishes verbal indicating that it will also be capable of making decisions. Most likely this image of a beast will be the world's first android, but it is not clear that it will have mobility.

And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that there should be given them a mark on their right hand, or upon their forehead; and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he that hath the mark, even the name of the beast or the number of his name. (Rev. 13:16‑17)

Under the Antichrist, people will not be able to buy or sell unless they have either the name of Nero or the number 666 on their forehead (probably the men) or on their hand (probably the women). If you do not have such a mark, you will be imprisoned until either you agree to accept his mark or until you are killed. How will the Antichrist be able to so thoroughly regulate and control the economy in Europe, something that not even Hitler was able to do, as he was unable to completely stifle a flourishing black market?

Credit cards with built‑in micro processing chips will soon be tested in Europe. Retailers, bankers, and institutions like hospitals and libraries are interested in the plastic, wallet‑sized cards, which could be used to store personal records and instantly transfer money in and out of bank accounts. 299

<Footnote 299 above was written in 1982.>

#5 A Message for the Human Race

... And he maketh all the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose death‑stroke was healed.... saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast who hath the stroke of the sword and lived. (Rev. 13:12, 14)

And he had power to give life to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. (Rev. 13:15 Intl. Greek)

Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but they speak not ... (Ps. 115:4‑5)

The Antichrist will have an image of himself in the temple at Jerusalem and require people to worship it. This image will be the first talking idol in the world and will be identical in outward appearance to the body of the Antichrist. It will also express his wishes verbal indicating that it will also be capable of making decisions. Most likely this image of a beast will be the world's first android, but it is not clear that it will have mobility.

And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that there should be given them a mark on their right hand, or upon their forehead; and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he that hath the mark, even the name of the beast or the number of his name. (Rev. 13:16‑17)

Under the Antichrist, people will not be able to buy or sell unless they have either the name of Nero or the number 666 on their forehead (probably the men) or on their hand (probably the women). If you do not have such a mark, you will be imprisoned until either you agree to accept his mark or until you are killed. How will the Antichrist be able to so thoroughly regulate and control the economy in Europe, something that not even Hitler was able to do, as he was unable to completely stifle a flourishing black market?

Credit cards with built‑in micro processing chips will soon be tested in Europe. Retailers, bankers, and institutions like hospitals and libraries are interested in the plastic, wallet‑sized cards, which could be used to store personal records and instantly transfer money in and out of bank accounts. 299

<Footnote 299 above was written in 1982.>
Mar 30, 2020
United States


The conclusion, therefore, is that while there is nothing inconceivable about visits to Earth by extraterrestrial civilizations in the past, even the near past, there is no acceptable evidence that it has happened, and the evidence deduced for the purpose by various enthusiasts is, as far as we can tell, utterly worthless.57

This is no place for an exhaustive review of UFO cases, but a brief summary of the facts is instructive. There is very little uniformity. UFOS are shaped like discs, spheres, cylinders, cigars, dumbbells, ovals, eggs, diamonds, cones, parachutes, tops, mushrooms, and hamburgers; all of these shapes occur singly or in groups. They range in size from a few inches to more than a mile in length, and travel fast or slow, with or without undulation, wobbles, zigzags, or sudden changes of direction. They are smooth, hairy, knobby, shiny, dull, every color of the rainbow, and some equipped with optional landing gear, wheels, tripods, doors, and windows. They are completely silent or else they hum whoosh, hiss, flutter, whine, whistle, beep, pulse, buzz, vibrate, bang, blast, roar, or explode thunderously. They stop internal combustion engines, interfere with radio and television transmissions, shock, burn, and paralyze people, and cause them to lose consciousness; or not as the case may be. In short, they are all things to all people. Since 1946 there seems to have been acceleration in both interest and in manifestations.58

The non‑uniformity of UFOs is in complete opposition to the necessary mass production characteristics of any civilization with a technology advanced enough to visit us. Notice also the detrimental effects and the individuality of perception of these objects by the observers. Finally, notice the acceleration in manifestations since 1946 ‑ the reason for this will be explained presently.

We conclude that our considerations must, of necessity, start with the uncomfortable realization that UFOs have first no physically understandable means of getting here.61

The observed characteristics of the occupants of UF0s violate the conclusions of the process of evolution in accordance to natural laws as applied as a necessary explanation for their (the occupants) existence. Also, it is considered impossible by the laws of physics for UFOs to be from outside our solar system, and all known facts of our solar system stand in total opposition to an extraterrestrial origin from somewhere within our solar system.

More seriously, however, there is a significant void in Nicap's file of radar cases, despite the eighty‑three sightings it lists. There is not a single sighting by the radars that should be the most likely to spot UFOs, if they really were extraterrestrial spacecraft. These are the radars especially designed to keep a watch on space and to detect even tiny objects. They form a network known as the Space Detection and Tracking System (Spadat), operated by the North American Air Defense Command (Norad). Construction of Spadats was begun shortly after the Russians launched Sputnik 1, to keep a continuous count on every object in space in the vicinity of the earth, especially foreign satellites and spacecraft....

This electronic fence is so sensitive that it has detected objects its small as a six‑inch‑long metal strap which went into orbit during the launch of an early U.S. satellite....

This raises the important question: Why are UFOs never spotted in space by the radar network designed to monitor the presence of every spacecraft in the vicinity of the earth, but are detected only by ground and airborne radars that can see targets within the earth's atmosphere? 64

Why? Because UFOs are not extraterrestrial in origin!

Most UAOs (Unidentilied Aquatic Objects) and UFOs could never possibly have originated on or near our own planet....

This expression actually means that (in a case such as this) the phenomenon is "natural" to this earth.... On the other hand, the suggestion that they might be indigenous to our upper atmosphere, or to the immediate vicinity of the earth in inner‑space‑ ... ‑is of a much higher order of probability.65

So the most interesting and productive of recent analyses all seem to be following, and adding to, Jung's conjectures that the phenomenon has a psychic origin. 69

Some of' the observed actions of UFOs violate the laws of physics- primarily the laws of inertia. For instance, it is impossible for a physical object to be going 20,000 miles per hour and make a 90‑degree turn, or completely reverse course instantly, as some UFOs have been observed to do. But it would be entirely possible if UFOs were the manifestations of spiritual beings‑ the fallen angels.

We have drawn our extraterrestrial humanoid data from two sources: contemporary UFO sightings and historical events as described in tile Bible. Now if both sources of these similar data are indeed telling us the truth, it is virtually certain that they are, in fact, talking about the same, or closely related, phenomena ‑ as we have earlier implied.70

The above footnote is from a book written by an author who is not (at least according to the content of his book) a Christian and therefore does not have "an ax to grind, so to speak, in making this statement. His observation is entirely an objective evaluation.

One such potentially telling effect sometimes reported is a dissolving, or disappearing, of the observed object virtually into thin air ‑ a kind of switching off," as it were. Sometimes, the object may instantaneously reappear again later‑ " switch back on"‑and then still later, once again disappear. 71

... angels of Satan, who, as we have before shown, are not unclothed spirits, but possess spiritual bodies which they can render visible and tangible at will.72

For the whole aerial surroundings of our planet are densely peopled with a hostile race of beings unutterably superior in wisdom and power to ourselves; having had during a vast number of years every conceivable experience of the weak points of humanity; possessing the incalculable advantage of being themselves invisible, though as spiritual intelligences they are probably able, not merely to judge of us by our words and outward expression of countenance, but even to read the innermost thoughts of out‑ heart; cooperating with the most perfect and never‑failing organization; and lastly, directed by a leader of consummate wisdom and skill, who is assisted by powerful princes, and finds his subjects so numerous, that, if we are to lay any stress on the word "legion" in the memorable narrative of Luke, he is able to spare some six thousand of them to guard one miserable captive (Luke viii. 30) .75

For until the Devil be deposed from the throne of the air, it is likely that he will exercise control, to a great extent at least, over atmospheric phenomena. 76

Footnotes 75 and 76 are taken from a book written over one hundred years ago, long before "UFOs" came on the scene.
Mar 30, 2020
United States
(4) Seeing that angels can so materialize to themselves bodies as to eat the food of men (Gen. xviii. 8), to draw Lot by their hands (Gen. xiv. 10, 16), etc., there need be no difficulty in believing them able to perform other bodily functions, if they so wish.

If Matthew xxii. 30 be urged to the contrary, it may be pointed out that our Lord states what is the condition of things "in heaven"; He does not allege that angels cannot violate that order, and act otherwise on earth. Whilst in Jude, verses 6,7, we are plainly told that there have been "angels who kept not their own principality, but left their proper habitation"; and it is explained that Sodom and Gomorrah, in going after strange flesh, sinned "like these" angels.

The thoughtful, we say, will consider these facts and scriptures; and will not fail to note that this abhorrent and terrible subject is of practical moment, inasmuch as the Son of God has forewarned us that the days before His appearing again on earth will present a true likeness to the days of Noah and to the state of Sodom in the days of Lot. 77

If we are in the last days, the fallen angels will be more and more active ‑‑ even to the extreme extent of assumption of physical bodies and intercourse with humans. The movies Close Encounters of the‑Third Kind and Rosemary's Baby are a reflection of preparation for this.

In addition to all of the preceding evidence, there are documented correlations of unusual statistical aberrations, which are common to people involved in the occult, demonology, parapsychology, and UFO1ogy. Such documentation and further corroborative evidence linking UFOs and fallen angels may be found in an excellent book on the subject, entitled UFOs: What on Earth is Happening?

But there is another correlation definitely linking UFOs to the fallen angels.

It is, however, a startling fact that the present disposal of the regular spiritual powers of the world seems to be entirely in the hands of Satan. This is evident front the Eighty‑Second Psalm, as well as from the verse of Isaiah; since in either passage the spiritual rulers are stigmatized without any reserve as rebels against God. 78

... and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I go forth, lo, the Prince of Greece shall come. But I will tell thee that which is inscribed in the writing of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me against these, but Michael your prince. (Dan. 10:20‑21)

At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. (Dan. 12:1 RSV)

From the whole region of the vast rebel empire there came forth but one loyal prince of God to aid him in his conflict with the powers of darkness. This faithful archangel was Michael: nor is it difficult to account for his presence in the regions of air. For he is described to Daniel as "your prince," and afterwards as "the great prince which standeth for the children of' thy people" (Dan x. 21; xii. 1). It appears, then, that he is the spiritual ruler of Israel; and so, that when God chose a people upon earth for Himself, He took them out or the jurisdiction (Acts xxvi. 18; Col.1.13) of Satan, and appointed one of His own princes to govern and protect them. Hence with fierce enmity the Prince of Darkness seems to have matched himself against Michael, and to have directed in person his desperate assaults upon the alienated principality. One of his victories is recorded in the Book of Chronicles, where we are told how he “stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel” (1 Chron. xxi. 1). 79

All of the countries in the world are ruled over by fallen angels Under Satan, except one: Israel. Israel alone is ruled by one of the faithful angels, the archangel Michael. If UFOs are the manifestations of' fallen angels, then we should expect a direct correlation of UFO activity with military conflict involving Israel.

Since 1946 there seems to have been acceleration in both interest and in manifestations (of UFOs). 80

` Serious UFO research groups, who tirelessly sift, sort, and systematize reports, will never forget 1973. Autumn of that year staged the biggest UFO flap since bush pilot Ken Arnold captured headlines in 1947 with his sightings of nine "saucer‑like things" over Mt. Rainer, Washington. The tornadic effect of 1973's flap was to stun a nation already troubled by Watergate and Middle East crisis. At its peak, October 17…81

As the reader probably knows, the 1973 Middle East crisis was the Arab‑Israeli conflict known as the "October War." Most persons even vaguely familiar with UFOs know that 1947 was a banner year. Israel became a nation again on May 14, 1948, following much prior conflict. I did not look for UFO statistics for the time of the other two major Israeli conflicts, 1956 and 1967, but I have no doubt that such statistics will likewise show increased UFO activity.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The Anti-Christ is just Natural man = a Beast ! a Carnal man who's works are of Man.
Government will be against such as it was against Jesus, their is no Grace in such people for they are Carnal, but they have a Spirit that is under delusions.
The Government owns the People and the People do not own the Government, because it's Socialist and there god is Political Correctness and we all know that such that is under what the Socialist Government has created for you all is all due to there works = mans works, God is out of the picture and Jesus Christ does not exist to them. for they are a ship of fools that will run aground and such workings will all be exposed like the whore that it is. but boy a lot of people are going to live a miserable existence regardless of who they are.

Anti-Christ is Anti-Christ and all who reject Jesus Christ are of Satan and must be seen for who they are, because their is a great gulf between them and Christians. the Christian serves Jesus Christ and anyone who claims to serve God is lost, because no one comes to the father but by the Son.

There are UFO's but no man from another Planet out their at all.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
When it comes to prophecy concerning a possible alien deception, there really hasn’t been any video or blog I’ve seen that I felt truly gave the subject justice as a hypothetical scenario. Reason being, is because they don’t actually explain exactly how the deception will be pulled in a way that also plugs all the glaring holes in the theory that are often brought up. For instance, it is often stated that it will be claimed that aliens had a role in our creation, either directly or indirectly. But then someone will inevitably ask who created them, throwing the problem into space ad infinitum. This is why I believe that before any type of alien deception can truly take shape, they have to convincingly debunk any notion of the God of the Bible being real.

If we want to truly understand how the end will unfold, then we have to stick to God's written Word. Anyone can take out a box of crayons and create all sorts of pictures, but it will mean nothing if following confusion, meaning man's secular reasoning.

In Christ's Olivet discourse, He showed us an actual pseudo-Christ is going to come to Jerusalem for the end, working great signs and wonders that IF it were possible, would deceive His very elect. The KJV phrase "false Christs" is actually just the Greek pseudochristos, which Dr. James Strong defined as 'a spurious Messiah'. The context of the Matt.24:23-26 is about a singular false Christ coming to deceive, involving the "abomination of desolation" idol from the Book of Daniel. This is a huge hump for the false prophet to try to get around and make people ignore.

Another huge hump that can't be ignored is what Apostle Paul showed in 2 Thessalonians 2 about a false one in Jerusalem that must be revealed prior... to Christ's coming and gathering of His Church. Paul applied those same signs and wonders to that false one that Jesus was speaking of. The "temple of God" Paul said that false one will sit in and play God is about a rebuilt physical temple in Jerusalem, NOT the spiritual temple idea from Ephesians which can NEVER be corrupted by a false one.

Then there is the working of the "another beast" that Christ showed Apostle John about in Rev.13:11 forward. That one also is to work miracles and wonders to deceive, and setup an image of the beast for the whole world to worship. That's the same one Jesus and Paul spoke of, coming at the end of this world.

Then in John 12 Jesus said the prince of this world will be cast out, and in John 14 Jesus said the prince of this world "cometh", and has nothing in Him. Revelation 12:7-13 tells us about a war in Heaven in the near future, with no more place being found in Heaven for Satan and his angels. They are cast out, down to this earth, and Woe to those on earth.

Therefore... keeping any theory or speculation close aligned with God's Word, what kind of alien deception scenario would fit that?

Firstly, those in Christ Jesus are not to be deceived by the coming Antichrist who will play Messiah in Jerusalem at the end. Though unbelieving orthodox Jews may be deceived and believe that coming false one is their awaited Messiah, we are not to believe it, but remain steadfast, waiting on our Lord Jesus' return.

Could the Antichrist show up in the clouds of the sky? I believe so, as we were shown in Acts 1 that our Lord Jesus is to return in like manner as He ascended to Heaven on a cloud. The reason why many don't believe he will come like this is because they are looking for some flesh born man, even throwing out false ideas that the Antichrist is already here on earth, having been born.

But the Truth in God's Word reveals the coming Antichrist is going to be Satan himself, the dragon of Revelation. He and his angels are to be cast out of Heaven, down to this earth. And because Rev.12:7-9 says his place in the heavenly will no more be found when he is cast out, that means only one other place he can go, and that is to OUR earthly dimension, right here, on earth, in person.

A good test to see just how many brethren really believe God's Word as written, is a study of how angels have appeared on this earth, walking and talking, eating man's food, just like one of us. Hebrews 13 even tells us to be hospitable to strangers, because some have entertained angels and didn't know it. Those who don't really believe God's Word on this, because they are so wrapped up in man's secularism and science, those deserve to be deceived for putting their trust in man, and not in God and His Word.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Putting your trust in "authority" figures is exactly the problem. We're not supposed to "trust" them. We're supposed to hold them accountable for their actions, keep their feet to the fire. The only one I "trust" is God.

Good and truth, as Scripture says. All man's problems might be traced to trusting something instead of God.
There would be no virus trouble at all, no political parties , no false gospels so prevalent today everywhere,

if people trusted God .....

"If MY people, Turn From their WICKED WAYS....." this will make a lifetime difference for God's People.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Oh yeah, Jack Parsons, wasn't he a good friend of L. Ron Hubbard? And we as Christians are supposed to take Nasa seriously as a beacon of truth despite its true origins.
NASA was created as a front for the government's MK Ultra program. Wernher Von Braun was an MK Ultra mind control programmer. Part of my own MK trauma was carried out at NASA locations.

(Yes, I know this is a really old thread. lol)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Aliens do not exist per God's Word. But the UFO phenomena does exist, and I do not believe the subject being pushed in so many movies and TV programs since the late 1940s is a coincidence, or just to get ratings.

The world is being prepared for an extra-terrestrial invasion, like ex-President Ronald Regan warned at a U.N. speech. Thing is though, those invaders won't be real aliens, but Satan's angels from the heavenly dimension, and Lord Jesus warned us about it for the end.

In Matthew 24 and Luke 17, Lord Jesus forewarned us that the days when He returns will be just like the days of Noah. What was happening in the days of Noah per Genesis 6? If you read Genesis 6 as written, it was a time on earth when Satan's angels took wives of the daughters of men, literally, and begat an offspring hybrid giant race of the gods of mythology.

"Ah nah... Dave, that's not what happened in Noah's day!" I'm afraid it is what happened, and there has been fossil evidence to support it. It's just that the knucklehead takes a lot more convincing of a truth.

In Revelation 12:7-17, we are warned about the end when there will be a war in Heaven between Archangel Michael and his angels, vs. Satan and his angels. And then Satan and his angels are cast out of the heavenly dimension down to our earth. That event is linked with the 5th Seal timing, which is only a time during the "great tribulation" at the END which Jesus warned His Church about. They are coming.

So when you hear some movie or TV show about UFOs and aliens, and someone says in them, "they're coming", it's not really about aliens; it's about Satan and his angels coming to our earthly dimension, in plain sight here on earth. And per the parable in Ezekiel 28, God made Satan the 'full pattern', pointing that Satan is a beautiful cherub with the image of man.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
In Matthew 24 and Luke 17, Lord Jesus forewarned us that the days when He returns will be just like the days of Noah. What was happening in the days of Noah per Genesis 6? If you read Genesis 6 as written, it was a time on earth when Satan's angels took wives of the daughters of men, literally, and begat an offspring hybrid giant race of the gods of mythology.
These things are happening today and have been going on for awhile.