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  1. Behold

    The Seed

    Saint, The word of God is the incorruptible seed. It brings forth fruit as "born again", all the time...all over the world. It is a SEED that "does not return void". This Spiritual fruit, that it births...... is the eternal life, who is CHRIST Himself, who is THE WORD. THis is why we exist "In...
  2. Behold

    Peter the Apostle's = Wife ???

    Peter the apostle : is defined by a certain religious organization, as being their "1st Pope". So, my question is.........(because Peter was married) : 1 Corinthians 9:5. : Paul says..... "Don't WE have the right to take a believing WIFE along with US, as do = the other apostles and the Lord...
  3. Behold

    Predestined (THE Born Again) = Elect

    - Lots of confusion about the elect and the "predestined elect", and on and on.. The reason this simple doctrine seems to be so confusing.... is because of the way the scriptures are worded. Its really simple tho... but it sounds complex because of the terminology.. But its not complex. So...
  4. Behold

    Seeing the 2

    There is some confusion about "duel natures".. Depending on your denominational affiliation, you could be taught that the Christian has 2 natures.....the old and the new, or you could be taught that there is no "duel nature", or you might be taught something in between. So, lets look at it...
  5. Maurice Williams

    What is wrong with Darwinism

    I got into a difficult situation on a forum where I claimed that Genesis rebutted Darwin's theory of evolution. I was surprised by the way so many people took me to task for actually believing Geneses. I was sorry I opened my big mouth in the first place, but I had to defend my position or just...
  6. Behold

    Take the Law away..

    - Sin is only available as a fact and a title to someone who is "under the law". Its the LAW that defines sin as sin, and a sinner as a sinner. Take the Law away.. "Christ came to redeem us from the curse of the law" Take the law away. "you are not under the Law, you are under Grace". So, now...
  7. DoveSpirit05

    Does The Devil Exist? When The Invisible Becomes Visible, The Invisible Enemy!!

    Does The Devil Exist? Does Satan Exist? Does Lucifer Exist?How Chris Lasala came to see Satan was a real being and not a fictional Character.
  8. DoveSpirit05

    The Devil Knows Who You Are From The Beginning And Wants 2 Kill You B4 U Get Started!!

    Walking in confidence of God’s perfect will, resisting the devil, Faith moves mountains!!
  9. DoveSpirit05

    99.9 % Of Believers Cannot Perceive The Root Of Temptation (Curiosity)!!!!

    Chris Lasala Reveals the Root of Temptation : How an evil spirit of curiosity draws you into a multitude of Sins. Curiosity was the fist thing that drew Eve to Sin against God and it works in the world today everyday to draw believers into continual sin. Curiosity is the root of Lust...
  10. DoveSpirit05

    Many Underestimate The Tempting Power of Satan!!

    Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8
  11. DoveSpirit05

    War Strategies Of The Enemy!!

    The enemy is watching, stalking, setting up camp, strategizing, planning, instigating, infiltrating, scheming, prowling like a lion seeking who he may devour and take u down. don't let him get a stronghold in your life!! keep watch, stay vigilant and keep praying!! james 4:7 people!!
  12. DoveSpirit05

    Here's Some Youtube Video's About God For Non-Believers!!

    Search the truth with an open mind not with scepticism, don't let the world make up ur mind 4 you weather God exists or not!!
  13. DoveSpirit05

    It Will Be Done By 2030, Satan is programing you 4 the MARK!!

    Satan is programing you and the younger generation, he's been doing it since he got here through preempted programing, conditioning society's minds, familiarising wiv such things in order 2 usher in a new world theology (mark of the beast) through the media, tv, radio, internet, social media...
  14. DoveSpirit05

    Signs of The Devil (Warning Be Righteous When Viewing Satan's Images)

    (Warning Take Precaution When Viewing these Images) These signs are all over the place, on bill boards, posters, on food cartons, drink bottles and cans, on the TV, in cartoons, movies, video games, shop banners, on clothing just two name a few!!
  15. emekrus

    Should We Pray Against Devils?

    Christians are on two polar extreme concerning praying against the devil, his agents and works. On one extreme, some Christians begin and end their prayers, with almost all their prayer points against the devil and his works. There is little or no time spent in worshipping and praising God...


    Mark 3:27 says, "No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house." One time, after Jesus had cast out a devil and healed a deaf and mute boy, He explained that in order to overturn the works and activity...