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  1. Behold

    My Brother's Testimony : #2

    - I hope you were able to read the short story i wrote regarding my older Brother, William..... in a similar Thread. As i stated in that previous Thread, He was a wild cat. He was into the world and chased it pedal to the metal, full throttle. He was a classic Hedonist. He loved Lust...
  2. Behold

    My Brother's Testamony.

    - How do you know if you are born again? 1.) Its because Christ is in you, and wasn't before you were born again. Another way to recognize that you have a DAY,... a DATE, in your past when you understood that you are a sinner, and you need a Savior. You heard the Gospel, and it said...
  3. Behold

    Spotting the Deceivers.

    - God gives ministers to the body of Christ. Some are chosen to be Evangelists, Pastors, and some are called to be Teachers. This is a New Testament fact. So, What we have to do, is understand how to not be deceived by a fake one, who is doing the devil's work. I have written detailed Threads...
  4. Behold

    Salvation : common sense.

    - When Adam sinned......when he disobeyed, He had no way back. There was no Cross of Christ, no 2nd chance, nothing. He just had to endure and suffer the cost of losing his righteousness and his relationship with God. Now, When we are born again.... Its not based on us being GOOD, later. When...
  5. Behold

    Working out : your Salvation

    - The verse partially says....... "work out your Salvation". It does not say...."try not to lose it". It does not say..... "work out your discipleship". So, what does the verse mean? How do you "work it out"? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  6. Behold

    End the "sinning and confessing" : Carnal trap.

    - If you want to stop sinning....... you have to be born again......not just water baptized and religious, wasting time in Church on Sunday. Jesus said : "you must be BORN AGAIN", and "that is by my SPIRIT, sayeth the LORD". Once you are born again, you are to "work out your Salvation". See...
  7. Behold

    More about Real Faith

    - Salvation is not what you do for God, but rather, its what God did for you on The Cross, as a GIFT of Love. And what is that? Its this. You live here, down here, where sinners live, and all around you is a "world system" that is a secularized Christ rejecting, "secular" ideology. God does...
  8. Behold

    Get your MIND RIGHT

    - Suffering is not the remedy for your sinning. Suffering is the end result Q. ) why go through that as a Christian,....> as that is the LIFE of an UNBELIEVER. A.) God didn't create Salvation so that you can sin and suffer for it, as that is the LIFE OF AN UNBELIEVER. What good is that? NONE...
  9. Behold

    Do you have God's Righteousness?

    - Righteousness is not something you can do. Righteousness is something you exist AS, or you dont. Adam WAS Righteous, that was his status,.... and he lost that and became a sinner, fallen. Holiness, is Righteousness, and that is not what you do, that is who you are, are you aren't. All people...
  10. Behold

    Fundamental teaching on : Great Tribulation Salvation

    - Here are the basics you need to learn, regarding how SALVATiON is offered by God during the "time of the Gentiles", vs, how its offered to the JEWS, by the 144,000 Jews, (Hebrews) in the Great Tribulation. ---------------------------------------------------------- In the Great Trib, God is...
  11. Behold

    New Creation & the New man

    - Reader, The "New man" that you are to put on.... is not your New Creation IN Christ. As the New Creation, is the Born Again Spirit, and you dont "put that on". You have it already as your SON/Daughter of God...eternal status.. if you are born again and not just water baptized pretending you...
  12. Behold

    How to go to Hell by trying to be good.

    - Perfectionism, is a self effort. And you dont go to heaven or become a Child of God by trying to be good or perfect. Trying to be good enough for God to accept, is no different than the false teaching of "enduring to the end", to try to claw your way into heaven by SELF EFFORT. All of...
  13. Behold

    "willfully sin". : Hebrews 10

    - Here are The other 3 Threads in this short series : "Depart from me i never knew you". #1 "Endure to the END< ... #2 "dead faith".... #3 Reader, This is the 4th Thread ive written in the last few days that deals with the most abused and repeated verse that heretics twist to try to...
  14. Behold

    How long does Salvation last ....and why.

    - There is a false teaching, that creates the false perception that many believers maintain regarding the idea that you can break your fellowship with God. The good news is : that this can never happen. Why? Its because your Fellowship with God is not based on you. Its only based on the Blood...
  15. Behold

    "dead faith".... #3

    - So, this the 3rd Thread ive written to expose how heretics misuse verses to try to deceive you out of real faith in Christ. If a heretic can get you "working to stay saved" or if they break your faith utterly so that you believe you can lose your salvation, then the Heretic has fulfilled his...
  16. Behold

    "Endure to the END< ... #2

    - This is #2 : regarding my mini-teaching series that shows you how Heretics try to bend the bible to twist your faith in Christ into : NO faith in Christ. Here is #1 in case you want to study it. "Depart from me i never knew you". #1 This partial VERSE...("""endure to the end".. is easy...
  17. Behold

    "Depart from me i never knew you". #1

    - Im going to create a short series of Threads that will show you what the Heretics use as their "go to verses", regarding how they try to ruin your faith in Christ and keep you in spiritual diapers your entire Christian Life. Here is the First one... "depart from me i never knew you". This...
  18. Behold

    All Sin Forgiven: = THE CROSS

    - Lets look at some verses. 1.) 2 Corinthians 5:19.. " That God was IN Christ, reconciling the WORLD (all people) unto himself, NOT charging their SINS to them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation." This is one of the greatest verses ever written in the word of God. Its Paul...
  19. Behold

    A Spiritual Trap

    - Let me show you a trap.... A spiritual trap. Its this... You get saved, born again. So, now you are eternally secure. But then, you have to learn how to perfect your discipleship....and that is not to learn how to try to be good. So, you find some church, and the pastor is a heretic. But...
  20. Behold

    How to : Stay Saved

    - Rebellion against God's word, is what separated Adam's spirit from God's Spirit. This separation is referred to by the word of God as a "death". Jesus is the LIFE, who brings spiritual union with God, by His death. Jesus's death is our "abundant life". Jesus's death is our Salvation. Adam...