Can't remember the original title

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
Dumb know it all believers. You claim Jesus is who I need, but right now you need him more than I do. I know that's right, because I've been studying you and your religion for many years. You Christian's can't get you beliefs together, so much that you're dragging the rest of the world into a living hell.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
Psalm 2:12
Kiss his son, or he will be angry
and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

I don't think David is talking about Jesus here, he's referring to himself as Gods son's. Technically we all are the sons and daughters of the TETRAGRAMMATON.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
That you're a cop? Or there's a secret message in there?

Given your philosophy on believing, it doesn’t matter.

Given that you believe that what you believe is BS, it doesn’t matter.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
Psalm 2:12
Kiss his son, or he will be angry
and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

I don't think David is talking about Jesus here, he's referring to himself as Gods son's. Technically we all are the sons and daughters of the TETRAGRAMMATON.

In regard to your plotting (post #238), see verse 1.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
Bla bla bla talk talk talk, and everyone gets dead.

Yes, it is appointed for man to die once.

Yet some will gain the life of the age to come. Others will experience the second death.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
The bible tells us we return to the source that created us. The body came from the earth and returns to the earth, dust to dust.
But the spirit or energy as you say, returns to that which it came from.
The Bible is allegorical and cryptic. Alchemy.

I don't think your aware of how many people have been literally preparing for everything to collapse.
I can tell you there are thousands of us.

Like I said I've been prepping for 10 years. Long term food storage, learned lots of skills as per my earlier post.

The ones who will suffer are those who do not prepare. They have their head in the sand thinking they will escape what is coming.
But what we are preparing for is not only for ourselves, but also those who didn't prepare enough.
Love thy neighbor as thyself.
As stated I have prepped for 10 years. I will b able to help others.

You say you don't believe but I don't believe you. I think your just afraid of losing your ego.
I don't believe the lies of Christian dogma and the church. I know the Bible is not literal. I have the "eyes to see" to understand all its numerous references to alchemy and the Stone, thee very thing Jesus warned us we need, and yet he still kept it for himself.

When we leave this life you won't have an ego. You will return from whence you came.
And the only thing that will travel with you is your conscience. And you will have to answer for it.
Again you're still locked into Matrix thinking, religious indoctrination. You can't let go. You daren't let go. That's the strength of the spell that was put on you. Where do you think you were before you were born?

You call this life a prison, I call it a classroom. What determines whether you graduate or not is whether your "energy" is positive or negative.
No its not a classroom. Its not a test. You are trapped here by more advanced humans who wield great power. You will keep going around each time having no memory of the previous life. They have us. The only way out is to find the Stone or someone benevolent who has it.

Jesus is positive.
We need to align our "energy" with His.
All you need to do is replace "energy" with "spirit" and the bible will make more sense.
Mumbo jumbo. Jesus had the Stone, didn't give it to all, got himself killed. His disciples used it to heal him and bring him back from his very recent death. You need to learn the language of the philosophers. Read the 100s of work freely downloadable. Then you'll understand the Bible. Same language is used there, and also in the Quran and elsewhere. A singular message runs through them all. A consistent message. The Stone, how to make it, what it does for you. The rulers don't want you knowing this. So they peddle the false literal reading of the texts and use scaremongering and psychology to trap people and keep them in line.

Ever watched films like "Live and Let Die" and Indianna Jones? Remember the parts where the protagonist comes across warnings, effigies, warning signs, heads on stakes etc to frighten people away? That's what the rulers do to keep people away from the secrets and truth. In respect of theology they label things as the occult to frighten people. They say don't get involved there, its all evil and demons and death. Even something as simple as tarot cards . . . verboten. Did you know there is great symbology in those cards? Covering numerous esoteric secrets and knowledge. Forget all the fortune telling nonsense. That's a bastardisation that came long after.

The rulers will do and say anything to prevent you looking for the real truths. They want to stay in power. They use religion to keep your mind chained and on a dead end path with false promises. You're still chained. You're afraid to let go. You still need your comfort blanket. You're Bilbo standing on his porch still afraid to walk out and leave the shire and explore the real world beyond it.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
I don't think David is talking about Jesus here, he's referring to himself as Gods son's. Technically we all are the sons and daughters of the TETRAGRAMMATON.

The naive fools here will have never heard of the Tetragrammaton. I'm impressed you know. Your personal research or mystery schools?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
I know I've read the New Testament hundreds of times.
I just finished in January reading 4 translations of the Bible. 100’s of times, only a verse or 2.

Did you mean to say parts of it or all the books I the NT from beginning to end, 100’s of times?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
You're boring people. You have no personal interests that make you interesting. Like I said done read that Bible over 15 years. Now what else have you offered me or any un-believer that's talented to you. What do you do all day. This? Even the Bible says not to make everything about your own interests, but others more so. You want me to get that verse for you.?
I don't recall where I was informed I was put here to entertain people. Do you find me boring? Then why bother?
Mostly I sleep. Or try to. It wasn't always this way but the body don't work like it used to.
My interests...
Communication is a two way street. I've asked you many times in the past regarding your interests but you choose not to share.
My ears are open to all. It's not about me.

It's not about reading, it's about living the way it says is most beneficial to live. And I have no regrets about my life.
What's so interesting about your life? What do you do all day?
Still got that backpack? Still walking the streets with no direction home?

Your angry because your life sucks and you want to take it out on anyone that will listen.
Well I'm LISTENING. And I'm not judging you or your beliefs. But you are relentless in judging others.
There's a verse for that. Want me to find it for you?

I'm not offering anything other than my testimony of why I believe the way I do.

My talents...
At 14 I became a mom. At 16 I worked for my dad in his furniture moving company as customer service and delivery scheduler.
At 18 I got married. Worked in the printing industry as a machine operator for some 15 years of which 10 of them I was a partner in the creation of one. Got divorced and remarried and went cross country trucking all 48 states. I was secretary receptionist paperwork,tax preparer, operated forklifts and loaded and tarped even in the mountains full of snow. I lived a busy life.
My main artery got plugged up about 8 years ago which prevents me from walking much and my energy is zapped.
I have 6 cats I take care of.
I take care of my 88 year old dad when he comes and stays with me, which he will be coming over this friday for about a week.
That includes preparing meals, bathing, and wiping his butt. And listening to all the things I should be doing that I can't do.
But I can LISTEN.

So now that's it's all about me and my talents, which you say I shouldn't share even though you asked...
What's yours?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Again you're still locked into Matrix thinking, religious indoctrination. You can't let go. You daren't let go. That's the strength of the spell that was put on you. Where do you think you were before you were born?
With God.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
The Bible is allegorical and cryptic. Alchemy.

Like I said I've been prepping for 10 years. Long term food storage, learned lots of skills as per my earlier post.

As stated I have prepped for 10 years. I will b able to help others.

I don't believe the lies of Christian dogma and the church. I know the Bible is not literal. I have the "eyes to see" to understand all its numerous references to alchemy and the Stone, thee very thing Jesus warned us we need, and yet he still kept it for himself.

Again you're still locked into Matrix thinking, religious indoctrination. You can't let go. You daren't let go. That's the strength of the spell that was put on you. Where do you think you were before you were born?

No its not a classroom. Its not a test. You are trapped here by more advanced humans who wield great power. You will keep going around each time having no memory of the previous life. They have us. The only way out is to find the Stone or someone benevolent who has it.

Mumbo jumbo. Jesus had the Stone, didn't give it to all, got himself killed. His disciples used it to heal him and bring him back from his very recent death. You need to learn the language of the philosophers. Read the 100s of work freely downloadable. Then you'll understand the Bible. Same language is used there, and also in the Quran and elsewhere. A singular message runs through them all. A consistent message. The Stone, how to make it, what it does for you. The rulers don't want you knowing this. So they peddle the false literal reading of the texts and use scaremongering and psychology to trap people and keep them in line.

Ever watched films like "Live and Let Die" and Indianna Jones? Remember the parts where the protagonist comes across warnings, effigies, warning signs, heads on stakes etc to frighten people away? That's what the rulers do to keep people away from the secrets and truth. In respect of theology they label things as the occult to frighten people. They say don't get involved there, its all evil and demons and death. Even something as simple as tarot cards . . . verboten. Did you know there is great symbology in those cards? Covering numerous esoteric secrets and knowledge. Forget all the fortune telling nonsense. That's a bastardisation that came long after.

The rulers will do and say anything to prevent you looking for the real truths. They want to stay in power. They use religion to keep your mind chained and on a dead end path with false promises. You're still chained. You're afraid to let go. You still need your comfort blanket. You're Bilbo standing on his porch still afraid to walk out and leave the shire and explore the real world beyond it.
Sounds to me like you spend too much time watching hollywood movies that are created to indoctrinate people into their fantasy world.
Your the one who is trapped friend.
I've faced Suron twice in my life and am still here to talk about it.
I know what the real world is like. I escaped that hell. You would have me return to it, and there is nothing you can say that will make me get off this ship headed home.
Your too superstitious.

The rulers have false power. They have no peace. They conspire to do harm. They have no mercy.
They can keep it.
Speaking of cards... have you seen the Illuminati cards? Do you know what they are planning next?
Let's recap...
2020 summer of love. Fake pandemic. Economic crash. War. Rinse and repeat.
Instead of anteefa this rime it will be the LGBTQ. The next pandemic will be real. Everyone will be on digital currency controlled by the "rulers" , and there will be nuclear war.
I'm ready. Are you?

We been preparing since 2015.
We know all their dirty secrets. We have it all.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
Although highly figurative, it contains all truth and much of it is also literal, such as the 10 Commandments.

No they are not real. The OT should demonstrate this. How can any god who kills with reckless abandon demand of others "Thou shalt not kill"? Again your dogma is utterly ridiculous. The commandments were drafted by Moses himself to try and control people. That's why it took him so long on the mountain. A true god could have etched those stones in a nano second. Could have etched the commandments on the side of a mountain for all to see so there could be no doubt where they came from. Moses carved out those stones simple as.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
Sounds to me like you spend too much time watching hollywood movies that are created to indoctrinate people into their fantasy world.
Your the one who is trapped friend.
I've faced Suron twice in my life and am still here to talk about it.
I know what the real world is like. I escaped that hell. You would have me return to it, and there is nothing you can say that will make me get off this ship headed home.
Your too superstitious.

Nothing I have posted is superstition.

The rulers have false power. They have no peace. They conspire to do harm. They have no mercy.
There is nothing false about their power. They rule and have done for 1000s of years. They own the technology. Eventually they will take it all away from us, take us back to ignorance and start all over again. The cycle of the four ages.

Do you know what they are planning next?

They are going to engineer a massive hoax cyber attack by which they will wipe bank accounts and pension funds and all manner of other personal records. Reset.

Everyone will then have to register with the new system. And yes we will all be forced onto digital crypto currency so we can not trade amongst ourselves.

We will all be chipped like dogs and cats. 10,000s of people have already readily accepted the chip, an RFID chip implanted in their hands between thumb and index finger under the skin. Done under the guise of convenience for paying for things and opening security doors and the like. It is of course there to control us, so they know where everyone is at all times and where we go.

Another engineered virus will be released as Gates promised. More deadly than the last. Vaccines will be mandated. Refusers taken to fema camps and dealt with. Either way you're dead.

I'm ready. Are you?
How many times do I need to say it ?!

Can you make dirty water potable? How many ways do you know to do that?
Can you make yeast?
Have you got tons of supplies of grain? A way to grind it to flour?
Know how to make sourdough?
Know how to preserve food via fermentation? Got jars and one way valves for that?
Have you got a bug out plan? A place to go?