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Do you think the USA has gone more to the Left or the Right in recent years?

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
There is no “Right and Left” political parties.
Politicians are all behind the same Locked and Guarded doors hoping the public can not peer in and see they all sleeping in the same bed on a mattress filled with the people’s wealth.
If you care to speak with your supposed representative you can call the Switchboard operator on Capital Hill...one number can connect to any
.... 1-877-SOBUSOB

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
In America politically correct speech is said to follow a rule of self censorship and consideration before speaking aloud.

Courses intended to impart the message, freely speaking your mind cannot be tolerated in the name of sensitivity, ensued years ago. Someone's feelings may get hurt and we can't have that. So you must be taught how to speak properly, not freely.

Curtailing free speech naturally imparts the message to the subconscious that imparts mind control and curbing of free thought. Because ideally we think before we speak.

It gets so bad in some spheres here that if you refuse to accommodate someone's gender pronoun preference, or fail to agree to omit any nuance that may imply gender, you can be written up by H. R , Human Resources, at work. Penalties for non-compliance can be steep.

Grade school children are and have for years been indoctrinated into that new model of sensitivity training. Universities and Colleges are so far gone as to often be labeled higher education Leftist indoctrination centers. The lower grades already are. That's government education for you.

No longer is a straight woman labeled straight.

She's Cisgender, which means the same thing. However the new label implies we are in alignment with all those artificial genders labels that have now in every way hyphenated the sex identity that is only in truth, male or female. Trans-gender, pansexual, etc...

Years ago Facebook, of course that would be where this starts in social media, offered over 60 options for one to choose from when labeling ones gender. Now there are 71.

Reading through that first list it was obvious they merely shuffled the words about so to 'identify' as the same thing when the words were shuffled differently three lines back.

We're to tolerate this. Yet, there is no tolerance for those who refuse.

Wild isn't it?

Tolerate my telling you I am gender non-conforming. But don't expect me to tolerate you insisting there are only 2 God created sexes. Otherwise your label is gender phobic.

Apparently, refusing to follow the immoral herd means we're afraid (phobic) of the herd identities.

There's a classic fictional film entitled, IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD,MAD WORLD.

Yes, yes it is. And it doesn't return to normal when the credits finish rolling and the house lights go up.

Oops, did I say that after it came to mind?

I'm going to need attend a sensitivity training seminar so to stop injecting the word 'classic' into a sentence. Someone might take that to mean old, and feel offended because they're reading this while 80 years of age.

No soup for me!
Sip not , taste not , drink not of the dark alphabets soup . For it is poison that kills even the very soul .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
There is no “Right and Left” political parties.
Politicians are all behind the same Locked and Guarded doors hoping the public can not peer in and see they all sleeping in the same bed on a mattress filled with the people’s wealth.
If you care to speak with your supposed representative you can call the Switchboard operator on Capital Hill...one number can connect to any
.... 1-877-SOBUSOB
I 877 data base . cause its where your name goes if one does not align with the agenda .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
There is no “Right and Left” political parties.
Politicians are all behind the same Locked and Guarded doors hoping the public can not peer in and see they all sleeping in the same bed on a mattress filled with the people’s wealth.
If you care to speak with your supposed representative you can call the Switchboard operator on Capital Hill...one number can connect to any
.... 1-877-SOBUSOB
Just a friendly reminder . but dont let any of us fall for this dark rainbow junk they are brining into the churche s
under the guise of a false love and false unity .


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
I 877 data base . cause its where your name goes if one does not align with the agenda .
I know people who work with, in, the Echelon project. It isn't paranoia to think everything we do is monitored by the govt. that allows communications of all kinds.

If GA isn't activated on our phone, and you can't get rid of Google, it still monitors you. Voice and movement. Even GM, Google Maps eavesdrop.

No privacy no mo.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
In America politically correct speech is said to follow a rule of self censorship and consideration before speaking aloud.

Courses intended to impart the message, freely speaking your mind cannot be tolerated in the name of sensitivity, ensued years ago. Someone's feelings may get hurt and we can't have that. So you must be taught how to speak properly, not freely.

Curtailing free speech naturally imparts the message to the subconscious that imparts mind control and curbing of free thought. Because ideally we think before we speak.

It gets so bad in some spheres here that if you refuse to accommodate someone's gender pronoun preference, or fail to agree to omit any nuance that may imply gender, you can be written up by H. R , Human Resources, at work. Penalties for non-compliance can be steep.

Grade school children are and have for years been indoctrinated into that new model of sensitivity training. Universities and Colleges are so far gone as to often be labeled higher education Leftist indoctrination centers. The lower grades already are. That's government education for you.

No longer is a straight woman labeled straight.

She's Cisgender, which means the same thing. However the new label implies we are in alignment with all those artificial genders labels that have now in every way hyphenated the sex identity that is only in truth, male or female. Trans-gender, pansexual, etc...

Years ago Facebook, of course that would be where this starts in social media, offered over 60 options for one to choose from when labeling ones gender. Now there are 71.

Reading through that first list it was obvious they merely shuffled the words about so to 'identify' as the same thing when the words were shuffled differently three lines back.

We're to tolerate this. Yet, there is no tolerance for those who refuse.

Wild isn't it?

Tolerate my telling you I am gender non-conforming. But don't expect me to tolerate you insisting there are only 2 God created sexes. Otherwise your label is gender phobic.

Apparently, refusing to follow the immoral herd means we're afraid (phobic) of the herd identities.

There's a classic fictional film entitled, IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD,MAD WORLD.

Yes, yes it is. And it doesn't return to normal when the credits finish rolling and the house lights go up.

Oops, did I say that after it came to mind?

I'm going to need attend a sensitivity training seminar so to stop injecting the word 'classic' into a sentence. Someone might take that to mean old, and feel offended because they're reading this while 80 years of age.

No soup for me!
Facebook ? A mate wanted me to get into this when it first came out and became so angered at me for not joining ? I informed him that Facebook was a Nazi organisation as far as I was concerned, because the Nazis would of loved to of had such a program for one.
Now old mate does not like Nazis but in fact he like the majority of people has not a clue who or what the Nazis truly are all about totally. When it comes to Nazis most are totally ignorant or believe childish rubbish propaganda indoctrination. Not worthy of anything in depth of the issues at all. same with Communism, for they are not educated but they claim they are but they are only indoctrinated on the subject.
Just like Christianity the majority have only a indoctrination on the subject regardless if they are for or against, such is just a shallow concept to them and they have no real regard truly for they feel they know enough. why because others around them the majority are on the same page and that gives empowers them, so as to bark me down. saying it's nothing at all to do with such at all. Now why is that, well they only look at such from one angel and their own whim blinds them from another angle that they just do not fathom.

If I was a Nazi or Communist I would demand everyone to be on Facebook, because such want to know who you are and what you are doing and who you know etc etc, then when they call you up to integrate you, they have you and all you know pegged ! Not to mention now what you say can be used in a Court of Law.
So if you are saying anything that could be seen to be against the Laws that they have peddled, you will be dealt with, not totally on the same page as them with Gay Pride and bingo you have no right to exist, No Job prospects etc etc you become an enemy of the State ! For such is the key workings of Nazis and Communist. One becomes a Slave to the system ! not to mention you are all only just a number to them who control you all, just like cattle. so they do not care for real moral standards because clearly they have non.

Such as they think in terms of the Law ? only and for they have no Grace ! so they only condemn and are the blind leading the blind. Such a society will fail big time, they are based on a utopia. delusional people who can not grasp the bigger picture than what is placed before them selves by the dupes.

This Mob of dupes are being empowered by the workings of Satan. The power of the Idiot's. Their should be a Movie of such, but such would never get off the ground regarding the powers of Hollywood, as I may wake people up to what is truly at hand.

I sit back and wonder, that in years gone by and one sees what goes on nowadays and one would think, that such as now would never take place. One would joke about it being so far fetched !

In 1980 a UK man said he came to Australia before they made it compulsory to be a Poofter ! We laughed as if it was a total joke ! but it's became true ! And some dimwit claims we have a phobia, it's not the dislike is founded on moral grounds, but such as the Poof has no such grounds. not to mention their is a scale as it is not all inclusive regarding Queers judged as one ? The scale ranged from 1 to 10 say, starting of with, Silly, stupid, pathetic, to depraved to totally depraved !
But for some reason they all are classed under the same roof ? now why is that ? is it by design created so as to be inclusive Game play of power as a weapon of war play ? I see it as a planed assault governed war tactic !
The fairy's and boy types such are not seen as a problem at all and never were, but it's at the other end of the scale that their is a problem with their attitude being deranged that their is an issue with. but on top of that is the Nazi attitude they represent that is way out of control, so I can not stand for such as that issue because they have brought that on themselves. Before that I could not care less as I seen them as only a joke, but now they are a threat just like the Nazis were. because They want to dominate over everyone like a moron, working to wilfully destroy others lively hoods with totally no regard, then the corruption of bastardising children is another issue, like Nazi Germany did. different but the same intent, so as to create a bastard. not to mention the attack on the Family unit to become a weak useless one. Yep the Nazi kids dominated over the parents and dobbed them in, we have that now ! Bible points such out.
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States

Do you think the USA has gone more to the Left or the Right in recent years?​

Both. The Left has moved further left, and the Right has moved further right. And there is no more center to hold it together.

The US is not one society; it's multiple cultures living in close proximity to and interacting with each other..
In colleges and universities though, the Left is overwhelmingly dominant and suffocatingly so. Professors can be investigated and fired just because they criticize sharia law in other countries these days.

And the Left also keeps on ignoring the massive crime rates in mostly Democrat-run cities. :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
Facebook ? A mate wanted me to get into this when it first came out and became so angered at me for not joining ? I informed him that Facebook was a Nazi organisation as far as I was concerned, because the Nazis would of loved to of had such a program for one.
Now old mate does not like Nazis but in fact he like the majority of people has not a clue who or what the Nazis truly are all about totally. When it comes to Nazis most are totally ignorant or believe childish rubbish propaganda indoctrination. Not worthy of anything in depth of the issues at all. same with Communism, for they are not educated but they claim they are but they are only indoctrinated on the subject.
Just like Christianity the majority have only a indoctrination on the subject regardless if they are for or against, such is just a shallow concept to them and they have no real regard truly for they feel they know enough. why because others around them the majority are on the same page and that gives empowers them, so as to bark me down. saying it's nothing at all to do with such at all. Now why is that, well they only look at such from one angel and their own whim blinds them from another angle that they just do not fathom.

If I was a Nazi or Communist I would demand everyone to be on Facebook, because such want to know who you are and what you are doing and who you know etc etc, then when they call you up to integrate you, they have you and all you know pegged ! Not to mention now what you say can be used in a Court of Law.
So if you are saying anything that could be seen to be against the Laws that they have peddled, you will be dealt with, not totally on the same page as them with Gay Pride and bingo you have no right to exist, No Job prospects etc etc you become an enemy of the State ! For such is the key workings of Nazis and Communist. One becomes a Slave to the system ! not to mention you are all only just a number to them who control you all, just like cattle. so they do not care for real moral standards because clearly they have non.

Such as they think in terms of the Law ? only and for they have no Grace ! so they only condemn and are the blind leading the blind. Such a society will fail big time, they are based on a utopia. delusional people who can not grasp the bigger picture than what is placed before them selves by the dupes.

This Mob of dupes are being empowered by the workings of Satan. The power of the Idiot's. Their should be a Movie of such, but such would never get off the ground regarding the powers of Hollywood, as I may wake people up to what is truly at hand.

I sit back and wonder, that in years gone by and one sees what goes on nowadays and one would think, that such as now would never take place. One would joke about it being so far fetched !

In 1980 a UK man said he came to Australia before they made it compulsory to be a Poofter ! We laughed as if it was a total joke ! but it's became true ! And some dimwit claims we have a phobia, it's not the dislike is founded on moral grounds, but such as the Poof has no such grounds. not to mention their is a scale as it is not all inclusive regarding Queers judged as one ? The scale ranged from 1 to 10 say, starting of with, Silly, stupid, pathetic, to depraved to totally depraved !
But for some reason they all are classed under the same roof ? now why is that ? is it by design created so as to be inclusive Game play of power as a weapon of war play ? I see it as a planed assault governed war tactic !
The fairy's and boy types such are not seen as a problem at all and never were, but it's at the other end of the scale that their is a problem with their attitude being deranged that their is an issue with. but on top of that is the Nazi attitude they represent that is way out of control, so I can not stand for such as that issue because they have brought that on themselves. Before that I could not care less as I seen them as only a joke, but now they are a threat just like the Nazis were. because They want to dominate over everyone like a moron, working to wilfully destroy others lively hoods with totally no regard, then the corruption of bastardising children is another issue, like Nazi Germany did. different but the same intent, so as to create a bastard. not to mention the attack on the Family unit to become a weak useless one. Yep the Nazi kids dominated over the parents and dobbed them in, we have that now ! Bible points such out.
I don't FB or Tweet. None of those type things. It just never made sense to me.
FB and all the rest were meant to lead people to voluntarily abandon their privacy. Voluntarily? o_O

Here's a picture of my family on vacation. Let me tag this pic too. :pics:hmmx1:

Your full legal name, location, even address?

A guy was in the news a few years ago as a murder victim. He'd won a lot of money and took a selfie and then uploaded it to a private FB group. Only group members with a password knew it existed.

Someone in the group set him up when the group met IRL, (In Real Life), so he'd be robbed. He resisted and the home invaders that were accomplices with one of the group members shot him.

Poor man thought he was safe and among friends who had only known one another on FB before that.

Now, after all those years of SM programming people can be so use to socializing on their phones that they don't know how to function socially face to face.

When families sit down at Christmas dinner and text one another while at the table, they've truly lost their way. :(


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
I don't FB or Tweet. None of those type things. It just never made sense to me.
FB and all the rest were meant to lead people to voluntarily abandon their privacy. Voluntarily? o_O

Here's a picture of my family on vacation. Let me tag this pic too. :pics:hmmx1:

Your full legal name, location, even address?

A guy was in the news a few years ago as a murder victim. He'd won a lot of money and took a selfie and then uploaded it to a private FB group. Only group members with a password knew it existed.

Someone in the group set him up when the group met IRL, (In Real Life), so he'd be robbed. He resisted and the home invaders that were accomplices with one of the group members shot him.

Poor man thought he was safe and among friends who had only known one another on FB before that.

Now, after all those years of SM programming people can be so use to socializing on their phones that they don't know how to function socially face to face.

When families sit down at Christmas dinner and text one another while at the table, they've truly lost their way. :(

The craziness of social media is disturbing these days, even over the past several hours, I was browsing through some random social media, and the anger and aggression, the total lack of faith and spirituality, is simply revolting. The consciousness of death indeed.

So many young adults absolutely hate America (who they think is extremely racist and oppressive and colonialist) as well as any kind of prayer and spiritual principles. All they rant about is how militant black power and abortion-loving extreme feminism is great, how all Republicans and conservatives are evil Nazis, how Communism and Marxism are "cool" and awesome, etc. And they support censoring and banning almost ANYTHING and anyone they feel slightly uncomfortable with, no real patriotism and yet so much loathing and negativity, it's quite nauseating. :(

No wonder they are spiraling into mental illness and emotional breakdown every week....they have lost a firm and solid deeper moral foundation, and it is slowly reflecting on them outwardly.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Sie order will not be stopped until the day of the LORD . Till then it gets only far worse .
They will hold that rainbow flag high and times will only get worse .
Thus preach JESUS to all , teach n reach all you can , WHILE we can .


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
Facebook ? A mate wanted me to get into this when it first came out and became so angered at me for not joining ? I informed him that Facebook was a Nazi organisation as far as I was concerned, because the Nazis would of loved to of had such a program for one.
Now old mate does not like Nazis but in fact he like the majority of people has not a clue who or what the Nazis truly are all about totally. When it comes to Nazis most are totally ignorant or believe childish rubbish propaganda indoctrination. Not worthy of anything in depth of the issues at all. same with Communism, for they are not educated but they claim they are but they are only indoctrinated on the subject.
Just like Christianity the majority have only a indoctrination on the subject regardless if they are for or against, such is just a shallow concept to them and they have no real regard truly for they feel they know enough. why because others around them the majority are on the same page and that gives empowers them, so as to bark me down. saying it's nothing at all to do with such at all. Now why is that, well they only look at such from one angel and their own whim blinds them from another angle that they just do not fathom.

If I was a Nazi or Communist I would demand everyone to be on Facebook, because such want to know who you are and what you are doing and who you know etc etc, then when they call you up to integrate you, they have you and all you know pegged ! Not to mention now what you say can be used in a Court of Law.
So if you are saying anything that could be seen to be against the Laws that they have peddled, you will be dealt with, not totally on the same page as them with Gay Pride and bingo you have no right to exist, No Job prospects etc etc you become an enemy of the State ! For such is the key workings of Nazis and Communist. One becomes a Slave to the system ! not to mention you are all only just a number to them who control you all, just like cattle. so they do not care for real moral standards because clearly they have non.

Such as they think in terms of the Law ? only and for they have no Grace ! so they only condemn and are the blind leading the blind. Such a society will fail big time, they are based on a utopia. delusional people who can not grasp the bigger picture than what is placed before them selves by the dupes.

This Mob of dupes are being empowered by the workings of Satan. The power of the Idiot's. Their should be a Movie of such, but such would never get off the ground regarding the powers of Hollywood, as I may wake people up to what is truly at hand.

I sit back and wonder, that in years gone by and one sees what goes on nowadays and one would think, that such as now would never take place. One would joke about it being so far fetched !

In 1980 a UK man said he came to Australia before they made it compulsory to be a Poofter ! We laughed as if it was a total joke ! but it's became true ! And some dimwit claims we have a phobia, it's not the dislike is founded on moral grounds, but such as the Poof has no such grounds. not to mention their is a scale as it is not all inclusive regarding Queers judged as one ? The scale ranged from 1 to 10 say, starting of with, Silly, stupid, pathetic, to depraved to totally depraved !
But for some reason they all are classed under the same roof ? now why is that ? is it by design created so as to be inclusive Game play of power as a weapon of war play ? I see it as a planed assault governed war tactic !
The fairy's and boy types such are not seen as a problem at all and never were, but it's at the other end of the scale that their is a problem with their attitude being deranged that their is an issue with. but on top of that is the Nazi attitude they represent that is way out of control, so I can not stand for such as that issue because they have brought that on themselves. Before that I could not care less as I seen them as only a joke, but now they are a threat just like the Nazis were. because They want to dominate over everyone like a moron, working to wilfully destroy others lively hoods with totally no regard, then the corruption of bastardising children is another issue, like Nazi Germany did. different but the same intent, so as to create a bastard. not to mention the attack on the Family unit to become a weak useless one. Yep the Nazi kids dominated over the parents and dobbed them in, we have that now ! Bible points such out.
I try to keep an open mind, I have family members with very left-wing beliefs, for example. But I do think that there IS a deep and gradual internal decline of Western society -- reflected in some kind of moral decay and falling apart of society as it divides itself and focuses on superficial and meaningless issues and secular entertainment; in the stagnation of our core foundational values and everything we used to hold dear, including objective truth and moral absolutism. And...it both saddens and scares me at the same time. It is also Christians' fault in part for shrugging and turning a blind eye to this moral rot decade after decade.

"The optimistic belief that one could compose music like Beethoven, paint like Rembrandt, study the universe like Plato and Nicolaus of Cusa, and change world society without violence, was alive in the 1890's—admittedly, it was weak, and under siege, but it was hardly dead. Yet, within twenty short years, these Classical traditions of human civilization had been all but swept away, and the West had committed itself to a series of wars of inconceivable carnage.....

The cultural shift away from the Renaissance ideas that built the modern world, was due to a kind of freemasonry of ugliness. In the beginning, it was a formal political conspiracy to popularize theories that were specifically designed to weaken the soul of Judeo-Christian civilization in such a way as to make people believe that creativity was not possible, that adherence to universal truth was evidence of authoritarianism, and that reason itself was suspect. This conspiracy was decisive in planning and developing, as means of social manipulation, the vast new sister industries of radio, television, film, recorded music, advertising, and public opinion polling. The pervasive psychological hold of the media was purposely fostered to create the passivity and pessimism which afflict our populations today. So successful was this conspiracy, that it has become embedded in our culture; it no longer needs to be a "conspiracy," for it has taken on a life of its own. Its successes are not debatable—you need only turn on the radio or television. Even the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice is deformed into an erotic soap opera, with the audience rooting from the sidelines for their favorite character.

Our universities, the cradle of our technological and intellectual future, have become overwhelmed by Comintern-style New Age "Political Correctness....The principles through which Western Judeo-Christian civilization was built, are now no longer dominant in our society; they exist only as a kind of underground resistance movement."

Now, I don't know if I agree with 100% with Republicans, or this article, but even so, there is much there that seems to speak some truth and sense. And I actually attended a highly liberal private university myself in a very Democratic state. The hostility against Christianity and faith there at least is very, very real, and it is NOT growing better. :(
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