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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Yes. You can access their website on the Internet.

It was primarily an anti-Communist organization in the past, but it appears that is not more concerned with Constitutional issues (restoring the Consitution), while upholding personal liberties, national independence, and opposition to the NWO.

I read that there is an effort underway to turn America communist. Do you belong to any organizations that are working for restoring the country? I know that it seems like a lost cause - every time I read the news I lost hope for this country. But I still think that God expects us to try to change the evil we see.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I have opposed the credibility of your false narratives specifically claims about the terrorist attack on 911 and about President Trump being a globalist and your links from Conspiracy sites.

We all are entitled to our own opinions. A family member is a brainwashed leftist. Every time I try to tell her about God she dismisses me as being out of touch with reality. Sometimes you have to wait until God opens someone's eyes. I did regret that I reacted in the wrong way and came back to remove it since my reaction to your conspiracy label wasn't how I want to conduct myself.

I thought that 9-11 being done by Bush sounded incredible at first but then I put together clues and it all seemed to fit. As soon as 9-11 happened a family member who has witnessed many demolitions made an offhand remark that the towers collapsed as if by demolition. Then I had a chance meeting with a cop when I was waiting in line and he said our government did it. I didn't think anymore about it. Then I was badly injured and had to stay at home and all I had was my computer for hours every day and I stumbled upon it. During that time I knew others who had incidents with police so it wasn't something I just got off the internet: it was something I saw up close and it was ugly. I saw that America was becoming a police state and the Constitution was no longer fully in effect. God showed me some things that I'm still piecing together.

After that I met a young man online who was one of the smartest Christians I'd ever talked to. He taught the bible and he wove Revelations in with it all and it was enlightening. He knew about 9-11 and a lot of things that I had been learning. Then I came here and Brakelite introduced me to Walter Veith's videos and you can see where they had 9-11 in children's cartoons - they either knew it was going to happen or the individuals who created the cartoons were into the occult and knew things prior to their happening.

Then I began following John Whitehead's blog and he reported on the menacing police state America is turning into. A little here a little there - I began seeing the big picture and I knew it was all true - sickeningly so, but true.

I don't want to be at odds with another believer but I have come too far in my life so that the truth is something that I have to live by.

I'll leave you with a few links that I hope that you take a look at:

The TRUTH About 911!

The police state: Police State USA!

There is something evil happening in America. There are those whom God has given the Gift of Discernment who sense things before others - similar to feeling the first shocks on the Richter scale before an earthquake. Everyone has been given gifts that we're expected to use for the good of the body. No gift is better or lesser than another but we have to act as we feel that God is leading us. I urge you to read a treatise titled "They Thought They Were Free." I URGE EVERYONE TO READ IT:

Milton Mayer: They Thought They Were Free
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
We all are entitled to our own opinions. A family member is a brainwashed leftist. Every time I try to tell her about God she dismisses me as being out of touch with reality. Sometimes you have to wait until God opens someone's eyes. I did regret that I reacted in the wrong way and came back to remove it since my reaction to your conspiracy label wasn't how I want to conduct myself.

I thought that 9-11 being done by Bush sounded incredible at first but then I put together clues and it all seemed to fit. I must have gumshoe in my family line because I piece together clues and found that more often than not I'm right. It's not me - it's because God has opened things up to me. As soon as 9-11 happened a family member who has witnessed many demolitions made an offhand remark that the towers collapsed as if by demolition. Then I had a chance meeting with a cop when I was waiting in line and he said our government did it. I didn't think anymore about it. Then I was badly injured and had to stay at home and all I had was my computer for hours every day and I stumbled upon it. During that time I knew others who had incidents with police so it wasn't something I just got off the internet: it was something I saw up close and it was ugly. I saw that America was becoming a police state and the Constitution was no longer fully in effect. God showed me some things that I'm still piecing together.

After that I met a young man online who was one of the smartest Christians I'd ever talked to. He taught the bible and he wove Revelations in with it all and it was enlightening. He knew about 9-11 and a lot of things that I had been learning. Then I came here and Brakelite introduced me to Walter Veith's videos and you can see where they had 9-11 in children's cartoons - they either knew it was going to happen or the individuals who created the cartoons were into the occult and knew things prior to their happening.

Then I began following John Whitehead's blog and he reported on the menacing police state America is turning into. A little here a little there - I began seeing the big picture and I knew it was all true - sickeningly so, but true.

I don't want to be at odds with another believer but I have come too far in my life so that the truth is something that I have to live by.

I'll leave you with a few links that I hope that you take a look at:

The TRUTH About 911!

The police state: Police State USA!

There is something evil happening in America. There are those whom God has given the Gift of Discernment who sense things before others - similar to feeling the first shocks on the Richter scale before an earthquake. Everyone has been given gifts that we're expected to use for the good of the body. No gift is better or lesser than another but we have to act as we feel that God is leading us. I urge you to read a treatise titled "They Thought They Were Free." I URGE EVERYONE TO READ IT:

Milton Mayer: They Thought They Were Free
I don't read your long rants or posts, they get skimmed at most by me.
Btw, I don't believe you Have spiritual discernment because of the many things you mischaracterize. You recognize something is not right-- but you link to the wrong causes. You have fallen down a rabbit hole imo.
The devil misleads & deceives by weaving falsehoods in with a bit of truth and that is what you have fallen victim. Your 911 explanations and links are not based upon the Reality or on the Facts, but are completely bogus Conspiracy junk, & disinformation but you believe them zealously and can't be convinced otherwise. Much of that lying garbage from the Conspiracy sites has been created originally in order to undermine the USA and the Free world and some deceived folks like yourself have fallen for it as useful idiots and perpetuate the lies.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Do you belong to any organizations that are working for restoring the country?
For Christians, the primary focus should really be on bringing the Gospel and giving the Bible to as many as possible (including the misguided). Ultimately Christ is the answer, and ultimately it will be eternity that counts for everyone. It may be too late to reverse the trend of evil and anarchy through the political systems in the West.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I don't read your long rants or posts, they get skimmed at most by me.
Btw, I don't believe you Have spiritual discernment because of the many things you mischaracterize. You recognize something is not right-- but you link to the wrong causes. You have fallen down a rabbit hole imo.
The devil misleads & deceives by weaving falsehoods in with a bit of truth and that is what you have fallen victim. Your 911 explanations and links are not based upon the Reality or on the Facts, but are completely bogus Conspiracy junk, & disinformation but you believe them zealously and can't be convinced otherwise. Much of that lying garbage from the Conspiracy sites has been created originally in order to undermine the USA and the Free world and some deceived folks like yourself have fallen for it as useful idiots and perpetuate the lies.

I didn't come to the conclusion that I have the gift of discernment - others did; I never studied the gifts. Anything I do understand is from God not me. I never said that my word was sacrosanct - I invite others to seek the truth with their own eyes. God will eventually guide those who seek the truth into what is true and what is not.

Psalms 19:7
“The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.”

We're all given the gift of discernment - true believers - not the tares that grow with the wheat - those who look and sound like Christians but aren't or those who are carnal Christians and spew hate. We all show the world what we're about with every stroke of the keyboard.

It's up to each believer to search for the truth with their own eyes and using their own discernment. Why don't you let everyone else determine for themselves if something is true or not instead of attacking me? You're like Google who wants to suppress viewpoints other than your own. They want to determine for everybody else what sites are "credible." And we all know about Google.

Romans 1:18-26 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.

I don't put faith in what any ruler says - such as George W. Bush:

James 4:4 You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Truth is given by the Holy Spirit:

John 16:13 - Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

We're shown in Scripture how Paul exercised discernment:

Acts 23:6 - But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees,

God searches men's hearts and judges whether he or she is walking in truth:

Jeremiah 17:10 - I the LORD search the heart, try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, [and] according to the fruit of his doings.

I believe that just as Satan blinds the minds of men to keep them from knowing God, he uses deception on the mind; sometimes widely:

2 Corinthians 4:4 - In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

We're all charged to seek the truth on our own. I believe that if we really desire to know what is happening in the world around us then God will lead us to meet others who have seen things before you - that's how it happened with me. Because if your eyes are being opened to the truth, then chances are that other believers eyes have also been opened to the same truths. It all sounded outlandish at first - similar to how Jesus being hung on the cross and appearing to disciples after he was dead sounded. Or Jonah in the belly of the whale. Or Jesus walking on water.

But I'd be careful who I charged with perpetuating lies.

Isaiah 5:20-21 King James Version (KJV)
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
Law Enforcement Officer vs. Peace Officer: What’s the Difference?
It’s a subtle, but important, distinction: Is the role of the police to enforce the law or to keep the peace?

Consider the difference between the police force of a typical American city and the fictional Andy Taylor of The Andy Griffith Show. The former is concerned primarily with enforcing the law for its own sake and catching as many “lawbreakers” as possible. The latter, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with keeping the peace. Sometimes that means looking the other way when laws get broken.

How Did Police Become Militarized?
It all began during Prohibition in the 1920s. Organized crime got its first foothold in American life thanks to the lucrative black market in liquor. This was also the golden age of bank robbery with figures like Bonnie and Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd, and John Dillinger becoming folk heroes. The Thompson submachine gun and the Browning Automatic Rifle were increasingly used by these crime “stars.”

On the flipside, the Prohibition Era saw domestic police departments using automatic weapons, armored vehicles, and ammo developed with the express purpose of being able to penetrate the early bulletproof vests worn by gangsters of the era.

Overall crime increased by 24 percent during the first two years of Prohibition. This included a 9 percent increase in theft and burglary, a 13 percent increase in homicides, and a 13 percent increase in assault and battery.

Because the police were busy fighting the scourge of demon rum, it was difficult for them to target crimes unrelated to this.

In fact, a study of South Carolina counties that enforced Prohibition versus those who didn’t found a whopping 30 to 60 percent increase in homicides in the counties that enforced the law.

A few decades later, America saw another wave of police militarization during the race riots, including the Watts Riots and the 1967 riots in Detroit, as well as increasingly militarized organized crime—thanks in part to the beginnings of the War on Drugs.

Incidents like the 1986 FBI Miami shootout and the North Hollywood shootout of 1997 were game-changers for law enforcement weaponry and equipment—due to officers not having sufficient stopping power during these notorious shootouts.

What Is the 1033 Program?
The 1033 Program was enacted in the wake of the 1997 North Hollywood shootout. Created by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997, it allowed law enforcement agencies to get their hands on military hardware.

Between 1997 and 2014, $5.1 billion in material was transferred from the Department of Defense to local law enforcement—with ammunition being the most common requisition.

About 8,000 law enforcement offices were participating in the program as of 2014.

What Is Civil Asset Forfeiture?
Civil asset forfeiture (CAF) is a major driver in the militarization of the police force. Put simply, CAF is a legal principle that allows police to seize money and property from suspected criminals, which they can do without a warrant because the suspect’s property doesn’t have the presumption of innocence.

CAF is effectively a legally allowed form of theft by police officers. Here is a short list of military hardware purchased with CAF funds:

  • $5 million helicopter for the Los Angeles Police Department
  • $1 million mobile command bus for Prince George County, Maryland
  • $227,000 for a tank in Douglasville, GA
  • $54,000 for 27 M-4 assault rifles in Braselton, GA
SWAT Teams: The Military of the Police
Begun in 1965 in Philadelphia, SWAT teams were conceived as a way to restrain urban unrest, deal with hostage situations, or handle barricaded marksmen.

The number of SWAT raids in the US grew dramatically from about 3,000 in 1980, to a whopping 50,000 SWAT raids in 2014.

Some more startling facts about SWAT teams:

  • 62 percent of all SWAT deployments were for drug raids
  • 79 percent of these were done on private residences
  • Only 7 percent of all raids were done for situations SWAT was invented for—namely barricades or hostage situations
The Detriments of a Militarized Police Force

There are a number of negative consequences arising from the existence of a militarized police force:

  • Civil liberties violations
  • Surveillance
  • Excessive use of force
  • Alienation of community
  • Killing dogs (Yes, really—the Puppycide Database Project tracks these things)
  • Future militarization: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) weapons projects currently being worked on include an invisible ray gun, a shotgun Taser, skull-piercing microwaves, and a long-range acoustic device
The most heavily armed gang on the street isn’t your local street gang—it’s law enforcement. They have weapons far in excess to that of the average citizen or even the average criminal.

This raises a point worth considering: The usual suspects will rage at your ability to legally own an AR-15, a right codified by the United States Constitution. But rare is the gun grabber who makes any kind of fuss when police use directed energy weapons.

Brian Miller is the publisher at Work from‘s Resistance Library has been featured by USA Today, Reason, Bloomberg’s Business Week, Zero Hedge, The Guardian, and National Review as well as many other prominent news and alt-news publications.

This article is republished with permission from
This is all very scary... I'm not there so I don't know what's going on anymore..
but this is something I've always worried about.

I knew that mayors don't like to call in the military because they're trained to kill,,,not to keep the marshal law is always a last resort....for all the reasons you've stated.

Yes,, I feel like we're headed into the brave new world.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
Yes,, I feel like we're headed into the brave new world.
perilous times Daniel 7: 25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. what is taking place ? thy keep trying to enact laws that hinder christians . in canada and many other nations you cant preach against lgbt . we are being told abortion is ok. rights are trying to be taken away. one of the lates a ww1 war memorial a cross came close to being removed.. think about about
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
perilous times Daniel 7: 25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. what is taking place ? thy keep trying to enact laws that hinder christians . in canada and many other nations you cant preach against lgbt . we are being told abortion is ok. rights are trying to be taken away. one of the lates a ww1 war memorial a cross came close to being removed.. think about about
Yes E,
the last 60 years have brought much change...
and most of it not for the better.
Cloning, chemicals in food,
we're in a mess right now.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
For Christians, the primary focus should really be on bringing the Gospel and giving the Bible to as many as possible (including the misguided). Ultimately Christ is the answer, and ultimately it will be eternity that counts for everyone. It may be too late to reverse the trend of evil and anarchy through the political systems in the West.

I agree that evangelizing should be our first duty. I was so troubled by what I saw going on that I began evangelizing again since changing hearts is the only way to really change the world. Scripture tells us that is to be every believer's duty.

But I don't believe that's our only duty. I spoke with the pastor at our bible study and told him that I have a running argument with a friend who never gets involved politically because she says that "God is in control." The pastor doesn't mince words and said "That's a copout." What that friend - and other non-activist Christians don't realize is that other Christians are working to change the ungodliness in our culture. For instance - say a teacher makes the students write an essay on why there is no God. My friend wouldn't call the school, wouldn't speak with other parents - wouldn't take any action because "God is in control." But other Christians in town go to school board meetings or call the school complaining about the assignment. Their complaints cause the teacher to cancel the assignment. My friend would point out "See! I told you God was in control!" It's maddening because God worked through other Christians while she went about her merry way not lifting a finger - and forcing other Christians to carry her weight.

Imagine if years ago, Christians would have stood up to 1 lone woman - Madalyn Murray O'Hare - who had prayer taken out of every school in America. Where were the Christians - all awaiting the Rapture? I believe that type of thinking is actually dangerous. Look at the insanity going on all around us. The very evil nature of it should be enough to urge us towards action. We should pray and evangelize but I believe that we should do more.

James 2:26

“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”

Case in point:

This young pregnant mother was sodomized by police - for suspicion of marijuana. They left her torn and bleeding. What right does ANYONE have to do this to another human being?

If we don't speak up for another then who is going to speak up for us?

After Claiming to Smell Marijuana, Cops Sodomized Woman So Badly She Was Hospitalized—Lawsuit
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
I agree that evangelizing should be our first duty. I was so troubled by what I saw going on that I began evangelizing again since changing hearts is the only way to really change the world. Scripture tells us that is to be every believer's duty.

But I don't believe that's our only duty. I spoke with the pastor at our bible study and told him that I have a running argument with a friend who never gets involved politically because she says that "God is in control." The pastor doesn't mince words and said "That's a copout." What that friend - and other non-activist Christians don't realize is that other Christians are working to change the ungodliness in our culture. For instance - say a teacher makes the students write an essay on why there is no God. My friend wouldn't call the school, wouldn't speak with other parents - wouldn't take any action because "God is in control." But other Christians in town go to school board meetings or call the school complaining about the assignment. Their complaints cause the teacher to cancel the assignment. My friend would point out "See! I told you God was in control!" It's maddening because God worked through other Christians while she went about her merry way not lifting a finger - and forcing other Christians to carry her weight.

Imagine if years ago, Christians would have stood up to 1 lone woman - Madalyn Murray O'Hare - who had prayer taken out of every school in America. Where were the Christians - all awaiting the Rapture? I believe that type of thinking is actually dangerous. Look at the insanity going on all around us. The very evil nature of it should be enough to urge us towards action. We should pray and evangelize but I believe that we should do more.

James 2:26

“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”

Case in point:

This young pregnant mother was sodomized by police - for suspicion of marijuana. They left her torn and bleeding. What right does ANYONE have to do this to another human being?

If we don't speak up for another then who is going to speak up for us?

After Claiming to Smell Marijuana, Cops Sodomized Woman So Badly She Was Hospitalized—Lawsuit
Tell you're friend:
All evil needs to flourish..
Is for good to do nothing.

Which is why we're here at this point...
because we DID NOTHING back in the 60's...
we believed people couldn't be so dumb as to accept
some things.

Well, those things have been accepted.
(lgbt, abortion, persecution of Christians, brainwashing of children, etc)
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
This is all very scary... I'm not there so I don't know what's going on anymore..
but this is something I've always worried about.

I knew that mayors don't like to call in the military because they're trained to kill,,,not to keep the marshal law is always a last resort....for all the reasons you've stated.

Yes,, I feel like we're headed into the brave new world.

I do too. It's Orwellellian.

I've been following John Whitehead's blog and he's a Constitutional lawyer who writes about the police state. From what I have learned, the police state was broadly enacted shortly after 9-11, which was allegedly the stated purpose for it: to suspend our Constitution. It's much worse than is even reported on alternative sites; law firms tend to hear a lot of abuses that are never reported.

If you read "They thought they were free" you can see where the Germans under Hitler held the illusion that they were free yet were not. America is supposed to be government by the people and it is not that anymore. I belong to an organization of intractable pain patients. Several years ago, our CDC implemented "Guidelines" ("LAWS") that doctors were to follow in prescribing. Many doctors who refused were unconscionably raided and prosecuted by the DEA. The CDC "Guidelines" forced many frightened doctors to put intractable pain patients off all pain medication. This led to a rash of suicides across the country. Many vets committed suicide in the parking lot of the VA. A number of patients were woefully under-treated for pain following major surgery.

Our government was never supposed to be this powerful yet bureaucrats are now dictating whether another American has their pain treated or not. Yet we know those same bureaucrats have their own pain treated. Our group has worked to try to change it. I speak with the head of it and he's one the most intelligent people I've known. He has a PhD, has impeccable credentials, and has been fighting this for years. We've made some headway so that many doctors groups and lawyers have joined their voices with our organization in denouncing the CDC. They admitted to using false data. The opioid epidemic is caused by the open southern border and fentanyl coming through the mail from China - not patients and doctors. Yet in spite of admitting to lying, they've kept these policies in place that have continued to brutalize patients causing them to end their lives. It's all part of the police state: where the government bureaucrats hold all the power and dictate to the serfs. It's interesting that one of the heads of the CDC is an Indian - and India has a caste system based on occupation.

Whenever suffering is inflicted on another human then something is deeply wrong. As Christians we know that love is from God. When abuse becomes institutionalized we should be alerted to the fact that something deeply wrong has changed. God is love. Satan is hate.

“As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air – however slight – lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.”

—Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
I didn't come to the conclusion that I have the gift of discernment - others did;
I don't care if they pope and 1000 people told you , my opinion is the same. You claim there were no Jets that flew into the Twin towers and that shows not only no discernment.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I don't care if they pope and 1000 people told you , my opinion is the same. You claim there were no Jets that flew into the Twin towers and that shows not only no discernment.

Scripture tells me to go from the presence of one in whom you perceive not in him the lips of knowledge. That is what I'm going to do here.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
Scripture tells me to go from the presence of one in whom you perceive not in him the lips of knowledge. That is what I'm going to do here.
You think no Jets hit the Twin Towers. To say no discernment is understatement, but to claim there were no Jets is worse then absurd, it's believing & perpetuating a lie. '


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
I don't care if they pope and 1000 people told you , my opinion is the same. You claim there were no Jets that flew into the Twin towers and that shows not only no discernment.
I haven't read this whole thread.
I just want to say that maybe someone gets one thing or another wrong...
that does not mean that everything he believes is wrong...only that one thing.

Everything @Soverign Grace is posting is absolutely true.
And the reason that everything will come to be is because of persons like yourself
that cannot accept the truth.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
I haven't read this whole thread.
I just want to say that maybe someone gets one thing or another wrong...
that does not mean that everything he believes is wrong...only that one thing.
Everything @Soverign Grace is posting is absolutely true.
And the reason that everything will come to be is because of persons like yourself
that cannot accept the truth.
;) 911 is a big thing to get wrong. If you believe that no terrorists hijacked Jets & flew them into the Twin Towers on 911 --then you also have deficits in discernment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
;) 911 is a big thing to get wrong. If you believe that no terrorists hijacked Jets & flew them into the Twin Towers on 911 --then you also have deficits in discernment.
We all saw this and know what happened.
Here in Italy (and in Europe in general) it was known to be a big conspiracy and that the president at that time (Bush Jr) arraned it so he could blame Iraq and then invade them.

Because I agree with @Soverign Grace on the fact that our nation is going to hell in a hand-basket, DOES NOT mean I agree with him on every little detail.

I'm responding regarding the deterioration of the USA, which I see with my own eyes, remembering the 60's really well, but also a lot of the 50's. It's NOT THE SAME COUNTRY.

Do you deny this?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
We all saw this and know what happened.
Here in Italy (and in Europe in general) it was known to be a big conspiracy and that the president at that time (Bush Jr) arraned it so he could blame Iraq and then invade them.

Because I agree with @Soverign Grace on the fact that our nation is going to hell in a hand-basket, DOES NOT mean I agree with him on every little detail.

I'm responding regarding the deterioration of the USA, which I see with my own eyes, remembering the 60's really well, but also a lot of the 50's. It's NOT THE SAME COUNTRY.

Do you deny this?
Do you claim there were no Jets crashed into the Twin towers?


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
You need to read it again!
I said:

It was on live TV....
Why the (meant to be insulting) "wow" ? btw, I did read what you said, but how am I supposed to know what you claim you "saw" and what you perceived to have happened without asking for clarification? You never did state what you believed. "everyone knew in europe it was a big conspiracy? " good luck then.
Some people who saw it live, will Still claim like SG that -- there were no Jets that flew into the Twin Towers.
My point is a person can't claim they have "discernment" if they claim- no jets hit the T T.
You btw, said that "everything SG is posting is "TRUE".
I disagree with that summation, SG has a lot wrong , and a big one is what they claim happened on 911
Everything @Soverign Grace is posting is absolutely true.
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