No Denomination named... Evidence Presented... You Decide

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
the lies of the Seventh Day
The following is a brief (believe it or not, for I could write a book offering much more detail... And many have) summary of those "lies" Illuminator refers to in reference to "the beast"of Revelation 13...
In Revelation 13 we have the following description of what Bible scholars for centuries have recognized as being a vivid revelation of the dreaded “Antichrist” , the leopard like beast, with feet of a bear, and the mouth of a lion.

1 ¶ And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

God describes this beast as a leopard. We are brought back to Daniel in this depiction, to chapter 7 where the Grecian empire is also described as a leopard. God is not haphazard with his prophetic pictures. There are depths to understand, and nuances to be seen that reveal the identity, and true nature of the powers thus depicted. This is why God gave so much information regarding Antichrist. He did not want us to be deceived, nor to misunderstand what He was warning us about. He gave such detail that there would be no mistake, no error on our part for our lives depend on our part to clearly understand the issues.

Thus the beast of Revelation 13 is likened to the ancient Grecian empire. Remember, beasts are not individuals. They are political powers, nations, or empires. Beasts throughout the scripture are depicted in every prophecy without exception as being a political power or nation. Thus the Antichrist is not an individual, but a political power or civil or secular power, but having a religious face, for it enforces worship according to its own character and beliefs. The hallmark or character of Greece is eloquently described by Paul in his address to the Athenians on Mars Hill.

Acts 17:16 ¶ Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.
17 Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him.
18 Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoicks, encountered him. And some said, What will this babbler say? other some, He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods: because he preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection.
19 And they took him, and brought him unto Areopagus, saying, May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou speakest, is?
20 For thou bringest certain strange things to our ears: we would know therefore what these things mean.
21 (For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.)
22 ¶ Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.

Idolatry, superstition, philosophy were the hallmarks of Grecian religious devotion. Thus these things according to the prophetic picture, would characterize the religion of the Antichrist. But the prophetic picture goes deeper than that. The leopard itself also has certain characteristics and natural qualities that would characterize and be seen in the Antichrist power. The leopards hunting instincts are subtly different from many cats. Firstly though, like all predators, the leopard preys on other beasts. Thus the Antichrist power would prey on other powers. (Remember the ‘little horn of Daniel 7 that grew up to uproot 3 other horns?….another depiction of this same leopard power) It would seek to devour other political entities…other nations. Revelation clearly reveals this. It has global ambitions. And all the world would wonder after the beast. Wonder in this sense is in admiration. The people of the world will love this power. (Can this be said of Islam) They will say who can make war with her? The beast has so much apparent attractiveness that it is thought ridiculous to oppose it. Greece was just like this. Alexander the Great was renowned for his astute military prowess. And everywhere Greece went, their culture, their belief systems, their philosophies, were assimilated into the local culture and religious practice. (What other religio-political power has done this) Palestine was no exception, to the point where the Greek language was the chief language that the NT was written in, even after many decades of Roman influence. Even Christianity itself was not immune to accepting Greek philosophy and beliefs and co-mingling them with the truth thus distorting the gospel even to this day. The teachings of Plato and Aristotle are still accepted and taught by priests and pastors, both Catholic and Protestant, to this day.

There is more to the leopard however. His hunting style is almost unique. He is a beast that rather than chasing his prey all over the countryside like other predators such as the cheetah, prefers to lie in wait and in hiding until his prey is within easy reach, will then stalk stealthily and strike suddenly, and with the least effort.

The leopard is a watcher. An observer. Camouflaged well, it lies in hiding until its prey is an easy target.

Jer 5:6 Wherefore a lion out of the forest shall slay them, and a wolf of the evenings shall spoil them, a leopard shall watch over their cities: every one that goeth out thence shall be torn in pieces: because their transgressions are many, and their backslidings are increased.

Ho 13:7 Therefore I will be unto them as a lion: as a leopard by the way will I observe them:

The Antichrist therefore is just like that. An observer. Patience is the hallmark of her nature. He would far prefer to lie patiently in wait until circumstances allow for an easy take-over, than expend lots of energy too early and be discovered and lose his opportunity. This is precisely why Revelation 13 is so focused on deception, and why Jesus so often warned of false Christ, false prophets, of those who would deceive and lead away if possible even the ‘elect’. The Antichrist is therefore not an open enemy to Christianity. In fact, like Judas, the son of perdition, he would betray Christ with a kiss! He would not be an open enemy of Christ, but in accordance to the base meaning of the word ‘anti’ (see Strongs #473) would stand in the room of Christ, replacing Christ in the minds and hearts of the world. Therefore the Antichrist power is a counterfeit Christian power. A Christian power that has superstition, idolatry, philosophy, and patience as the hallmarks of her character. But also the ambition and desire for global dominion.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Which brings me to the thrust of this post. For the leopard beast of Revelation 13 has been around for a long long time. While having inherited several characteristics of the Babylonian (Lion—-Daniel 7:4), Persian (bear—-Daniel 7:5), and Roman (terrible beast—-Danel 7:7,8) powers and being a composite of them, the beast coming out of the sea is in appearance most like Greece (leopard—Danel 7:6). And the leopard, after centuries of patiently waiting her opportunity for global dominion, is now astir. She, through deception, the vain philosophy of man, idolatry and superstition, has already captivated the minds and hearts of billions of people worldwide. She now sees her opportunity to deceive the rest of the world, for her prey she recognizes is now weak, leaderless, has already succumbed to division and is asleep and thus blind to her presence and true nature. The second beast of Revelation, the beast or power that leads the world to surrender to the leopard, is now ripe for the plucking. She does not recognize the danger as she once did. She no longer sees the leopard as an enemy, but as a friend. She believes the leopard has changed. That she no longer seeks political dominion, but rather, in her own words, seeks social justice and social equity. She has deceived the nations into believing that there is a fundamental change in her very nature. And all the world today wonders after her!!!

The kings of the world send diplomats to her steps in order to receive council and advice. Even kings, presidents, and world rulers meet with her in friendliness and fawning admiration. But….

Jer 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.

Where are the lies? Is the above not a valid interpretation of prophecy? Now it is up to you to match it with the correct institution. An institution that will have as it's mark an identifying characteristic that is associated with worship, and it's directly contrary to the Commandments of God seeing those who refuse that mark are identified in scripture as keeping God's Commandments and having true faith. Wherein are the lies?

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Quite frankly, the Beast is both a man and a kingdom, an emperor and an empire. It is the 4th Kingdom, which was Rome. Only in Daniel's dream, the 4th Kingdom becomes 10 kings, with Antichrist being another king who reigns over all of them.

In Revelation, this 4th Beast, Rome, consists of the attributes of its previous kingdoms. He has bear qualities, leopard qualities, and lion qualities. It is superior to Babylon, Persia, and Greece because it is greater in all respects.

Indeed, the Roman Empire outlived its ancient imperial form to engulf all of Europe. Europe was initially Christianized, but it is quickly returning to its pagan form, which will be Antichrist, I believe.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
God is not haphazard with his prophetic pictures. There are depths to understand, and nuances to be seen that reveal the identity, and true nature of the powers thus depicted. This is why God gave so much information regarding Antichrist. He did not want us to be deceived, nor to misunderstand what He was warning us about. He gave such detail that there would be no mistake, no error on our part for our lives depend on our part to clearly understand the issues.

If this is true (spoiler alert: it isn't), then God failed miserably. The imagery is subject to different interpretations, as you can see from the very first responsive post on this thread (you point to a Greek antichrist, Randy to a Roman). You say "God gave so much information" because "He did not want us to be deceived, nor to misunderstand" -- yet so many do misunderstand! And this on a matter where you say "our lives depend on our part to clearly understand!" Wow! The God I worship, if He "did not want us to be deceived," would never shroud such a crucial, life-or-death message in such ambiguity and indefiniteness. Not if He loves us. (Spoiler alert: He does.)

You paint the lying-in-wait leopard as though he were a wolf in sheep's clothing. If the clues given in Revelation 13 to his identity were as unmistakable as you suggest, all Christians would immediately spot him as a wolf in wolf's clothing. Yet it seems that comparatively few (and aren't you blessed to be among them!) have been graced with the necessary perceptiveness to interpret all this symbolism properly.

I won't debate whether your interpretation is or isn't correct. But I will point out that nothing detracts from credibility more than claiming that a favored interpretation of ambiguous allegory is "clear." Here's a wild thought: What if you reposted your OP without the five sentences I quoted above (which, after all, are completely unnecessary to your thesis)? Do you think you would be taken more seriously? (Spoiler alert: you would.)


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
If this is true (spoiler alert: it isn't), then God failed miserably. The imagery is subject to different interpretations, as you can see from the very first responsive post on this thread (you point to a Greek antichrist, Randy to a Roman). You say "God gave so much information" because "He did not want us to be deceived, nor to misunderstand" -- yet so many do misunderstand! And this on a matter where you say "our lives depend on our part to clearly understand!" Wow! The God I worship, if He "did not want us to be deceived," would never shroud such a crucial, life-or-death message in such ambiguity and indefiniteness. Not if He loves us. (Spoiler alert: He does.)

You paint the lying-in-wait leopard as though he were a wolf in sheep's clothing. If the clues given in Revelation 13 to his identity were as unmistakable as you suggest, all Christians would immediately spot him as a wolf in wolf's clothing. Yet it seems that comparatively few (and aren't you blessed to be among them!) have been graced with the necessary perceptiveness to interpret all this symbolism properly.

I won't debate whether your interpretation is or isn't correct. But I will point out that nothing detracts from credibility more than claiming that a favored interpretation of ambiguous allegory is "clear." Here's a wild thought: What if you reposted your OP without the five sentences I quoted above (which, after all, are completely unnecessary to your thesis)? Do you think you would be taken more seriously? (Spoiler alert: you would.)
Actually I disagree with you. The reason so few can see the reasoning and logic and clear clues in prophecy, is not because God had closed it all in mystery. There is symbolism yes, which God Himself has indeed provided and had also provided the symbolic interpretations which many ignore, and because so few dig deep enough, search far enough, and study intently enough to find the answers.
Example. I did not state the Antichrist was Greek. I said he appears Greek. Scripture attests to that. "Like into a leopard"... And if you are a student of prophecy you would know that the leopard in Daniel 7 yourself Greece. Now Paul stated in Acts that the Greeks were renowned for philosophy, idolatry, and superstition. Therefore. Look for an entity renowned for idolatry, philosophy, particularly Greek philosophy, and superstition, and you have one major clue/criteria, one of more than 10 specific criteria, that identifies Antichrist. And BTW, the Antichrist system is Roman.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2022
Actually I disagree with you. The reason so few can see the reasoning and logic and clear clues in prophecy, is not because God had closed it all in mystery. There is symbolism yes, which God Himself has indeed provided and had also provided the symbolic interpretations which many ignore, and because so few dig deep enough, search far enough, and study intently enough to find the answers.
Example. I did not state the Antichrist was Greek. I said he appears Greek. Scripture attests to that. "Like into a leopard"... And if you are a student of prophecy you would know that the leopard in Daniel 7 yourself Greece. Now Paul stated in Acts that the Greeks were renowned for philosophy, idolatry, and superstition. Therefore. Look for an entity renowned for idolatry, philosophy, particularly Greek philosophy, and superstition, and you have one major clue/criteria, one of more than 10 specific criteria, that identifies Antichrist. And BTW, the Antichrist system is Roman.
The Reformers' diagnosis was correct.
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Marty fox

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2021
The Reformers' diagnosis was correct.

You are confusing the beast with the antichrist.

These are only four verses in the entire bible that uses the term antichrist and none of them are in revelation. Only John used the term antichrist in the bible and this same John wrote revelation so why didn’t he use the term antichrist in revelation?

If you read the descriptions below you will see why.

1 John 2:18
18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.

1 John 2:22
22 Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.

1 John 4:3
3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

2 John 1:7
I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.

This is not the same description John used in revelation of the beast thus they are not the same entity.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
The 'beast' of Revelation will be a man, who will rise to dictatorial power of the One World Government, which will be established soon after the forthcoming Sixth Seal worldwide disaster.
He only becomes a 'beast', or the Anti-Christ: the same entity, after Satan takes control of his body. All as plainly described in Revelation 13:1-8
Revelation 13:9 You have ears, so hear and take note!
The Reformers' diagnosis was correct.
It did suit the Reformers to assign the 'beast' to the Roman Catholic Church, but it wasn't true and the RCC does not fit that appellation today. Also Revelation 17:15-18 shows how the Anti-Christ will destroy the RCC.
The reason so few can see the reasoning and logic and clear clues in prophecy, is not because God had closed it all in mystery.
The reason so few can understand the Prophetic Word, is because God has hidden understanding from the wise and learned people. Matthew 11:25
Only a few people; who have rejected mans teachings on Prophecy as taught in Bible Colleges and seminaries, will finally know God's plans before they happen, as Daniel 12:4 and 10 say.
In fact; everyone will be shocked and terrified at the extent and magnitude of the disaster, soon to strike the world. But to know it is going to happen and to know what we should do after it, will be a great help.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Remember, beasts are not individuals.

This is false. Beasts are often not individuals but they can be like the second beast of Revelation 13, the false prophet who is an individual yet is called a beast.

Thus the Antichrist is not an individual

The antichrist is very much an individual and everything written about him proves that.

They will say who can make war with her?

That isn't what the bible says:

Rev 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?



Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2022
You are confusing the beast with the antichrist.

These are only four verses in the entire bible that uses the term antichrist and none of them are in revelation. Only John used the term antichrist in the bible and this same John wrote revelation so why didn’t he use the term antichrist in revelation?

If you read the descriptions below you will see why.

1 John 2:18
18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.

1 John 2:22
22 Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.

1 John 4:3
3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

2 John 1:7
I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.

This is not the same description John used in revelation of the beast thus they are not the same entity.
They are descriptive of the same system. The Romanist system claims to be a vicar, or substitute, for Christ on the earth, which is a definition of an antichrist ("anti" also meaning substitute). The various symbols that John used to describe the beast characterize the same Romanist system.

The Reformers recognized these descriptions as identifications of that system.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2022
The 'beast' of Revelation will be a man, who will rise to dictatorial power of the One World Government, which will be established soon after the forthcoming Sixth Seal worldwide disaster.
He only becomes a 'beast', or the Anti-Christ: the same entity, after Satan takes control of his body. All as plainly described in Revelation 13:1-8
Revelation 13:9 You have ears, so hear and take note!

It did suit the Reformers to assign the 'beast' to the Roman Catholic Church, but is wasn't true and the RCC does not fit that appellation today. Also Revelation 17:15-18 shows how the Anti-Christ will destroy the RCC.

The reason so few can understand the Prophetic Word, is because God has hidden understanding from the wise and learned people. Matthew 11:25
Only a few people; who have rejected mans teachings on Prophecy as taught in Bible Colleges and seminaries, will finally know God's plans before they happen, as Daniel 12:4 and 10 say.
In fact; everyone will be shocked and terrified at the extent and magnitude of the disaster, soon to strike the world. But to know it is going to happen and to know what we should do after it, will be a great help.
God raised up the Reformers and empowered them with wisdom and discernment to recognize and overcome the antichrist and beast whom they engaged in spiritual battle. By God's grace and mercy, they were successful, and we are the beneficiaries today.

Thankfully the Reformers were not deluded futurists, otherwise you and your progeny would have done, and would be doing, catechism in a residential school then and now.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Thus the beast of Revelation 13 is likened to the ancient Grecian empire. Remember, beasts are not individuals. They are political powers, nations, or empires ... This is precisely why Revelation 13 is so focused on deception, and why Jesus so often warned of false Christ, false prophets, of those who would deceive and lead away if possible even the ‘elect’.

The Antichrist is therefore not an open enemy to Christianity ... stand in the room of Christ, replacing Christ in the minds and hearts of the world. Therefore the Antichrist power is a counterfeit Christian power. A Christian power that has superstition, idolatry, philosophy, and patience as the hallmarks of her character. But also the ambition and desire for global dominion.

While spot on about the beast being a political power, I think you are misguided that the beast is a Christian power and not an open enemy of Christianity. In the other thread, you identified how the Roman Catholic Church had embraced the beast. The beast is watermelon; green on the outside but red to the core on the inside.

The beast is globalism and the false religion is AGW, man-made global warming. The new age Original Sin is selfishly and greedily wanting and having a high quality of life. However, the beast is an open enemy to Christianity, replacing worship of the Creator with His Creation, the world. As my wife put it, the world is supposed to be cared for, not worshipped. It is an open enemy to those with spiritual discernment. Like communism, marketed today as Cultural Marxism, it seeks a rationalization to do away with national sovereignty, the historical manifestation of the will of the people.

We are told we must Save The Planet - for the children. Opposing the beast of sacrifice is called selfish. Selfish is what they call keeping what is God-given, one's property (personal and national sovereignty, along with earned money) and Spirit of Liberty. It is a brilliant propaganda campaign, relentlessly Appealing to Emotion. Our dumbed down society has embraced its political correctness. People are 'offended' when it is opposed, in lieu of argument. Facts and truth (of Christ) do not matter. China has taken the lead with a 'social credit score.' Global currency is the mark of the beast, where you will not be able to buy or sell without it. And it is coming by year end. Biden's proposal for a new digital currency is an attack on liberty.
there is strong evidence that the White House and Federal Reserve have already considered making a new digital dollar programmable, in line with their various social and economic goals. Should be designed to advance "financial inclusion and equity" and with "climate change and pollution" in mind.

Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your ancestors. Proverbs 22:28

The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you.
James 5:4

Your silver has become dross, your best wine mixed with water. Isaiah 1:22

Marty fox

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2021
They are descriptive of the same system. The Romanist system claims to be a vicar, or substitute, for Christ on the earth, which is a definition of an antichrist ("anti" also meaning substitute). The various symbols that John used to describe the beast characterize the same Romanist system.

The Reformers recognized these descriptions as identifications of that system.

Actually if you look at John's description in his epistles which are the verses that I posted you will see that they are the perfect description of apostate Israel in John's days. The same descriptions are shown in Johns gospel. The antichrist in Johns day was a demonic spiritual being behind apostate Israel.

The beast and antichrist are described differently by John and they have different purposes.


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2022
Actually if you look at John's description in his epistles which are the verses that I posted you will see that they are the perfect description of apostate Israel in John's days. The same descriptions are shown in Johns gospel. The antichrist in Johns day was a demonic spiritual being behind apostate Israel.

The beast and antichrist are described differently by John and they have different purposes.
It certainly did include apostate Israel. But John declared that there were already many antichrists, which was true then, and has been true throughout all of Christian history, and will be true until Christ returns.

At various times, there has been and will be a prevailing antichrist of an era e.g. apostate Israel, Nero.

The Reformers recognized that Romanism was the prevailing antichrist of their era. They "overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony", as all antichrists are overcome.

Contrary to dispensational futurism's delusions, there never will be a single "the Antichrist" of all time. That deception was spawned by the apostate papacy as it strove to defeat the Reformation. It failed.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I think this is self explanatory.

Mean while America is asleep....
Protestant Leaders Declare Reunification of Churches Under the Holy See
Posted on July 9, 2015
VATICAN CITY – Following more than five hundred years of separation, American and European Protestant leaders met with Pope Francis last week to finalize the reunification of the two churches under the Holy See. The historic agreement is the result of a year’s worth of unpublicized talks between Protestant leaders and the Vatican.
Prominent American pastors Joel Osteen and Rick Warren, respectively, as well as Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, were among the Protestant delegation that met with Pope Francis last week. Pastor Warren, founder of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, spoke with members of the international press in St. Peter’s Square, saying, “Protestants, as a people, have a long history of heresy. The time for reconciliation is now in order to ensure a full and dogmatic transition into the folds of the Church.”
Moments before meeting with reporters, the entire Protestant delegation, for the first time ever, entered the confessional to take part, individually, in the Sacrament of Penance. “It’s important that we participate in these sacred rituals before asking our congregation to do the same,” Pastor Osteen said, adding that his time in confession was “an immensely moving experience.”
As Protestants around the world make the transition to Catholicism, many are wondering what, exactly, that means for them. “First and foremost we acknowledge the Pope’s infallibility with regard to universal moral declarations, the authority of Church magistrate, faith, and ex cathedra,” said Father Cliff Brogan, a former Protestant pastor who was the first of the delegation to be ordained as a priest at the Vatican. “Secondly, we participate in the sacrament of the Eucharist by accepting the actual body and blood of Christ, an event known as Transubstantiation, at the conclusion of the holy mass.”
As part of their induction into the Catholic faith, all Protestants above the age of fifteen are required to undergo a Catholic Confirmation, one of three sacraments of initiation, out of seven total, which Catholics can receive. “Most, if not all, of us have been baptized,” said Father Brogran. “However, without formal Confirmation, our Protestant baptisms will be null, thus preventing us from entering the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Additionally, during the transition period, American Protestant families whose children attend Sunday School are to receive vouchers allowing them to participate in CCD programs at area Catholic churches.
In a show of support for the reunification under the Holy See, the United Kingdom announced Wednesday that it is taking steps to reunify Northern Ireland with The Republic of Ireland. The government of the UK has acknowledged the stark differences between the two countries, but according to one official, “We are, for the first time, one people, united under the Bishop of Rome, acting together as the bride and servant of Christ.”


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2022
I think this is self explanatory.

Mean while America is asleep....
Protestant Leaders Declare Reunification of Churches Under the Holy See
Posted on July 9, 2015
VATICAN CITY – Following more than five hundred years of separation, American and European Protestant leaders met with Pope Francis last week to finalize the reunification of the two churches under the Holy See. The historic agreement is the result of a year’s worth of unpublicized talks between Protestant leaders and the Vatican.
Prominent American pastors Joel Osteen and Rick Warren, respectively, as well as Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, were among the Protestant delegation that met with Pope Francis last week. Pastor Warren, founder of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, spoke with members of the international press in St. Peter’s Square, saying, “Protestants, as a people, have a long history of heresy. The time for reconciliation is now in order to ensure a full and dogmatic transition into the folds of the Church.”
Moments before meeting with reporters, the entire Protestant delegation, for the first time ever, entered the confessional to take part, individually, in the Sacrament of Penance. “It’s important that we participate in these sacred rituals before asking our congregation to do the same,” Pastor Osteen said, adding that his time in confession was “an immensely moving experience.”
As Protestants around the world make the transition to Catholicism, many are wondering what, exactly, that means for them. “First and foremost we acknowledge the Pope’s infallibility with regard to universal moral declarations, the authority of Church magistrate, faith, and ex cathedra,” said Father Cliff Brogan, a former Protestant pastor who was the first of the delegation to be ordained as a priest at the Vatican. “Secondly, we participate in the sacrament of the Eucharist by accepting the actual body and blood of Christ, an event known as Transubstantiation, at the conclusion of the holy mass.”
As part of their induction into the Catholic faith, all Protestants above the age of fifteen are required to undergo a Catholic Confirmation, one of three sacraments of initiation, out of seven total, which Catholics can receive. “Most, if not all, of us have been baptized,” said Father Brogran. “However, without formal Confirmation, our Protestant baptisms will be null, thus preventing us from entering the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Additionally, during the transition period, American Protestant families whose children attend Sunday School are to receive vouchers allowing them to participate in CCD programs at area Catholic churches.
In a show of support for the reunification under the Holy See, the United Kingdom announced Wednesday that it is taking steps to reunify Northern Ireland with The Republic of Ireland. The government of the UK has acknowledged the stark differences between the two countries, but according to one official, “We are, for the first time, one people, united under the Bishop of Rome, acting together as the bride and servant of Christ.”
What was the reaction of Reformed churches to this?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
What was the reaction of Reformed churches to this?
I'm the 1990s the Lutheran church signed the document agreeing with the Catholic Church on the meaning of justification by faith. There were several bullet points in the agreement, written in language that could be accepted by both sides, but in reality meant no change whatsoever on the Catholic side.
Silver then the Anglican church in Britain had drawn closer to full submission, and various pentecostal church leaders in the states such as Copeland have stated the protest is over.

7 years ago. What happened since then?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
What was the reaction of Reformed churches to this?
After the initial embraces and love letters, then came the working out of that surrender in the political world, with the Pope using climate change as his vehicle for establishing a general submission.
One thing about the leopard. It's patient. It waits for its opportunities, and takes advantage of circumstances and politics and the condition of society to use any means at it's disposal to grow it's influence. For a while it was COVID. Now it's climate change. But that's not all. Connect the dots...
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