Partnering With Biblocality Forums Made Easy

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New Member
Jan 26, 2011
I put your banner up on my biblocality site with a link back to your forums just to show you what it would look like, then you could do the same. And if you and I could get one or two other forums as well, we could all mutually share our banners and links in our headers.

What do you say? It's certainly a novel idea and could make big headway against the Roman Church or the Calvinist forums, two of the largest forums out there.


New Member
Jan 26, 2011
In terms of appearance I only like your forum so for now just yours and mine. Let's give it a trial run for 75 days from Feb. 15 to say end of March.

You can use either banner (I have two forum styles) and resize with a height of 50px as I did for your banner here linking to your forums: http://biblocality.c...orums/forum.php.

We certainly will have differences, but in joining one another, let's put them aside, and grow in understanding.



People see Christians showing solidarity and unity, sharing and giving, etc.


New Member
Dec 11, 2006
Let me think on it a bit. :)

I am sure you will read through the other web site before you decide, hammer. Personally I think it is a bad idea to have that forum linked to CB. There is a lot of false teaching over there.


New Member
Jan 26, 2011
I am sure you will read through the other web site before you decide, hammer. Personally I think it is a bad idea to have that forum linked to CB. There is a lot of false teaching over there.

I don't want you to do it if you feel uncomfortable, but then again, many things in life we must do and we know we ought to do them even though they may challenge our feelings. This is how we grow. Read the questions at registration and the additional 18 questions your profile, for a total of 37 questions to understand exactly what is believed at biblocality forums,

I think this will be mutually beneficial in higher google ranking and to keep abreast of how a different forum program works and where there are differences, and there will be, it is best to really understand the other person by being conscientious and empathetic.

We will be the first to benefit from such an exchange because nobody has done it before. The greatest benefit comes in the beginning.


New Member
Jan 26, 2011
I just made this up. Did I miss any B's?

B is for Believing
B is for Born-Again
B is for Baptism
B is for the Body of Christ
B is for Bought
B is for Building
B is for Biblocality


New Member
Jan 26, 2011

The Lord spoke to me Tom and said I can't be affiliated with you after all because you are a Calvinist, thus unsaved, and going to Hell, since you refuse to give your life to the God who provides sufficient grace to all to have the choice and worship a god who sends children to hell or as soon as they reach the age of accountability given no grace or opportunity to be saved.

As Dave Hunt would ay, What Love is That?

on a lighter note if you do end up giving your life to Christ one day like this fella who was a Calvist for 26 years then left it and gave his life to Christ for real to be born-again, it could happen to you too. If it does, tell me the good news.



New Member
Jan 26, 2011
Isn't a decision to link with a forum also linking with it's members?
I can't be associated with an owner or admin or moderators of a forum who are Calvinists. They are evil through and through.

I guess I will have to remain a "little flock" (Luke 12.32). And is controlled by administrators that are over 50% Roman Catholics. We ought not to be like a small seed of a small bush that grows into a large tree so birds can land in it. Birds represent demons. Just like Matt Slick's forums at CARM, he has a slanted cross or a crooked cross for his banner. Do you see?

B is for Bible.


New Member
Jan 26, 2011
The 7 B's of Biblical Christianity

B is for Bible in 66 books.

B is for Believing in Christ.

B is for Born-Again Receiving Eternal Life.

B is for Bought by His Precious Blood.

B is for Baptism of Water (Figuratively) and the Holy Spirit.

B is for Building the Body of Christ with the Good News.

B is for Biblocality in organazing the Church.

Biblocality Defined: Informal Apostles, directly commissioned by God, work regionally to appoint Elders of a locality, and the Elders of a locality approve the Elders of meeting places within the locality.


New Member
Nov 18, 2010
The Lord spoke to me Tom and said I can't be affiliated with you after all because you are a Calvinist, thus unsaved, and going to Hell, since you refuse to give your life to the God who provides sufficient grace to all to have the choice and worship a god who sends children to hell or as soon as they reach the age of accountability given no grace or opportunity to be saved.

As Dave Hunt would ay, What Love is That?

It's actually greater love than free will, because it's love that in no way could I have ever earned on my own, and yet he still chose to love me. How wonderful is that!?!?!?

I think it's a rather poor choice to partner with any forum, regardless of beliefs, that feels they have the right to judge people to hell.


New Member
Jan 26, 2011
It's actually greater love than free will, because it's love that in no way could I have ever earned on my own, and yet he still chose to love me. How wonderful is that!?!?!?

I think it's a rather poor choice to partner with any forum, regardless of beliefs, that feels they have the right to judge people to hell.
Satan is a great accuser but can never back up his accusation.


New Member
Nov 18, 2010
Satan is a great accuser but can never back up his accusation.
Where'd you get that from? It certainly wasn't the Bible.

In fact, the BIBLE shows us that Satan knows Scripture quite well.

Regardless, your argument is still moot. You're proclaiming certain groups to hell. Unless the Bible specifically speaks against it (IE, it's God's judgement), that's not your job.
Now tell me why anyone in this forum would want to partner with someone that feels they've taken on the position of God?

Additionally, your knowledge of Calvinistic teachings demonstrates your ignorance.
Calvinists are big on the sovereignty of God. That everything happens by and for his will.

Your assertion that Calvinists don't believe what they teach (that we are not submitted to God) is just ludicrous. What you say they don't do is exactly what they practice and teach!

You can believe God initiates the salvation process. Or you can believe you do it. It really doesn't matter which way you believe, what matters is if you're a follower of Christ or not.
You can be a follower of Christ and hold to either view. Your assertions that the way you believe the salvation process works is dependent upon salvation demonstrates an entire ignorance of the gospel message.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand

I am sure you will read through the other web site before you decide, hammer. Personally I think it is a bad idea to have that forum linked to CB. There is a lot of false teaching over there.

It would be difficult to monitor the debates that will occur when forum members converge...which would be a likely conclusion. I know that you will consider it prayerfully brother!



New Member
Jan 26, 2011
Where'd you get that from? It certainly wasn't the Bible.

In fact, the BIBLE shows us that Satan knows Scripture quite well.

Regardless, your argument is still moot. You're proclaiming certain groups to hell. Unless the Bible specifically speaks against it (IE, it's God's judgement), that's not your job.
Now tell me why anyone in this forum would want to partner with someone that feels they've taken on the position of God?

Additionally, your knowledge of Calvinistic teachings demonstrates your ignorance.
Calvinists are big on the sovereignty of God. That everything happens by and for his will.

Your assertion that Calvinists don't believe what they teach (that we are not submitted to God) is just ludicrous. What you say they don't do is exactly what they practice and teach!

You can believe God initiates the salvation process. Or you can believe you do it. It really doesn't matter which way you believe, what matters is if you're a follower of Christ or not.
You can be a follower of Christ and hold to either view. Your assertions that the way you believe the salvation process works is dependent upon salvation demonstrates an entire ignorance of the gospel message.

What a weird thing to say when you think Satan is not the great accuser: " for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night" (Rev. 12.10). He is the father of lies (John 8.44). He uses Scripture by twisting it in his accusations like a Calvinist.

See you are like Satan the great accuser: accusing of "taken on the position of God". You're not really accusing me but God for God says the Calvinist is not saved, for this is not how to genuinely receive Christ by pridefully assuming you were irreistibly selected. You want a selfish salvation so you remain unsaved.

OSAS Arminians also believe everything is within God's providential care, but we do not worship the evil spirit as you do who manifests himself as an angel of light. We find nowhere in God's word the evil that you perpetrate of a god who would send children to Hell with no grace or opportunity to be saved and irresistibly impose salvation on others. What love is that? God does not have to be an evil tyrant.

God is clear that in order to be saved you must genuinely repent and believe on Him to be regenerated. Since you admit you never did, you admit you are unsaved and going to Hell. In short, you worship a false Christ by accepting an evil spirit that came over you to allegedly regenerate you that made you repent and believe, but this would not be true repentance, since it is forced. You entered into Satan's counterfeit salvation.

You debase it truly repenting to be regenerated, but the reality is if you don't truly receive Christ as He would have you, then He does not know you, nor do I.

Jesus told him, 'If you want to be perfect, go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me'" (Matt. 19.21). Calvinists are too selfish to do this with their idol of Total depravity that says they can't, so they won't. He didn't say, I will let you know if you are saved or not by irresistibly regenerating you so that you can follow me, or when you get to Hell you will realize I passed over you. No. The selling is repentance, so you need to repent, believe, follow and receive. Thus, He said "come, follow me." "Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee" (Matt. 19.27). Who followed thee? Peter and the disciples. God provides sufficient grace to be able to do so: "Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible" (Matt. 19.26) which speaks of His sufficient grace to us all to have the choice.

"The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all men everywhere to repent" (Acts 17.31).

"If ye be willing and obedient" (Is. 1.19).

"Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out" (Acts 3.19).

Salvation is promised to all ("Repent, and be baptized every one of you" [Acts 2.38]), contingent upon individual faith ("Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved" [Acts 16.31]).

None of these verses say this grace is irresistibly given to us. We have a choice.

It would be difficult to monitor the debates that will occur when forum members converge...which would be a likely conclusion. I know that you will consider it prayerfully brother!

We are not to be equally yoked with false Christians, and since christianityboard is mostly a Calvinist site of false Christians, we can't in good conscience be connected with you in any way.

If you were an OSAS Arminian site, then that would be different. Each forum could continue to operate as they normally do however much converging and cross-forum sharing there may be.

Who are the false Christians if not Calvinists, non-OSASers, amillennialists, preterists, postmills and bipartite adherents of the view the soul is the spirit?

Seek after the dividing of your spirit, soul and body,


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
We are not to be equally yoked with false Christians, and since christianityboard is mostly a Calvinist site of false Christians, we can't in good conscience be connected with you in any way.

If you were an OSAS Arminian site, then that would be different. Each forum could continue to operate as they normally do however much converging and cross-forum sharing there may be.

Who are the false Christians if not Calvinists, non-OSASers, amillennialists, preterists, postmills and bipartite adherents of the view the soul is the spirit?

Seek after the dividing of your spirit, soul and body,
The bible says that we are not to be equally yoked with unbelievers....your assumption that these people are false is determined by what measure?

2 Corinthians 6:14

[sup]14[/sup] Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?

since christianityboard is mostly a Calvinist site of false Christians, we can't in good conscience be connected with you in any way.
Huh? :huh:

Who are the false Christians if not Calvinists, non-OSASers, amillennialists, preterists, postmills and bipartite adherents of the view the soul is the spirit?

Seek after the dividing of your spirit, soul and body,
I do not know anything about Calvinists or OSASers, amills or any of the belief systems that you have quoted...but I have a feeling that you are making a problem on your forum, become a problem on this forum where no problem exists.

It is relatively straight forward here.... abide by the forum rules or be deactivated...I'm sure that people will get plenty of warning beforehand.

Bless you!


New Member
Jan 26, 2011
The bible says that we are not to be equally yoked with unbelievers....your assumption that these people are false is determined by what measure?
I already said, why ask the question again after you already quoted me?

"Since christianityboard is mostly a Calvinist site of false Christians, we can't in good conscience be connected with you in any way."

I think a child could understand that. It's very simple, there are lots of false Christians out there and here mostly too on this basis.

I've been bombarded by nothing but amillennialists and calvinists. If it quacks like a duck and walks like one it is one.

At Biblocality Forums, amillennialists, gibberish babblers (Pentecostals), Calvinists, Sabbatarians and non-OSASers are not allowed to post in the Christian forum sections since they are not born-again,


They are allowed to discuss what they want in their respective forums under Legalized and Lawless Christianity, Non-Trinitarians and under Society also. They are not allowed to post in the categories: "Redemptive Design", "Deeper Christian Life" and "End of this Age".
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