Putin Interview & Justification for Peace

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
NATO may have provoked a conflict by encroaching on Russia's and China's borders. But no one waged war on Russia or China.
These 2 sentences are contradictory. Encroachment is waging war. See Cuban Missile crisis.
I don't believe Russia was in the right
It's right to say NATO was in the wrong for provoking Russia.

I believe our society has become too soft and feminized, no longer recognize the horror of war as a powerful inducement to keep the peace. NATO altered the balance of power with the encroachment, forcing Russia's hand.

And all of this could have been avoided.
How could this have been avoided? NATO could have respected agreements previously made with Russia to not expand East.

JFK talked about how modern weapons of war are, in themselves, a clear and present danger. Fast forward half a century, how much more so? JFK had the moral clarity to recognize sovereigty is under attack by the mere presence of the weapons AND invasion, waiting for an actual attack to begin is too late to respond. Hence, the justification for pre-emptive strikes for the last half a century. It's not suddenly morally wrong when a country outside of NATO does it.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
So wrong on so many levels.
  1. Ukraine suspended elections after the coup - that I provided evidence for.
  2. Ukraine is losing this war. It is the common man in Ukraine that wise men should seek peace.
  3. Tipping balance of power. Your "offer" does not address NATO aggression, the cause of the war.
You have no justification for peace. So, the slaughter continues. Too bad you weren't guided to peace.
Lol…You keep me in stitches wrangler. You asked for my justification for peace. I answered your questioN and tell me I’m wrong. how can i be wrong. I answered your question. I think what you meant to say is that you disagree with me. But wrong? Lol…

Then you go into a non-sensical rhetoric and propaganda filled response that has nothing to do with the subject matter…Lol

I don’t see where you gave any evidence of a coup. What post was that?

Russia is losing. They expected to have taken the entire country in weeks. Here we are a year later….Lol

You equate nations agreeing to join NATO to agression and Russia aggression of attacking ANOTHER sovereign country as justified…Lol

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Lol…You keep me in stitches wrangler. You asked for my justification for peace. I answered your questioN and tell me I’m wrong. how can i be wrong. I answered your question. I think what you meant to say is that you disagree with me. But wrong? Lol…

Then you go into a non-sensical rhetoric and propaganda filled response that has nothing to do with the subject matter…Lol

I don’t see where you gave any evidence of a coup. What post was that?

Russia is losing. They expected to have taken the entire country in weeks. Here we are a year later….Lol

You equate nations agreeing to join NATO to agression and Russia aggression of attacking ANOTHER sovereign country as justified…Lol
You are heading towards Nuclear War in fact, by escalating the War in fact, that's were it will end, in a Nuclear War in fact !
Russia will never give up this bit of land to such a hostile group of men who have brought this all on in fact !

I say lets stop the War ! come together and work it out ! but Joe Biden and all clearly have no intention at all in fact to do so in fact ! so all that is happening is that this will escalate to a point that it will go Nuclear in fact ! because Russia can not afford to back down and let their number one Military Base be lost in fact !

Not to mention all that was needed was a right Vote in fact and that was rejected ! so Putin's hand was forced in fact ! regardless who ever was the Leader of Russia you would see the same action taken in fact and thanks that Putin is in power or we would of seen a total invasion of Ukraine, but Putin is nice ! and most Russians want Russia to clean up this blight in Ukraine !

Lucky Putin is looking down the track to be in good standing with the Ukraine people, it's not them who is the problem at all, but for a Mob of Nazis and hand full of very wealthy Mob that created the stupid Nazis in fact over years, i have seen this Mob of Nazis being groomed by that old Nazi G Soros and co, going on for years before all this.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
You are heading towards Nuclear War
Seems like the feminine solution is an escape from justice; just nag about how war should not have started to begin with.
Just say that over and over and over again.​

Just go back to the injustice before the war began (retreat from enemy soil though no defeat in battle).
Just say that over and over and over again.​

Completely ignoring any justification for peace now that we are in a state of war. No justice. No peace.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Seems like the feminine solution is an escape from justice; just nag about how war should not have started to begin with.
Just say that over and over and over again.​

Just go back to the injustice before the war began (retreat from enemy soil though no defeat in battle).
Just say that over and over and over again.​

Completely ignoring any justification for peace now that we are in a state of war. No justice. No peace.
You are going to get smashed like you could never of thought could happen and that's all of us will cop it in fact ! That's were the MSM is heading, people are going to die in the billions most starved to death !

The West Governments are controlled by homosexuals and such people are not mature in fact ! they live in a fantasy land.

Joe Biden is a deranged queer sexual Boy, a simpleton in fact ! He is a grave danger to the World and is total Evil ! same with Zelensky as they are not Men at all but total morons in fact ! They clearly have no regards to the deaths that their stupidity has caused !

WW3 caused by such dip sticks !

Now for the reality. Who cares about a strip of land that borders Russia, to go into WW3 ! over such, not to mention it's non of the West business in fact ! We have no rights to be their provoking the stupid War !

Oh hang on ! it's the huge amount of Oil and Gas, that's a real issue !

Next is that Russia can supply cheap oil to the world in fact and Joe Biden and Co do not want that at all !
Because they want the consumer to pay huge money for fuel in fact ! and not to mention that they want to reduce the amount of fuel used, they claim Global warming dictates this is a has to be !

Not to mention they also are totally dedicated to reducing the worlds population in fact ! moron ! but how can they do such !
Well Socialism is the wheel that will do such in fact ! Your rights to speak out will be even more dominated over and just like the real issue regarding Ukraine, will be all only more only one sided crap ! just like back in the days of Hitler and Stalin were dominating over the people like total morons and fact is if you were under such rule you had to shut your mouth or you were killed fool ! and all the people you know will be interrogated fool ! all your pathetic Face book friends will be called out for everything they have put forward, if only Hitler had such a tool back in the days moron !

Wake up fools ! you are being taken for a ride, it's called, The Socialist Express ! fools ! you all are going to be dictated over in fact ! wake up you simple minded slobs ! Ukraine is a non issue and can be called off in a day ! fact is that them people are being killed homes destroyed etc but the West could not truly give a rats arse in fact ! Morons ! you have killed them people in fact, it's because of you all are asleep at the wheel !

The Issue of the Jews is clear some moronic clowns brought it on and attacked Israel in fact !
They brought it on !
They were clearly happy to do this to the Jews ! but hang on the Jews struck back ! and the Jews have every right to do what they have done in fact, it's their back yard !
Why would the Jews put up with all the total rubbish that the moronic Goy peddle in the West.
The West are total fools in fact !
The Jews PM understand the issue at hand and is smart about what needs to be done in fact, do not listen to the West for they are total idiots, it's not the West who has such a trash people on their doorstep 24/7 !

But then again all this support for Islamic trash ! who would like nothing better than to kill every Jew and all of the people in the West ya moronic fools !

If it was not for the real Jews, you all would be living under a rock in fact !
The way of life that we once had was all thanks to the real Jews !

You all are being set up ! you all have no idea what Nazi Socialism is truly all about in fact and Communism.

What has happened here is that the West has given the Islamic trash the go ahead with Terrorism ! and they will be on your door next you morons ! It's all thumbs up from Biden and MSM ! The biggest deranged trash ever !
Do not support Islam at all ! they need to be taught a lesson ! so as to never attack Israel again in fact ! They wanted it ! they got it ! typical of Islam trash !

Not all Arabs or Islamic people are trash but They need to clean up their act and stop the top dogs from dominating over everyone like a mongrel dog in fact ! Just as the West has to stop the deranged queers from dominating over everyone with their total filth !

Un Godly people bring about the wrath of God in fact. so do not go along with such as them.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
You did reply. I grant you that. However, you offered no justification for peace.
I did offer justification for peace. You just don't like my "reply" (answer).

What is your justification for peace?

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Seems like the feminine solution is an escape from justice; just nag about how war should not have started to begin with.
Just say that over and over and over again.​

Just go back to the injustice before the war began (retreat from enemy soil though no defeat in battle).
Just say that over and over and over again.​

Completely ignoring any justification for peace now that we are in a state of war. No justice. No peace.

I watched a documentary on Alexi Navalny last night. So interesting (and also sad) what happened to him. He was an agitator-- a Russian lawyer standing up to the corruption that exists as part of the Putin regime and group of insiders (oligarchs)......

He was a Russian version of Trump vs the Biden regime and corruption.

So they killed him. Without a doubt-- Putin killed him.

This-- from Putin's perspective, is keeping the peace. It certainly wasn't justice.

Everybody wants to choose their own starting point and to use that point of preference as the point of reference.

Somebody needs to step in and say ''NO MORE! Enough. This ALL stops NOW."

And that person is likely Donald Trump and no one else. (if Biden doesn't have him killed)
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I watched a documentary on Alexi Navalny last night. So interesting (and also sad) what happened to him. He was an agitator-- a Russian lawyer standing up to the corruption that exists as part of the Putin regime and group of insiders (oligarchs)......

He was a Russian version of Trump vs the Biden regime and corruption.

So they killed him. Without a doubt-- Putin killed him.

This-- from Putin's perspective, is keeping the peace. It certainly wasn't justice.

Everybody wants to choose their own starting point and to use that point of preference as the point of reference.

Somebody needs to step in and say ''NO MORE! Enough. This ALL stops NOW."

And that person is likely Donald Trump and no one else. (if Biden doesn't have him killed)
Corruption is everywhere in fact as Jesus said of this world is full of deceptions and delusions !

People call out corruption all the time and what happens ? it goes no where or is a hell of a struggle to expose such things.

Who was Alexi Navalny anyway, Australia as sure as hell did not know what he was totally on about at all, this was not open and free by our MSM so to be able to find out clearly what he was on about with elections !
You clearly had no right to know about such things in fact, and that's out MSM in fact stance !

Why is that i asked ? well they do not want us to be truly in formed of what he was preaching ? because this dude was not a Christian at all in fact and was a Communist and a queer supporter and only Anti Russia !
He was on the NWO side = a World dominated by Communism, sure it is a new type of Communism but once it truly takes place, then they will just tighten the screws down so as too become just as the old totally depraved Communism was in fact, not to mention this clown was supporting the creepy Queers totally, so with people like that the World has no hope at all !
They work so as to lower everyone to the lowest denominator and that is clearly what Joe Biden is all about in fact !
The idolising of depravity in fact ! Such will only bring on Hellfire ! it's a total creep show ! down right disgusting filth, self ego trip display, they are only leading people astray and into Hell !

Navalny own mob could of poisoned him just enough to be the display boy ! not to mention i can see no reason why Pution would want him dead at all and especially now before an election. it just does not make sense.
But here we have the MSM spewing out total nonsense once again ! look at the demand for the mum to have the body ? can we demand the body of such like that is Australia No way ! and remember if Russia was still the Communist Nation it once was, who anyone demand such a thing. Not to mention demand anything in fact !

Would USA take on Communist Russia, No way !
Communist Russia was total Hell in fact and all of what they got away with ? did the USA care or the West give are rats arse ! No it did not ! Talk about the criminal activity of Russia nowadays ? It's nothing at all in fact to what once was in fact and this is all due to Putin has kept such creepy fat cats out of doing harm to the Russian people in fact. yet such is under wraps within and not out of control ! not to mention such withing Australia criminal activity has only been on the rise in fact and it's the Government who have clearly created such trash to run loose ! same in the USA ? They empower all of the morons in fact to run loose ! and clearly make the cops job only harder to deal with such. Socialist Governments have clearly set it all up so as to bring on hellfire, people live in fear nowadays of a range of so many things, your money is not even safe, people have been hacked scammed and the ones get away off the hook or if they do get caught they could not care less they will spend some time in Jail means nothing to them as they will be out and directly into it again, the money that they make is worth it all !
plus they are proud of themselves for doing such to people and could not care less who they harmed at all !


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Seems like the feminine solution is an escape from justice; just nag about how war should not have started to begin with.
Just say that over and over and over again.​
Nope, simply not true. This is a misogynist attempt to dig at Mayrmog. Disgusting...

Many men on this forum and worldwide have been nagging about how war should not have started to begin with INCLUDING some inside Russia. You are, ONCE AGAIN, wrong. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
He was a Russian version of Trump vs the Biden regime and corruption.

So they killed him. Without a doubt-- Putin killed him.

I hope Trump picks a good VP... because if the dems cheating apparatus is not dialed in and
Trump is re-elected, I would not be surprised if they don't what Trump to get him out of the way

These people support murdering innocent little babies so we know what they are capable of.

LOL. You don't think men can become feminized?

Er... that'd what satan has been doing the past few decades.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
LOL. You don't think men can become feminized?
You are a bizarre person. Just because men can become feminized has NOTHING to do with what we are talking about. Would you care to address what we are talking about or continue to bloviate? I already know you choose bloviate so you don't need to answer......

What you said was a misogynist dig at Mayrmog. Your bizarre suggestion that the feminine solution is an escape from justice makes zero sense and I suspect you will never apologize for saying it.........I take that back......I KNOW you will never apologize.