Seventh-day Adventist

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The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
Last night I had a weird dream. I was in 1810 southern states as a 6 year old with 2 younger sisters. Our parents were the Beverly Hillbillies.



Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
Apostasy in scripture means people have abandoned the faith and are giving heed to deceiving spirits and demonic doctrines.
So apostates in Christianity are those who are going to hell, the SDA considers catholic and protestant to be apostate churches that are going to hell. Hypocrite is another useful word here.
This is a lie. God's people are in every church. Also, your post upthread about Adventists believe in works . well here's the deal, Neil.

We are justified by faith. We are saved only by Jesus. Now, if you recall, Jesus, when He spoke of the Law, magnified it. For example, recall what He said about adultery and murder That is a man even looks upon a woman with lust, he commits adultery, and hating someone is the same as murder. But you've got it that a few years later all that teaching goes away on the Cross. Nope. He would not have taught us the depth of the Law, unless He wanted us to know. Same with Sabbath. It was the Pharisees who put all those laws on Sabbathkeeping--Jesus didn't. He also say that He kept His Father's Commands. Why? Out of love and service.
Here it is in a nutshell. We give our hearts to the Lord, He makes us new creatures. We want to do His will out of love for Him. SDA believe that the Sabbath was never changed. OK?

So what's the problem? Why is the bee in your bonnet? We who love the Lord follow Him. There are many Sunday keepers who love the Lord. There is no condemnation to them..
The only problem is if you are shown something and it is starting to bother you, it's time to act on it. Lots of examples of that. Here is one.I smoked for decades, I gave it up--took awhile, but smoke free now for over a decade, etc. I felt it sinful for me. There is a brother here on the forums whom I esteem deeply--he smokes, and he is a Christian. It maybe doesn't bother him. That's fine. You can't tell me from his postings that he doesn't love the Lord. IMO, he is one of the most Christian people here.

I'm in church on Sabbath--I don't give a hang where you are, even if its with a bowl of Fruity Pebbles in front of Saturday morning cartoons. ***************As long as you are walking in the light you have, you are good to go.***********