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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Lets understand what it means to be a powerless Christian.

So, how do you become one of those... ?

1.) A powerless Christian: is a believer who is sinning, repenting, and confessing, and BELIEVES that this is "real Christianity", that "can't change"..."it'll always be like that'...

Now, the reason a Believer believe this anti-scriptural nonsense is not because of the New Testament, but its because of the way they have been taught to believe the bible....the NT.
See that?

2.) Taught wrong = believe wrong.

So, to become a powerless Christian is to be led to believe, how to do it wrong...= to exist as a powerless Christian : is to keep doing what you've been taught wrong, that keeps you there, in spiritual darkness.

Its like this Saint.....if you find yourself in a deep hole, then stop digging.

So, to escape this carnal digging, is to come away from... and out of, what is keeping your Christianity, ruined,...... and that is a mental stronghold.

3. ) Now, The Grace of God, is all the redeeming power of God freely given, that is achieved by Jesus's Blood and Death and Resurrection, which is: "THE FINISHED WORK...OF...= Jesus on the Cross".
Now, is that you?
Are you the finished work of Jesus on the Cross?
Yes you are...
See, being Born Again, the BELIEVERS..... ARE ALL the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, as the born again exists as every "new creation" "In Christ".
The "fruit" of the Cross, is the CHURCH< is the Body of Christ, is the Bride of Christ, is ALL the BORN AGAIN.
See that? ??
If you are born again, (not water baptized) but BORN AGAIN....then you are God's spiritual fruit, the fruit of "the finished work of God (Jesus) on the Cross".
Thats you, if you are born again.

Now you have not seen this about yourself before, because you are not being taught correctly who you are : in Christ.
So lets correct that so that (some of you) don't have to waste the rest of your Christianity trying to be....instead of being always who you are already born again to exist......as..
See, its all about BELIEVING RIGHT.,... Saint.


4.) To exist as God has re-created you to be, which is born again INTO The Spirit of GOD, as a "new Creation" In Christ..as "ONE" with God and Christ.. .To exist there, in THAT POWER, in that GRACE, is REAL Christianity..... and this is entirely related to how you THINK and BELIEVE.

See, its not by works of Righteousness, but its by God's GRACE that you are born again, that you are a Christian, and that you have Eternal Life.
That is all of God, and none of you.
Salvation is all of God's supply and none of your self effort..

There are 2 minds, that a Believer can exit within.
You are in one or the other at all times.
Most of you have been taught to exist within the mind of the flesh.
The mind of the flesh, is to try to be good, do good, strive against sin, = and all of this, is being attempted by WILL POWER......by Striving with your self effort.
And That is how you live a powerless discipleship that will always fail.
Thats wrong believing.

And why does this happen?
Its because to exist in discipleship Holiness, is to exist only AS God's perspective as your renewed MIND.
What does that mean?
It means that for you to live in the elevated life of Holiness, as a perfected lifestyle, you have to exist in the right spiritual MIND that is in perfect alignment with God's mind.. = His Perspective of you.
You have to only and always see yourself as God's sees you, and as God has recreated you to EXIST within the Kingdom of God. as...>"translated FROM darkness TO Light.". "seated IN Heavenly places IN Christ".
Saint, that is the real you, and that is where you eternally live, as "born again".
The reason you will get a new body, is because you have to have one that matches the born again REAL You.
See it?

5.) Look at this verse...>"As JESUS IS...so ARE the Born AGAIN.....IN THIS WORLD""".
That is RIGHT NOW.
Do you see that?
That is who you are, "in Christ".....YET, if you are sinning and repenting, you are not living AS CHRIST in this World, .....YET, you are currently "as Jesus is, so are the born again, in this world".
So, where is the disconnect between who you are "in Christ", vs, how you behave as a lifestyle??
The disconnect is your MIND.
You are not in the right mind..... you are in the Carnal mind, which is the mind that tries to do good, and be good, to get good.
Its the carnal mind that is trying to be at peace with God, and live in peace with God, and be blessed, all based on your SELF EFFORT.
That is the wrong mind., and as long as you exist there, you are not walking in the Spirit, and you are never going to have any power to live Holy.

See, Salvation is an interesting situation.....as , once the blood of Jesus has redeemed you, then this REAL YOU is "incorruptible"......is all that God sees.... of you.
Yet, you can live on earth, as a sinning confessing powerless Christian in LIFE.
99.9% do.

So, what you have to do, is resolve the corrupted discipleship by existing in the power of God's Grace by RIGHT BELIEVING..... that empowers you to live that Lifestyle of Holiness.
And where is that power found?.....its only found in God's Grace. As its only God's Grace that empowers you to live the holy life, through your mind of faith that understands this spiritual reality.
You have to exist in that right MIND all the time, or you become double minded, and then carnally minded.

6.) So, until you have that mind, and exist there.... then God's Grace that is the only power that achieves the holy life in you, can't empower you to do it.
You have to resolve that disconnect that has happened in your Mind of Faith.
Your faith is wrong, and that plays out as :sinning and confessing and repenting, and believing that you can lose your salvation.

Living the Holy Life, is only found where it always exists...and that is not within your self effort.
It's only found in God's Grace, as this is where you rest from self effort = and live in this understanding that is the right MIND that IS the place of God's Grace.
Get that MIND, live there, and you find God's Grace which is the POWER to live the Holy Discipleship..

See, you've been taught that God started your salvation, and now you are to work it out for yourself. And that is why you can't.......Its because you can't work OUT< what you didnt cause or create and what you dont control..... So.. when you try to do this by self effort then you are disconnected from God's Power, which is the Grace of God that IS The Power that of Itself,..... lives the Holy Life through you.

7.) Here is the KEY...>The Holy Life is God Living His Holiness through you, and not you trying to live it by self effort.

Now you think about that Saint, and find your way into that right mind, and you'll soon discovere that by resting in and on the Grace of God, you always find THE endless POWER of God's GRACE : that God provides to live His Holy Life Through you.

Saint You don't live it....because you can't......and that is why you fail.
The answer is, "it is not I who lives, but Christ who lives IN ME">.....
See that?
That is how you live the Holy life...... you stop trying to do it, and you instead rest in God's Grace, where you find God living His Holy Life through you, AS YOUR Discipleship.

8.) What is God's Grace, as the right mind? ?????
Its knowing always in perfect faith, that God is always at peace with you, no matter what you do.
Its understanding that the blood of Jesus, is WHY God is always at peace with you.
Its to BELIEVE this TRUTH, =is to understand God's Grace.

Or as Jesus taught you...>"apart from ME, you can do NOTHING">...which Means...>"when you try to do it, you always fail to do it, and you sin and repent and confess"....but when you rest in God's Grace.... then I the LORD am released to live MY HOLINESS Through you.
See that?
That is the right MIND.
And when you live there in your believing Faith, you are "walking in the Spirit", IN The Mind of Christ, and your mind is "Renewed" and your LIFESTYLE then always reflects real HOLINESS.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
but when you rest in God's Grace.... then I the LORD am released to live MY HOLINESS Through you.
After all . . . God wouldn't want you think that you are successful on your own!

Either, Fallen from Grace, or, Resting in Grace!

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
After all . . . God wouldn't want you think that you are successful on your own!
Either, Fallen from Grace, or, Resting in Grace!
Much love!

Unbelievers think like this...... "well, i know you, ive known you all your life, and i knew you before you became a Jesus Freak.....and, i never did half the bad things that you have done.....So, if God will let you into heaven, knowing what you've done, then certainly, he'll let me into heaven, as i was always a lot better person then you"..

So, Reader, what is wrong with that picture?

Its this...

That unbeliever might be better than all of us, if we compared our lives to theirs....but, see...here is the thing..... God compares their life to JESUS.... who is Perfect...>Who is Sinless, and who is GOD.
And that then..= is their BIG ETERNAL problem, .. as compared to Jesus, we, they,.... are all, dirty, and moreso..

So, the issue isnt our righteousness, as we dont have any of ourselves.
The issue is......the eternal issue is.....Do you have God's Righteousness or NOT?
You do if you are born again.