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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2010
United States
Despite memories posted i don't feel i identify or have identified as an actual abductee. Don't recall anything more than mentioned.

To give validation i guess anyone could be programmed a little differently. Since they are inhumane they could torment one with future events but another past or present.
I feel like i knew about a few future events.
I wasn't an actual alien abductee either. They wanted me to believe that I was to hide the truth about what they were really doing to me. So they had me under heavy mind control and UFO/alien programming. Either that programming broke down or I was able to break through the barriers in my subconscious to what really happened to me. Since that was a good thing, I give the LORD all the glory for that and I'm thankful to Him.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2010
United States
I thought i wouldn't make it on at all today but did earlier.
Today is hard because my dad said in front of someone ( though i don't think they were listening ) that i am mean and don't respond when he calls me boobsaloobsy .
Also it was discussed large families in past times . And i said that i won't have probably more than three kids let alone twelve at this point. My dad said that i should get IVF
And i feel disgusted now for some reason . Other than that he told me to do a same dance that a younger niece did and i felt her dancing was inappropriate for her age.

I feel sad :( i didn't think it would be this weird
My stepfather had a nickname for me. I don't think I should type it out, this is a Christian forum. The only thing that saved me from him at that time was my age. He preferred older girls like my sister and his own biological daughter.

My mother and her sister, my aunt, had a lot of children. My aunt had at least twelve. My mother had nine children that lived, four by my father and five by my stepfather, and at least three that didn't live by my stepfather. My stepfather beat her so badly when she was pregnant that she lost three. My mother's sister, my aunt, would delight in comparing me to my mother and not in a good way. When she found out that I only had three children, she said something to the effect that I didn't turn out like my mother did in that way. Even though she had twelve children herself. She was a real piece of work. I was initially placed with her until a foster home could be found. If I had to describe her in a nutshell, I would say that she was the devil's sister.

The way she treated me, the things she did to me; she enjoyed inflicting torture on me. She deprived me of food and water, locked me out of the house while she and her children went to town/shopping leaving me there outside the house no matter what the temperature was and no matter how long they were gone, made me sleep on the porch with the dogs as the swamp mosquitos ate me up, used a switch on me to wake up me up in the mornings, made me wear worn out raggedy clothes, made me repeat the awful things she said about my mother in front of her company, made me say that I was as bad and sorry as my mother and that I was just like her in front of her company and she would laugh, cackle like a witch. I had told my social worker how she was treating me but apparently she didn't believe me until she showed up early one morning unexpectedly and found me on the front porch where I had been all night. By that time I was covered head to toe with sores and malnourished, sick and had jaundice.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I thought i wouldn't make it on at all today but did earlier.
Today is hard because my dad said in front of someone ( though i don't think they were listening ) that i am mean and don't respond when he calls me boobsaloobsy .
Also it was discussed large families in past times . And i said that i won't have probably more than three kids let alone twelve at this point. My dad said that i should get IVF
And i feel disgusted now for some reason . Other than that he told me to do a same dance that a younger niece did and i felt her dancing was inappropriate for her age.

I feel sad :( i didn't think it would be this weird
I am disgusted by the way your father treats you and even more disgusted that your "mother" thinks it's okay and normal. But somehow, I really believe she knows it's wrong.

I'm sorry you have had to live with this sort of treatment. Praying for you!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2010
United States
I am disgusted by the way your father treats you and even more disgusted that your "mother" thinks it's okay and normal. But somehow, I really believe she knows it's wrong.

I'm sorry you have had to live with this sort of treatment. Praying for you!
It really angers me because her mother is so much like my mother. Or should I say, the way my mother was because she passed away last year. Although I speak of her as if she still lives....she left a trail of abuse and destruction that still torments me. We were never able to reconcile. She just wouldn't stop breaking my heart into a million pieces. Always adding insult to injury. She never took responsibility for her actions and for what she did. She certainly never said that she was sorry, not for a single thing that she did. She stayed with my stepfather right on up till he died and she continually defended him even after he died. She actually wanted to show me pictures of him taken at his funeral!!! I really had to bite my tongue. And I said, no, I don't think I want to see those pictures. While at the same time, there was not a single picture of me, my brother or my two sisters anywhere on her walls. Not one. It was as if she erased us. Like we didn't exist.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2021
Western United States
United States
It really angers me because her mother is so much like my mother. Or should I say, the way my mother was because she passed away last year. Although I speak of her as if she still lives....she left a trail of abuse and destruction that still torments me. We were never able to reconcile. She just wouldn't stop breaking my heart into a million pieces. Always adding insult to injury. She never took responsibility for her actions and for what she did. She certainly never said that she was sorry, not for a single thing that she did. She stayed with my stepfather right on up till he died and she continually defended him even after he died. She actually wanted to show me pictures of him taken at his funeral!!! I really had to bite my tongue. And I said, no, I don't think I want to see those pictures. While at the same time, there was not a single picture of me, my brother or my two sisters anywhere on her walls. Not one. It was if she erased us. Like we didn't exist.

She sounds similar to my own mother of the flesh. Never once said she was sorry.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2010
United States
She sounds similar to my own mother of the flesh. Never once said she was sorry.
My heart goes out to you as my heart goes out to Lilygrace. Some people just aren't meant to be parents. They make their children's lives a living hell. They really do.
As I've told some people who said I was going to hell one day, I've already done my time in hell. And not only by the hands of my parents but also by others who are evil to the core.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I can relate in some ways to you all in relation to moms. My mom was part of my abuse, and she had a chance to leave my dad when I was around age 3 when she walked in on him with my older sister. (And I have always had memories of him coaching us in s*xual acts when I was 3 and my sister was 5.) But my dad pleaded with her to stay and said he would never do it again. And she stayed.

So my mom was conscious of some things like that, but not consciously aware of her own stuff .....and certainly not consciously aware of the SRA/MK. Although she was not conscious of the SRA/MK, she always had what I call leaks. So in everyday life, she would tell me things that her front alter/s weren't supposed to be aware of. Of course, she had no idea where that info was coming from....and neither did I. To this day, she still isn't conscious of any of this stuff.

I had to disconnect from ALL of my family ...and as much as possible, from my husband's family after I became aware that both I and my husband were from bloodline families. I felt it was a given that my children were more important than my need to have my family and relatives. So I disconnected from my mom, who I love very much despite all the junk. It was very difficult for me to think she had no idea why I had disconnected and that I left her without the comfort of the daughter who she has leaned on all these years. I felt like I was hurting her. But when I looked at my children, I knew the price was worth it to give them the best chance at freedom.

When I was a child, my mom relied on me for emotional support. I was her crutch, her pillow, her scapegoat. I would always take the blame so she wouldn't have to. At random times, she would have an anger outburst and yell at my sister and I, "I HATE you! I wish you were NEVER BORN!!" Then she would retreat to her room and just wail. I felt like I mist have been really bad for her to feel that way. So after a bit, I would go to her and apologize (for what, I didn't even know) ...but she would be okay after I apologized.

I always knew my mom was broken and I think that's why I have never felt a hatred toward her, or even anger. I chose to stay silent about my dad's s*xual abuse to protect her. I felt like the other woman and I carried so much guilt. :(

I finally told someone when I was 14. And at that point, I went into foster care ....for about 3 or 4 months. I ended up going back home when my dad sent me a note through my older sister at school. In it, he said he loved me and had started going to church. He said he wanted me to come home so we could all ho to church together as a family. So I convinced my counselor/case worker to put notes in my files that I "dropped the charges." (I told him that I didn't lie, but I wanted to go home bc I didn't want to ruin the chances that my dad would go to church and get saved.) So I went home...and of course, he lied. He had no intentions to make good on that promise.

My mom and dad divorced about a year later. And then a couple years later, my mom remarried my dad. I always had so many mixed feelings about being back home and my parents together. It felt odd, bc now my mom knew (consciously) and I wondered how she felt being with him. I wanted my family healed, but I also felt totally betrayed all the way around. It's more than a child should have to carry or sort out. My mom did divorce my dad again after she found out he was also married to another woman. He went to jail for a little while for bigamy.

I felt like I would reconnect with my mom at some point, for her sake ...after I knew my children were old enough and it was safe. I also held off contacting her when my son Matthew was ill because I didn't want her to live with that worry. Her health is frail. I really believed Matt would survive and then I would reconnect with my mom after the whole trial was over. But God took Matt home before I could reconnect. :( I contacted her after he passed and she understood why I didn't tell her ....I was protecting her from over 2 yrs of worry. I did what I always have done ....protect my mom.

So now, I talk to her by phone once a week. She talks and talks while I listen ...and talk (a little). She has no one. Our family is full of backbiting and backstabbing. My siblings (brother and sister) are hateful to her (which I kinda understand bc we all deal in our own ways whether it's right or wrong). My stepdad is mean and distant (most likely programmed as well). So all she has is me. I have let go the junk she went along with and the pain she herself caused. I love her and she needs me now. She's broken...and I want her to know there's love that is real and God loves her.

Before my dad passed in 2005, he received Christ. He apologized to me at least once for the things he did, and he knew I forgave him. My mom has received Christ, but lives with guilt and condemnation. She has never apologized for the abuse she herself did to us ....well, she has apologized for some of the physical abuse (that she remembers). I just have no need to hold it against her whether she apologizes or not. Idk why it's that way.

BUT ...although I've been able to forgive my parents, that didn't mean I overlooked to the point of placing myself and especially my children at more risk by having contact. Now that all my children are grown, it is different. I still am protective of sharing too much personal information with my mom about my kids.

Someone once told me that I carry a lot .... that's very true. Very true.

Well, that was a ramble ....a long one. Idk if it's very relevant to the discussion, but there it is.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2021
Western United States
United States
I'm thankful for everything that is shared here. Of course it is relevant to the discussion, @TLHKAJ .

After my father's programming was broken, he repented of the evil he inflicted upon us all. He was the bright spot, a gift from God.

I have forgiven my mother but that doesn't mean I can forget, not until my time is finished in this world as the Lord has promised. Forgiving her was His work in that I was freed from the anguish of life under her control. I'm at peace where she is concerned.

As for my sisters, they continue to wage war with one another and so I've put as much distance between myself and them as I possibly can.
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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2010
United States
So my mom was conscious of some things like that, but not consciously aware of her own stuff .....and certainly not consciously aware of the SRA/MK. Although she was not conscious of the SRA/MK, she always had what I call leaks. So in everyday life, she would tell me things that her front alter/s weren't supposed to be aware of. Of course, she had no idea where that info was coming from....and neither did I. To this day, she still isn't conscious of any of this stuff.
I know that my mother was under mind control, SRA, and most likely monarch programming. She wasn't aware of it. She never talked about it that I recall. But then, I didn't grow up around her. I remember that she was very superstitious and talked about fairies. One morning she was talking about how fairies had danced in the backyard. There was a circle in the grass. She showed it to us. Those are the kind of things she would talk about. Also, she talked about seeing these balls of light that were about the size of a baseball. She would say those balls of light meant that someone was going to die. Right before my grandfather, her father, passed away, one of those balls of light came in through the window and hovered over us one night. We didn't have a phone and didn't know that he was in the hospital and not expected to live. The next day we got the news that he had passed. I don't know exactly what connection those balls of light have to SRA. But I have heard of another survivor who talked about balls of light that way too and she saw them before the death of one of her sons.

I saw my mother taken a few times by the handler. I saw how she was like in a trancelike state. Her eyes didn't blink. She just stared ahead with no expression and walked out the door following the handler. There were people who stayed in the house after she was taken. It seemed that they were keeping control over us while she was gone. I also saw my oldest sister taken. I don't recall seeing anyone else taken in the family.

We went to this one particular church often. My mother didn't usually go but would go sometimes. Mostly it was just us kids who went. There was someone who would pick us up in a truck and we would ride in the back. They took us to church. I don't remember who they were.

Anyway, the preacher of that church was the handler. There were things that happened at that church that I won't go into. I mention this because the Satanic cult has their people carefully positioned at different levels of society, in government at all levels, different businesses, organizations, pretty much anywhere including hospitals, of course CPS, the foster care system, etc. but I don't think that people realize how the Satanic cult has infiltrated so many Christian churches and took over leadership positions including the preacher, pastor etc. Once they take over a church, they have free rein over the church and over the people who go to that church. They perform rituals in those churches. And what happens to a church where rituals are performed? What is the result of that? What effect does that have on a church and the people who go there? I know that you are aware of this but many people aren't. Christians tend to think that they are safe in their churches but they always need to be on guard. Christian churches are targets for the Satanic cult, especially a particular kind of church, a particular denomination and there is a reason for that. But the Satanic cult infiltrates all different kinds of Christian churches. I don't think that most Christians give this a second thought but they should.

That handler seemed to be everywhere in churches when I was in foster care. He was the preacher in so many churches I went to over the years in foster care. Particular kinds of churches. I believe he was related to one of my foster mothers. In one foster home I was in, there was a boy there with the same last name as the handler and he also had a sister who was no longer in that foster home but had gotten married and moved out. So these are some things that I'm trying to piece together. I might never be able to put it all together though.

There's so much I could say, so much. But I won't go into all that right now.
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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2010
United States
Even as programmed as I was, I never abandoned my children. I never tried to erase them from the family. I never totally turned my back on them. I never treated them like they didn't exist. And I never will.

I will never stop fighting in this spiritual war. I will never give up. I will fight till my last breath. And I'll win because the LORD is on my side.

Rom. 12:19 Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written: “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, says the LORD.”
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
God's green earth
United States
Mayflower, just keep following Him as you have been. Take it in bites :) I've been praying for all of you the past few days. I had a week with my days and nights all messed up...up all night and sleeping all day. I finally managed to stay up all day Sunday and got to bed at a normal hour Sjnday night. Took a slow day and rested Monday. So, back on a more normal and productive day schedule again.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
God's green earth
United States
let me post those Heiser videos again. Please don't feel I'm trying to push you to watch these in any specific time frame. I do think they're worth listening to, but I'm just reminding you with links to make them easy to find if the Lord tells you its time to dig into them. Seriously...no pressure. :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
I know that my mother was under mind control, SRA, and most likely monarch programming. She wasn't aware of it. She never talked about it that I recall. But then, I didn't grow up around her. I remember that she was very superstitious and talked about fairies. One morning she was talking about how fairies had danced in the backyard. There was a circle in the grass. She showed it to us. Those are the kind of things she would talk about. Also, she talked about seeing these balls of light that were about the size of a baseball. She would say those balls of light meant that someone was going to die. Right before my grandfather, her father, passed away, one of those balls of light came in through the window and hovered over us one night. We didn't have a phone and didn't know that he was in the hospital and not expected to live. The next day we got the news that he had passed. I don't know exactly what connection those balls of light have to SRA. But I have heard of another survivor who talked about balls of light that way too and she saw them before the death of one of her sons.

I saw my mother taken a few times by the handler. I saw how she was like in a trancelike state. Her eyes didn't blink. She just stared ahead with no expression and walked out the door following the handler. There were people who stayed in the house after she was taken. It seemed that they were keeping control over us while she was gone. I also saw my oldest sister taken. I don't recall seeing anyone else taken in the family.

We went to this one particular church often. My mother didn't usually go but would go sometimes. Mostly it was just us kids who went. There was someone who would pick us up in a truck and we would ride in the back. They took us to church. I don't remember who they were.

Anyway, the preacher of that church was the handler. There were things that happened at that church that I won't go into. I mention this because the Satanic cult has their people carefully positioned at different levels of society, in government at all levels, different businesses, organizations, pretty much anywhere including hospitals, of course CPS, the foster care system, etc. but I don't think that people realize how the Satanic cult has infiltrated so many Christian churches and took over leadership positions including the preacher, pastor etc. Once they take over a church, they have free rein over the church and over the people who go to that church. They perform rituals in those churches. And what happens to a church where rituals are performed? What is the result of that? What effect does that have on a church and the people who go there? I know that you are aware of this but many people aren't. Christians tend to think that they are safe in their churches. Christian churches are easy targets for the Satanic cult, especially a particular kind of church, a particular denomination and there is a reason for that. I won't mention which one so as not to offend anyone who might be a member of those churches. But the Satanic cult easily infiltrates all different kinds of Christian churches. I don't think that most Christians give this a second thought but they should.

That handler seemed to be everywhere in churches when I was in foster care. He was the preacher in so many churches I went to over the years in foster care. Particular kinds of churches. I believe he was related to one of my foster mothers. In one foster home I was in, there was a boy there with the same last name as the handler and he also had a sister who was no longer in that foster home but had gotten married and moved out. So these are some things that I'm trying to piece together. I might never be able to put it all together though.

There's so much I could say, so much. But I won't go into all that right now.

How can a Christian tell if a satanic cult leader has taken over a church?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Just wanted to drop in, because I can only take in little bits. I get anxiety, but after calming and praying, I believe that as I take in the Word, every part of my mind is renewed and unable to be controlled by the enemy in any form. I am praying for everyone here and thankful that God leads His children in Truth and that Truth is what sets His people free.
You assume none of us as survivors take in the Word daily. That is a wrong assumption. No one can gain freedom without the Lord, and His Word.

I have conversed with a couple of your alters. If you feel the need to stay in denial, that is your choice. But don't come here and condemn those who are choosing to fight the fight and take their freedom. It IS a fight!

It's a fight that is well worth the difficulty. It is worth the fight for our relationships with God, for one, as we endeavor to have ALL parts of our being submitted to Christ. And it is worth the fight for our children (those of us who are parents) ...because as I said before, it is the children who pay the highest price when we don't choose to bring all to Christ.

Why do you feel drawn to this thread? Come here and read if you want, but I'd like to ask you, since this is my thread, that you don't contribute unless you're on board with your own freedom.

Thanks, prayers, and much love.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
God's green earth
United States
How can a Christian tell if a satanic cult leader has taken over a church?

The bottom line answer to your question is "revelation "

Cult controlled pastors have very precisely programmed host presenter alters that l make them publicly appear to be normal men and women in ministry. The deception is often so well crafted its impenetrable to the natural mind. In those cases, even fairly mature Christians can be fooled.

One thing you can note with many: VERY often cult controlled pastors will be controllers. They will have lots of rules and demand compliance with the rules by the whole congregation. With lots of shaming publicly of people who transgress their "rules". Or other harsh consequences.

Another general characteristic is a very chauvinistic interpretation the Bible's teaching about relationships between men and women. Women are taught to be "submissive" to men in ways that portray them as slaves to the wishes of men. Women are often treated as property, not human beings. In extreme cases women are taught to be submissive to ALL the men in the congregation....not just their husband and. There are other characteristics that can serve as jndicators...but those are two big ones.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
God's green earth
United States
the bottom line is you can't be certain a pastor is cult controlled unless the Lord tells you. So just be careful, make sure you pray fervently and hear clearly from the Lord about what church He wants you to attend. And if an inward witness of something feeling wrong, or "off " in some way, don't overlook it or ignore it. Take any inward witness like that straight to the Lord and pray it through until He tells you the truth about the situation.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
God's green earth
United States
Wynona, one thing the cult ALWAYS goes after is children. So watch how well children are treated in any church and pray for them. Ask the Lord about nursery and daycare workers. Cult controlled leaders will always find ways to isolate children and abuse them. Keep an eye on the kids...make sure systems are in place that keep them in places where the adults caring for them are fully accountable, transparent and their interactions with the children are publicly visible.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Of course not. I know that. And I am not calling you a liar or trying to downplay anything that you believe has happened. I don't know what happened when I was pming you... I know I have had alters in the past speak in counseling too. And you are the only other person this has happened with. But I was aware what was going on too. I know I'm not allowing it again, because I am one person, mind, body, and spirit, and I speak as one whole and healed. Not broken... I may have had things that have broken me, but I am not broken now. I am healed in Jesus Name, and in Jesus Name everyone here is also. I just encourage to walk in that freedom and healing. Work through things yes, but to study and know who you are in Christ Jesus.
Read my entire post, sis ....I edited it. We are all healed, in Jesus' name. But God doesn't make us puppets and control our mind. Mind renewal and attacking the lies the mind has believed as a result of what we were taught is a daily process. That is what "dying daily" and taking every thought captive to His truth is about.

Look at what it took for God to bring His people into the Promised Land. He didn't do it all in one day. They had to embark on the journey and He drove out the beasts and the enemies from before them. Read that account again and then you'll see what our process is. Even once they saw the land, there were giants to conquer! It is a real fight! Nothing imaginary about it. Of all the spies who went to search out the land of Canaan, only two chose to believe God would give them the land. The rest feared the giants. It is a choice ...walk forward, trusting Him ....or stay in the wilderness and perish there.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
As far as famous people being programmers and handlers ...do you know them personally?? Those who DO and HAVE known them personally would be the ones who could speak into that. And I know survivors who fit that bill. They aren't liars ...nor believing a lie. Unless you know them personally, you can't say they're good people. You're looking at outward appearances. Jesus Himself said that there will be ones that stand before Him recounting all the good works they've done ...and He will say, "Depart from me, you who work iniquity for I never knew you!" So don't take outward appearances at face value. It is the inward man He sees.
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