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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

How to "reckon yourself dead"... Romans 6:11


1.) When you are in submission to the Grace of God, fully trusting in Christ to keep you saved and live His life through you, then you are walking in the power of God's Grace, by REAL FAITH.

2.) When You stop striving by will to attempt to be or keep your salvation, then Jesus becomes strong in you, because you're not trying to live the life of a disciple in your own power any longer, that results in this when you do that...>"Apart from me, you can do nothing", Jesus said.

3.) "When YOU are weak, then Christ is Strong" means, - you are totally submissive to real faith, instead of being involved in striving to be holy, by willpower and self effort
Jesus said...."apart from me, you can do nothing".

So, that is interesting, because once we are born again we are always "in Christ" and "One with God"......we are never apart from God, ever again.
So then...what does Jesus mean?
He means that if You are born again, you are existing as striving to live the holy life by willpower, by YOUR SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS.... instead of by resting in God's Grace which is were the power of Christ is found that empowers you to live it, like this..
>"Christ always gives me the Victory"

Paul said...."its it not I who live, but Christ who lives in me".. = that is His FAITH and Spiritual life in Christ.
And, this meaning is 100 % related to Christ saying : "apart from me you can do nothing".

"Working out your salvation" is not to try to keep it.
To "work out your salvation", is to understand that you HAVE IT< and you learn how to exit within what Salvation provides you as the Grace of God.
That is how you "work it out".

Saint, our discipleship is originally created by God, and its empowered by God, or its going to be a fail. (sinning and confessing for years, and can't stop).
How//What you believe decides and determines if God works through you, or if you will remain : "apart from me you can do nothing"....Jesus says.
Why? Because everything that IS OUR SALVATION is caused by God, kept by God, and completed by God.
What is your part in Salvation? = To receive it as "the gift of Salvation".

If you are feeling some Christianity "burn out".... then its because you are worn out from trying to live the Holy Life by will and by effort and by SELF, instead of resting in God's Grace, where the power to live Holy is found as a "gift".
Also, it can be that just as still water in a pool turns stagnant, if you are in a denomination//cult that is rigid and legalist and very orchestrated and dead spiritually, yet, puts on a good show, then you will eventually stagnate in this "religion".
So, sometimes the cure is to : get out of that junk, and find something real vs staying in the religious pretense.
Christians are like Jets. If you stop going forward, you begin to fall.
Christianity is about DOING and LEARNING>.....always, in foward motion.

Listen...when you work at Christianity, then God rests and you have no power.
When you rest in God's Grace, then God works through you.
See, from the moment of our new birth, until we are "changed" and receive our new body...all of our Spiritual Life is 'IN Christ", and not based on ourselves.
Sure, we are to present our bodies a living sacrifice, (discipleship) and we are to work out our faith walk.....but that is all done correctly only by leaning more and more on God to provide us with His Grace to do it. "when i am weak <>then<> i am STRONG".....And in this revelation we find God's Grace which gives us God's rest from our self effort that allows God to manifest HIS Holiness through you.
This is REAL FAITH and the key to having and maintaining a perfected discipleship.
Saint.....There is your holy lifestyle discovered and maintained.
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