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How many times do we find ourselves having little time to serve the Lord, whether it is through tithing, prayer or ushering? We often complain that the Lord demands too much of our time when we serve in church as musicians and look at our watches when the preacher preach a little too long for...
In Singapore, boys in general are not afraid of cockroaches while girls are usually afraid of cockroaches. This is due to the upbringing of the boys and girls in Singapore. From young, boys are encouraged to kill cockroaches when they see them and are therefore socially conditioned to be not...
There was this sister in Christ in my church who I will refer to as J. Sister J was a humble person, who served as an usher in my church. When I first became a Christian, Sister J was the only one who bother to befriend me. She was also friendly to all new-comers in church. She would also do the...
When trials and testings came, sometimes, we may not turn up to be the people we had once hoped we were. Instead of being His faithful servants and obedient sons and daughters, we became like cowards and worldly people, who bowed to the pressures of the world. This is written to encourage all of...
Many people today want parents to give them tangible goods like cars, motorcycles, handphones, computers, ipads etc. They think their parents love them only when they give them such material goodness. Yet, how many today appreciate the prayers of their parents. Even in Christian circles, few...
History-makers for the Lord are usually men with lowly background who God uses mightily, rather than men who have everything but a heart for God. Look at D.L Moody. He is not very educated. John Bunyan is just a man of lowly background, yet his book is now used by the Lord as a classic for...
The Christian God is a forgiving God. He is so forgiving that an evil man can repent even on his death bed. It does not matter what crime the evil man might have committed during his earthly life. The evil man might kill millions of people. The evil man might have raped women and abused...
I was not born into a Christian family. Instead, I was born into a Taoist family. Yet from a young age, I had been searching for God. Not knowing where He came from, I often prayed to what I called, the unknown God. At the age of 11, my aunt invited me to church. The skit was on the birth of...

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