One night I was on nightshift and one of our residents passed away So another girl and I prepared him for viewing because his wife was about to turn up to see him. This man was a brother in Christ so when she saw me walking through the hallway past his room, she came out to thank me for taking good care of him and after a few minutes, she left.
Not long after, I was walking through the unit down the many passages when I heard someone close to me saying"Hey, how do I get out of here?"
I smiled to myself at that moment because I recognised his voice, and I prayed on the spot, saying, "Father, please send an angel of the Lord to take this man to where he ought to be, in Jesus name." Then I carried on walking.
I do not talk to spirits unless they are to be cast out of a person in a deliverance situation. I do not even talk to angels; I just refer all issues relating to these things to God. Glory!