Milo was our home group leader and he helped us to grow in Christ every week night. There were about thirty or more attending his group and we really enjoyed each others company and found unity in our various levels of growth. The home group really became an extention of our own families and we supported each other outside the church as well. I went to his homegroup for seven (7) years and he basically taught one subject. "The fall of man." I really wanted a change and study something new after a few years but Milo was a very dedicated and structured leader and stuck to what he knew and understood. He also would not allow me to move to another group, probably because he felt somehow responsibile for my spiritual upbringing..
Then suddenly, his wife died and it was extremely sad for him and the church family but he had been taking care of her for a long time so I guess he may have felt a bit of a relief as well. I saw him at her service and we chatted and he seemed really excited about his future plans for the next influx of new believers in the coming season.
So it shocked me to hear that he had died one week after his wife's funeral.
This was a devastating blow for everyone in his church family, including myself. A few days later after Milo had died, I was praying in my lounge when he appeared with an angel of the lord. The angel was explaining to him that he had done his job and that his home group members were continuing in the things that he had taught them (as he was arguing with the angel that he cannot be taken home yet because he hadn't finished his assignment).
I pretended not to see them or hear their conversation but I was acutely aware of everything they were saying as I quietly prayed with my eyes closed. The next morning, I was talking to my sister who was also part of his group. She said that she has a visitation from him as well because she sensed his presence at her home that same night, others from the group had the same experience.
He didn't come back so I assume that he was finally convinced that his job here was finished and I hope he is enjoying heaven with his wife and other family members.
Every person born into the world, has an alotted time here on earth. When our time has ended, we will go home according to the will of God.
Job 14:5-6 AMP says:
5. “Since his days are determined,
The number of his months is with You [in Your control],
And You have made his limits so he cannot pass [his allotted time].
6. “[O God] turn your gaze from him so that he may rest,
Until he fulfills his day [on earth] like a hired man.
Psalms 139:16 AMP
Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were appointed for me, When as yet there was not one of them [even taking shape].
Angelina 13/09/2024