You are the time machine

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Remember when you didn't understand what happened to time when someone was able to say it in numbers, what could possibly be the point? If you don't then maybe take a moment and do, before you move on.

You may have even opened your focus of your surroundings, expecting a magic manifestation to occur when you finally got why it being 12 noon right now seemed to be so important to so many ppl, what exciting thing happened when that was understood? It was as if someone was announcing an anticipated event, an you did not get let in on it, were probably even deliberately communicated around, to your sensibilities perhaps.

Those you looked up to had a knowledge that was obviously verified by others you esteemed, or even nigroed, but regardless they still knew the same thing, because by simple observation they had been included with your betters who also seemed to mostly ignore them while you had not, so then a conspiracy suggested itself that their nonchalant and blase' demeanor just made more suspicious; what could you Oders possibly be doing that was so intriguing yet so taken for granted, in announcing and asking the time? How did putting a number on a certain time of day improve the moment? But some day you would know, too, and you'd know what to do, you'd be runnning somewhere too.

Why do we suffer (52:00)

Anyone running is either running toward or away, right, and these come to steal your day, but we only learn that after we have forgotten what it was like to have no idea what time "in numbers" meant. If you would like to not know again, consider how a blind person must experience time. And understand that that is nothing close to how they actually do, as any attempt at emulation will make plain.

Times will then wane, and you will have no idea what to do "now" because "now" is not defined in the same way you are accustomed. All your cues are gone. Should I be taking a nap, mowing the lawn, eating something? Sleeping? How can i *tell* if I Don't Know what number i am currently experiencing? Losing all time marking mechanisms is like going blind.

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