"He who practices righteousness is righteous" (1 John 3:7)

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Now understand that these verses do not mean succumbing to weakness or giving into temptation.

I am sorry but you serve a very unmerciful, unforgiving, cruel caricature of the one true god who hates sin but is merciful to His Children. In this age of grace and holiness and mercy, you have God far less forgiving than He was in the OT.

Truly saddened for yourwarped view of who God really is. You say He will love until you screw up willingly once- then you are fried! This is not God but a Satanic hallucination of god.

Don't you realize that God knows that? That is WHY He puts His Own Spirit within us so it is no longer us sinning, but Him doing righteousness through us. Galatians 3:20 "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me."

He puts His own desires within us that become our desires with the mind of Christ given to us. I would say that is a very loving God that does all the heavy lifting for us. Yes, He demands holiness, for without holiness no man shall see God. He knows that, and gives us all the tools for success. All we have to do is walk in the Spirit with Him leading us by our conscience. Easy, peasy.

I'm afraid you don't realize that God has already gone through one pandemic started by one individual that was found to have iniquity in him, and that virus spread to a third of the other angels, and then to man. God is not allowing sin to enter heaven for eternity to just have to do it all over again. Those who die righteous, remain righteous. But those who die sinful and filthy, will always be that way and be destroyed. Revelation 22:11


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Well maybe according to teh Word of charismatic lady, but not according to the Word of God! God hears and listens to all and He does answer no. Either because it is a good thing but not for you or because one asks amiss.

To say you always get your prayers answered is hubris and arrogance. Course you can't [prove it so it is easy to say so you can hold your lofty opinion of yourself.

No the word says He doesn't LISTEN.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Don't you realize that God knows that? That is WHY He puts His Own Spirit within us so it is no longer us sinning, but Him doing righteousness through us. Galatians 3:20 "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me."

He puts His own desires within us that become our desires with the mind of Christ given to us. I would say that is a very loving God that does all the heavy lifting for us. Yes, He demands holiness, for without holiness no man shall see God. He knows that, and gives us all the tools for success. All we have to do is walk in the Spirit with Him leading us by our conscience. Easy, peasy.

I'm afraid you don't realize that God has already gone through one pandemic started by one individual that was found to have iniquity in him, and that virus spread to a third of the other angels, and then to man. God is not allowing sin to enter heaven for eternity to just have to do it all over again. Those who die righteous, remain righteous. But those who die sinful and filthy, will always be that way and be destroyed. Revelation 22:11

Some very true words here.

However as long as you teach that if a believer commits one sinful sin after they have been born again and are then unborn again, no longer a child of God, damned, lost their salvation, etc.etc.

You are guilty of Gal. 1:6-9 . YOu serve a god who is unloving, unforgiving, and very unmerciful to His Children should they fail. sorry that is not the God of the bible- despite all your philosophic ramblings.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Some very true words here.

However as long as you teach that if a believer commits one sinful sin after they have been born again and are then unborn again, no longer a child of God, damned, lost their salvation, etc.etc.

But I don't teach that. For one thing, there are many who are trying to follow Christ, but can't successfully because they do not have the Spirit. So they keep confessing sins as they commit them, but that isn't the same as required to become born again. Then there are some who HAVE been born again, but because of some false teaching that they don't know the truth to yet, they live according to the knowledge that they have, Phil. 3:16, and God still works through them. Looking back at my life, God was still talking to me and showing me things, even while I was doing things based on false interpretation of some scripture, so did not hold it against me. (But He would now that I know).

God is in control and will eventually through His Spirit teach us the truth to make us truly righteous and even holy. In the steps of glorification in 2 Peter 1:5-7, 5 "... add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, 6 to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, 7 to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love."

You are guilty of Gal. 1:6-9 . YOu serve a god who is unloving, unforgiving, and very unmerciful to His Children should they fail. sorry that is not the God of the bible- despite all your philosophic ramblings.

Seeing as you have already read how loving God is, this is very unloving. I would say you better add something to your faith and get started. You have a long way to go to Love.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Seeing as you have already read how loving God is, this is very unloving. I would say you better add something to your faith and get started. You have a long way to go to Love.

Then I guess you consider Paul very unloving then!

You have a long way to go to know the love and patience of God.

You directlyi told me that is one sins willfully after being born again , they are no longer saved- so you have lied to me. I asked it specifically to make sure I did not misunderstand you.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Hmmmmm. Do you even have faith to add to? Maybe start with true repentance and become born again.

wow how absolutely presumptuous and arrogant of you!!!!!

Now you presume to know the state of my soul and play God deciding if I am saved or not? For someone who professes perfection- you are filled with the gall of pride.

I know whom has already saved me 46 1/2 years ago and what he has doen fro me. But your concept of god is not HIm and not the one declared in SCripture.

You serve a very unmerciful, unpatient cruel tyrant who has no patience for His children

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
But I don't teach that. For one thing, there are many who are trying to follow Christ, but can't successfully because they do not have the Spirit. So they keep confessing sins as they commit them, but that isn't the same as required to become born again. Then there are some who HAVE been born again, but because of some false teaching that they don't know the truth to yet, they live according to the knowledge that they have, Phil. 3:16, and God still works through them. Looking back at my life, God was still talking to me and showing me things, even while I was doing things based on false interpretation of some scripture, so did not hold it against me. (But He would now that I know).

God is in control and will eventually through His Spirit teach us the truth to make us truly righteous and even holy. In the steps of glorification in 2 Peter 1:5-7, 5 "... add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, 6 to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, 7 to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love."

Well it seems that you are backtrackking some which is a good thing. If someone h as not the Spirit they are not saved.

And God the Father will forgive one 70X7 in a day for the same sin if they acknoeldge it. Unless you believe God requires of us a greater spirit of forgiveness than He demands of Himself.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Well it seems that you are backtrackking some which is a good thing. If someone h as not the Spirit they are not saved.

And God the Father will forgive one 70X7 in a day for the same sin if they acknoeldge it. Unless you believe God requires of us a greater spirit of forgiveness than He demands of Himself.

Ron, I'm not backtracking. You probably have never heard what I teach before, and assume too much. That's okay, I have never heard what I teach now before either, and I keep learning by the Spirit of Truth. So you may believe I believe what many Arminians believe. But I'm neither Calvinist nor Arminian, so I don't believe you can lose your salvation unless you truly want to, and then you absolutely can. Say, turning to another religion and become apostate. Though there are many who think they are saved, but aren't in the first place, so can be easily lose track of the path they were thinking they were on, but loved sin too much to actually get on the path. They just wanted Jesus to not send them to hell, so chose teachers that assure them they are saved. Those who already are on the path, God will chastise His own and make the crooked places straight. But you have to be on the path to begin with through being filled with the Holy Spirit. Those who do not have the Spirit cannot succeed.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Ron, I'm not backtracking. You probably have never heard what I teach before, and assume too much. That's okay, I have never heard what I teach now before either, and I keep learning by the Spirit of Truth. So you may believe I believe what many Arminians believe. But I'm neither Calvinist nor Arminian, so I don't believe you can lose your salvation unless you truly want to, and then you absolutely can. Say, turning to another religion and become apostate. Though there are many who think they are saved, but aren't in the first place, so can be easily lose track of the path they were thinking they were on, but loved sin too much to actually get on the path. They just wanted Jesus to not send them to hell, so chose teachers that assure them they are saved. Those who already are on the path, God will chastise His own and make the crooked places straight. But you have to be on the path to begin with through being filled with the Holy Spirit. Those who do not have the Spirit cannot succeed.

Well I am so grateful God has appointed you teh fruit inspector of this board! May be some aren't , but it is not for you or I to know that.

I am a biblicist. I will use terms like Calvinist etc. so people can understand the biblical position I hold.

Your last three sentences I agree with 100%

but the bible has a clear and unambiguous answer to people who walk away from the faith and it is not they were once known by Jesus and now aren't known by Him.

Matthew 7:

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Jesus NEVER knew these people (AKA they were never saved though it appeared like they were)


1 John 2:19
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

Again these are never saved folks.

But to say that Jesus didn't already forgive all the sins of the elect from before the foundation of the world is a blasphemy against His blood!

And as a reminder you absolutely declared to me in writing that if one who is saved, willfully sins after being saved, they will lose their salvation. This is a lie!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Well I am so grateful God has appointed you teh fruit inspector of this board! May be some aren't , but it is not for you or I to know that.

I am a biblicist. I will use terms like Calvinist etc. so people can understand the biblical position I hold.

Your last three sentences I agree with 100%

Between Calvinism and Arminianism, I believe Calvinism to be the most dangerous with false assurance.

Ron, sometimes if you get so close to a denomination's beliefs you can't see the forest for the tree that is blocking your view. Me being neither C or A I have an aerial view. So, yes, I want everyone truly saved so I butt in. Especially to Calvinists. Calvinists hate me as you are aware, but I've grown a thick skin and want them saved.

but the bible has a clear and unambiguous answer to people who walk away from the faith and it is not they were once known by Jesus and now aren't known by Him.

Matthew 7:

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Jesus NEVER knew these people (AKA they were never saved though it appeared like they were)


1 John 2:19
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

Again these are never saved folks.

I thought the same as you, except I can't get past the fact that casting out devils and prophesying are only through the authority of having the Spirit, and only those who are born again HAVE the Spirit. Do you know that some people hilariously believe this verse is against Pentecostals? ROFL NO! It is against wickedness - lawlessness - blatant SIN.

But to say that Jesus didn't already forgive all the sins of the elect from before the foundation of the world is a blasphemy against His blood!

It doesn't matter how wickedly we have sinned in the past, when Jesus cleanses us, He cleanses ALL our past sins and makes us clean. The problem with Calvinism and why it is so dangerous, is that you believe He covers our present and future sins as well. Well not according to 2 Peter 1:9. Show me where a born again's new nature commits present willful sins of lawlessness and wickedness and not just trespasses as we forgive others their trespasses against us.

And as a reminder you absolutely declared to me in writing that if one who is saved, willfully sins after being saved, they will lose their salvation. This is a lie!

I'd like to see it and explain. The subject of sin can either be taught to a kindergartner or to a PH D, and the details are different and more broken down in the advanced setting.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Between Calvinism and Arminianism, I believe Calvinism to be the most dangerous with false assurance.

Ron, sometimes if you get so close to a denomination's beliefs you can't see the forest for the tree that is blocking your view. Me being neither C or A I have an aerial view. So, yes, I want everyone truly saved so I butt in. Especially to Calvinists. Calvinists hate me as you are aware, but I've grown a thick skin and want them saved.

do you belong to a denomination? or even an independent local church where you are under the authority of a pastor -teacher? If one doesn't verify their churche3s expressed bveliefs with Scripture, they have but themselves to blame. No church is perfect in doctrine or practice so we find the one God calls us to serve in.

Well if a calvinist has trusted in the death and resurrection of Jesus they are just as saved as an armenian believer or an aerial believer. I hold to the "five points" of Calvinism for they are the most biblically accurate answer there is. I do not see it giving false assurance as you allege.

It doesn't matter how wickedly we have sinned in the past, when Jesus cleanses us, He cleanses ALL our past sins and makes us clean. The problem with Calvinism and why it is so dangerous, is that you believe He covers our present and future sins as well. Well not according to 2 Peter 1:9. Show me where a born again's new nature commits present willful sins of lawlessness and wickedness and not just trespasses as we forgive others their trespasses against us.

As I never said nor believe the new man can commit sin- that is irrelavent. But I do know that Scripturew also teaches that though the old man is declared dead we must still contend with the flesh until we die and sometimes people fail- that is why experiential forgiveness is there aka 1 John 1:9 so fellowship can be resotred. sin no longer can break our relationship with god, just our fellowship- that is SCripture. It is not calvinism that teaches Jesus has forgiven ALL our sins for all time- it is the bible! Calvin just happens to agree with Scripture here.

I thought the same as you, except I can't get past the fact that casting out devils and prophesying are only through the authority of having the Spirit, and only those who are born again HAVE the Spirit. Do you know that some people hilariously believe this verse is against Pentecostals? ROFL NO! It is against wickedness - lawlessness - blatant SIN.

Well I do not concern mys elf with what others I do not know believe.

but know if one is not born of the Spirit (born again) they do not have the Spirit. And people can cast out demons in the name of Jesus and not even be saved. But as demonic possession is a rare event , not many non believers wish to entangle themselves with it.

Blatant sin can bring terrible consequnces. All sin lawlessness sorry, I showed you from gods Word that that is true. You should accept it and move on. But you need to get teh blue letter bible app and study some of these verses. You will find out that it is not someone who willfully sins, but those who make a practice and lifestyle of sin spoken of. And once again for your instruction- the bible says they are not known of the Lord and they were never of us! We do not have to0 make up a lie and say they were saved once but because they committed one willful blatant sin (whatever that means according to you) they have their salvation revoked, the spirit is pulled from them, they have snatched themsevles out of Jesus hands ( I guess those willful sinners names are "no man"), are no longer once for all justified, glorified, translated, seated in heaven, kept by the spirit etc.etc.etc.etc.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
It is not calvinism that teaches Jesus has forgiven ALL our sins for all time- it is the bible! Calvin just happens to agree with Scripture here.

All our past sins.

We do not have to0 make up a lie and say they were saved once but because they committed one willful blatant sin (whatever that means according to you) they have their salvation revoked

I've never said that. You are bearing false witness, and here you were doing so good and being polite for a change.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2020
United States
Practicing righteousness is living by God given Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is our righteousness 1 Cor 1:30

30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
All our past sins.

I've never said that. You are bearing false witness, and here you were doing so good and being polite for a change.

Well you openly and explicitly have told me that if a saved person willingly sins once after they are saved, they lose their salvation. So my statement is true. Unless you only apply it to certain believers. You seemed to have moved your goal posts several times here.

I beliewve in holiness and we should strive for holiness. but I also know and believe in the mercy and forgiveness of God to His children. You apparently don't when it comes to them committing sin they know is sin.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Well you openly and explicitly have told me that if a saved person willingly sins once after they are saved, they lose their salvation. So my statement is true. Unless you only apply it to certain believers. You seemed to have moved your goal posts several times here.

I beliewve in holiness and we should strive for holiness. but I also know and believe in the mercy and forgiveness of God to His children. You apparently don't when it comes to them committing sin they know is sin.

No I haven't. I have said that losing your salvation is not impossible. But it would take a lot of willingness to reject Christ.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
No I haven't. I have said that losing your salvation is not impossible. But it would take a lot of willingness to reject Christ.

No you are now being disingenuous. I asked yo0u that question specifically on another thread so I wouldn't misunderstand you and you told me if one willingly sins after being saved they would lose their salvation.

I worded it carefully so as to not misunderstand you.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
No you are now being disingenuous. I asked yo0u that question specifically on another thread so I wouldn't misunderstand you and you told me if one willingly sins after being saved they would lose their salvation.

I worded it carefully so as to not misunderstand you.

You will have to show me, because I have never believed that, so I wouldn't say it.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
You will have to show me, because I have never believed that, so I wouldn't say it.

Well I will not take the time to go back and review the several threads we have discussed in to find that very explicit and unambiguous question.

Sorry but I clearly asked if you believed that if a person once saved, then committed a sin knowingly and willingly, did they lose their salvation. You said yes.

Just like you have explicitly declared you have not knowingly sinned for an unspecified but lengthy time now and you hasve all your prayers anwered and that God turned a base metal into gold (if I remember right)

Sorry, I wanted to make sure I understood you correctly and I have been basing our further discussions on your answer to that simple question.

If you wish to recant of that position, thart is fine, but you did say it, clearly and with exactness. It was not cloaked in some mysterious form or writing.