Covid, Masks, and back to normal

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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I live in California and while the Governor put some restrictions on mask wearing that everyone had to comply with, he recently relaxed those restrictions. I believe the restrictions in the state, concerning mask wearing, are still tougher than the CDC's restrictions for the country. Yet, at least around where I have been, it seems like nobody is aware of the relaxations of the marks orders by either the CDC or the Governor of the state.

It seems that the society still has this extreme fear, not based on science, not based on government recommendation, and not based on the laws of the land. It's like we have gotten into something (in our heads) that we can get out of.

Now I am fully vaccinated, because of the science, the government recommendations, and even the laws and rules that are around. It of course was the most logical reasoning based on the information available. It seems to me that people are operating their lives on fear instead of logic based reasoning. Or maybe with are just such creatures of habit? I mean when we were first told to wear masks people didn't want to do that either and the numbers seemed to be worse at that point in time than now and real reason that we stood a good change of getting it.

Now I wear the mask still because everyone else is. I did go into the market once but everyone else was wearing their masks. So maybe it's the fear of pear pressure, and I have that too? I don't want to make people feel uncomfortable, but I hate wearing a mask. It's hard to breath, it fogs up my glassed, it distracts me and even partially blocks my vision (though not much), it feels like I don't have as much freedom, it is something else I have to remember to do (put on the mask), and frankly it doesn't feel as healthy (constantly have to breath through a mask that is probably collecting a bunch of particles and germs just from the air coming and going through it (so do I want it the closest thing to me?)

Anyway - what are others thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Hi Karl.... I live in Canada.... and in my province (Ontario)... we were under complete lock-down for the better part of two months.
We were only allowed to go out for essential services... (groceries... drug stores... medical appointments ). We were prohibited to gather
with anyone outside our house-hold.. with the exception of those who lived alone... we were given ONE person outside our house-hold. The restrictions just lifted on Friday ( yesterday ) and we are in a 3-stage recovery. Effective yesterday all non-essential stores are allowed to open.
I believe Ontario has had one of the strictest shut downs in all of Canada.

Because of my lifestyle... and because I simply do not trust the vaccine ( we have had so many conflicting messages from the government ).
I have chosen NOT to get vaccinated... With this said... I realize I am forfeiting my right to travel on public transit ( buses, trains, planes )... and I will not be travelling outside the border of Ontario... I would not be travelling regardless. I also realize this may mean that I will always be required to wear a mask when I am out in public. I have accepted that. It's not worth fighting about in my opinion.

None of my decisions are based on fear... I don't think of covid during my normal day to day activities... I am reminded of it when I do go out and have to wear a mask. I believe you are probably right about fear... I have seen it...and felt it from others.

I am Blessed because I am on a pension therefore have not had to worry about the loss of employment of damage to my business. I remain absolutely GRATEFUL for all the blessings that I have.
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Hi Karl.... I live in Canada.... and in my province (Ontario)... we were under complete lock-down for the better part of two months.
We were only allowed to go out for essential services... (groceries... drug stores... medical appointments ). We were prohibited to gather
with anyone outside our house-hold.. with the exception of those who lived alone... we were given ONE person outside our house-hold. The restrictions just lifted on Friday ( yesterday ) and we are in a 3-stage recovery. Effective yesterday all non-essential stores are allowed to open.
I believe Ontario has had one of the strictest shut downs in all of Canada.

Because of my lifestyle... and because I simply do not trust the vaccine ( we have had so many conflicting messages from the government ).
I have chosen NOT to get vaccinated... With this said... I realize I am forfeiting my right to travel on public transit ( buses, trains, planes )... and I will not be travelling outside the border of Ontario... I would not be travelling regardless. I also realize this may mean that I will always be required to wear a mask when I am out in public. I have accepted that. It's not worth fighting about in my opinion.

None of my decisions are based on fear... I don't think of covid during my normal day to day activities... I am reminded of it when I do go out and have to wear a mask. I believe you are probably right about fear... I have seen it...and felt it from others.

I am Blessed because I am on a pension therefore have not had to worry about the loss of employment of damage to my business. I remain absolutely GRATEFUL for all the blessings that I have.

Thank you for the post - but can you explain why you have chosen not to get vaccinated - especially since you do realize that you are forfeiting your right to travel. I mean - if I don't fear the vaccine then I would get the vaccine just to have better access to travel - that would just be logical?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
I live a very quiet life... I am a recluse if you will... I do have a niece and cousin who come to take me out for coffee once in awhile... or for errands. I do not have a vehicle... I don't own a television... I don't have a phone of any kind... I have one little Chrome Book which is how I do all my communicating... I have a daughter who lives about 7 hours south of me... and so to visit her... would simply mean a car ride.

I am not afraid of the virus... I don't quite understand what it is... but I do feel it is something... I refuse to get into conspiracy theories...
The issue I have with the vaccine is that I do not trust it...they have not had enough time to test it... everything was done on warp speed... things got approved way before they normally would have... First we were told... two shots... 8 weeks apart... and then we were told ... two shots... BUT we have decided to ignore that and just give as many first shots as possible... then we were just told within the last week that the Astra Zeneca shot ( of which some people have 2 shots ) will NOT be accepted for travel into the UNITED STATES... because it is not FDA approved...
That kind of response bothers me... and it absolutely squashes any trust on my part. I don't get yearly flu shots either.. My exposure to people is minimal.

When I say I realize I am forfeiting certain luxuries/pleasures... I am not a traveller... I am not a shopper... I don't go to restaurants... I don't go to theatres... or gyms... I live on the lake... and I have two landlords who are in the 70's... I truly live a simple and blessed life.

My daughter on the other hand will most likely choose to get vaccinated due to her job and requirement to eventually travel. I have no issue with those who get the vaccine.. I fully understand... for me it was simply a lifestyle choice.

Not sure if this is what you are looking for... but it's all I have... LOL
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I live a very quiet life... I am a recluse if you will... I do have a niece and cousin who come to take me out for coffee once in awhile... or for errands. I do not have a vehicle... I don't own a television... I don't have a phone of any kind... I have one little Chrome Book which is how I do all my communicating... I have a daughter who lives about 7 hours south of me... and so to visit her... would simply mean a car ride.

I am not afraid of the virus... I don't quite understand what it is... but I do feel it is something... I refuse to get into conspiracy theories...
The issue I have with the vaccine is that I do not trust it...they have not had enough time to test it... everything was done on warp speed... things got approved way before they normally would have... First we were told... two shots... 8 weeks apart... and then we were told ... two shots... BUT we have decided to ignore that and just give as many first shots as possible... then we were just told within the last week that the Astra Zeneca shot ( of which some people have 2 shots ) will NOT be accepted for travel into the UNITED STATES... because it is not FDA approved...
That kind of response bothers me... and it absolutely squashes any trust on my part. I don't get yearly flu shots either.. My exposure to people is minimal.

When I say I realize I am forfeiting certain luxuries/pleasures... I am not a traveller... I am not a shopper... I don't go to restaurants... I don't go to theatres... or gyms... I live on the lake... and I have two landlords who are in the 70's... I truly live a simple and blessed life.

My daughter on the other hand will most likely choose to get vaccinated due to her job and requirement to eventually travel. I have no issue with those who get the vaccine.. I fully understand... for me it was simply a lifestyle choice.

Not sure if this is what you are looking for... but it's all I have... LOL

Ok _ I understand that people may not trust the vaccine. Of course not trusting does imply some level of fear, but it might be reasonable. I suppose if travel is a very very low priority and I was feeling pretty safe I might not choose to get the vaccine. I mean, if I was on a desert island I would not think about getting a vaccine because what good was it to me. So the closer to a desert island situation I was the less likely I would be to get it. Of course that is not me, and not most of us in the world.

Vaccines have for the last hundred years, vastly improved our standard of living and life expectancy. There may always be some danger when we administer any manufacture item, but clearly in general vaccines have been a great benefit to people. That doesn't mean any one vaccine is safe but it is the wise thing for us to get? In California the numbers clearly show that the vaccines used here have massively reduced the effects of covid on our population!! I think it is now down to the point where a person is more like to die from driving in their car than from picking up covid, and tens of millions of people have been vaccinated. If I still drive even though I could die from it and there are cases of auto accidents resulting in death, then why should I let coved keep me from traveling if I have the vaccine?

I don't see the logic. I'd have to be on a desert island where I wasn't going to be traveling. In that case it would make sense not to get the vaccine - so I understand Addy post - in that case it might make sense, but the fear in my area doesn't seem to make sense.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
I think the fear is largely due to what the media is reporting... Another thing I do not do is watch any kind of news... It really lowers the information that I am receiving... as far as the forums go... I also don't read the covid conspiracy posts... there are several of them... and they have been going on for months now. Whenever someone says... you gotta believe me... my instinct is NOT to believe them... LOL

Anyways.... I am very comfortable with my choice... I suspect that I will be receiving many sermons about this... maybe even from my landlords... I have been living here for 6 years... They are sadly not believers... and they are VERY AFRAID. I do laundry on Saturdays upstairs at their house and they have asked me to wear a mask... even though I don't usually see them. It's a very sad state of affairs.

I choose to focus on the BLESSINGS I have been given... so much to be grateful and thankful for. That is the mind-set that I try to live by and abide in.

I just noticed your comment that says... not trusting does imply some level of fear... I disagree with that. I am making an educated choice based on the facts as they have presented themselves... the messaging from our government has been poor at best. Changing the policies every week is not a sign of anything good.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
It seems that the society still has this extreme fear, not based on science, not based on government recommendation, and not based on the laws of the land. It's like we have gotten into something (in our heads) that we can get out of.
And it worked because no one wanted to say that the emperor had on no clothes -- the emperor was naked. There should have been a huge resistance to all the non-scientific draconian measures. Instead the sheeple went along with all the nonsense.
Now I am fully vaccinated, because of the science, the government recommendations, and even the laws and rules that are around.
I guess you must not be a science oriented person, because THERE WAS NO SCIENCE to this hoax. No actual virus had been isolated, the "vaccines" were illegally and fraudulently called "vaccines", they were full of lethal biological and chemical components, they had not even been properly tested, and now they are killing thousands and disabling millions.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
OH @Enoch111 .... REALLY??? Do you have to do this?? Are there not enough posts that require your EXPERTISE??

@Karl Peters ... meet our resident EXPERT on ALL MATTERS.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I think the fear is largely due to what the media is reporting... Another thing I do not do is watch any kind of news... It really lowers the information that I am receiving... as far as the forums go... I also don't read the covid conspiracy posts... there are several of them... and they have been going on for months now. Whenever someone says... you gotta believe me... my instinct is NOT to believe them... LOL

Anyways.... I am very comfortable with my choice... I suspect that I will be receiving many sermons about this... maybe even from my landlords... I have been living here for 6 years... They are sadly not believers... and they are VERY AFRAID. I do laundry on Saturdays upstairs at their house and they have asked me to wear a mask... even though I don't usually see them. It's a very sad state of affairs.

I choose to focus on the BLESSINGS I have been given... so much to be grateful and thankful for. That is the mind-set that I try to live by and abide in.

I agree with you Addy - I do think the media and it's reporting promotes fear in our society. I believe that is because they see there job as stirring up, dramatizing, generating concern, all in the name of getting more attention from their reader's, viewers, and listeners. It gets ratings, but is not always good for our societies! So it is not surprising that people might be living with more fear than needed. We really need a more responsible media.

And I also believe that our faith in God can help. I didn't put this thread in the Christian section so was not looking to bring up this aspect, though I thought about it. I didn't do that because I believe regular people using regular logic, and not even listening to the Lord, should be able to see what's happening. I am certainly ok with others choosing, and God gives us all that right, but we should choose wisely and not just out of fear.

Rightly might not mean the same for all people! In remote areas of Canada, with the vaccine choice they have and the situation they are in, choosing rightly might mean keeping a bit isolated and not get the vaccine yet. For me in my area, it seems like the remaining population needs to get vaccinated and the restrictions do need to be reduces, just like our government is saying. Also the media does need to be more responsible, accurately reporting so as to give people the right and correct information.

Thank for writing Addy :)

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
And it worked because no one wanted to say that the emperor had on no clothes -- the emperor was naked. There should have been a huge resistance to all the non-scientific draconian measures. Instead the sheeple went along with all the nonsense.

I guess you must not be a science oriented person, because THERE WAS NO SCIENCE to this hoax. No actual virus had been isolated, the "vaccines" were illegally and fraudulently called "vaccines", they were full of lethal biological and chemical components, they had not even been properly tested, and now they are killing thousands and disabling millions.

Wow - that incredible because most all the people I know personally have gotten the vaccine and I guess we are now full of lethal biological and chemical components -- I wonder why none of us have died yet?

I guess the science will catch up with us one day - for now fewer and few people are getting covid or maybe the doctors have joined in with the scientist and they all have all been lying to us?

Anyway - To me, it does seem like some people are living in too much fear
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
In my state the mask regulations have been relaxed. They are only required in nursing homes, hospital settings and public transportation.

Yeah - that is like it is where I live, but it still seem like everyone is still wearing them everywhere.

I go to the grocery store and everyone was wearing a mask. I went to the post office and everyone was still wearing a mask. I went to pay the bill for my storage unit and it was still posted that everyone coming in had to wear a mask. I asked the only person working there if they were vaccinated and he told me that he and all his family had been. The fast food restaurants with one exception, are still only doing the drive through. So the restrictions are relaxed, but they aren't. Fear seems to be prevalent, even the fear that the government is wrong, the scientist are wrong, and we are all gong to die.

Of course that is correct. We are all going to die once, but are we just living in too much fear?

Mama Etna

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2019
The Twin Cites - Minnesota
United States
I do believe you are correct that fear right now is driving the mask wearing. A large percentage of the people in Minnesota where I live are vaccinated and getting a vaccine in Minnesota is very easy.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Wow - that incredible because most all the people I know personally have gotten the vaccine and I guess we are now full of lethal biological and chemical components -- I wonder why none of us have died yet?
No one knows the long term impact of foreign mRNA on the "guinea pigs." While everyone will not die, many are suffering from very serious adverse effects, and many are dying. In fact the true numbers are being suppressed, but I will give you a small glimpse of what's cooking.

4 British Airways Pilots DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections While Spain and Russia Prohibit “Vaccinated” From Air Travel
4 British Airways Pilots DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections While Spain and Russia Prohibit “Vaccinated” From Air Travel

The next report is from June 12 so not totally up-to-date
CDC: 5,888 DEAD 329,021 Injuries from COVID-19 Shots – More than Previous 29 Years of VAERS Vaccine Deaths

CDC: 5,888 DEAD 329,021 Injuries from COVID-19 Shots – More than Previous 29 Years of VAERS Vaccine Deaths

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
No one knows the long term impact of foreign mRNA on the "guinea pigs." While everyone will not die, many are suffering from very serious adverse effects, and many are dying. In fact the true numbers are being suppressed, but I will give you a small glimpse of what's cooking.

4 British Airways Pilots DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections While Spain and Russia Prohibit “Vaccinated” From Air Travel
4 British Airways Pilots DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections While Spain and Russia Prohibit “Vaccinated” From Air Travel

The next report is from June 12 so not totally up-to-date
CDC: 5,888 DEAD 329,021 Injuries from COVID-19 Shots – More than Previous 29 Years of VAERS Vaccine Deaths

CDC: 5,888 DEAD 329,021 Injuries from COVID-19 Shots – More than Previous 29 Years of VAERS Vaccine Deaths

To say "No on knows" is to confess a disbelief in God!!

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Word of God because He has the words of God and He is with God and is God!! He knows!!!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Jn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

His sheep hear His voice!! He gives us Wisdom (The Holy Spirit who brings us that small voice of His) and from that voice come knowledge and understanding!!

Priov 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

And whoever believes (trusts) in Him will get eternal life and more also - like that Wisdom we just went over.

Jn 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

And a nice thing about Him is that He is the "Truth"!!

Jn 14:6 Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

So now - Should you get that vaccine?? That answer lies in talking to Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perhaps you should or perhaps you shouldn't, but you don't know -- that does not mean that "nobody knows"!!!

Now He had me get the vaccine and even has me wearing a mask, but why?

It seemed from talking to Him that I was doing both to encourage people to get the vaccine and to wear the mask so that those wearing masks would feel comfortable around me. He was not concerned with me getting Covid, and told me right away that it was not going to be a problem for me, and it has not been. But that was what He told me. I know most people don't spend much time talking to Him. Most don't even consider that a possibility - like the person saying that "Nobody knows", because He is indeed somebody who we can talk to if we seek Him. He is just standing there at the door trying to get our attention. And the work of God is that all should come to know Him!!

Concerning the vaccines - In general vaccines have been a "God send" to people. Any study in vaccines will show that. Can you find people who have had problems with vaccines - of course! That is why a personal relationship with God is important. Basically, that personal relationship with God helps you understand that somebody does know and cares about you!! He cares enough about people that He provides us with more and more information. It is written that "Knowledge will increase", and who do you think gave man the increasing knowledge in our medical fields anyway? Satan is a murderer. Christ is the savior. Yet not all will be saved by Him. Those who choose not to believe in Him will be destroyed, because they were always rebellious, denying even His existence - though He was standing there working at getting their attention.

Mat 10:28 “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Rev 3:19,20 ‘Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

I tell you - if anyone fears God they will seek Him and listen to Him! Then they will know Him who does know!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I think masks are very important. I'm just pissed off by people who don't understand that.
I do agree that masks can help! I wear one whenever I go out. My wife rarely goes out at all because too many people, it seems to me, are more concerned with self than with others:

"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself." Phil 2:3

We all very fortunate that Jesus was so selfless. Who is really striving to be like Him? Sometimes I do wonder about this. How selfless are any of us? How much like Jesus are any of us?

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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I do agree that masks can help!

The question is: Who are we agreeing with?

That is: If I talk to our Lord Jesus Christ and He asks me to wear a mask, then I need to agree with Him and wear it. Yet if I am out to agree or disagree with other people then I fail to understand what being a Christian is all about.

Now that said - I have notice in my conversations with Him that He expects me to come under authority. So if the authorities who God put in place make dictates, even if they are not listening to the Lord, then normally He expects me to abide by those dictates. I can think of a few times when He asked me to follow Him instead of them. Indeed, He always asks me to follow Him and all authority comes down through Him, so normally He asks me to follow the authorities He had put in place.

So as for me, He told me to wear a mask!

So they help?

You know - He never brought that up with me. He did tell me that Covid was not going to be a problem for me. I guess it hasn't been, though I remember starting to go into a place when I forgot to put on the mask and had to run back to my car for it. That was not much of a problem so I don't think it counts against Him. In general wear a mask has not been much of a problem. He also once asked me to not wear a mask when a store asked people to wear masks in the store. Still, the store did not actually require it for people who had been vaccinated, like me. That time I was just running into the store to get something quickly. Normally I get more from that grocery store and He asks me to wear a mask to make people feel comfortable.

The point is that we need to talk with Him and listen to that we are coming into agreement with HIM - our Lord Jesus Christ!!
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