Australia's police brutality continues in the name of covid

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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I think Australia is still leading the race to become a genuine communist nation

Last year the police of Victoria stooped to new lows never seen before. Arresting people for protesting, arresting people for talking about protesting on facebook... Yet the MSM and some people were endorsing such brutality

Now, a woman who owns a grocery store gets manhandled by police and arrested for not enforcing masks in her store...
Watch this brutal event. Check out the tiny box they throw her into... It's inhumane

The gov is going to make businesses do the policing... Every business must make sure customers are masked now in some states...
Next they will say, if you want to operate a business you will need to make sure your employees and customers are vaccinated. Their already doing it some industries.

Also in that video, hundreds reported dead after taking the vaccine here in Oz and tens of thousands reported adverse reactions... My suspiscion is that there are even more unreported as its the first iv heard of the Aussie vaccine reporting system

Its all going downhill here. There has only been one death WITH covid this year yet half the nation is locked down. This will never end... Its global communism... Its the beast

Victoria has been under a "state of emergency" since March 2000, passing and changing laws and bills without using our democratic parliamentary system. Its similar to the executive orders Biden gives in America... Its not democracy, its communism.

Meanwhile our prime minister makes a four step plan that basically says thigs will change once everyone is vaccinated... Admitting that we are never going back to normal...

How Australia will ditch lockdowns and open borders as vaccination rates rise


According to skynews truth teller, Alan Jones, the response from the prime minister is like saying "we have to stop the all blacks from scoring tries"

Looking abroad these Pfizer vaccines have graphene in them which is causing blood clots, strokes and death yet the "roll out" continues like nothing is happening... Kids are dying from these vaccines as well... Reported by the CDC through VAERS...
But the MSM and govs simply ignore it and smash anyone who tries to speak it...

My dire prediction is that many lives will be lost to these vaccines, covid and/or other man made viruses in the next 3 to 5 years... "There are too many people on earth" they say
But the narrative that the zombies will follow will be "we need more vaccines"

If you only have time to watch one video then watch this one... They talk about whats to come and what to do which not many people are talking about... What will you do if they turn off the power, if food supplies go dry, if they come to your home to vaccinate you?

He says there is no stopping this and i agree... But it won't last... Atheist societies have always collapsed and so will this one... We know from the 20th century that communism falls down without the west... China is only successful because the west made it rich... They traded with the devil...

Its about survival now...
Who will survive all this evil that Satan has sent out???
I believe only the people with the strength of God will survive.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I think Australia is still leading the race to become a genuine communist nation

Last year the police of Victoria stooped to new lows never seen before. Arresting people for protesting, arresting people for talking about protesting on facebook... Yet the MSM and some people were endorsing such brutality

Now, a woman who owns a grocery store gets manhandled by police and arrested for not enforcing masks in her store...
Watch this brutal event. Check out the tiny box they throw her into... It's inhumane

The gov is going to make businesses do the policing... Every business must make sure customers are masked now in some states...
Next they will say, if you want to operate a business you will need to make sure your employees and customers are vaccinated. Their already doing it some industries.

Also in that video, hundreds reported dead after taking the vaccine here in Oz and tens of thousands reported adverse reactions... My suspiscion is that there are even more unreported as its the first iv heard of the Aussie vaccine reporting system

Its all going downhill here. There has only been one death WITH covid this year yet half the nation is locked down. This will never end... Its global communism... Its the beast

Victoria has been under a "state of emergency" since March 2000, passing and changing laws and bills without using our democratic parliamentary system. Its similar to the executive orders Biden gives in America... Its not democracy, its communism.

Meanwhile our prime minister makes a four step plan that basically says thigs will change once everyone is vaccinated... Admitting that we are never going back to normal...

How Australia will ditch lockdowns and open borders as vaccination rates rise


According to skynews truth teller, Alan Jones, the response from the prime minister is like saying "we have to stop the all blacks from scoring tries"

Looking abroad these Pfizer vaccines have graphene in them which is causing blood clots, strokes and death yet the "roll out" continues like nothing is happening... Kids are dying from these vaccines as well... Reported by the CDC through VAERS...
But the MSM and govs simply ignore it and smash anyone who tries to speak it...

My dire prediction is that many lives will be lost to these vaccines, covid and/or other man made viruses in the next 3 to 5 years... "There are too many people on earth" they say
But the narrative that the zombies will follow will be "we need more vaccines"

If you only have time to watch one video then watch this one... They talk about whats to come and what to do which not many people are talking about... What will you do if they turn off the power, if food supplies go dry, if they come to your home to vaccinate you?

He says there is no stopping this and i agree... But it won't last... Atheist societies have always collapsed and so will this one... We know from the 20th century that communism falls down without the west... China is only successful because the west made it rich... They traded with the devil...

Its about survival now...
Who will survive all this evil that Satan has sent out???
I believe only the people with the strength of God will survive.
Similar story here in the USA. If you live in a democrat run state. They're requiring vaccines just to work now days.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The World has gone utterly MAD!

Yet much to be THANKFUL for.

Thanks be to God, He loves us.
Thanks be to God, He offered us.
Thanks be to God, He prepared us.
Thanks be to God, He is with us.
Thanks be to God, He is in us.
Thanks be to God, He will never leave us.
Thanks be to God, He strengthens us.
Thanks be to God, He comforts us.
Thanks be to God, He's coming for us.

Love, Praise and Glory to our Great God,

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
This is not the country I was born and raised in.

More people are switching on and protesting and less than 20% have been vaxed but the vaccine passport is still being rolled out as we speak.

Meanwhile, official figures show an increase of 184% in teen suicides since lockdowns began but the MSM won't dare mention it
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Cristo Rei ~ IFY
~ kcnalp quotes "fear God", with his understanding of FEAR; to be "afraid of God".

~ a man who is with and in God, "fears God", with the understanding of FEAR OF THE LORD IS: to be in "reverence of God".

Repeatedly Scripture speaks to "babes", to be Afraid, because they have NOT the Power of God with or in them.

Repeatedly Scripture speaks to "those with and in the Lord"... to be NOT "afraid"... precisely because the Lord IS with them.
Deut. 20:1
Deut 31:6
Josh 1:9
Jer 1:8
Matt 14:27
Matt 17:7
Mark 5:36
Mark 6:50
Luke 12:4
John 6:20

FEAR of the Lord, NOT with or in the Lord...
IS being Afraid of the Lord.

FEAR of the Lord, WITH or IN the Lord...
IS standing in AWE of the Lord.

Thankfulness to our Great Lord God Almighty.

God Bless,
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Cristo Rei ~ IFY
~ kcnalp quotes "fear God", with his understanding of FEAR; to be "afraid of God".

~ a man who is with and in God, "fears God", with the understanding of FEAR OF THE LORD IS: to be in "reverence of God".

Repeatedly Scripture speaks to "babes", to be Afraid, because they have NOT the Power of God with or in them.

Repeatedly Scripture speaks to "those with and in the Lord"... to be NOT "afraid"... precisely because the Lord IS with them.
Deut. 20:1
Deut 31:6
Josh 1:9
Jer 1:8
Matt 14:27
Matt 17:7
Mark 5:36
Mark 6:50
Luke 12:4
John 6:20

FEAR of the Lord, NOT with or in the Lord...
IS being Afraid of the Lord.

FEAR of the Lord, WITH or IN the Lord...
IS standing in AWE of the Lord.

Thankfulness to our Great Lord God Almighty.

God Bless,

True... Thank you for your words of encouragement and truth
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
This is not the country I was born and raised in.

More people are switching on and protesting and less than 20% have been vaxed but the vaccine passport is still being rolled out as we speak.

Meanwhile, official figures show an increase of 184% in teen suicides since lockdowns began but the MSM won't dare mention it

Not a secret...
* satan is presently the "god of this world".
* satan's footsoldiers are "OF" this world.
* Satan's footsoldiers ...HAVE;
Deduced..."they" will sit in the seat of Power.
Deduced...the World spins Because of Wealth.
Deduced...the Control spins By Fear.
Deduced...Elimination feeds their Greed.
Deduced...Force; necessary over Will of men
Deduced...Silence; crucial to promote their LIE.

* God established DIVISION.
* Men in their "little cocoons", sitting as heads of "states"...are "all in the open standing together"....
* BUT are also all in "private rooms, plotting against each other" to be SEATED as HEAD OF THE WORLD.
* The DIVISION we Observe, is centuries old.
* The DIVISION we Observe on steroids, IS;
Mind boggling and Heart achy...

* DIVISION establishes...THREE things.
1) WHO is WITH God.
2) WHO is WITHOUT God.
3) The house without God, SHALL itself DIVIDE and FALL.

* Gods HOUSE is established on Everlasting Unity...
With the Supreme Power of the Godhead and citizens thereof, Once and Forever, ALL in ONE accord, THAT NOTHING Evil, Wicked, Vile, Corrupt, can breach or enter therein.

Greater IS HE that IS IN YOU, than he that is in the world.
Praise God. His Will Prevails.

God Bless,


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Cristo Rei ~ IFY
~ kcnalp quotes "fear God", with his understanding of FEAR; to be "afraid of God".

~ a man who is with and in God, "fears God", with the understanding of FEAR OF THE LORD IS: to be in "reverence of God".
Still waiting on those "reverence" Scriptures.

Revelation 14:6-7 (NKJV)
6 Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth--to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people-- 7 saying with a loud voice, "Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water."
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Sorry to hear that. :(

Ye im finding it hard to withold my disgust towards people who are still promoting forced experimental injections and suggested to someone that he was abetting the plans of the evil one...
Still, iv been on their for a while, never had an issue. A warning would of been good...

I gotta ask you, cos that avatar pic always makes me smile, are an actual post man Dan?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
Ye im finding it hard to withold my disgust towards people who are still promoting forced experimental injections and suggested to someone that he was abetting the plans of the evil one...
Still, iv been on their for a while, never had an issue. A warning would of been good...

I gotta ask you, cos that avatar pic always makes me smile, are an actual post man Dan?
Yes, I am an actual post man. :)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States

Still not giving them to you, until you ask.
I'm sure those whom God drowned and those He burned alive in Sodom had no fear of God either.

2 Peter 2:4-6 (NKJV)
4 For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; 5 and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly; 6 and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly;


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Ye im finding it hard to withold my disgust towards people who are still promoting forced experimental injections and suggested to someone that he was abetting the plans of the evil one...
Still, iv been on their for a while, never had an issue. A warning would of been good...

The VACS are all Expermential.
Plenty of dead rats, did not slow human usage, as in past days, to keep the Experiments in the Lab for 10-20 years...

Many people were Ignorant of the Fact, agreeing to the Vac was precisely them agreeing to BE a Human Experiment.

Like with anything that distracts from their agenda....must be silenced.
* daily DEATH DEATH DEATH ... reports of the un-Vac-ed...
* Minuscule reports on the Thousands who have DIED, or their vital organs complicated BECAUSE they were Vac-ed.

They are TURNING, agreeing to be Vac-ed into compulsory Vac-ing.
Their goal is to announce in Oct. the Vac be "declared".... APPROVED.
Not because the Vac was tested for 10-20 years in a Lab...BEFORE Human approval.
But BECAUSE..."they say so"...and "dictate" it be "FDA" stamped approved !

With...the CORRUPT "stamp"...they instantly change the "status" of the VAC,
from "expermential" TO "safe"....
from "option TO "compulsion" ....
from ...
"Freedom to serve in the military, serve in the government, attend school, attend higher education, use hospital facilities, secure a loan, apply for assistance, Speak, Worship,

THIS IS THEIR all encompassing plan to OPPRESS and systematically TARGET and ELIMINATE.

IF the Word of God says....DO NOT...
That IS their CUE...TO DO.

Holy, Holy, Holy is our Great God Almighty...
Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the not be afraid.
This mounting corrupting has but a short time, before it falls.

Glory to God,
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