Mask Control: Prove COVID-19 exists...I dare you!

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
It's their choice...
You may not agree with me, but if I want to continue to have the freedom to differ with you, then I have to extend to you the same freedom. Otherwise, we end up with nefarious powers harnessing some of society's frustration and using it against us.
This is what Jesus meant when He said, "Treat others the way you want to be treated," or, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Re: "Do unto others ...", ummmm, I believe the correct citation would be:

Matt. 15:12 Then the disciples came and said to him, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?” 13 He answered, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. 14 Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

... for where we might have various perspectives, in the end there is only ONE TRUTH. And with regards to this so called "Global Pandemic", -- their ENTIRE NARRATIVE is FALSE.

Certainly the world has been INTENTIONALLY infected with a virus designed for greater destruction than previous viruses; but the TRUE AGENDA is to MURDER some 70% of the world's population through a DEADLY INJECTION which they call a "vaccination", but is actually a KILL SHOT. And this is MORE than a "Medical" circumstance, it's a SATANIC ATTACK on humanity.

So where various perspectives may identify different SYMPTOMS, the SOURCE is SATANIC, and we cannot "solve" the problem until we identify the SOURCE.

Bobby Jo



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Re: "Do unto others ...", ummmm, I believe the correct citation would be:

Matt. 15:12 Then the disciples came and said to him, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?” 13 He answered, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. 14 Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

... for where we might have various perspectives, in the end there is only ONE TRUTH. And with regards to this so called "Global Pandemic", -- their ENTIRE NARRATIVE is FALSE.

Certainly the world has been INTENTIONALLY infected with a virus designed for greater destruction than previous viruses; but the TRUE AGENDA is to MURDER some 70% of the world's population through a DEADLY INJECTION which they call a "vaccination", but is actually a KILL SHOT. And this is MORE than a "Medical" circumstance, it's a SATANIC ATTACK on humanity.

So where various perspectives may identify different SYMPTOMS, the SOURCE is SATANIC, and we cannot "solve" the problem until we identify the SOURCE.

Bobby Jo

And they've instigated much of the division in our countries. A grass-roots revolution, dare I say revival, is required!
We must throw these oppressors off, if we are to survive. We need to collectively wake up to what is being done to us.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Aussie Public Health Chief Says COVID Contact Tracing is Part of “New World Order”
by Paul Joseph Watson

During a press conference, Australian public health chief Dr. Kerry Chant remarked, “We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order.”

The comments were made during the same briefing in which Premier Gladys Berejiklian said that unvaccinated people would remain under lockdown indefinitely.

Chant was asked if “exposure sites” such as pubs would still be subject to contact tracing and shut down if someone who visits them tests positive for COVID-19 if and when Australia lifts its brutal lockdown.

“We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order…yes it will be pubs and clubs and other things if we have a positive case there,” said Chant, who is the Chief Health Officer for New South Wales.

The term ‘New World Order’ then began trending on Twitter as the social media giant desperately tried to assert that the whole thing was an ‘unfounded conspiracy theory.’

“Fact-checkers have regularly debunked claims connected to the conspiracy theory,” claimed the explainer. “The phrase is regularly used to times of change or cultural shift.”

In reality, the term has long been used by world leaders and other public officials as a signal that they are fully on board with the consensus to create a ‘New World Order’ – which in its simplest terms means an aggressive centralization of power at the expense of stripping liberties from the population.

It’s little surprise that the comment came from Dr. Chant, the stern-faced bureaucrat who has become notorious for her authoritarian pronouncements.

As we highlighted earlier this week, Chant said that COVID will be with us “forever” and people will have to “get used to” taking endless booster vaccines

Back in July, she ordered Australians not to talk to each other, even if they were wearing masks.

“Whilst it’s human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that,” said Chant, adding, “So even if you run into your next door neighbor in the shopping center…don’t start up a conversation.”


Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Aussie Public Health Chief Says COVID Contact Tracing is Part of “New World Order”
by Paul Joseph Watson

During a press conference, Australian public health chief Dr. Kerry Chant remarked, “We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order.”

The comments were made during the same briefing in which Premier Gladys Berejiklian said that unvaccinated people would remain under lockdown indefinitely.

Chant was asked if “exposure sites” such as pubs would still be subject to contact tracing and shut down if someone who visits them tests positive for COVID-19 if and when Australia lifts its brutal lockdown.

“We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order…yes it will be pubs and clubs and other things if we have a positive case there,” said Chant, who is the Chief Health Officer for New South Wales.

The term ‘New World Order’ then began trending on Twitter as the social media giant desperately tried to assert that the whole thing was an ‘unfounded conspiracy theory.’

“Fact-checkers have regularly debunked claims connected to the conspiracy theory,” claimed the explainer. “The phrase is regularly used to times of change or cultural shift.”

In reality, the term has long been used by world leaders and other public officials as a signal that they are fully on board with the consensus to create a ‘New World Order’ – which in its simplest terms means an aggressive centralization of power at the expense of stripping liberties from the population.

It’s little surprise that the comment came from Dr. Chant, the stern-faced bureaucrat who has become notorious for her authoritarian pronouncements.

As we highlighted earlier this week, Chant said that COVID will be with us “forever” and people will have to “get used to” taking endless booster vaccines

Back in July, she ordered Australians not to talk to each other, even if they were wearing masks.

“Whilst it’s human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that,” said Chant, adding, “So even if you run into your next door neighbor in the shopping center…don’t start up a conversation.”


Traditionally, Satan masquerades as an angel of light. But now he is exposing his full identity so that there can be no mistake...

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
OH MY GOODNESS... the word picture you just imprinted on my mind.... all the unvaccinated crows... HAHAHA.... NOW... every time I see a bird.. I am going to yell at them to GET THEIR SHOT... HAHAHAHAHA

One of my workmates, Keify, likes to play around and have a joke. He will sometimes ask me for my vax papers when I ask him for a hand with something... I like him cos he makes me laugh. His got a good sense of humour.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
I got vaccinated so I don’t kill my dad. He is old with diabetes and heart failure. If I had Covid and didn’t realize it I could kill him.

I could care less if I die from the vaccine. I would be with the Lord. There is nothing to fear if you are in Christ. I’m not scared of man, the virus or the vaccine. Seems to be quite a bit of fear in this thread. I guess I just don’t care about much anymore but Jesus.

The title of the thread is prove Covid is real. Well all of my neighbors have it so it’s real. There I proved it.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I got vaccinated so I don’t kill my dad. He is old with diabetes and heart failure. If I had Covid and didn’t realize it I could kill him.

I could care less if I die from the vaccine. I would be with the Lord. There is nothing to fear if you are in Christ. I’m not scared of man, the virus or the vaccine. Seems to be quite a bit of fear in this thread. I guess I just don’t care about much anymore but Jesus.

The title of the thread is prove Covid is real. Well all of my neighbors have it so it’s real. There I proved it.

If your father has been vaxed then he should be protected, right?
But the vaccine does not stop you catching or transmitting covid, right?
So then I don't understand your logic.

As for not caring if the vaccine kills you, I'm hearing this excuse from so many people now including my mum... And I don't accept it from her or anyone. It's a lame excuse used by people who are regretting getting the vax, I find.

Do u want to get killed by a vaccine made by man, really? Haven't u thought of the devestation that would bring to your family... A parent should never have to go through the grief of buring their child... Have u got a wife and kids. Have u thought about them? I'm not sure you've thought that through very clearly my friend. Think of the pain your death would cause to your family...

God should be the only one that takes life...
Not man
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
High court ruling kills free speech online in Australia.

On Wednesday it was decided that social media account holders will become legally responsible for third party comments posted on their sites after the High Court upheld an earlier ruling.

Full article below

High Court ruling KILLS free speech online in Australia
Can you see the impact of this ruling. Say you have an Aussie Christian or any Chat site, now considered a 'social media' set of accounts. You won't be able to cite articles from 3rd parties as we do constantly on this forum ....WOW

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Can you see the impact of this ruling. Say you have an Aussie Christian or any Chat site, now considered a 'social media' set of accounta. You won't be able to cite articles from 3rd parties as we do constantly on this forum ....WOW

This is the upside-down world we live in now my friend... Well, country at least... The rest are following but... Hate speech laws are becoming ever more popular

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Jesus Christ iv just seen sickening images and report of a person hospitalized by police for not wearing a mask and the police manhandling his mother and family at the hospital who were furious at the cop's...

These people are criminals...
These people are demons...

I'm going back to bed


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
If your father has been vaxed then he should be protected, right?
But the vaccine does not stop you catching or transmitting covid, right?
So then I don't understand your logic.

As for not caring if the vaccine kills you, I'm hearing this excuse from so many people now including my mum... And I don't accept it from her or anyone. It's a lame excuse used by people who are regretting getting the vax, I find.

Do u want to get killed by a vaccine made by man, really? Haven't u thought of the devestation that would bring to your family... A parent should never have to go through the grief of buring their child... Have u got a wife and kids. Have u thought about them? I'm not sure you've thought that through very clearly my friend. Think of the pain your death would cause to your family...

God should be the only one that takes life...
Not man

I....don' I live in so much damn pain I don't care. I could care less how I die. Does that make sense? Yes I have family but my quality of life is pretty terrible. If I die they will grieve and get over it. I am so disabled I can't even provide any more. I am just at a point that I have stopped caring about the garbage of this world. My family feels better that I'm vaccinated. There is no mark on my hand or forehead so who cares. I cannot control the situation so why even bother yourself worrying about it. That is my beatitude at the moment. Pain has a way of stomping the life out of you. Usually it is temporary. We have peaks and valleys but this stupid virus thing is just getting old. Get the vaccine or don't.

On another note: if they start this bull excrement in America that they are trying in Australia there will be war, I can almost guarantee it. People here are armed.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
I....don' I live in so much damn pain I don't care. I could care less how I die. Does that make sense? Yes I have family but my quality of life is pretty terrible. If I die they will grieve and get over it. I am so disabled I can't even provide any more. I am just at a point that I have stopped caring about the garbage of this world. My family feels better that I'm vaccinated. There is no mark on my hand or forehead so who cares. I cannot control the situation so why even bother yourself worrying about it. That is my beatitude at the moment. Pain has a way of stomping the life out of you. Usually it is temporary. We have peaks and valleys but this stupid virus thing is just getting old. Get the vaccine or don't.
I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering so deeply.... I am familiar with severe pain over time without much of a break... mine was not physical but rather emotional... and I lived in despair for DECADES.
I absolutely agree... this should NEVER have become an issue... and especially with Christians but it did.
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
It's funny how some Americans think that Australia is soon communist without realising that America isn't far behind at all. In fact it's worse in many cases. Cops are worse. LGBT laws are worse.
And this mentality of "we have guns so we're safe" is a total joke as well... One man with a gun is useless against an army... One hundred men with guns us useless against an army... LoL


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
It's funny how some Americans think that Australia is soon communist without realising that America isn't far behind at all. In fact it's worse in many cases. Cops are worse. LGBT laws are worse. Just saying
Can you remove the Lord's name at the beginning of your post in #3415.... Thanks...


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
So I can now celebrate with you Rita?!!!! It's all good and reasonable to you then? Our prayers do work, and especially with immediate impact when they get answered quickly and directly...not always the case though...
I am happy with this particular part of the equation, still praying about the other aspects of the situation regarding the actual ‘ manipulation ‘ of the whole workforce within Hallmark care homes. Many signed their forms believing both aspects of legislation had been passed and if they didn’t sign they would be fired. Apparently at a team meeting he conveyed to everyone that the government maybe scrapping the legislation, yet today the government started a six week debate on whether to move onto the NHS and all care sector workers with mandatory vaccines………. So we shall see
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