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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
Covid 19 is SARS, just a more recent mutation. Ask any competent virologist and they'll confirm that. There's plenty of online information as well if you'd rather research it yourself.

GEN2REV said:
... The topic of our exchange was Graphene Oxide, not SARS.
There's plenty of online information as well if you'd rather research it yourself.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I am a father of two and the grandfather of 12. I have 10 granddaughters and two grandsons. The oldest is 16 and the youngest has just been born. Every one of them is a living human being capable of feeling, pain, laughter, joy, thinking, happiness, sorrow, likes, dislikes.

Some days they are happy some days they are sad. Some days they are boisterous and some days they quiet and reflective. Some days they cope with everything that is thrown at them and some days they struggle.

Some like cats as pets and some like dogs. Some like swimming and some like singing. Everyone likes to eat on a regular basis and everyone likes special treats. Everyone likes naughty things like chocolate and ice cream and everyone hates vegetables.

So how did they acquire these various attributes and interests? It is definitely not in the womb as we are told by some people who cannot face the truth they are not human until they are born. The question is one minute before they are born they are not human, they are a blob and one minute later when they come out of the womb they are human and they suddenly acquire all the attributes that make them what they are.

One minute that are a blob and the next they are human and have blonde hair. They are thin or fat. They have features like eyes, ears, nose mouth, hands, and feet and the bit that makes them a boy or a girl.

So how did all these features appear in the twinkling of an eye? Who or what decides they are blonde or brown. Blue-eyed or green. Cheeky or quiet. Brainy or dumb. Academic or sportsman. And so on and so on.

You may say that is not true. We don't claim that they are not human until they are born. The fact is some do as they have told me that. And others say they don't know when they become human. Others say after three months. others say after six months. Or, in other words, you pays your money and you make your choice.

In other words, when you invent so-called facts that are not facts, you are at all sixes and sevens.

What is the Christian supposed to believe? The 10 commandments tell us you are not supposed to kill anyone. Point one.

It tells us that God knows us in the womb. Not know it in the womb. Point two.

It tells us that if anyone puts a stumbling block in the way of any of these little ones thrown him in the river with a deadweight around their necks. Point three.

At the moment in some countries, it is OK to murder babies in the womb. In others, it is not. So who is right?

Armchair critics say that the baby in the womb is just a blob so it is OK to kill it.

Abortionists admit that every abortion kills a baby.

Thank God none of my grandchildren went under the knife. They are all precious. In fact, if I had known what fun they were going to be, I would have had them first.

Good post, spot on!
Psalm 139:13-18

"13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you."
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
That is what it did in the animal trials years back . it hyped up the immue response and caused the body to attack itself .
Many auto immune disorders . wait for it . But again the news will play it off like its either a new strain
or whatever . THIS is truly an agenda . Though most news anchors have no idea , they just simply tout the party line .
They just moutpieces and have no idea what is really going on . BUT the ones running the new sources , THEY DO .


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
That is what it did in the animal trials years back . it hyped up the immue response and caused the body to attack itself .
Many auto immune disorders . wait for it . But again the news will play it off like its either a new strain
or whatever . THIS is truly an agenda . Though most news anchors have no idea , they just simply tout the party line .
They just moutpieces and have no idea what is really going on . BUT the ones running the new sources , THEY DO .

WORD brother. It is so transparent to us yet, we have those who have no faith in God to keep us from harm and actually trust the govt. "Trust NO man"...one of my brothers sits in front of that idiot box 24/7 and believes everything the talking heads say. Cannot talk sense to him :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Graphene Oxide is in Covid vaccines.
Abortion is murder.
While it's possible that some vaccines are using graphene oxide, Pfizer and Moderna insist that it is not an ingredient in their vaccines, which is probably why they were approved for use in the United States. Other pharmaceutical companies overseas are producing their own vaccines and some nations don't have government agencies regulating the content of food and drugs for use by the general population, but in the U.S. we do. Graphene oxide is supposed to be useful in protecting the mRNA vaccines from degradation until it reaches host cells, but Pfizer and Moderna claim to have used another method. They haven't publicly stated what their delivery mechanism is because its proprietary and they're both businesses in competition with other pharmaceutical manufacturers.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
While it's possible that some vaccines are using graphene oxide, Pfizer and Moderna insist that it is not an ingredient in their vaccines, ...
The video I linked to in post #17 provides undeniable proof to the contrary on both accounts.

... some nations don't have government agencies regulating the content of food and drugs for use by the general population, but in the U.S. we do.
Well, THAT'S a relief. I was a bit worried when the FDA itself admitted openly for the past multiple decades to the presence of elements such as arsenic, lead, mercury, flouride, etc. in most of the foods and water we all ingest and use on a daily basis.

Like you, I fully trust all of our government's agencies dedicated to the safety and wellness of its citizens. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I had any shadow of a doubt otherwise.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
The video I linked to in post #17 provides undeniable proof to the contrary on both accounts.

Well, THAT'S a relief. I was a bit worried when the FDA itself admitted openly for the past multiple decades to the presence of elements such as arsenic, lead, mercury, flouride, etc. in most of the foods and water we all ingest and use on a daily basis.

Like you, I fully trust all of our government's agencies dedicated to the safety and wellness of its citizens. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I had any shadow of a doubt otherwise.
Not the one I watched my friend. I'm familiar with government abuses of authority, experimentation on the population, etc., probably more so than yourself as I worked for a government agency 25 years until my retirement. I was not educated by the government ( though I did attend 2 state universities and 2 community colleges before being awarded my bachelors of science degree) and the idea that all the major governments on the planet are cooperating in this grand conspiracy against their populations is an absurdity. Both the United States and China are in negative native population growth and have become dependent on immigration to make up for the losses to their work forces, and lost tax revenue to provide for programs to benefit an aging population. The wealth of a nation is more than a GNP but is more accurately represented by it's workforce. There's a reason that conquering nations prior to the abolitionist movement took healthy young people as slaves. They represent real wealth. Even scripture agrees with this.
When U.S. corporations started outsourcing labor to foreign countries they transferred real wealth, real buying power to those nations.
As far as conspiracy theories go, this vaccine conspiracy makes no logical sense from any perspective as it provides no advantage to anyone, including world governments.
If population control were the concern, consider that the growth rate of biological populations is geometric. In 1956, the year I was born, the world's population was about 2.8 billion people. 65 years later the world's population is about 7.8 billion and that's with over half a century of legalized abortion and biochemical birth control. You could cut our population in half and then in half again and still recover to our current population levels in less than two generations.
Such draconian measures to control populations are rendered ineffective for longer than 2 generations and people concerned about out of control growth are aware of the simple math that makes such measures of no practical value. Forbidding marriage and restricting reproduction is the only way to place real limits on population growth and we know that the first of the two is predicted by scripture.