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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Apparently Florida Governor DeSantis called the biden administration, the BRANDON ADMINISTRATION, where the crowd CHEERED and started loudly chanting "LET'S GO BRANDON".

So from now on, I'm ALSO calling it the BRANDON ADMINISTRATION.

Bobby Jo & ELAM :rolleyes:

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
I'm perplexed how "Rumors" are "Played". For example we know that BRANDON was in Glasgow Scotland for some "Environmental" gathering and then was "WHISKED OFF" back to Washington. And I couldn't figure that out, until "Charlie Ward" linked it to a "Major Announcement" being made by PRESIDENT Trump either at 9:00am yesterday -- which was ?delayed? to 9:00pm, -- and then never occurred.

So it seems that Trump simply "Played" BRANDON's handlers as though Trump were going to TAKE BACK HIS STOLEN ELECTION.

It certainly is interesting to see the chess pieces fainting, with the REAL ATTACK on the opposite side of the board. -- And I'm a fairly good chess player, but can only DREAM being the Master that Trump is -- humiliating BRANDON like he Can and Does!

With Very Best Regards,
Bobby Jo & ELAM :rolleyes:

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States

I don't know about this "Benny Johnson", but "X22 Report" appears to be one of the "public outlets" for PRESIDENT Trump's Team.

Bobby Jo

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Has ANYONE noticed that just as in Jesus' day where the main contribution of the "church" was CORRUPTION, that it's exactly as we see TODAY?

Jesus didn't come in religious apparel, and neither are the Rev. 11 Two Prophets. In fact, when speaking from the Synagogue THE "church" TRIED TO THROW HIM OFF A CLIFF; and so too today when we point to one of the Two Prophets, (it remains unclear as to the second Prophet), the Church decries his Ministry.

How many needed to witness Jesus' crucifixion and subsequent events to BELIEVE; and how many will need to witness the Two Prophet's MURDER and subsequent events to BELIEVE?

It begs the question where even Thomas doubted after spending some 2 1/2 years with Jesus, -- how many who attend church today sipping milk will not only DOUBT, but SCOFF?

Religious people have ALWAYS been blind, and ALWAYS will be blind. In Fact, they're so blind, that they actually think they see. But if this were TRUE, then they'd CERTAINLY be able to perceive the Tribulation; perceive ONE of the Two Prophets; and perceive satan's genocide. And I'd be surprised if ONE QUARTER of the "church" could identify even ONE of the THREE.

Bobby Jo

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States

... or if you live in ANY Large City ...

Lke 22:36 He said to them, “But now, let him who has a purse take it, and likewise a bag. And let him who has no sword sell his mantle and buy one.

And remember, two is one, and one is none, -- because "swords" can malfunction. And also most "swords" only have a maximum capacity of 15+1.
Bobby Jo


Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Republican Youngkin Wins Virginia Gov. Race

Republican Youngkin Wins Virginia Gov. Race

That's great news!!! :)

Turns out that Youngkin is apparently a RINO, who Trump supported because at least he wasn't a flaming Dem. So I don't think he'll last any longer than it takes to get a United States PATRIOT to defeat him in the NEXT election.

Disappointing news, but it's the world we live in ...

With VERY Best Regards,
Bobby Jo & ELAM :rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States

... or if you live in ANY Large City ...

Lke 22:36 He said to them, “But now, let him who has a purse take it, and likewise a bag. And let him who has no sword sell his mantle and buy one.

And remember, two is one, and one is none, -- because "swords" can malfunction. And also most "swords" only have a maximum capacity of 15+1.
Bobby Jo

And it will get worse....Blue States will get even deeper Blue
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Has anyone noticed, or am I the only one who's seen increased "releases" of damning evidence?


Perhaps the entire "episode" was planned by President Trump to bring the ENTIRE satanic Cabal down.

Bobby Jo



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Has anyone noticed, or am I the only one who's seen increased "releases" of damning evidence?


Perhaps the entire "episode" was planned by President Trump to bring the ENTIRE satanic Cabal down.

Bobby Jo

This person was born in Kenya. I have a personal copy of his birth certificate from the British Archives. Kenya was still under British rule when he was born.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Independent thought Wiki

Barry Soetoro

Barry Soetoro (born ????) is the true identity of Barack Obama. He was able to scam his way into the presidency by promising hope and change but it was all an act his part and a complete sham. Lets give this guy an Oscar because unlike the Nobel that is one prize he HAS earned.

Early life and background
Obama shipped out of Africa sometime in the 50s and then went to Indonesia to train in a madrassa. He then moved to the US where he lived with his single mother in an apartment on the West side. Stories abound about what went on during that time. Did she pay the bills by turning tricks while Obama sold crack? Im just asking questions.

His career didnt have any hallmarks and he was just a lame community organizer. As a typical Chicago style thug he was corrupt and he used that to get into politics. He had been hurling racial BS for so long it was a smooth transition. He then joined the Senate and got off to a rocky start that never got better. At the 2004 DNC he was keynote speaker and gave a speech that naive liberals found reminiscent of Martin Luther Kings speech about having a dream. This began his rise to the 2008 Presidential election.

2008 Election
Even though Mccain was more qualified and had served his platoon with distinction Obama got votes due to people thinking hes the One. Even after ACORN stuffed the ballot boxes and white guilt and hypnosis, the votes between he and Mccian were all about even until Bill Ayers.

Obama gives himself a pat on the back but everyone else thinks hes a failure. His approval rating is low because ordinary people realize that this isnt the America we grew up in. Every Tom Jones Dick and Harry can see that. Therefore the bravehearted people of America have banded together to protest him. Obamas policies are making it so theres no country for old men and women who want to live like the good old days and keep the USA beautiful. Mind you there are a lot of young people who feel that way too and the Tea Party imbraces ALL ages as long as youre American. Beauty doesnt have to be lost forever and we can get it back when we take are country back and restore honor and make it beautiful again. Basically Obamas presidency is the titanic and instead of going down with the sinking ship what better ship to start a mutiny on. The bounty on the head of every lib is high as we are ready to take are country back by any means.The swing states are all against Obama and its only a matter of time because now everyones as mad as I am. A day us Americans will get are country back is fast approaching.

Political positions
He wants to give all our money to welfare queens. Look "homey", the only way you can realy help yourself is to use personal responsibility to get out the slum "dog". Millionaires shouldnt be the ones paying your way and theres no way that some welfare case who keeps getting pregnant deserves these million dollars. Babies are being churned out by these people just for a welfare check. That is WRONG.

He needs to take a crash course in economics. You do NOT try to hurt big business like WalMart. You HELP them.

He doesnt think illegal immigrants should be deported. Instead he thinks they should have amnesty. He also wants to make us all speak Spanish and probably refers to the White House as La Casa Blanca.

Obama of course supports a policy where we all have to "go green" and theres no telling how green. Was our valuable technology really not enough? Pretty soon thanks to that all our money will be gone. With the wind energy projects he proposes we will be bankrupt in no time and wont even be able to afford the batteries for are mandatory hybrid cars.

Hes a racist but you cant call him on it because of the PC police. Dont forget what they did to the guy who played Kramer. Versus Kramer the Black Community came out in full force to ruin his life and career and they will do it to you too.

Partisan politics
Our constitutions rules say you can only serve 2 terms off and are meant to prevent someone from being king for life. However Obama wants to make himself king and all the kings men AKA the libs will let that happen. Even though you libs know your wrong you cant take it. With you guys, its all about "your team". So Obama will try to have a lifelong reign. Many of us however have decided we will NOT let that happen.

First of all I am NOT glad he ate our national surplus away on buffalo wings and mustard. Then think about how he gave the Queen an Ipod, embarrassing us in front of the English. Patience wore thin when his wife hugged her on top of that to add insult to injury. Speaking of her wife all of her shoes cost like hundreds of dollars yet she goes to a soup kitchen? Hippocrit much? Anyway he won the Nobel Peace Prize as if he were Gandhi or something. He glanced at some girl which completely embarrassed us in front of the French. Connections to Hitler are also frightening. Then theres the BP Oil Spill. Where was Obama when the oil was spilled out on the water? Front and center? No he was at the White House like a coward.

This guy wants to make himself the last emperor of America. He tries to make the stingy rich man the enemy and turn this into a class war. He wants to change everything we hold dear. Hunters and fishers will be outlawed.

Personal life
Bill Ayers is probably the godfather of his children and in fact this was determined on an episode of Maury where he said "Bill Ayers, you ARE the godfather. Part 2 of the episode had Obama on the lie detector test claiming that wasnt born in Kenya and the lie detector determined THAT was a lie.

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States

... I seem to recall that 90% of an iceberg is underwater, so there's still more to be revealed, -- and most of it may not be "suitable" for public dissemination.

Bobby Jo


Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Cat Pilled! @[email protected]

Mike did an interview with a doc who said the vax would deoxygenate the blood upon contact. No one was sure about how this was happening. I found this video on your video site. Its a Dr. Andreas Noack. He says it's not graphene oxide but graphene Hydroxide. That would carry a negative charge. If that charge is stronger than the oxygen-iron-hemoglobin bond it would leech oxygen right out of the blood through simple chemical interactions.
Dr and Carbon specialist who revealed Graphene Hydroxide: Like “Razor Blades” in the blood, attacked and killed.
He's dead now.

Dr and Carbon specialist who revealed Graphene Hydroxide: Like “Razor Blades” in the blood, attacked and killed.
Dr and Carbon specialist who revealed Graphene Hydroxide: Like “Razor Blades” in the blood, attacked and killed.
by: RED PILLED, Published 17 hours ago

I'm now thinking about CANCELLING MY VAX APPOINTMENT ...

Good Call,
Bobby Jo
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