Australias lockdown suicides and lockdown blackmail

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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
I see what your saying now... Percentage of people in hospital compared to cases

Goodness gracious fallacious... Talk about changing the goal posts

1/ You cited cases to claim the shots were great... That failed
2/ You cited deaths to claim the shots were great... That failed
3/ Then you cited hospitalizations to claim the shots are great... That failed

4/ Now, your citing percentage of hospitalization compared to cases...
Affft... Please... What an invalid argument... As if anyone is looking at that...:rolleyes:.

Your clutching at straws now, very little straws

As this article says

Omicron shows the Covid vaccines work. 'Breakthrough case' is a misunderstood term.

"The vaccines are working — but we need to be clearer about how we discuss their efficacy and how this should be measured."

I think what percentage of active cases become hospitalised could be a good accurate way to measure the success of the vaccines, that's just an idea though and there may be better ways to measure the success. At the end of the day I am not an expert on this topic and neither are you.

But those who are experts in this field have a better idea than most of us, and they say the vaccines are working, and are encouraging people to get vaccinated.

Anyway I am going to try to let this topic rest for a while.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
As this article says

Omicron shows the Covid vaccines work. 'Breakthrough case' is a misunderstood term.

"The vaccines are working — but we need to be clearer about how we discuss their efficacy and how this should be measured."

I think what percentage of active cases become hospitalised could be a good accurate way to measure the success of the vaccines, that's just an idea though and there may be better ways to measure the success. At the end of the day I am not an expert on this topic and neither are you.

But those who are experts in this field have a better idea than most of us, and they say the vaccines are working, and are encouraging people to get vaccinated.

Anyway I am going to try to let this topic rest for a while.

Yes good idea... Your claims have been well and truly refuted

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
What makes your arguments weak Josh are the amount of "logical fallacies"
Understand the main fallacies and you will be able to build stronger arguments and identify weak ones.
I don't know how many there are, lawyers would know them all, but this is a good video that gives a brief on 31 one of them...

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
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United States

On "accident", or on PURPOSE?!?

SOME people CHOOSE to deny the OBVIOUS.
Bobby Jo
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
What makes your arguments weak Josh are the amount of "logical fallacies"
Understand the main fallacies and you will be able to build stronger arguments and identify weak ones.
I don't know how many there are, lawyers would know them all, but this is a good video that gives a brief on 31 one of them...

Pauly, why do you keep dragging me into these arguements?

I will say a few more things.

In Victoria there are currently

4th of January, 2022 - only 516 are in hospital out of 48,297 active cases

Which is still Lower than the peaks of hospitalization with no vaccines and lower vaccinations, even though there are around twice as many active cases as previous peaks.

And there are no hard lockdowns at this moment. We have to also put into consideration, before we hit the vaccination targets Queensland, WA, SA, Northern Territory and Tasmania all locked over just a few cases, these states never let an outbreak get out of control when there was zero vaccination, they quick hard and tough to act, lockdown and slam shut borders, this nation has fought against Covid state by state divided.

Now they have hit vaccination targets they have stopped the lockdowns and are letting people roam freely and cross state borders except for the WA who still has their state border closed I believe. Which has given a lot more freedom for the virus to move around, which has resulted in 10 times the active case numbers and still rising, which shows you how much the lockdowns restricted the movement of the virus.

Of course when Queensland currently has 20,239 active cases which is now mostly community transmission compared to 743 active cases earlier on in the pandemic in the first wave which was all from if not mostly from international travellers and not community transmission. And when community transmission was around in August last year with a low vaccinated population in Queensland, they only let the active cases rise to 165.

Or South Australia, 20th of July, 2021, the day they locked down, they only had 2 new locally acquired cases, 18 total cases were active that day, 29 was the peak active total in that wave for SA.

COVID-19 update 20 July 2021 | SA Health

Today South Australia without lockdowns has 14,125 active Covid cases. Of course their hospitalisations are going to be higher.

The main point is Australia never gave the Covid cases a chance to hit the crazy numbers other places in the world were hitting, back when there were no vaccinations, low vaccinations and before vaccination targets were reached. Because we were one of the most locked down places in the world. If there were no lockdowns the hospitalisations would have been a lot higher with low vaccinations in Winter 2021 and no vaccinations in 2020 and early 2021.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Pauly, why do you keep dragging me into these arguements?

I will say a few more things.

In Victoria there are currently

4th of January, 2022 - only 516 are in hospital out of 48,297 active cases

Which is still Lower than the peaks of hospitalization with no vaccines and lower vaccinations, even though there are around twice as many active cases as previous peaks.

And there are no hard lockdowns at this moment. We have to also put into consideration, before we hit the vaccination targets Queensland, WA, SA, Northern Territory and Tasmania all locked over just a few cases, these states never let an outbreak get out of control when there was zero vaccination, they quick hard and tough to act, lockdown and slam shut borders, this nation has fought against Covid state by state divided.

Now they have hit vaccination targets they have stopped the lockdowns and are letting people roam freely and cross state borders except for the WA who still has their state border closed I believe. Which has given a lot more freedom for the virus to move around, which has resulted in 10 times the active case numbers and still rising, which shows you how much the lockdowns restricted the movement of the virus.

Of course when Queensland currently has 20,239 active cases which is now mostly community transmission compared to 743 active cases earlier on in the pandemic in the first wave which was all from if not mostly from international travellers and not community transmission. And when community transmission was around in August last year with a low vaccinated population in Queensland, they only let the active cases rise to 165.

Or South Australia, 20th of July, 2021, the day they locked down, they only had 2 new locally acquired cases, 18 total cases were active that day, 29 was the peak active total in that wave for SA.

COVID-19 update 20 July 2021 | SA Health

Today South Australia without lockdowns has 14,125 active Covid cases. Of course their hospitalisations are going to be higher.

The main point is Australia never gave the Covid cases a chance to hit the crazy numbers other places in the world were hitting, back when there were no vaccinations, low vaccinations and before vaccination targets were reached. Because we were one of the most locked down places in the world. If there were no lockdowns the hospitalisations would have been a lot higher with low vaccinations in Winter 2021 and no vaccinations in 2020 and early 2021.

And Portugal is a better example to look at, higher vaccination rate, 88.3% with at least 2 doses and already 28.9% with a booster as of 31st of December 2021. Look at the graphs below. Vaccinations do work.


Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... why do you keep dragging me into these arguments? ...

I think we're missing a significant aspect in these conversations:

2 Thess. 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means, for that Day shall not come, unless there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, ...

If Christians didn't fall for satan's deceptions, there would be no "Great Falling Away". So in some respects, some individuals are FULLING PROPHECY AS WE SPEAK. And because NOTHING jumps out of nowhere, we should expect a gradual "conditioning" to occur, -- first a "mask", then a "vax", then the U.N.; and then a global monetary system which requires an Oath of Allegiance.

So I'd like to THANK all those who will fulfill this Scripture, being that I choose a DIFFERENT PATH.

Of course anyone can change their mind up to the last moment, but I expect "as a tree grows" where ONE "tree" has already self identified as toward the U.N. One-World-Government! So CONGRATULATIONS, -- we'll soon be there and that dream can be fulfilled.

Bobby Jo

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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
And Portugal

What about Portugal... Peaking higher than ever before in cases...
Remember how long you were using cases to justify your stupid drugs??? Well you are wrong
You have psychosis... Mass formation psychosis... And now that you are opening your eyes a bit you don't want to talk about.
Too proud to ever admit you were wrong. Be careful with pride

bandicam 2022-01-04 12-50-14-737.jpg

For your needles to work everything must be down, cases, deaths and hospitalizations. Only one needs to be high to say they don't work...

Besides im not saying their useless. I did say they help lower symptoms for the first 10 weeks, then you need a booster.
Its exactly what our government is saying as well

bandicam 2021-12-24 17-58-23-694.jpg

Why do you think they want to give 3 month boosters then? Its obviously because they loose their efficiency

The arguments you guys are producing are becoming more and more invalid by the day...
I reckon pride is stopping most of you from returning to truth...
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Pauly, I am pretty sure the virologists know what they are talking about, when they encourage people to get vaccinated and it's for good reason, not for evil, but for good.

And also the stats tell us

These vaccines are saving many lives from being lost from the current variants of Covid and keeping many from falling seriously ill


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Here is some new information for you.
I have had the honor to take some people to the hospital here locally.
Things did not go well and I was nose to nose with security before it was that they backed down.
1. Wear surgical gloves when you are out and wash your hands when you go back home.
2. This has been going on for a while now and I see no evidence that this Covid Virus is transmitted through the air. Wear gloves.
3. Quantum science....the study of the littlest of things and the biggest of things. If Covid could hold hands and walk, they could stand a thousand a breast and walk through any mask and not touch a fiber. The masks in use are of no effect....intentional false sense of security. Wear gloves and wash your hands and if you are not strong and well and live in a Covid infected area....send someone else. If you do not wear will be your hands that will infect you and those back at home....not your nose. And odds are what you will be spreading is not Covid. There are a bunch of bugs running around that are serious but not Covid and they are not attempting to identify them. And they are not treated correctly at the hospitals.
4. Because I live in an area that is not strongly effected by Covid and my son works at the hospital and I have had an opportunity to be at a couple hospitals....I know a few things. No one in my area is on respirators. But the hospitals are full.....not of Covid 19 or its known variants. The emergency waiting rooms are full and this is why I got confrontational. No one hustling and people waiting 7 hours and no one in the waiting room taking stats. They had no idea what was going on in their own waiting rooms. And most say they have already been vaccinated. This has been confirmed in St. Louis hospitals also
5. The hospitals are full here, but not of Covid. There are a lot of serious bugs running around that no one is identifying what they are. They are not trying because it does not matter, if you do not have a fever...have upper respiratory or a stomach virus or sinus will all be diagnosed as Covid. The bugs are serious, they can dehydrate people, harm them in different ways if they have other problems. Due to the politics of wanting to document it all as Covid they can treat someone incorrectly. They can take a loved one separate you saying they are treating them for Covid and let them die of dehydration. I nearly had to grab these doctors by the neck to get these people on Intravenous hydration. Be very watchful of your loved ones that have to go to the hospital.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
5. The hospitals are full here, but not of Covid. There are a lot of serious bugs running around that no one is identifying what they are. ....

The Deep State is not STUPID. The STOLE the 2020 Election through EVERY MEANS AT THEIR DISPOSAL because any ONE METHOD is readily identifiable. And so too for the Vax. It's intended to give a MULTIPLE SYMPTOMS from aches to DEATH, because any ONE SYMPTOM is readily identifiable.

And one of the more serious "symptoms" is that -- the Vax isn't the problem --, as perpetrated by the Deep State Disinformation Campaign.

People are called "sheeple" for good reason.
Bobby Jo

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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
These vaccines are saving many lives from being lost from the current variants of Covid and keeping many from falling seriously ill

You guys cannot think for yourselves being under this mass formation psychosis

The needles provide some protection for 3 months, after that your immune system is worse and you need boosters.
Our own government is admitting this by providing 3 month boosters.

And this claim that "their saving lives" is another fallacy. You need to compare the vaxed to the unvaxed to see that difference

Pauly, I am pretty sure the virologists know what they are talking about, when they encourage people to get vaccinated and it's for good reason, not for evil, but for good.

True the virologist, immunologists, epidemiologists and other such experts do know what their talking about...
Dr Malone, inventor of mrna vaccines
Dr McCollough, most published expert in his field
Dr Yeadon, former head of pfizer
Dr Bhakti
Dr Zelenko
The USA "front line doctors", about 1,500 of them.
These guys are independent and being censored.
Who are you citing exactly??? Your only repeating what those flapping heads on TV say...
Your not citing any independent experts at all

You have such a poor argument a court room judge would laugh at you
You've continually moved your goal posts but the most disturbing things is you are excusing and normalizing atrocities that are comparable to the Nazis and Soviets.
Censorship - Evil
Forcing needles - Evil
Attacking our freedom - Evil
Sacrificing humans - Evil
Sacrificing children - Evil
Lying - Evil
Discrimination - evil
Bribery -Evil
Blackmail - Evil
Coercion - Evil
Extortion - Evil
Ransom - Evil
Mark of the beast style system - Evil
All these things and more you are promoting and they are all evil atrocities

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
"Highest Death Rates In History" - Indiana Life Insurance CEO Says Deaths are UP BY A WHOPPING 40% Among People Aged 18-64 in 2020 - Only a Fraction From Covid Deaths (VIDEO)

“Highest Death Rates In History” – Indiana Life Insurance CEO Says Deaths are UP BY A WHOPPING 40% Among People Aged 18-64 in 2020 – Only a Fraction From Covid Deaths (VIDEO)
By Julian Conradson, Published January 3, 2022

Working aged Americans have been dying at an unprecedented pace ever since the beginning of the manufactured Covid-19 pandemic, according to the head of one of the United States’ largest insurance companies – but somehow, the dreaded China-virus – contrary to what the ‘approved science’ says – has little to do with the “catastrophic” increase.

Physicians and Morticians have pointed to the Vax, -- and now it appears the Insurance Industry may be joining them.

Mommy, I don't want the Vax. That's right sweetheart, we'll murder the Retired so that there'll be some Social Security left for us.
Bobby Jo


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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
But forget about all that... You still haven't answered my question which iv asked several times now

Why should we be discriminated against???

Please answer my question as i answer yours
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
"Highest Death Rates In History" - Indiana Life Insurance CEO Says Deaths are UP BY A WHOPPING 40% Among People Aged 18-64 in 2020 - Only a Fraction From Covid Deaths (VIDEO)

“Highest Death Rates In History” – Indiana Life Insurance CEO Says Deaths are UP BY A WHOPPING 40% Among People Aged 18-64 in 2020 – Only a Fraction From Covid Deaths (VIDEO)
By Julian Conradson, Published January 3, 2022

Working aged Americans have been dying at an unprecedented pace ever since the beginning of the manufactured Covid-19 pandemic, according to the head of one of the United States’ largest insurance companies – but somehow, the dreaded China-virus – contrary to what the ‘approved science’ says – has little to do with the “catastrophic” increase.

Physicians and Morticians have pointed to the Vax, -- and now it appears the Insurance Industry may be joining them.

Mommy, I don't want the Vax. That's right sweetheart, we'll murder the Retired so that there'll be some Social Security left for us.
Bobby Jo


And yet the discrimination continues and knuckle heads are cheering it all on
Can't work, can't go to a restaurant, can't go to a music or sports event or festival...
In Australia we have been segregated and discriminated against and no one seems to care
One argument i heard was "well, thats the consequences" I needed to summon the Holy Spirit just to stop me from blowing up


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
In Australia we have been segregated and discriminated against and no one seems to care...
Well a German politician said that she was standing with the opponents of COVID tyranny in Australia. Has she done something about it? And there are many protesters worldwide standing with those in Australia. But obviously protests are being ignored, so drones should be next. There are several quotes from Aussie politicians and bureaucrats specifically mentioning the New World Order.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Well a German politician said that she was standing with the opponents of COVID tyranny in Australia. Has she done something about it? And there are many protesters worldwide standing with those in Australia. But obviously protests are being ignored, so drones should be next. There are several quotes from Aussie politicians and bureaucrats specifically mentioning the New World Order.

I heard that German politician and there are several politicians here speaking out. The weekly protests have taken a break in this Christmas period...
Your right in saying that the protests appear to be achieving nothing but just imagine what they would have done if no one protested...
We have to keep speaking the truth even when it seems to be doing nothing. Sow the seeds of truth and this mass formation psychosis can be broken according to top clinical psychologist Dr Mattias Desmet.
According to him, once there is no dissent in society then totalitarianism is achieved so we must keep spreading the truth anyway we can.
He says 30% are hypnotized, their is no use talking to them
40% are sitting on the fence, their just sheep following the herd
30% know the truth and its up to us to sow the seeds of truth among the 40% herd

The truth always wins but im not sure when or how many casualties there will be this time