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Feb 1, 2022
Western USA
United States
Members of the Christianity Board,

I read from the King James Bible which subjectively is the closet writings to Jesus’ inspired words that we have in their total reading form. My edict is that what Jesus said ONCE, He didn’t mean for His words to contradict each other, or to be taken in many different ways, hence, the King James Bible remains supreme to me and the foundation of Christianity.

I have read the King James Bible from start to finish 5 times, and have found many disturbing passages and narratives relating to our Savior Jesus the Christ, and many wonderful things about Him for the most part. Therefore to be a true Christian, I have had to accept the bad with the good within the scriptures, that unfortunately contradicts at times the many concepts that are taken for granted today within the Christian faith.

I belong to no division of Christianity, but as an independent of the faith, because there again, which one is the correct version of the faith that Jesus would accept as being the Hebrew Yahweh God incarnate? Therefore, in the same vein as the many divisions of the faith preclude, I follow suit in determining what I preclude as the truth subsequent to the careful reading of the scriptures. As an example, I do not need the Baptist faith telling me one thing, and the Jehovah Witnesses telling me another upon the same topic at hand as they both contradict each other. Subjectively, one can read the scriptures in context to what it directly says, and go from there.

The irony is that when I follow the Judeo-Christian Bible with its biblical axioms that cannot be changed, spin doctored away with Devil Speak, or in using questionable hermeneutics at times, and when bringing said biblical axioms to the forefront in my discussions that can rattle the locals, the Christian Forum that I am in at the time can accuse me of not being a Christian but only a trouble maker! LOL Therefore, they either ask me to leave, or they outright ban me because I am following the direct inspired words of Jesus the Christ! Can you say “Catch-22?” :(

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Christian Forum that I am in accuses me of not being a Christian but only a trouble maker!
I always remember what Dr. Laura said. I listened to her show sometimes like 10 years ago.

"When someone tells you who they are, believe them."

I've always liked that!

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Members of the Christianity Board,

I read from the Codex Sinaiticus Bible which is the oldest complete copy of the New Testament, and which is the closet writings to Jesus’ inspired words that we have to date. For the Old Testament, I read from the King James Bible which is again, the closet word of Jesus that is available in a written form. I do not accept the many different versions of the Bible that are available today, that at times contradict each other, so where is the truth in which one is correct? My edict is what Jesus said ONCE, He didn’t mean for His words to contradict each other, or to be taken in many different ways, hence, the Codex Sinaiticus and King James Old Testament remains supreme to me and the foundation of Christianity.

I have read these two biblical books from start to finish 5 times, and have found many disturbing passages and narratives relating to our Savior Jesus the Christ, and many wonderful things about Him for the most part. Therefore to be a true Christian, I have had to accept the bad with the good within these scriptures, that unfortunately contradicts at times the many concepts that are taken for granted today of the Christian faith.

I belong to no division of Christianity, but as an independent of the faith, because there again, which one is the correct version of the faith that Jesus would accept as being the Hebrew Yahweh God incarnate? Therefore, in the same vein as the many divisions of the faith preclude, I follow suit in determining what I preclude as the truth subsequent to the careful reading of the scriptures. I do not need the Baptist faith telling me one thing, and the Jehovah Witnesses telling me another upon the same topic at hand as they both contradict each other. Subjectively, one can read the scriptures in context to what it directly says, and go from there.

The irony is that when I follow the Judeo-Christian Bible with its biblical axioms that cannot be changed, spin doctored away with Devil Speak, or in using questionable hermeneutics at times, and when bringing said biblical axioms to the forefront in my discussions that can rattle the locals, the Christian Forum that I am in accuses me of not being a Christian but only a trouble maker! LOL Therefore, they either ask me to leave, or they outright ban me because I am following the direct inspired words of Jesus the Christ! Can you say “Catch-22?” :(

hmmmm, you speak a lot about yourself......hmmmmm


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
strikes me as different argument?
Perhaps, but what is faith according to men? Is there a difference in the meaning of faith as Jesus expresses it in these verses, for example and the kind of faith that every unbeliever and apparently too many believers manifest?

"Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?" Matt 6:30

"And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm." Matt 8:26

According James, the devils believe in one God. Is that not the kind of belief [faith] manifested also often by men?

"Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." James 2:19

What is the difference? What happened to the "faith" of many of his followers here?

"Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it?
When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you?" John 6:60-61

"From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him." John 6:66

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Feb 1, 2022
Western USA
United States
I always remember what Dr. Laura said. I listened to her show sometimes like 10 years ago.

"When someone tells you who they are, believe them."

I've always liked that!

Much love!


REQUOTE: "Christian ForumS that I am in accuses me of not being a Christian but only a trouble maker!"

I forgot to make Forums in a plural form, and did not mean this forum in the singular. Yes, because I have had to accept the good with the bad within the scriptures, and in certain forums I am considered a "trouble maker" for accepting the bad! Huh? If you bring forth the bad parts of the Judeo-Christian Bible, does the membership of this forum attack you?

Feb 1, 2022
Western USA
United States
hmmmm, you speak a lot about yourself......hmmmmm


Are you alluding to the fact that new members in telling the membership about themselves is wrong? I thought the normal procedure of a Welcome Forum in any Religion forum was to tell a little information about oneself.



Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States


REQUOTE: "Christian ForumS that I am in accuses me of not being a Christian but only a trouble maker!"

I forgot to make Forums in a plural form, and did not mean this forum in the singular. Yes, because I have had to accept the good with the bad within the scriptures, and in certain forums I am considered a "trouble maker" for accepting the bad! Huh? If you bring forth the bad parts of the Judeo-Christian Bible, does the membership of this forum attack you?

People here attack you for different reasons, many of them, to me, seem not to be good. Then comes the question of who among such attackers have any of the One that is good in them or on their side?
Feb 1, 2022
Western USA
United States
"From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him." John 6:66


YOUR TROUBLING QUOTE: "From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him." John 6:66

OUCH! Your quote above has always troubled me, not because of the passage in question having consecutive numbers of 666 in being the mark of the Devil, but because Jesus' disciples left Him! In other words, how can His disciples, or anyone else, leave Jesus who is our Hebrew Yahweh God incarnate?!

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Jan 26, 2008
United States

YOUR TROUBLING QUOTE: "From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him." John 6:66

OUCH! Your quote above has always troubled me, not because of the passage in question having consecutive numbers of 666 being the mark of the Devil, but because Jesus' disciples left Him! In other words, how can His disciples, or anyone else, leave our Yahweh Hebrew God incarnate Jesus?!
When times are easy and/or when the speaker/teacher/minister of God is not coming down too hard on the things displeasing to God or is not getting too deep into what we might call the meat of the Word, then they might come to him and stay with him in the thousands.

Is this not what we saw in the very days of the ministry of Jesus?

By the time we get to the 6th chapter of John, the enemies have raised their heads up high and the weaknesses of the followers of Jesus have made themselves known. Do we see much like this around us today? I wish I could say, nay!
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Aug 10, 2012
I have trouble diserning what is troubling. I guess some things were troubling to the one Jesus spoke to at the time.

Was this also troubling?
Matthew 10:15
Matthew 24:2
Mark 11:12-14

I do not see it as troubling but I am comforted by Jesus' authority being shown.

Matthew 16:23

Comforts me, as it demonstrates a clear division between the world and his kingdom

Matthew 26:34

Is a comfort as it shows Jesus' foreknowledge, that he is not caught un-aware.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

Are you alluding to the fact that new members in telling the membership about themselves is wrong? I thought the normal procedure of a Welcome Forum in any Religion forum was to tell a little information about oneself.

It means, in the context of your post, your priority is on display.
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May 12, 2021
United States
United States
Why did you change - what you stated about what you read - from this:
BrotherDThomas said:
I read from the Codex Sinaiticus Bible which is the oldest complete copy of the New Testament, and which is the closet writings to Jesus’ inspired words

To this:
I read from the King James Bible which subjectively is the closet writings to Jesus’ inspired words

Seems that only one of them is the Truth. Are we to take you at your word when you change such a specific detail about your beliefs and background?
Feb 1, 2022
Western USA
United States
Why did you change - what you stated about what you read - from this:
To this:
Seems that only one of them is the Truth. Are we to take you at your word when you change such a specific detail about your beliefs and background?


I changed to the King James Bible, which is almost as close to the Codex Sinaiticus in displaying Jesus' true words, because it is a pain to seak out the appropriate scriptures that I would need to use within the Codex Sinaiticus website. I am aware the Wycliffe English Bible of 1382, and the rewrite of same, the Tyndale Bible in 1525, and the various other questionable English translated Bibles up to 1600AD, but the King James version is known by everyone.

As you are aware, the King James Bible, with the English translation Bibles before, and after it, have ALL been "reworked" to no end! Therefore we DO NOT have the direct original and inspired words from Jesus the Christ Himself, even with the Codex Sinaiticus, since the New Testament was written approximately 50-100 years AFTER Jesus the Christ bodily ascended into the heavens.

We can only "hope or wish" that the translators that wrote the New Testament were actually INSPIRED by Jesus to be correct in what they wrote.
"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation, for the prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." (2 Peter 1:20-21)

Feb 1, 2022
Western USA
United States
I have trouble diserning what is troubling. I guess some things were troubling to the one Jesus spoke to at the time.


Was your post #13 directed to me? In any event, there are many "troubling" situations within the scripture that when seen, is disturbing when the simple math is done in their behalf. Like I stated, I as a true Christian have to accept these biblical anomalies and move on with the faith in the best way that I can.

Feb 1, 2022
Western USA
United States
I think it is a quote that says: when someone SHOWS you who they are, believe them the first time.


"srsly" is only an abbreviation of the word "seriously" that is used in chat rooms, and of which our children use these terms at times in their writing on computers. Have you ever looked at the handwriting of the young in this era since cursive penmanship for the most part in schools is not taught anymore? I have seen some that can't even sign their name to a contract! PATHETIC! Jesus is not smiling on their behalf.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States


I changed to the King James Bible, which is almost as close to the Codex Sinaiticus in displaying Jesus' true words, because it is a pain to seak out the appropriate scriptures that I would need to use within the Codex Sinaiticus website. I am aware the Wycliffe English Bible of 1382, and the rewrite of same, the Tyndale Bible in 1525, and the various other questionable English translated Bibles up to 1600AD, but the King James version is known by everyone.

As you are aware, the King James Bible, with the English translation Bibles before, and after it, have ALL been "reworked" to no end! Therefore we DO NOT have the direct original and inspired words from Jesus the Christ Himself, even with the Codex Sinaiticus, since the New Testament was written approximately 50-100 years AFTER Jesus the Christ bodily ascended into the heavens.

We can only "hope or wish" that the translators that wrote the New Testament were actually INSPIRED by Jesus to be correct in what they wrote.
"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation, for the prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." (2 Peter 1:20-21)

The vast majority of scripture was faithfully reproduced up through the KJV. It was found to be 99.99% in alignment with the 1,000 year old Dead Sea Scrolls, with only certain spellings and other very minor differences, but the original word and verse meanings being the same.

I agree it has been systematically dismantled in many ways in all versions since.