Importance of repentance

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Daniel L.

Active Member
Feb 25, 2022
it was over almost 1000 years ago

There was 1000 years of the millenial reign, after that there is a "little season", and 2022 is not valid evidence, if the devil is loosed:

Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
satan is destroyed

So, because the devil will change the times, we can't trust the times. And we don't know how long the "little season" is, so you can't prove it already happend in order for you to say: the devil had to already have been destroyed, if the millenial started back then.
On the contrary because the devil is not yet destroyed, then the "little season" has not ended yet.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Hebrews 10:26
"26 For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,

Sinning willfully carries with it the idea of sinning continually and deliberately. Apostasy. Knowing full well one is sinning and spitting on Christs sacrifice.
This is what I believe Hebrews 10:26 means:
"...there remains no OTHER sacrifice", so if one is non repentant and still think they are Christians, they will remain in their false beliefs while still sinning...BUT, if they DO repent and turn back to Jesus, they WILL be saved as, there IS no other sacrifice for sins except that of Christs sacrifice, He is forgiving to all who repent and turn from there practice of sinning.

YES - There is a difference between willfully sinning and deliberately not doing the right thing!!

However, If we have read the Bible we have read that we are suppose to listen to Jesus Christ who owns the very words of God - so are we seeking Him and listening to Him?

Mat 17:5 While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!”

If we say in our hearts that He is not around, perhaps still dead or perhaps in a far off place called heaven - then in our heart we are deliberately choosing to ignore the instruction to listen to Him, as made clear in the Bible - and we have no excuse for that!!

As mentioned in the OP:

"In that way we have killed Him in our hearts"

That is why in Hebrews we read over and over and over about "Today, I you hear His voice", because "Today" is the day we would expect to hear from our Lord Jesus Christ who said He would never leave us!

Yet do we hear that small voice of His everyday called "Today"?

If you have read the Bible - you are responsible for doing that (listening to Him)! So then there is "no other sacrifice" for those who say they believe in Jesus Christ but refuse to listen to Him!!

Which is to say that you either know Him and listen to Him daily, or you don't know Him and do not listen to Him daily!

And one other thing!! - If you do know Him and listen to Him daily you find out more and more that sin is in you. Indeed, you actually find the principle that evil dwells in you, and that you "practice" the very thing you don't want!!

Rom 7:15 For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.

You need to work the understanding of the above verse into your "Theology"!!

We don't then actually turn from our practice of sinning - but rather we turn to Jesus Christ, who as the light of this world exposes and casts light on our sinful nature and the fact that evil is present in us - each of us! So that turn from sin means turning to Jesus Christ as opposed to us actually doing everything right. That means we are not willing to practice sin, but also a realization that we are doing the very thing (sinning) which we do not want to do!!

If we are actually trying to turn from doing the wrong thing, according to the Law, by our efforts instead of by developing a relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord - who talks to you and gives you teachings, counsel, and such - is nothing more that trying to get to heaven by your "good works", but leaning on your understanding and your efforts. A person doing that tends to think that by their efforts and understanding they can not be a sinner and not practice sin!

To those people we read things in the Bible like:

Gal 3:2,3 This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I totally agree we are very much on the verge of the great trib. In the pangs now IMHO. And yeah, you are theory is flawed.

BTW - this thread was about "Importance of Repentance" - not our theory about the Bible.

We each are going to have our "Theology" which just means out understanding of God. And one thing we should know is that "OUR" Theology (understanding of God) is wrong!! We may have some things write, but it is written that His thoughts are not our thoughts, so unless the Bible is wrong we should realize that our thoughts (Theology) is wrong.

Then the only thing to do - once we understand that our thoughts (Theology) is not His thoughts - is to seek Him and what He has to tell us. It does tend to match up with what is written, but He does match up with our thoughts simply because His thoughts are not out thoughts!! So if it is written:

“Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time will come.

And also: “When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be frightened; those things must take place; but that is not yet the end.

It is not hard to understand that men has been given the knowledge to destroy ourselves as we know us in the flesh, and it is not hard to see that men is evil, willing to kill one another meaning us all as we know us in the flesh. But that is not our concern and is not what we are being alert for, is it? It is also written;

“The gospel must first be preached to all the nations.

and " do not worry beforehand about what you are to say, but say whatever is given you in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but it is the Holy Spirit.

So the good news (the gospel) we preach is that the Holy Spirit speaks, but who listens?

I too have not missed what is in the news. So I turned to the Lord and listen to what He has to say to me, and over and over He has been telling me "those things must take place; but that is not yet the end."

From hearing from Him personally, I don't need to worry about the wars and rumors of war, I need to do what He asks, which is telling people that we can hear from Him. I can't actually point to where He is, other than to say that His words are found in our hearts and sometimes on our lips. Yet, look to pick up His words from His Holy Spirit coning to your spirit and you too will hear "those things must take place; but that is not yet the end." That will happen because He is consistent. If I was guessing, perhaps the leaders (men), who are being controlled by the powers principalities, and the dark spiritual forces of this world, will one day start pushing buttons which launch nuclear war heads and which will destroy the earth as we know it, but even that is my thoughts which are not His thoughts so that most certainly somehow wrong.

So why bother guessing, when you have read that His thoughts are not your thoughts?? Instead start listening to Him who comforts you and has a plan. Still, even our Lord Jesus Christ has not been told the hour, but His Father has kept it from Him, so He is not giving you that, He is telling us to preach the good news, which is that He our Lord Jesus Christ - the King of kings - there to be heard from via His Holy Spirit speaking to our spirit!! Repent of that worry, and seek Him!

Yes - I still don't like what is happening in this world and I feel for those people being wrongfully hurt, and neither does He like it. He has given people to choose good or evil, and too many choose evil. It is not hard to see that Putin has chosen evil, but not only him. Perhaps if we were better ourselves (as Christians) at telling people to seek Jesus Christ and listen to Him then more people would seek Jesus Christ, whose words are found in our heart and on our lips, because we can't actually show people where He is at but we can explain that His words are found in us.

Maybe, just maybe, if we stop going "I think" and "my theology or theory is", and start just telling people to listen to Him for His thinking, His theology about Himself, and His theories, then we might not see as many people agreeing with evil, and more people repenting of their ways and actually turning to Him!
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
YES - There is a difference between willfully sinning and deliberately not doing the right thing!!

However, If we have read the Bible we have read that we are suppose to listen to Jesus Christ who owns the very words of God - so are we seeking Him and listening to Him?

Mat 17:5 While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!”

If we say in our hearts that He is not around, perhaps still dead or perhaps in a far off place called heaven - then in our heart we are deliberately choosing to ignore the instruction to listen to Him, as made clear in the Bible - and we have no excuse for that!!

As mentioned in the OP:

"In that way we have killed Him in our hearts"

That is why in Hebrews we read over and over and over about "Today, I you hear His voice", because "Today" is the day we would expect to hear from our Lord Jesus Christ who said He would never leave us!

Yet do we hear that small voice of His everyday called "Today"?

If you have read the Bible - you are responsible for doing that (listening to Him)! So then there is "no other sacrifice" for those who say they believe in Jesus Christ but refuse to listen to Him!!

Which is to say that you either know Him and listen to Him daily, or you don't know Him and do not listen to Him daily!

And one other thing!! - If you do know Him and listen to Him daily you find out more and more that sin is in you. Indeed, you actually find the principle that evil dwells in you, and that you "practice" the very thing you don't want!!

Rom 7:15 For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.

You need to work the understanding of the above verse into your "Theology"!!

We don't then actually turn from our practice of sinning - but rather we turn to Jesus Christ, who as the light of this world exposes and casts light on our sinful nature and the fact that evil is present in us - each of us! So that turn from sin means turning to Jesus Christ as opposed to us actually doing everything right. That means we are not willing to practice sin, but also a realization that we are doing the very thing (sinning) which we do not want to do!!

If we are actually trying to turn from doing the wrong thing, according to the Law, by our efforts instead of by developing a relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord - who talks to you and gives you teachings, counsel, and such - is nothing more that trying to get to heaven by your "good works", but leaning on your understanding and your efforts. A person doing that tends to think that by their efforts and understanding they can not be a sinner and not practice sin!

To those people we read things in the Bible like:

Gal 3:2,3 This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?

"If we are actually trying to turn from doing the wrong thing, according to the Law, by our efforts instead of by developing a relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord - who talks to you and gives you teachings, counsel, and such - is nothing more that trying to get to heaven by your "good works..."

For sure! Just because someone stops doing a particular thing on their own steam, I agree that they are trying to enter through a different door, I think they'd be in even deeper sin.
"Gal 3:2,3 This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?"
I know there is no good thing in me brother, I know it more and more, even though I am home alone the large majority of time, my thoughts can be like a tornado! Only through His Spirit am I where I am today.
So, no, I don't/cant! do anything on my own strength as I am weak but...then, He is strong through me and say's "Nancy, My grace is sufficient for you" and, it is.

"And one other thing!! - If you do know Him and listen to Him daily you find out more and more that sin is in you. Indeed, you actually find the principle that evil dwells in you, and that you "practice" the very thing you don't want!!"

Yes, this was gradual yet quickly shown to me just 8 years or so ago. I was self loathing and did not quite understand why I was seeing all of this ugly inside me. When His light shines into the dark recesses of our hearts, we cannot help but see it and, realize that some things we judged others on, we ourselves have done the same. It was a hard thing to realize yet, a blessing all the same as, He was showing me these things to learn to not do them, to shed them and of course to repent of them.
Good post.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
There was 1000 years of the millenial reign, after that there is a "little season", and 2022 is not valid evidence, if the devil is loosed:

Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

So, because the devil will change the times, we can't trust the times. And we don't know how long the "little season" is, so you can't prove it already happend in order for you to say: the devil had to already have been destroyed, if the millenial started back then.
On the contrary because the devil is not yet destroyed, then the "little season" has not ended yet.

I never said that satan was destroyed yet. He is most assuredly still the god of this system of things. I showed many events still have to occur before he gets abyssed, then loosed to eventual destruction.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2021
United States
Mat 7: 22-23 “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’“ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’

A few things to note in the verse:

First: is that it is about whether they know Jesus Christ or not!

Are you talking about unbelievers or those who received the gift of God in Christ Jesus?

Many people profess to know God and the son Jesus Christ, but aren't producing good fruit. Titus 1:16

Even if a person knows God, that alone isn't enough. James 2:19


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
Are you talking about unbelievers or those who received the gift of God in Christ Jesus?

Many people profess to know God and the son Jesus Christ, but aren't producing good fruit. Titus 1:16

Even if a person knows God, that alone isn't enough. James 2:19

I see a bigger problem with that judgement scenario. The teachers of those assured them they were saved and they believed it. The problem was--No mortal man actually knows if another is saved. They have no right telling them they are.
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
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Are you talking about unbelievers or those who received the gift of God in Christ Jesus?

Many people profess to know God and the son Jesus Christ, but aren't producing good fruit. Titus 1:16

Even if a person knows God, that alone isn't enough. James 2:19

"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name..." John 1:12

Our new nature say's it all IMHO. If there has been no change, there can't have been a new birth. Our works/fruits flow naturally from the "new man".

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Are you talking about unbelievers or those who received the gift of God in Christ Jesus?

Many people profess to know God and the son Jesus Christ, but aren't producing good fruit. Titus 1:16

Even if a person knows God, that alone isn't enough. James 2:19

Believers - real believers know Jesus Christ, just as it is written: His sheep hear His voice!

Jesus is called the word of God so we should be hearing words from Him, and while discernment of spirit is needed, you'll know it is Him because the things He tells you 'produce good fruit'. We can kind of figure that out, can't we?

In the Scriptures we read that God put before us both good and evil; with the instruction to choose good! So we must have some ability to choose "good'! And it is written that only God is good, so choosing "good" means choosing God - and not even yourself because of us Jesus said "If you being evil".

It is not hard to see that we are self-centered. That we tend to choose what gives us the best and not always what is the best! So to find out what is truly the best we must seek Jesus Christ our Lord and our God. He is the Word of God and God, and we His sheep hear His voice which should be coming to us in words - though there is something about 'they barely hear' written in the Bible.

Still - and you should realize this by just looking at yourself - you are still a person which includes you under the saying of Jesus "If you being evil". If you believe in Him, that belief is counted to you as righteousness. He has forgiven you sins. He even deduced not to remember them anymore, put then out of He sight like as far as the east is from the west - but you still know that you are not perfect! He even reproves you, because He loves you, which should prove to you that you in fact are still not righteous, but only in His loving eyes are you ok.

So are we still going to go around looking at the speck in others people eyes and miss the log in our own. Are we going to go around judging others - those people who are not producing good fruit - or are we going to start taking all thoughts captive to Jesus Christ to hear what He has to say about them.

So if you do actually see a person producing the wrong kind of fruit, do you not owe it to the Lord your God and all humanity to encourage them to ask Jesus Christ about what they are doing and then to listen to Him? That is called preaching (proclaming) the word of God - who is Jesus Christ!

I am not saying they won't come up with some excuse. They might even point to others they feel are worse than themselves, and say those people are the bad people. But as for believers, we turn back to the Lord and also try to point others to Him, don't we?

The more you know Him, the more you know that you are not Him!! For example - haughty eyes are an abomination to the Lord, and how often do we sometime roll our eyes, in fact of in attitude, when we see other people doing what we consider 'bad fruit'? Then you go for a walk with Him and He points that attitude you have out to you. It is not even some minor thing, as far as He is concerned. It is an abomination. How does that compare to a man down and out in his life, and getting drunk to try and forget his problems? Perhaps the rolling of the eyes is far worse? Ask the Lord about that.
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Believers - real believers know Jesus Christ, just as it is written: His sheep hear His voice!

Jesus is called the word of God so we should be hearing words from Him, and while discernment of spirit is needed, you'll know it is Him because the things He tells you 'produce good fruit'. We can kind of figure that out, can't we?

In the Scriptures we read that God put before us both good and evil; with the instruction to choose good! So we must have some ability to choose "good'! And it is written that only God is good, so choosing "good" means choosing God - and not even yourself because of us Jesus said "If you being evil".

It is not hard to see that we are self-centered. That we tend to choose what gives us the best and not always what is the best! So to find out what is truly the best we must seek Jesus Christ our Lord and our God. He is the Word of God and God, and we His sheep hear His voice which should be coming to us in words - though there is something about 'they barely hear' written in the Bible.

Still - and you should realize this by just looking at yourself - you are still a person which includes you under the saying of Jesus "If you being evil". If you believe in Him, that belief is counted to you as righteousness. He has forgiven you sins. He even deduced not to remember them anymore, put then out of He sight like as far as the east is from the west - but you still know that you are not perfect! He even reproves you, because He loves you, which should prove to you that you in fact are still not righteous, but only in His loving eyes are you ok.

So are we still going to go around looking at the speck in others people eyes and miss the log in our own. Are we going to go around judging others - those people who are not producing good fruit - or are we going to start taking all thoughts captive to Jesus Christ to hear what He has to say about them.

So if you do actually see a person producing the wrong kind of fruit, do you not owe it to the Lord your God and all humanity to encourage them to ask Jesus Christ about what they are doing and then to listen to Him? That is called preaching (proclaming) the word of God - who is Jesus Christ!

I am not saying they won't come up with some excuse. They might even point to others they feel are worse than themselves, and say those people are the bad people. But as for believers, we turn back to the Lord and also try to point others to Him, don't we?

The more you know Him, the more you know that you are not Him!! For example - haughty eyes are an abomination to the Lord, and how often do we sometime roll our eyes, in fact of in attitude, when we see other people doing what we consider 'bad fruit'? Then you go for a walk with Him and He points that attitude you have out to you. It is not even some minor thing, as far as He is concerned. It is an abomination. How does that compare to a man down and out in his life, and getting drunk to try and forget his problems? Perhaps the rolling of the eyes is far worse? Ask the Lord about that.

Awesome post brother.
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