The Coming Global Mandates of Evildoers - Ready for the Harvest?!

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Ron N might chime in on this post if he gets wind of it....has some good comments at times

The Russian AF, their planes, satellites and missile technology of all types is first class and in some ways superior to the US/UK. If fact it is argued that the US spied out info on their fighter MIG technology over the years that created the F-15 and F-16 in particular. Even the helo technology was first brought in by a Russian, Sikorsky, that the US uses even today. You will never get that slant in the MSM. It is always the West is the best, and they did it all...load of bunk. We were in a type of 1984 closed programming environment all along since even WWI....

China is the best copier of technology. They can knock off virtually anything.

I just remembered a personal experience of my wife when I took her over to Korea on a business trip years back. She bought a Gucci handbag. After paying for the item in one of their oriental style row booths or huts, the lady said wait I need to do something with it. She went down to a basement area and stamped the bag, marking it with a Gucci imitation stamp inside the handbag as to make it authentic. Well my wife did not stand for it. She went ballistic. She kept the bag but gave them the 3rd degree about how dare they cheat and steal and imitate a Gucci bag..they need to be confronted by the law. I thought we would have to race and sneak out the back after her outburst. She was making a national incident overseas and we could have been taken into a cell and be hid was next to an Air Base that stationed USAF and S Korean personnel....that helped..

I will/would be highly cautious of the Russian technology and their use of it, of the aerospace industry. @Reggie Belafonte as you seem to detect already.
If we look at any war, and ask as to the why's of everything ? that's were I sit !
I ask my self why on every point.
Nothing is truly as such is promoted.

I have Mates who will not listen to me and they are just swallowing the Media line, and are all gunning to go to War with Russia. now if I say hang on their listen to me because I have family in the defence force and I do not want to be the one with the blood on my hands, but they are in fact ! and show no regard to my family at all and are willing to sacrifice my family at the drop of a hat.

Look at WW1 or WW2 or Nam etc, Oh the love of the names on the wall and, Their name liveth ? and the so called Eternal vigilance ?

Now Nam was a lot of BS and who was it that warned the gooks of the USA strikes before hand ? Anybody that knows this fact ?
Now who was it that gave all the Tec to Communist Russia after WW2 ?

That's just for starters, Eternal Vigilance ? really ! lets look at the value of such things truly ? Lets not fool ourselves.

I do know how our Australians who went to War were treated by our own Governments, not to mention by the MSM as well and I am not impressed at all.

If someone starts crowing on about wanting to go to war, I will say Off you go then buster ! but don't go standing over others to go or to swallow all that is being peddled.
The same type of people who demand everyone get some stupid nonsense Covid jab and scream why have you not got it ! That's the type of numbskulls that were suckered into Hitler's or Stalin's dribble in fact and Sacrificed for this world. that is full of deception and delusions, if one truly believes in Christ Jesus one would know such is a fact.

I am not scared to fight anyone but I do think before I act on dealing with such, if a mate gets into a fight I never have jumped in unless I know why, but 2 people having a fight is fine ! but I have never supported mobs joining in. like football, I would just sent the 2 off to fight it out themselves and anyone who comes in to just get their 10cents worth punching someone, would be out directly, but no they would have one in all in, like a bunch of monkeys.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Clean Sweep: All 22 Trump-Backed Candidates Win Primaries in Ohio, Indiana

by Breitbart
May 4th 2022, 4:31 am

All 22 candidates in Ohio and Indiana endorsed by former President Donald J. Trump completed a clean sweep of Tuesday’s primaries, indicating the strength of a Trump endorsement is as mighty as it has ever been.

Former White House political director Brian Jack exclusively tells Breitbart News:

What we saw in Texas earlier this year was confirmed yet again tonight: President Trump’s endorsement is the most important endorsement in politics. His endorsed candidates are a combined 55-0 in 2022 primaries, a continuation of the historic endorsement streak of success that started during his time at The White House.

Populist candidate J.D. Vance’s win in the crowded Ohio Senate primary is welcome news to other Trump-endorsed candidates and is a potential harbinger of things to come in upcoming races in other states. Making Vance’s victory all the more impressive was his ability to stave off the crowded senate field with three other candidates who sought Trump’s endorsement, in addition to being targeted by the Republican establishment and donor class. Vance, who authored the best-selling book Hillbilly Elegy, received Trump’s endorsement on April 15 and enjoyed a substantial boost in the polls following the 45th President’s nod. Trump’s team tells Breitbart News that Vance was polling around ten percent in fifth place before Trump’s backing. He took home 32 percent of the vote Tuesday.

Trump spokeman Taylor Budowich tells Breitbart News:

JD Vance put in tremendous work and has immense political talent—which put him in the position to earn the support of President Trump—but it was the endorsement of President Donald J. Trump that took a candidate who many insiders said was in 4th and at single digits in the polls, and in only two weeks, propelled him into a commanding first place finish. The power of President Trump’s endorsement is undeniable, his dominance over the Republican powerbrokers in D.C. cannot be overstated, and the promise of this MAGA Movement will not just define the Midterms, but it will win for years to come.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
To your point @Reggie Belafonte ..........and it's mostly one-sided as usual

Gen. Milley Warns Congress: Chances Of War Among Great Powers “Increasing, Not Decreasing”
by Zero Hedge

With NATO-Russia tensions boiling, the enduring fog of war on the ground in Ukraine, and constantly ratcheting rhetoric which has even of late dangerously included nuclear threats – this seems almost like an invitation for yet more escalation… not to mention the competing information war which has seen all sides consistently allege false flags in the works… Foreign Policy’s Pentagon correspondent reports the following on Tuesday:

Russian use of chemical or biological weapons against Ukraine would likely trigger a “reaction from the international community”: U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Russia could also escalate the Ukraine conflict with a cyber attack, Austin said.

The warning came as Pentagon leaders briefed lawmakers at a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing on the Defense Budget.

Austin had issued a similar warning of a “significant reaction” from the West if Russia were to use chemical weapons or WMD in Ukraine a month ago during an appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation”.

In the early part of April, there had actually been attempts of Ukrainian Azov militants to claim they were victims of a Russian chemical gas attack – but this was met by general skepticism among many war analysts and media pundits – despite UK government attempts to give it credibility.

Austin this week repeating the chemical attack possibility, despite there being no evidence of Russia’s intent, keeps the door wide open for Ukrainian fighters who are no doubt desperate for direct Western intervention in the war to float the claims again.

Gen. Milley Warns Congress: Chances Of War Among Great Powers “Increasing, Not Decreasing”

US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley also gave his assessment of how Russia’s war is going in the Congressional testimony. He said we are now witnessing “the greatest threat to peace and security of Europe and perhaps the world” in decades.

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine is threatening to undermine not only European peace and stability, but global peace and stability that my parents and generations of Americans fought so hard to defend,” Milley said.

On the question of whether a broader war could break out, he said:

“The potential for significant international conflict between great powers is increasing, not decreasing.”

He described that the US is “at a very critical and historic geo-strategic inflection point,” meaning the US military must “maintain readiness and modernize for the future” at the same time. And more via Reuters wire:

Meanwhile, at China’s Foreign Ministry…


“If we do not do that, then we are risking security of future generations,” Milley stressed. The top general had also in the testimony said that while China poses a “challenge” for the United States, the Ukraine invasion has now made Russia “a real-time threat”.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Power Grab: CDC Defies Judge, Pushes Masks For Travelers
by Ben Warren

The CDC has officially reinstated its mask recommendation for travelers in the U.S. despite a judge’s order last month declaring mask mandates unlawful.

The agency cited “currently available data” for the decision and even asked operators in the transportation sectors to push “all people, including employees” to wear masks, despite a federal ruling to the contrary.

“At this time, CDC recommends that everyone aged 2 and older – including passengers and workers – properly wear a well-fitting mask or respirator over the nose and mouth in indoor areas of public transportation,” said a Tuesday media statement from the agency.

“This public health recommendation is based on the currently available data, including an understanding of domestic and global epidemiology, circulating variants and their impact on disease severity and vaccine effectiveness, current trends in COVID-19 Community Levels within the United States, and projections of COVID-19 trends in the coming months.”

“We also encourage operators of public transportation and transportation hubs to support mask-wearing by all people, including employees.”

This latest push to mask Americans comes shortly after a federal judge in Florida struck down Biden’s mask mandate for public transportation – and it reveals how the ruling class wants to bypass rule of law to dominate every aspect of society.

On the same day as the CDC’s new recommendation, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg downplayed concerns of another mask mandate.

“The appeal concerns whether the CDC has the authority to (require masks) in this pandemic or in any pandemic, which is completely distinct from whether a mask mandate ought to be applied any given day,” said Buttigieg during a Tuesday Senate hearing.

Readers may recall that just hours after April’s ruling against forced mask-wearing, airline passengers were ripping them off mid-flight.
The CDC is a Communist Dictatorial Center (CDC) for murder execution style, by lethal drugs and by lethal injections. A renegade NGO (gets over 50% funding from private organizations) that needs to be reeled in and busted up into very fine pieces, never to be resurrected to 'kill' again.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
THEY’RE ON THE OTHER SIDE: FOX News Joins Mainstream Media in Boycotting Coverage of “2000 Mules” Documentary on Nation-wide Ballot Trafficking Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Election
By Jim Hoft
Published May 4, 2022 at 7:30am


The movie ‘2000 Mules’ is set for release this week in over 200 theaters across the country.

In the film, Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote provide answers and evidence of the stolen 2020 Election in this documentary released on Tuesday at select theaters across the nation.

Here is a list of theaters where you can see the movie tonight if there are still seats available.

The movie proves through geo-tracking and video confirmation that Democrats used ballot trafficking to steal the 2020 election in a conspiracy that involved every single battleground state.

TRENDING: THEY'RE ON THE OTHER SIDE: FOX News Joins Mainstream Media in Boycotting Coverage of "2000 Mules" Documentary on Nation-wide Ballot Trafficking Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Election


We also know from our sources that Democrat PACs were involved in every state in the ballot trafficking operations. This was a planned, organized, and well-coordinated conspiracy in battleground states.

And we know from investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips that roughly 7% of mail-in ballots in each state were trafficked. Without those stolen votes, Joe Biden would have lost the election.

Democrats got caught. The election was stolen. Joe Biden is an illegitimate president.

For weeks now The Gateway Pundit team has been wondering how the Democrat Party would respond to this devastating news. So far the party of villains has been silent. They really don’t have a way out of this. They’ve been caught and there is evidence of their illicit acts.

Now we know the Democrat plan.

The far left mainstream media boycotted ANY coverage of the historic documentary.

NOT ONE SINGLE major news agency reported on the historic project “2000 Mules”.


The Associated Press published ONE “rebuttal” to the movie despite the video footage of ballot traffickers and the geo-tracking evidence reported in the movie. AP hack Ali Swenson was assigned by her editors to take down the movie and failed in her politicized attempt. Maybe she’s a recent college grad. Her arguments are certainly not impressive. The AP disregards video evidence that ballot traffickers were making their “rounds” to the different drop boxes in the urban center.

It will be interesting when the AP is forced to explain all of the voter hubs discussed in the major metropolitan areas.

We already know from our sources that the evidence from Georgia will ROCK the corrupt Democrat Party to its core.

Sadly, FOX News failed to post ONE SINGLE REPORT on “2000 Mules.” Not one.


This is a huge disappointment. FOX News is too weak to air ANY coverage on the movie. Their brilliant personalities can talk about all issues except the most importan issue — fraudulent elections. And without free and fair elections Republicans will always take a backseat on the bus. Just how Democrats like it.

True the Vote announced they will release their data later this month for crowd-sourcing so that ALL Americans can analyze their findings. This is how honest reporting works.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
THEY’RE ON THE OTHER SIDE: FOX News Joins Mainstream Media in Boycotting Coverage of “2000 Mules” Documentary on Nation-wide Ballot Trafficking Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Election
By Jim Hoft
Published May 4, 2022 at 7:30am


The movie ‘2000 Mules’ is set for release this week in over 200 theaters across the country.

In the film, Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote provide answers and evidence of the stolen 2020 Election in this documentary released on Tuesday at select theaters across the nation.

Here is a list of theaters where you can see the movie tonight if there are still seats available.

The movie proves through geo-tracking and video confirmation that Democrats used ballot trafficking to steal the 2020 election in a conspiracy that involved every single battleground state.

TRENDING: THEY'RE ON THE OTHER SIDE: FOX News Joins Mainstream Media in Boycotting Coverage of "2000 Mules" Documentary on Nation-wide Ballot Trafficking Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Election

View attachment 22312

We also know from our sources that Democrat PACs were involved in every state in the ballot trafficking operations. This was a planned, organized, and well-coordinated conspiracy in battleground states.

And we know from investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips that roughly 7% of mail-in ballots in each state were trafficked. Without those stolen votes, Joe Biden would have lost the election.

Democrats got caught. The election was stolen. Joe Biden is an illegitimate president.

For weeks now The Gateway Pundit team has been wondering how the Democrat Party would respond to this devastating news. So far the party of villains has been silent. They really don’t have a way out of this. They’ve been caught and there is evidence of their illicit acts.

Now we know the Democrat plan.

The far left mainstream media boycotted ANY coverage of the historic documentary.

NOT ONE SINGLE major news agency reported on the historic project “2000 Mules”.


The Associated Press published ONE “rebuttal” to the movie despite the video footage of ballot traffickers and the geo-tracking evidence reported in the movie. AP hack Ali Swenson was assigned by her editors to take down the movie and failed in her politicized attempt. Maybe she’s a recent college grad. Her arguments are certainly not impressive. The AP disregards video evidence that ballot traffickers were making their “rounds” to the different drop boxes in the urban center.

It will be interesting when the AP is forced to explain all of the voter hubs discussed in the major metropolitan areas.

We already know from our sources that the evidence from Georgia will ROCK the corrupt Democrat Party to its core.

Sadly, FOX News failed to post ONE SINGLE REPORT on “2000 Mules.” Not one.


This is a huge disappointment. FOX News is too weak to air ANY coverage on the movie. Their brilliant personalities can talk about all issues except the most importan issue — fraudulent elections. And without free and fair elections Republicans will always take a backseat on the bus. Just how Democrats like it.

True the Vote announced they will release their data later this month for crowd-sourcing so that ALL Americans can analyze their findings. This is how honest reporting works.
Just look at all the Nazis in the MSM that we have to try and deal with, the MSM is full on just like Nazi Germany Media was in bed with the Nazis.
We have the same type of whore dominating over all nowadays, it's a creep show ! nothing to be seen here, nothing to be seen their, just shut ones mouth and all will be fine :rolleyes:.
The majority of people are that ignorant and many just do not want to know, until it blows up in their face. Too gutless to even take on even Jury Duty ! Just goes to show how community minded they are, they are all about themselves, what's for me ! they are like white ants who eat away at society, happy in dragging it down to the ground. Trump comes in and oh no the white ants are in fear. The white ants have no morals, just look at everything they rant on about and if they do not get their way then they work to destroy everything in their way, just like with Ukraine, they justify themselves with such ramping it all up.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Bill Gates says “real invention” is needed to stop online election and medical “misinformation”
by Reclaim The Net

In an appearance on NBC’s Today show, Bill Gates was asked about online “misinformation” and what he thought about Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter in relation to that.

The discussion about misinformation started with host Savannah Guthrie saying: “When you look at how the US and the world responded to COVID-19, whether it’s masks or vaccines or shutdowns, closures, it’s become so political…It’s been so politicized.”

Gates responded: “Yeah, it’s unfortunate that we didn’t get trusted voices in both parties talking about the benefit of masks and vaccines so that it wasn’t a political issue.”

Guthrie then asked about misinformation, noting that it has “been a hallmark” of the pandemic.

“President Biden rather famously said last July that misinformation on social media is killing people. Do you agree?” she asked.
Gates said: “Absolutely…It’s terrible.”

The host then noted that Elon Musk had moved to acquire Twitter, before asking if Gates was worried that the acquisition would lead to more misinformation being spread on the platform.

“Well, you know, misinformation is obviously a big issue that a lot of folks like you are worried about. Elon Musk just recently announced moves to acquire Twitter. I wonder if you are concerned about the proliferation of misinformation given some of his views about expanding what he refers to as free speech on Twitter and what you think of the acquisition,” she said.

Bill Gates says “real invention” is needed to stop online election and medical “misinformation”

The Microsoft founder gave the following response: “Well, the digital realm has facilitated, you know, kind of interesting but wrong ideas spreading very quick. And we need to innovate so that digital realm is more of a positive thing of getting the truth out and that people are seeing, hey, this is false.”

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Gates answered a similar question about what Elon Musk could do with Twitter.

“How does he [MUSK] feel about something that says vaccines kill people or Bill Gates wants to track people? It is not totally clear what he is going to do.”

“If he makes Twitter worse, I will speak out about that,” Gates later said in the same interview.

“The way you make those platforms spread truth and not crazy stuff; there is some real invention needed there,” Gates said. “I do not have the solution to that. I hope lots of brilliant people are thinking about it, but it is a huge problem in terms of legitimacy of the elections or medical innovations.”
Listen to this Gates hypocrite: he's for misinformation programming as long as his flakey and creepy left people win - every time.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Video: Rand Paul Grills DHS Head On Creepy ‘Ministry Of Truth’
by Steve Watson

Senator Rand Paul grilled Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the recently announced “disinformation governance board” Wednesday, noting that there isn’t even an agreement of what disinformation is and that the government has a long history of propagating it.

Paul questioned Mayorkas on the new board, which has been dubbed a ‘Ministry of Truth’ by critics, referencing George Orwell’s 1984.

The Senator asked the DHS head “Do you think the Steele dossier included Russian disinformation?” prompting Mayorkas to answer that he is “not equipped” to answer that.

Paul followed up, “You say your new disinformation board is going to help the public with disinformation. You claim it is not going to be about domestic, it is going to be about foreigners. Those evil Russians.”

“Here’s my question,” he continued, The FBI concludes that the Steele dossier was full of Russian disinformation. CNN propagated this disinformation gladly for years and years. The difference between your opinion and our opinion is that no matter how despicable it is that CNN propagated this disinformation, I wouldn’t lecture them, I wouldn’t put it on a government website that CNN is wrong for propagating disinformation.”

“We can’t even agree what disinformation is!” Paul asserted, adding “You can’t even agree that it was disinformation the Russians fed information to the Steele Dossier!”

Mayorkas responded, “Where we become involved is where there is a connectivity between disinformation and threats to the security of the homeland.”

“Well, the Russians might be considered that,” Paul fired back, adding “You mentioned that the other day when you tried to pivot away from this being about censorship.”

“Let’s say you find a piece of disinformation and CNN is broadcasting it, what are you going to do? Are you going to tell Putin, ‘you shouldn’t do this’?” Paul further questioned.

Mayorkas then attempted to divert away from Paul’s point by talking about drug cartels.


Elsewhere during the hearing, Mayorkas admitted that he was “not aware” of the batshit crazy videos that his new Ministry of Truth head Nina Jankowicz has previously posted on social media.


As we noted earlier this week, Jankowicz has said that free speech makes her ‘shudder’ and falsely labeled the Hunter Biden laptop story ‘Russian disinformation’.

When pressed on the matter by Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy, Mayorkas said “I was not aware of that,” adding “We do not discuss the internal hiring process, ultimately as the secretary, I’m responsible for the decisions of the Department of Homeland Security.”
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Two things from your post: No, the COVID is not a DNA vaccine at the moment, I agree. What is said here is that a patent for a Bird flu vaccine is designed as a DNA (altering) vaccine. And second, I'm or was an engineer with a mixed background in systems, astronautics, aerospace and astrophysics.....the flat earth theory although appealing is not real to me....I never studied the mathematics and physics for such a flat planetary object in space. And the earth is not one either. Now asteroids do come close on a much smaller scale however.

Well i n your post #1396 you cited someone who strongly implies Covid was a DNA altering shot, sothat is implied agreement in normal circles.

Unless you didnot read what you rewrote from that person.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Video: Rand Paul Grills DHS Head On Creepy ‘Ministry Of Truth’
by Steve Watson
View attachment 22323

Senator Rand Paul grilled Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the recently announced “disinformation governance board” Wednesday, noting that there isn’t even an agreement of what disinformation is and that the government has a long history of propagating it.

Paul questioned Mayorkas on the new board, which has been dubbed a ‘Ministry of Truth’ by critics, referencing George Orwell’s 1984.

The Senator asked the DHS head “Do you think the Steele dossier included Russian disinformation?” prompting Mayorkas to answer that he is “not equipped” to answer that.

Paul followed up, “You say your new disinformation board is going to help the public with disinformation. You claim it is not going to be about domestic, it is going to be about foreigners. Those evil Russians.”

“Here’s my question,” he continued, The FBI concludes that the Steele dossier was full of Russian disinformation. CNN propagated this disinformation gladly for years and years. The difference between your opinion and our opinion is that no matter how despicable it is that CNN propagated this disinformation, I wouldn’t lecture them, I wouldn’t put it on a government website that CNN is wrong for propagating disinformation.”

“We can’t even agree what disinformation is!” Paul asserted, adding “You can’t even agree that it was disinformation the Russians fed information to the Steele Dossier!”

Mayorkas responded, “Where we become involved is where there is a connectivity between disinformation and threats to the security of the homeland.”

“Well, the Russians might be considered that,” Paul fired back, adding “You mentioned that the other day when you tried to pivot away from this being about censorship.”

“Let’s say you find a piece of disinformation and CNN is broadcasting it, what are you going to do? Are you going to tell Putin, ‘you shouldn’t do this’?” Paul further questioned.

Mayorkas then attempted to divert away from Paul’s point by talking about drug cartels.


Elsewhere during the hearing, Mayorkas admitted that he was “not aware” of the batshit crazy videos that his new Ministry of Truth head Nina Jankowicz has previously posted on social media.

View attachment 22324

As we noted earlier this week, Jankowicz has said that free speech makes her ‘shudder’ and falsely labeled the Hunter Biden laptop story ‘Russian disinformation’.

When pressed on the matter by Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy, Mayorkas said “I was not aware of that,” adding “We do not discuss the internal hiring process, ultimately as the secretary, I’m responsible for the decisions of the Department of Homeland Security.”

Many Many Russians who go on teh record lament America is looking more like th eold soviet union than modern Russia does!

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
THEY’RE ON THE OTHER SIDE: FOX News Joins Mainstream Media in Boycotting Coverage of “2000 Mules” Documentary on Nation-wide Ballot Trafficking Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Election
By Jim Hoft
Published May 4, 2022 at 7:30am


The movie ‘2000 Mules’ is set for release this week in over 200 theaters across the country.

In the film, Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote provide answers and evidence of the stolen 2020 Election in this documentary released on Tuesday at select theaters across the nation.

Here is a list of theaters where you can see the movie tonight if there are still seats available.

The movie proves through geo-tracking and video confirmation that Democrats used ballot trafficking to steal the 2020 election in a conspiracy that involved every single battleground state.

TRENDING: THEY'RE ON THE OTHER SIDE: FOX News Joins Mainstream Media in Boycotting Coverage of "2000 Mules" Documentary on Nation-wide Ballot Trafficking Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Election

View attachment 22312

We also know from our sources that Democrat PACs were involved in every state in the ballot trafficking operations. This was a planned, organized, and well-coordinated conspiracy in battleground states.

And we know from investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips that roughly 7% of mail-in ballots in each state were trafficked. Without those stolen votes, Joe Biden would have lost the election.

Democrats got caught. The election was stolen. Joe Biden is an illegitimate president.

For weeks now The Gateway Pundit team has been wondering how the Democrat Party would respond to this devastating news. So far the party of villains has been silent. They really don’t have a way out of this. They’ve been caught and there is evidence of their illicit acts.

Now we know the Democrat plan.

The far left mainstream media boycotted ANY coverage of the historic documentary.

NOT ONE SINGLE major news agency reported on the historic project “2000 Mules”.


The Associated Press published ONE “rebuttal” to the movie despite the video footage of ballot traffickers and the geo-tracking evidence reported in the movie. AP hack Ali Swenson was assigned by her editors to take down the movie and failed in her politicized attempt. Maybe she’s a recent college grad. Her arguments are certainly not impressive. The AP disregards video evidence that ballot traffickers were making their “rounds” to the different drop boxes in the urban center.

It will be interesting when the AP is forced to explain all of the voter hubs discussed in the major metropolitan areas.

We already know from our sources that the evidence from Georgia will ROCK the corrupt Democrat Party to its core.

Sadly, FOX News failed to post ONE SINGLE REPORT on “2000 Mules.” Not one.


This is a huge disappointment. FOX News is too weak to air ANY coverage on the movie. Their brilliant personalities can talk about all issues except the most importan issue — fraudulent elections. And without free and fair elections Republicans will always take a backseat on the bus. Just how Democrats like it.

True the Vote announced they will release their data later this month for crowd-sourcing so that ALL Americans can analyze their findings. This is how honest reporting works.

I have to wait till it goes online to watch. It was not near me. Plus I had a wake to go to.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Well i n your post #1396 you cited someone who strongly implies Covid was a DNA altering shot, sothat is implied agreement in normal circles.

Unless you didnot read what you rewrote from that person.
Don't think so Ron...
here's the portion of the article again concerning the Bird flu (H5N1) and not COVID, and my post..
An old article revealed the U.S. government applied for a patent for a new vaccine against influenza, particularly for bird flu (H5N1).

“The vaccine incorporates genes from a H5N1 strain isolated from an Indonesian human victim of bird flu in 2005,” according to a 2008 GRAIN article.

The patent application, first published as application WO2007/100584 on 7 September 2007 on a WIPO internet database, is for a new type called a “DNA vaccine.”
NO COVID SUGGESTED OR IMPLIED...the article was never about COVID Ron

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Well, you know, misinformation is obviously a big issue that a lot of folks like you are worried about.

Back in the day when the printing press became a common form of information transfer, the printers and editors were made responsible to police the information as to whether or not it was truthful or accurate.

The same governance for the printed word is also required for the internet, but the ability for governance is much harder in that everyone has the ability to "publish" their "truth" or so "called truth" on the internet without any requirement for the published information to be true.

The understanding of what "true" is, is rather blurred. Even so called experts, depending on their biased outcomes blur the lines so to speak to get the outcome that they desire. Politics is a good example of this. Sadly political integrity is lacking, nor do the politicians understand the need for them having integrity so that the governance is best for all.

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Don't think so Ron...
here's the portion of the article again concerning the Bird flu (H5N1) and not COVID, and my post..
An old article revealed the U.S. government applied for a patent for a new vaccine against influenza, particularly for bird flu (H5N1).

“The vaccine incorporates genes from a H5N1 strain isolated from an Indonesian human victim of bird flu in 2005,” according to a 2008 GRAIN article.

The patent application, first published as application WO2007/100584 on 7 September 2007 on a WIPO internet database, is for a new type called a “DNA vaccine.”
NO COVID SUGGESTED OR IMPLIED...the article was never about COVID Ron

Well this is very different than the C-19 shot as that is a mRNA vaccine.

but it works pretty much the same way. It injects a genetically altered flu strain and causes the body to work quicker to produce more antibodies. the odds of the new genetic material introduced being encoded into a human is less than .0000001% It would take a whole series of body events to happen at the same time and the right sequence for the body to mutate this to be accepted into the human genome as part of the genome. I would be more afraid of being struck by lightening twice in the same place within a minute of each strike.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Don't think so Ron...
here's the portion of the article again concerning the Bird flu (H5N1) and not COVID, and my post..
An old article revealed the U.S. government applied for a patent for a new vaccine against influenza, particularly for bird flu (H5N1).

“The vaccine incorporates genes from a H5N1 strain isolated from an Indonesian human victim of bird flu in 2005,” according to a 2008 GRAIN article.

The patent application, first published as application WO2007/100584 on 7 September 2007 on a WIPO internet database, is for a new type called a “DNA vaccine.”
NO COVID SUGGESTED OR IMPLIED...the article was never about COVID Ron

Well I was referring to this part:

A new type of injection, called a ‘DNA vaccine,’ has been in the works for over a decade.

And it will consist of genetically engineered DNA.

What happened last time with a ‘vaccine’ containing experimental technology?

The catastrophic COVID-19 shots!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States

Great Video link at end of Post!

Brother Nathaniel Tackles the Jewish Question

May 6, 2022


Brother Nathaniel says there is no such thing as a "good Jew."

He is wrong. He is proof of that. So am I (Henry Makow). We have embraced Christ's Gospel of Love.

Not all Jews share the predatory Jewish mindset he describes.
Most are clueless conformists, like people in general.
Most want to assimilate and live-and-let live.

Society has blood poisoning because Satanist Jews (the Rothschilds)
control the banking system, the bloodstream of the social organism.

Thus, they control Organized Jewry (including Zionism) and every
institution in Western society - government, mass media, education, church
the justice system, you name it.

Everyone and everything is controlled by money.

They control Left and Right. Their goal is to enslave and dispossess humanity in a world government dictatorship (UN, WHO, WEF) using pandemics as a pretext. Their hatred of the goyim extends to Jews who are not part of this diabolical plot.

Over the course of hundreds of years, Western society has been satanically possessed by Organized Jewry using Freemason traitors and criminals like the Clintons, Bushes, Donald Trump, Obama and Joe Biden as their proxies. Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is Satanism.

Brother Nathaniel cites the Bible: "You who love the Lord, hate evil."

He is one of only a few Jews with the integrity and courage to expose this cancer that is killing us.

Q&A With Brother Nathanael | Real Jew News
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