Are miracles for today?

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Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
United States
Dear young man,
I still believe in a God that heals,and about a month ago I had suffered with passing kidney stones for about 6 months.
That night I was in so much pain and I have a high tolerance to pain literally crying in agony I began to cry out to Him that I could not go on like this. I went to sleep shortly. I didn't even realize I slep,next day I watched my 3 yo hyper GRT niece and realized about noon that I had zero pain. My Dr. had a CT of my kidneys and a referral to a specialist on order.
I told her God had healed me I have gotten to testify to the Specialist staff, the CT group staff and my MD's staff.

I said all this to tell you GOD DOES STILL HEAL! He has NOT changed and still moves with all his fullness among his ppl.

Stop trying to believe, stop trying to get His favour, you already have it. You also CANNOT make a bargain nor give him anything for He gave ALL for us in Jesus.

Just rest in him,let him bear this burden,God moves when He is ready. It may not be good ahead for you to be able to see at this time. Our lives are spiritual unto Him ,just as he is supernatural and it's NOT that he can't nor doesn't but just as Paul had a thorn in his flesh to buffet him,there could be a reason you are not aware of.

If I could I would love to counsel you in just resting,resting ,resting in Him. He is aware of your desire and your need but the importance and glorification must be on him.
I will be praying for GOD'S WILL IN YOUR LIFE!
That is amazing to hear my friend I am so happy for you! as for me I believe that my healing will come in it's own time i don't know when or how but it will. I was talking to God about my miracle and i felt how badly i wanted it inside like i wanted to reach out and grab it and i heard a voice say grab your miracle so i know he is encouraging me to believe in my healing. At this point all i can do is wait and be thankful for what little eye sight i do have, I would be grateful to be able to see enough to be able to do more things.

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
This question is one posed because some believe that yes they are still for today as they were back then when Jesus walked the earth while others say no that time is over. A little bit about this subject for me personally i have severely damaged eyes i am legally blind i have asked God for healing and have hoped for it believed in it and given him my faith and trust in it i have yet to recieve healing in fact my eyes are getting worse i have two ulcers in my eyes and will have to get my eyes sown shut to help them heal. so i have been waiting on a miracle i have believed i have given him my faith and my request but the opposite is happening i am not getting healed i am getting worse.

By all accounts I have every reason to not believe in miracles i have never seen or recieved one and my experience is not a pleasant one i am getting worse my eye doctor is getting nervous and so i have every right to agree with those who say they are not for today.
But i believe anyways not because i have been healed or because i have recieved but because of what i know of God because of what i know of his character, i believe without seeing because i see with different eyes. Yes there are times when i become frustrated at God telling him how i have given him everything and yet i cannot have just one miracle something that would be so easy for him to do easier than breathing but at the end of the day my faith is in Christ and whether my eyes are healed or not i see not because i see with these eyes but because i believe

one day i don't know how or when but my eyes will be healed i know this because my heart told me so and on that day i will be a testimony that my God heales the blind and that he is alive and real. yet even if my eyes are never healed i told him from the beginning it was never these yees i wanted to see with his but his and perhaps in order to see with his i needed to lose sight in these eyes. I am still waiting on a miracle and i know it is not one i can have just yet i don't know why i just know that it is not one i can have yet so i thank God for the little sight i am granted to have as of now instead.

Is anyone else waiting on a miracle? or had the experience of waiting on a miracle? Do you see the waiting as a period of growing or is it a test of seeing how long you will hold out in faith? or is waiting on a niracle a totally different thing entirely not just a period of waiting but a molding of some sort perhaps?
Miracles are for any time we need them.
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Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
United States
Miracles are for any time we need them.
Yes i would agree however there are many who believe otherwise,see there is the carnal Christian and there is the spiritual Christian. the carnal Christian can know the bible more than they know themselves but they have no understanding of things like this and because they have no connection to the spirit they do not believe in such things and think people who preach on such thnings don't know their bibles. while those who live and walk in the spirit who are in constant communication with him know otherwise not because they have received it but because he leads them to all truths. God is a God of spirit so therefore we also must live and walk in the spirit

Miracles are rare but not because they are not for today but because of a lack of faith because people don't believe in them anymore we live in a carnal generation an unbelieving generation and the only thing that ever stopped Jesus from performing miracles was a lack of faith.
But should one have the faith I would encourage anyone to seek after a miracle to see God's hand move if you have a sickness ask for healing if you have a financial issue in life that you cannot get past on your own ask for his help miracles happen they just require the faith to seek it
I am of course not speaking of the prosperity gospel but rather the gospel of faith

I have even seen the word of faith in action with my own eyes. I was in the er for about eight dauys and i met this man there who walked in the word of faith and we were talking about it and he wanted me to learn more about it i was curious and wanted to learn more about this word of faith the kind of faith to speak faith into existance well i was sitting there and i heard a alarm go off and the speaker said code blue meaning someone stopped breathing, I didn't want anyone to die so i simply spoke the word father as if for him to intervene speaking him into action and suddenly the code blue was cancelled

I will never know if my speaking father into action was what got the person breathing again or if it just happened on it's own but i don't believe in coincidences
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
This question is one posed because some believe that yes they are still for today as they were back then when Jesus walked the earth while others say no that time is over.

If Miracles were over then God would not want you to Pray.... He would only want you to Praise.

I assure you that God wants you to come to him when you need help, and not just when you are in a PROBLEM.

A "miracle" is God entering your situation, to cause it to change from Harm to Solved. From hurting, to resolved.. From Loss to Life. From the devil's destruction that is upon you, to God's deliverance that is your right as a "heir of God", and a "join heir with Jesus The Christ".

There are many here who have had a miracle from God. It was a SUPERNATURAL RESCUE...... as that is really what a miracle is all about.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States

What is a miracle?

For me a miracle is a work that God does that defies my understanding!!

That does not mean God does not do things that do not defy my understanding. For example, if the Lord asks me to go talk to person about Him and perhaps hearing from Him and then they do hear from Him, that is not a miracle to me - it is what I expect! I used to not expect that, but that was before I started hearing from Him every day. It is actually very easy to hear from Him, though it is often hard to believe that.

Still, as I wrote, I used to not know the Lord - meaning that I used to not hear from Him every day - and there is a problems because we are not hearing from the Lord like we should. Even now, though I hear from the Lord everyday, I don't come close to hearing from Him like I should, nor even doing what He tells me to do. For example - He asked me to make a post several times today. I am making this post now, but He had to ask me at least three times today to get me to do it. And that even though I know I need to listen and respond quicker. And that is just concerning instructions and not concerning reasoning with Him, or getting wisdom knowledge and understanding from Him. That also does not include listening to ministering spirits that He might send to me. Which brings up the questions of how well am I even discerning the spirits that we battle with if I am not even listening with my spiritual ears.

So now - going back to the OP and the issues in it. Is not seeking the voice of the Lord and listening to what He has to say an issue in the OP. I don't mean to offend the writer of the OP, but honestly when I read it I that a request for healing was indeed made to God, but there is no mention of what God said to that request!! So there is no indication of the author of the OP actually listening to the Lord!

Was the person told to go bath in the Jordan river? Or perhaps the Lord could have told them to go to a certain doctor. We understand that God can use people and the wisdom that He gave people, right? Maybe the Lord might be willing to do a miracle, but isn't there something about us listening to Him as our healer?

Ex 15:26 and said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”

So was the voice of the Lord our God heeded? Did we give ear to what He had to say?

Of course, it is also written the all flesh is like grass and fades away - and so it is that I too get older, even though I hear Him. Perhaps if I was Jesus Christ who to this day does and says only what the Father tells Him - but I am not Him. So I have my problems to - but I also want to boldly explain that I have seen Him do lots and lots of miracles!!!!!!!

Well, He had me work in a Christian healing minister for five years and I must have seen 500 miracles happen there. Yet He didn't have me work in that ministry until I had already seen Him do a lot of miracles. And He told me that He wanted me in that ministry because I heard from Him. He explained that if I would hear from Him He could instruct me as to how to handle the different situations so He could do the work He needed to do. It turns out there are reason that sometimes prevent Him from doing great miracles, and reasons which might lead to Him needing to do something first.

Mat 13:57,58 And they took offense at Him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.” And He did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief.

"UNBELIEF" is a reason that Jesus might not do many miracles - and incredibly note that this is more prevalent in His own household. So often we like to think of those church building as a home from the Lord or perhaps we think of the people there kind of like our household. So that might actually be the very place hardest for Him to do many miracles. This might explain why the healing ministry He had me in (The International Healing Rooms) was done in a room away from the main sanctuary, or why the most incredible number of miracles I saw done by the Lord at one time was in a very large sports auditorium.

And there are many other reasons or something things to do before we see a miracle. Forgiveness is perhaps the most common. It is written as you judge so shall you be judged, and also something about if you don't forgive others the Father won't forgive you. The point is; that it is important to seek the voice of the Lord and do what He tells you to do!! If He asks you to lead a person through forgiveness - well that needs to be done. If He wants you to help people seek Him and His voice, then that needs to be done.

Also, there can also be problems if He just goes and quickly heals a lot of people before they become interested in seeking Him! Have we not read that Jesus did most of His miracles while on earth in the cities around the northern part of the Sea of Galilee - and yet of those cities He said it would be worse for them.

Mat 11:21 - 24 “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles had occurred in Tyre and Sidon which occurred in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. “Nevertheless I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment than for you. “And you, Capernaum, will not be exalted to heaven, will you? You will descend to Hades; for if the [fn]miracles had occurred in Sodom which occurred in you, it would have remained to this day. “Nevertheless I say to you that it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for you.”

Getting a miracle without coming to know Jesus Christ is only going to make it worse for you - because then you should have believed in Him, sought Him, and followed Him - meaning that we need to make seeking Jesus Christ our priority - and then we can ask about getting healing form Him.

Please don't anyone think I am trying to put down anyone, because I am just trying to get people to actually seek the Lord and what He has to say. Isaiah explain that we should go and reason with Him - meaning we might tell Him why we think He should heal us, and He might respond with what ever words are right to say to us. So don't just ask Him to heal you, also ask Him if there is something He might need you to do - meaning "listen to Him"!!!

Mar 9:7 Then a cloud formed, overshadowing them, and a voice came out of the cloud, “This is My beloved Son, listen to Him!”


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
I Believe In Miracles

In 1995, my mother came to see me to tell me that my Father was needing an urgent operation and because of his age [he was much older than my mom] the chances of his recuperating [from the operation] was minimal. However, if he did not have this operation, he would die anyway.
Both my parents were unbelievers at the time and I knew that my mom was relying on my faith in God for a miracle...

I went into prayer and talked to the Lord about 2 Kings 20: 1-6 and said "Lord, you added another 15 years onto Hezekiahs life, you can also do this for my father because he is not saved and if he dies right now, I will never see him again"

I wrestled with the Lord the whole night until dawn on this the midst of it all I could hear the Holy Spirit telling me to relent [cease resistance] but I could not because I knew what the price would I continued. Finally I relented and said that whatever happens Lord, let your will be done. I pray that when the doctors [specialists] check up on him the following day, that they will find nothing and Lord I pray that you will let him come home from the hospital because he hates being there.

To make a long story father, who was in hospital at the time, was checked over by specialists [prepped before possible surgery]and they could not find a thing wrong with him...All they said was " whatever was there before, is not there now" and that was it. He was sent home that day.

My mom got saved through it and my dad got saved later on. BTW...God added another 7 years to my dads life and he is now with Jesus since 2002. My mom is also with Jesus since 2019. I am believing for the rest of my family [brothers and sisters]...because I want to see them again

Praise the Lord! 459830qyqjkq81to.gif Thank you Jesus!, Glory!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
For me a miracle is a work that God does that defies my understanding!!

Its really not possible to understand a Holy and Righteous Being, who has no beginning and no ending, who exists outside of time, and is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent.
This is why Jesus told you..>"if you've seen ME, you've SEEN the Father".
As we can relate to the GOD-Man, who became One of Us, to save all of us.
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I Believe In Miracles

In 1995, my mother came to see me to tell me that my Father was needing an urgent operation and because of his age [he was much older than my mom] the chances of his recuperating [from the operation] was minimal. However, if he did not have this operation, he would die anyway.
Both my parents were unbelievers at the time and I knew that my mom was relying on my faith in God for a miracle...

I went into prayer and talked to the Lord about Isaiah 38:5 and said "Lord, you added another 15 years onto Hezekiahs life, you can also do this for my father because he is not saved and if he dies right now, I will never see him again"

I wrestled with the Lord the whole night until dawn on this the midst of it all I could hear the Holy Spirit telling me to relent [cease resistance] but I could not because I knew what the price would I continued. Finally I relented and said that whatever happens Lord, let your will be done. I pray that when the doctors [specialists] check up on him the following day, that they will find nothing and Lord I pray that you will let him come home from the hospital because he hates being there.

To make a long story father, who was in hospital at the time, was checked over by specialists [prepped before possible surgery]and they could not find a thing wrong with him...All they said was " whatever was there before, is not there now" and that was it. He was sent home that day.

My mom got saved through it and my dad got saved later on. BTW...God added another 7 years to my dads life and he is now with Jesus since 2002. My mom is also with Jesus since 2019. I am believing for the rest of my family [brothers and sisters]...because I want to see them again

Praise the Lord! View attachment 22584 Thank you Jesus!, Glory!

I love the above story!!

There is a very important part in the middle of it - and that is the hearing the Lord via His Holy Spirit talking to our spirit! - "I could hear the Holy Spirit telling me to relent" - it's the instructions that come from hearing the Lord.

Prayer is not just asking the Lord to do something for you. He is not a computer but a person who we need to get to know! So prayer then is a conversation with Him! Perhaps it is a long conversation that might be like mentioned above - "I wrestled with the Lord the whole night until dawn on this matter."

And the conclusion that needs to be reached is that He is Lord and so needs to be Lord! The "let your will be done" part is important - but when we get to that what do we find? Is He not love? Him being love does not always mean what we think, anymore than a child who is loved by his parents always get it's way. If two important people also get saved from whatever He is doing, then isn't that the important part?

Great testimony!! - Those testimonies are around the church because His people do hear His voice, and so it is not at all surprising to see miracles in and around our lives!
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Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
United States
If Miracles were over then God would not want you to Pray.... He would only want you to Praise.

I assure you that God wants you to come to him when you need help, and not just when you are in a PROBLEM.

A "miracle" is God entering your situation, to cause it to change from Harm to Solved. From hurting, to resolved.. From Loss to Life. From the devil's destruction that is upon you, to God's deliverance that is your right as a "heir of God", and a "join heir with Jesus The Christ".

There are many here who have had a miracle from God. It was a SUPERNATURAL RESCUE...... as that is really what a miracle is all about.
Yes I like what you said how if miracles weren't for today God wouldn't want us to pray only to give praise. I am hoping i can soon receive my miracle as well so that i can testify to the fact they are for today. You put it so well how miracles are God intervening a situation and changing something meant as harm to something good


Active Member
May 14, 2022
San jose
United States
Yes I like what you said how if miracles weren't for today God wouldn't want us to pray only to give praise. I am hoping i can soon receive my miracle as well so that i can testify to the fact they are for today. You put it so well how miracles are God intervening a situation and changing something meant as harm to something good

Wow dead Christians.
God is the God of miracles still today.
If we can not preach the word with signs following then Christianity is dead.
You see exactly that in the falling away (apostasy) in the churches today.

First covid, now the economy. The churches are closing left and right.

How did Jesus get our attention. By doing signs and wonders. Jesus himself said we will do more than him in miracles an wonders.

The atonement has given us dominion that satan took from us. Command healings in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 53.5
Christian. You have the power over the earth. It is our job to bring the kingdom of God here to to the earth.

Know who you are.
Gen 1.27-28, psalm 82.6, John 10.33-36, Rom 8.17
And a big one John 14.20
Christian. You are part of the trinity. Go and be who you are supposed to be!

GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
Wow dead Christians.
God is the God of miracles still today.
If we can not preach the word with signs following then Christianity is dead.
You see exactly that in the falling away (apostasy) in the churches today.
Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome to the Board. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10?

or: GRACE Word For our infirmities!?

Please Be Very RICHLY Encouraged, Enlightened, Exhorted, And Edified In
The LORD JESUS CHRIST, And In His Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided!

God's Simple Will! The apostle Of GRACE (2 Min With The BIBLE)


Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
United States
Wow dead Christians.
God is the God of miracles still today.
If we can not preach the word with signs following then Christianity is dead.
You see exactly that in the falling away (apostasy) in the churches today.

First covid, now the economy. The churches are closing left and right.

How did Jesus get our attention. By doing signs and wonders. Jesus himself said we will do more than him in miracles an wonders.

The atonement has given us dominion that satan took from us. Command healings in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 53.5
Christian. You have the power over the earth. It is our job to bring the kingdom of God here to to the earth.

Know who you are.
Gen 1.27-28, psalm 82.6, John 10.33-36, Rom 8.17
And a big one John 14.20
Christian. You are part of the trinity. Go and be who you are supposed to be!
perhaps before you go around calling others dead Christians maybe go and read the rest of my posts and you will see that not only do i fully believe in these things but am going through a season where God is teaching me how to recieve them. your remarks are uncalled for and out of place


Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
United States
Depends what you call a miracle.
Well true enough one could consider the term miracle to mean different things, but what I am talking about is the miracles that only God can pull off with faith.
Things such as healing for instance and i say this mainly because it is a miracle that i personally am in great need of. my eyes are severely damaged everything is clody and i barely am able to read things people post here i can see enough just to be able to be online and that is with everything enlarged and the screen as close as i can have it.

God has been leading me through a transition of faith ib which i am learning to have absolute faith in his word and in him to believe in the impossible, before i didn't bother asking for healing i figured i simply couldn't be healed and this was my burden to bear but this transition has brought me into new waters and i am coming to understand that many do not believe in such things some will even argue that it was only considered to be sign gifts in the first church and we have no need for them today

But no matter how much i have debated with these people no matter how much scripture is used both sides stayed on their respected belief. I chose to believe because there is something inside me that tells me that if i only have faith and believe i will see the wonders of God in more ways than just healing
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Well true enough one could consider the term miracle to mean different things, but what I am talking about is the miracles that only God can pull off with faith.
Things such as healing for instance and i say this mainly because it is a miracle that i personally am in great need of. my eyes are severely damaged everything is clody and i barely am able to read things people post here i can see enough just to be able to be online and that is with everything enlarged and the screen as close as i can have it.

God has been leading me through a transition of faith ib which i am learning to have absolute faith in his word and in him to believe in the impossible, before i didn't bother asking for healing i figured i simply couldn't be healed and this was my burden to bear but this transition has brought me into new waters and i am coming to understand that many do not believe in such things some will even argue that it was only considered to be sign gifts in the first church and we have no need for them today

But no matter how much i have debated with these people no matter how much scripture is used both sides stayed on their respected belief. I chose to believe because there is something inside me that tells me that if i only have faith and believe i will see the wonders of God in more ways than just healing

Hummmm ... I'm enjoying the thread and honesty. This is the type of things that I like talked about in this forum, and the type of honestly also.

So a couple of thoughts - First I want to point out that He is the Word of God!! )Jn 1 - Rev 19:13) Now He is not the Bible, but people who knew Him as the Word of God wrote like He (The Word of God) told them to. Those writings are called the Scriptures. If we believe the Scriptures we will believe in Him and Him as the Word of God - because He talks to us and we His sheep hear His voice.

So the next thought that comes us is that faith comes from hearing a word (a saying - rhema/word) from Him. Rom 10:17 - Therefore if we recognize that we need faith to receive healing from Him we first need to talk to Him and hear what He has to say about it! For example: We read in the Bible where people would say to Jesus something like 'If you say the word I will be healed'.

Therefore - when I come to a problem like healing that is needed, I turn to Him and try to start up a conversation with Him about the problem. Now it is not always easy to hear what He has to say about healing, simply because healing is often so important to me that I can't even believe I can hear a word about it from Him. One thing that I have learned which can help me is to start the conversation with things that are easier to believe a word from Him for.

For example - He had me working in a Christain healing ministry for five years. And I, or more importantly the person wanting healing, need to get a word from Him - because that faith comes from hearing a word from Him! Still, because that type of word is sometimes hard to pick up due to the importance of it to us, I would have the person start the conversation with Him by asking Jesus how He felt about them. Of course since God is love they would hear or get something about Him loving them. I never knew what it would be, because He is extremely creative, but if they could pick up something from Him it would be about Him loving them. That help them start to believe for a word from Him about Him healing them.

Now during those years, and other years also, I have seen the Lord do hundreds of miracles. I have felt swelling go down under my hand. I have seen legs get longer. We once prayed for a lady going in for heart surgery the next day and the power of God fell in that room. The next day she went in for her heart surgery and they wound up sending her home because the pre-surgery exam showed that she did have the problem anymore.

We all that written, it didn't mean that everyone got everything they came in for. Perhaps the most disappointing thing to me was when a lady came in with the side of her face badly swollen. She told us that she had cancer and was going to die soon, according to the doctors. Now we were supposed to keep our prayer times to about 20 minutes, which meant we often went between 30 and forty minutes if we felt it was needed. I had kept my team (which was me and a couple others) praying for this lady well over an hour. And all I could hear for was, 'perhaps if you keep everyone praying all night then in the morning she would be healed.'

You don't know, you believe. Like most everything that comes from Him, it was just a though like a wind blowing in you. I kept my team going until I was the last team praying. Indeed, one member needed to leave and I noticed that another group had finished, so I grabbed someone I knew in that group. Our time came to an end. I didn't run the ministry, and we had been told that if we didn't get the healing we needed we should tell the person to come back the next week. I did that, even knowing what I felt I heard. She didn't come back. Perhaps she was dead, because she did mean she would be dead soon.

I don't have all the answers - and I believe we are each responsible to seek the Lord for ourselves - which is to say that we each need to believe that Jesus Christ is there to talk to us personally!!

So what am I to say? I never saw eyes healed in the groups I was in, but at least two other leaders of prayer teams in the ministry told me they had personally seen the Lord do that - heal cloudy eyes right as they were praying for it. I never actually ran into that request. My advice, based on my experience, would be to keep seeking the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has to say via His Holy Spirit talking to your spirit. Start conversations with Him!! I would also suggest seeking a Christian healing ministry. The Lord does have different ministries for various purposes!!

1 Cor 12: 4-9 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. 6 There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. 7 But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 8 For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit,
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May 15, 2022
Central Valley
United States
Wow dead Christians.
God is the God of miracles still today.
If we can not preach the word with signs following then Christianity is dead.
You see exactly that in the falling away (apostasy) in the churches today.

First covid, now the economy. The churches are closing left and right.

How did Jesus get our attention. By doing signs and wonders. Jesus himself said we will do more than him in miracles an wonders.

The atonement has given us dominion that satan took from us. Command healings in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 53.5
Christian. You have the power over the earth. It is our job to bring the kingdom of God here to to the earth.

Know who you are.
Gen 1.27-28, psalm 82.6, John 10.33-36, Rom 8.17
And a big one John 14.20
Christian. You are part of the trinity. Go and be who you are supposed to be!

Yep...I've seen many miracles in different forms...the most important thing many of us are missing is to be in prayer for the Lord to show us his will for us every prayer for the Lord to show us what ministry HE wants us to be involved in...and to confirm it...we need to remember that God "rewards those who earnestly seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6). Unfortunately, most Christians nowadays are not earnestly seeking Him...therefore, few, if any miracles or rewards...


Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
United States
Hummmm ... I'm enjoying the thread and honesty. This is the type of things that I like talked about in this forum, and the type of honestly also.

So a couple of thoughts - First I want to point out that He is the Word of God!! )Jn 1 - Rev 19:13) Now He is not the Bible, but people who knew Him as the Word of God wrote like He (The Word of God) told them to. Those writings are called the Scriptures. If we believe the Scriptures we will believe in Him and Him as the Word of God - because He talks to us and we His sheep hear His voice.

So the next thought that comes us is that faith comes from hearing a word (a saying - rhema/word) from Him. Rom 10:17 - Therefore if we recognize that we need faith to receive healing from Him we first need to talk to Him and hear what He has to say about it! For example: We read in the Bible where people would say to Jesus something like 'If you say the word I will be healed'.

Therefore - when I come to a problem like healing that is needed, I turn to Him and try to start up a conversation with Him about the problem. Now it is not always easy to hear what He has to say about healing, simply because healing is often so important to me that I can't even believe I can hear a word about it from Him. One thing that I have learned which can help me is to start the conversation with things that are easier to believe a word from Him for.

For example - He had me working in a Christain healing ministry for five years. And I, or more importantly the person wanting healing, need to get a word from Him - because that faith comes from hearing a word from Him! Still, because that type of word is sometimes hard to pick up due to the importance of it to us, I would have the person start the conversation with Him by asking Jesus how He felt about them. Of course since God is love they would hear or get something about Him loving them. I never knew what it would be, because He is extremely creative, but if they could pick up something from Him it would be about Him loving them. That help them start to believe for a word from Him about Him healing them.

Now during those years, and other years also, I have seen the Lord do hundreds of miracles. I have felt swelling go down under my hand. I have seen legs get longer. We once prayed for a lady going in for heart surgery the next day and the power of God fell in that room. The next day she went in for her heart surgery and they wound up sending her home because the pre-surgery exam showed that she did have the problem anymore.

We all that written, it didn't mean that everyone got everything they came in for. Perhaps the most disappointing thing to me was when a lady came in with the side of her face badly swollen. She told us that she had cancer and was going to die soon, according to the doctors. Now we were supposed to keep our prayer times to about 20 minutes, which meant we often went between 30 and forty minutes if we felt it was needed. I had kept my team (which was me and a couple others) praying for this lady well over an hour. And all I could hear for was, 'perhaps if you keep everyone praying all night then in the morning she would be healed.'

You don't know, you believe. Like most everything that comes from Him, it was just a though like a wind blowing in you. I kept my team going until I was the last team praying. Indeed, one member needed to leave and I noticed that another group had finished, so I grabbed someone I knew in that group. Our time came to an end. I didn't run the ministry, and we had been told that if we didn't get the healing we needed we should tell the person to come back the next week. I did that, even knowing what I felt I heard. She didn't come back. Perhaps she was dead, because she did mean she would be dead soon.

I don't have all the answers - and I believe we are each responsible to seek the Lord for ourselves - which is to say that we each need to believe that Jesus Christ is there to talk to us personally!!

So what am I to say? I never saw eyes healed in the groups I was in, but at least two other leaders of prayer teams in the ministry told me they had personally seen the Lord do that - heal cloudy eyes right as they were praying for it. I never actually ran into that request. My advice, based on my experience, would be to keep seeking the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has to say via His Holy Spirit talking to your spirit. Start conversations with Him!! I would also suggest seeking a Christian healing ministry. The Lord does have different ministries for various purposes!!

1 Cor 12: 4-9 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. 6 There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. 7 But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 8 For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit,
it strained my eyes to read your whole post but i am glad i did, luckily the conversation part comes easily to me as i am always talking with him and maybe that is why i know his voice so well. I am also very glad this thread has been good for you it has been good for me as well i have been blessed by hearing of the testimonies from others it is encouraging to hear. I have spoken many times with him about my healing even sometimes saying how easy it would be for him easier than breathing i on one occasion got a litttle frustrated with him asking him why he holds out when it is so easy for him i said how I am confused because by all accounts it really seems like a simple matter to me not just on his part but on mine too i believe in him and have faith that he can heal me i am just waiting for him to make a move.

For me it doesn't even seem like something so grand as a miracle it is such a simple matter of faith and his ability to heal that for me it is a normal prayer request yet he holds back for some reason. I


Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
United States
Yep...I've seen many miracles in different forms...the most important thing many of us are missing is to be in prayer for the Lord to show us his will for us every prayer for the Lord to show us what ministry HE wants us to be involved in...and to confirm it...we need to remember that God "rewards those who earnestly seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6). Unfortunately, most Christians nowadays are not earnestly seeking Him...therefore, few, if any miracles or rewards...
Yes many do not know that hunger for him that longing for him the thirst and desire to know and have him just a little more, many are satisfied but he treasures those who chase after his heart with that of a starving nature I know all to well the blessing and torture of such a hunger for it is a blessing to hunger after him yet torture because he gives us enough to keep us from starving but we are always hungry never sated we long for more much more sometimes the hunger can be overbearing
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May 15, 2022
Central Valley
United States
Yes many do not know that hunger for him that longing for him the thirst and desire to know and have him just a little more, many are satisfied but he treasures those who chase after his heart with that of a starving nature I know all to well the blessing and torture of such a hunger for it is a blessing to hunger after him yet torture because he gives us enough to keep us from starving but we are always hungry never sated we long for more much more sometimes the hunger can be overbearing

It's when we are in the valleys of life when we need to seek the Lord the most...
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