Electing New Pope

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
United States

The Catholic Church of the FULFILLMENT of Judaism.
Remember – Jesus fulfills the OT – and His Church is part of that.
The RCC is the most OT form of Christendom than any of them.

They even replicate the Holy Of Holies in their services.

The priest mimics the high priest of the tabernacle in their services too.

Crazy stuff.

Absolutely nothing like this happened in the NT church.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
United States
With regard to the promises of the Holy Spirit and Baptism - Peter told the crowd:
Acts 2:39
“For the promise is for you AND FOR YOUR CHILDREN and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.”

We Catholics put ALL of our faith and trust in God – not ourselves . . .
Did you repent, get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost as a newborn infant?

You never needed deliverance from sin since your infancy?

Only non Catholics have to be redeemed from the Law of sin and death?

Catholics are not delivered out of their own "Egypt" as the rest of the world must be delivered?

You guys are cool!


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2022
Hampton Roads
United States
The RCC is the most OT form of Christendom than any of them.

They even replicate the Holy Of Holies in their services.

The priest mimics the high priest of the tabernacle in their services too.

Crazy stuff.

Absolutely nothing like this happened in the NT church.

With their fancy clothes big hats remind me of Pharisees they use to dress to impress haha..
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
United States
With their fancy clothes big hats remind me of Pharisees they use to dress to impress haha..

It is all about "visuals" to sway the masses and appear holier than others.

They teach their underlings that some of the statues can weep etc.(come to life).

Folks are voluntarily blinding themselves.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2022
Hampton Roads
United States

It is all about "visuals" to sway the masses and appear holier than others.

They teach their underlings that some of the statues can weep etc.(come to life).

Folks are voluntarily blinding themselves.
That's the problem I've had with the organization from the get go, all the ridiculous visuals they dream up.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Did you repent, get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost as a newborn infant?

You never needed deliverance from sin since your infancy?

Only non Catholics have to be redeemed from the Law of sin and death?

Catholics are not delivered out of their own "Egypt" as the rest of the world must be delivered?

You guys are cool!
Just like in the OT, when the little Jewish BABY boys entered the Covenant with God through circumcision, the little Catholic BABIES enter into the NEW Covenant with God through Baptism.

It’s very elementary:
OT Type: Circumcision
NT Fulfillment: Baptism

You have to be really ignorant not to understand that . . .

A “Covenant” is a sacred agreement between 2 or more parties.
Quiz Question for Einstein:
HOW did little babies in the OT enter into a “Covenant”?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
United States
Just like in the OT, when the little Jewish BABY boys entered the Covenant with God through circumcision, the little Catholic BABIES enter into the NEW Covenant with God through Baptism.

It’s very elementary:
OT Type: Circumcision
NT Fulfillment: Baptism

You have to be really ignorant not to understand that . . .

A “Covenant” is a sacred agreement between 2 or more parties.
Quiz Question for Einstein:
did little babies in the OT enter into a “Covenant”?
No, the OT is abolished for the Spirit led saint.

You are not a Spirit led saint, therefore you use OT relics.

You mimic the OT priest to try to sooth your conscience because you are not under the Law of the Spirit.

You are, and always have been, under the OT Law.


amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Why is this thread open and talking about electing a new Pope?

Is Francis leaving the office?
and a church whose leaders are hirelings shall beget two fold the children of hell than even they themselves were .
For error begets only more error . Just a reminder when i read your nation of sheep reminder .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Trump ran on the concept he was no politician , yet the man still gets the highest office of a politician .
So marvel not when i say write to the vatican and put me in as pope . TRUE i aint no catholic,
but it dont mean i cant clean house .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
WOW. That is a gigantic place of gobbdlygook.
Unfortunately – you’re as LOST as your other friends here . . .

There’s so much idiocy in this rant – I’ll just touch on the points above in RED.

It’s YOUR contention that the Church rose up in the 1st century – and after the Apostles died, ALL of the leaders were “evil” until the 16th century?? And yet YOU wanna be taken seriously??
There’s bit a SINGLE Scripture scholar or historian alive that would agree with YOUR asinine view. There is simply ZERO evidence for this nonsense.

Other than randomly pulling these bits of rubbish out of your head – what evidence do you have for making these idiotic claims?

Additionally – your claim that the Church – which YOU admit was there from the beginning – is now “LOST” is a DIRECT rejection of the promise of Christ, who said:

Matt. 16:18
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Shame on YOU for calling our Lord a, “Liar”.

FINALLY – you STILL haven’t told me WHY you adhere to a Canon of the NT that “corrupt leaders” in the Catholic Church declared.
The scribes are NOT the ones who declared the Canon.
same reason i dont adhere to some other protestant realms , EVEN though they agree the bible is cannon . Just cause
the KKK says the bible is the word of GOD , Dont mean i am gonna follow that crowd or example .
same with the SDA or any other group that might say a truth and yet sure dont live the truth . same with the CC .
But go ye and learn what that meaneth . Just cause they put the bible together dont mean they followed it . Anymore
than those who claim the beauty of truth by saying it was inspired by GOD , YET THEY TOO contradict it . THE CC is the master of this
but her protestant daughters sure are running the race to come in first place . Cause i have never seen such a falling away in all my life
and yet still some of them have the nerve to claim they follow Christ and the bible . PROOF they sure never learned it but rather
sat under men who twisted it . AS DID the CC itself .
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Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
So, you are not being honest

Haha.. You're a funny guy.

Yes, every priest, deacon and bishop is one of our brothers or sons who has offered their entire lives to serve Christ and His Church.

Your deceptions are plain for all to see

Kyrie Eleison

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Haha.. You're a funny guy.

Yes, every priest, deacon and bishop is one of our brothers or sons who has offered their entire lives to serve Christ and His Church.

Your deceptions are plain for all to see

Kyrie Eleison
Rather odd that paul said let the bishops and deacons be the husband of one wife .
While it is true that a single man who has no necessity sure can spend his time fully devoted to GOD
it was never a requirement that one had to be celibate in order to hold such a office .
Whoever made that rule up made a serious mistake . cause kiddos got fondled by men who were celebit
but not quite celebit if ya know what i mean . The call for celibacy must be OF the PERSON themselves .
NOT a requirement to hold an office . That was a serious mistake . Some churches put men in who were gay ,
whether or not they knew this , But they held the torch they were not and would not be married
but the poor kiddos suffered at their hands . And sadly most were protected and it was never reported .
PS , i aint against the idea of celibacy , as i have been celibate for over seventeen years .
But my case is , FOR me to remarry , notice i said REMARRY it would be adultery . PEROID .
I know most folks will argue with me on that note . BUT JESUS meant what HE said and SAID what he meant .
I put my wife away and i actually had cheated on her ,though she never knew it . NO way can i be remarried .
BUT dont sorrow for me , I HAVE HAD ALL JOY by simply obeying CHRIST . OH YES GOD REJOICES the heart
of those who hear and do . AND ITS NO BURDEN AT ALL . GOD took that desire away and put the desire to serve , honor and obey HIM
in my heart . ITS A JOY most know nothing about as they justify and justify why they can go around and disobey what JESUS taught .
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Trump ran on the concept he was no politician , yet the man still gets the highest office of a politician .
So marvel not when i say write to the vatican and put me in as pope . TRUE i aint no catholic,
but it dont mean i cant clean house .
But you should be a Catholic !

If one is not Catholic, one is not of Christ Jesus in fact.

The Protestant Churches call themselves the Catholic Church in fact, I am C of E and remember they always had stated that they were the Catholic Church and was stated on pamphlets all the time and when I was in Bible Study in the Lutheran Church, they claimed to be the Catholic Church and such was stated on all their pamphlets etc.

The RCC claims to be the Catholic Church as well ?

If any Church did not claim to be Catholic, they would be a laughing stock !

All Protestant Churches are only a creation of Nationalist and a political power grab. non the lest criminal intent has always been within every Church The RCC is a shocker in regards to such through history and the Protestant's are no better.

The Last 20 years say have been a shocker, as the Governments and MSM and Co have totally undermined the Christian Churches to become worthless, we have an out right Satanist as Popes Frances and every other Church leadership is the same gutless Anti-Christ Mob ! No one could be so stupid ! Not one stands up for Christ Jesus at all !

Pope Frances never mentions the words Jesus Christ ! unless he can not get around having to say such, why ? because he is Politically Correct ? and he does not want to offend the stupid Jews or stupid Islam ? or not to mention any Satanist.

They the Churches all do not want to offend other people with saying Jesus Christ ? not to mention all the rest that they do not want to offend any idiot fool with ? because they idolise Political Correctness in fact. It's just like back in the days that Jesus was walking and they were all against him !
Such people can not handle the truth in fact, because the truth is not in them ! for they are not truly born again in Christ. They are of this world in fact ! you can see it in their works and such total BS as the State called Israel, proves they know nothing of Christ Jesus.

Israel is a state of being in fact, one becomes Israel ? A servant of God ! In the Bible Two people got dubbed Israel and there is a reason as to why in fact. No one is born Israel.