1 John 1:9

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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
According to this verse, how much desire to sin do we have after we have confessed our sin?

If we have been freed from sin and cleansed of ALL unrighteousness, are we still a liar if we agree? 1 John 1:8

Is 1 John 1:9 the same doctrine as Acts 2:38. 1 John 1:9 says to confess. Acts 2:38 says to Repent. Both are to receive the Holy Spirit, so how often do we need to confess to receive the Holy Spirit?

So if you answered the second question correctly, is 1 John 1:8 really about a Christian that still sins? Have they ever been cleansed of all unrighteousness to become a Christian?
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Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
According to this verse, how much desire to sin do we have after we have confessed our sin?

If we have been freed from sin and cleansed of ALL unrighteousness, are we still a liar if we agree? 1 John 1:8

Is 1 John 1:9 the same doctrine as Acts 2:38. 1 John 1:9 says to confess. Acts 2:38 says to Repent. Both are to receive the Holy Spirit, so how often do we need to confess to receive the Holy Spirit?

So if you answered the second question correctly, is 1 John 1:8 really about a Christian that still sins? Have they ever been cleansed of all unrighteousness to become a Christian?

Yes maam, kind of supports what I said to you earlier correct? What a very special privilege to be selected to be born again, but even as such, like the born again apostle Paul, our desires are still fleshly, and a great struggle to keep free from sin. Actually impossible at this time, but none of us have to commit a serious sin, as Jehovah always makes the way out for us, we can abstain from them Lady.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Yes maam, kind of supports what I said to you earlier correct? What a very special privilege to be selected to be born again, but even as such, like the born again apostle Paul, our desires are still fleshly, and a great struggle to keep free from sin. Actually impossible at this time, but none of us have to commit a serious sin, as Jehovah always makes the way out for us, we can abstain from them Lady.

Out of 37 people who read this, you are the only one brave enough to answer!

Sorry, Robert, but you are wrong about what Paul meant in Romans 7. He was talking about BEFORE Christ; he was talking about what it was like under the Jewish Law, the Ten Commandments when all they had to keep them was their own willpower, and not the Holy Spirit inside of them. That is why in Romans 8:2 Paul says, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ HAS FREED ME FROM THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. Start reading at verse 5 of Romans 7. You are only reading 14-25 and misunderstand. Many read those verses out of context of the whole: Romans 7:5 through Romans 8:9 and cannot understand that Jesus takes away the desire to sin. They believe the lie that we are always struggling, but never arriving at freedom of sin in this life.

So, after Christ, Paul doesn't have that struggle to keep free from sin anymore. Romans 6:6-7 shows us that the "flesh" the "old man" the "carnal nature" is dead having been crucified with Christ and it that sin nature stayed on the cross. What was resurrected was a born again new creature with a new nature.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Have they ever been cleansed of all unrighteousness to become a Christian?

Christ is the one time eternal sacrifice for sin.

If this isn't the case with the believer, then they are not really born again, as you can't be born again as a sinner., and be "IN Christ".

You can't have any sin, and be in spiritual union with God.

This is the reason that Jesus became sin.......so that all our sin, is dealt with so that it never again can separate us from God's Spirit, as this is the "Christian". THey are spiritually joined to God.
Not the body, not the mind, and not the "old man of sin who is crucified with Christ".

So, Jesus having accomplished dealing with the sin of the world, and specifically all the sin of the born again, sat down on the right hand of the Father, and is about to come back and get His eternally redeemed.

2 Corinthians 5:19 and Romans 4:8 teach us that God does not charge sin to the born again.
He can't.
He has already charged them to Christ on the Cross and He has died for them, all.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
2 Corinthians 5:19 and Romans 4:8 teach us that God does not charge sin to the born again.
He can't.
He has already charged them to Christ on the Cross and He has died for them, all.

As Jude 1:4 says, this teaching of a person sinning in reality, but it not being charged to them or even called sin as you are teaching is turning the grace of God into lasciviousness.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
As Jude 1:4 says, this teaching of a person sinning in reality, but it not being charged to them or even called sin as you are teaching is turning the grace of God into lasciviousness.
Many within the christain realm are in dire and deadly danger as they follow another JESUS .
They can no longer see , if they ever did , the simple truth .
JESUS did not die so we could sin and then our sin would be seen as righteous or right or even okay in the eyes of GOD .
TOO many are making grace out to be a license to sin . EVEN IF they dont think they are .
GOD is never going to accept sin . HE didnt accept sin from gentiles or from even his own people .
And there is a biblical pattern for all things in that bible .
IF any lamb does sin , THEY ARE TO CONFESS their faults , REPENT OF IT .
JESUS Did not come so we could serve sin and be saved . HE came to set us free FROM SIN and the power it has over folks .
I notice something huge today . HUGE . MOST FOLKS have ZERO seriousness about sin .
THEY wont correct their own church . Paul said let it not once be named . THEY SAY , HEY GOD UNDERSTANDS WE ALL SIN .
DO YOU SEE the difference in their appraoch towards sin and paul approach towards sin .
OR HOW about THE APPROACH JESUS had to sin and error . HE REBUKED pharisees and EVEN HIS OWN
EVEN the people who had invited HIM TO DINNER . IF JESUS saw ERROR HE CORRECTED ERROR .
SAME with paul , james , jude , john , peter and others . SO HOW COME TODAY
when folks like me come hollering the VERY SAME THINGS THEY DID , DO I GET CALLED A LEGALIST . Exactly . THE CHURCHES have tanked
and they only get worse now . I have called , for years and years for folks to return to ONLY bibles . BUT IT has fallen on many deaf ears .


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
As Jude 1:4 says, this teaching of a person sinning in reality, but it not being charged to them or even called sin as you are teaching is turning the grace of God into lasciviousness.

You believe you can lose your salvation. so, your broken faith does not believe that Jesus keeps you saved.
This is why you just have to always try to prove that Christian's sin, and Salvation can be lost.
You are the one that JUDE is describing., and you dont even realize it, and can't.
You really should find a reason to be on a Christian forum, that Gives God some Credit for Salvation, tho i dont think you can, as proven by all the years you haven't.

Listen, you have Jude 1:4, exactly backwards.
JUDE 1:4 teaches that the GRACE OF GOD< was twisted by unbelievers....... that the understanding of God's Grace, was changed by people who came into the church, who were NOT BELIEVERS.....they were Pharisees, and they "remade" Grace, they subverted Paul's Gospel of Grace, into the Devil's idea that The Grace of God, as Paul teaches it, is not how it works., as Paul teaches that God does not charge sin to you.
Those Pharisees, just like you, changed 2 Corinthians 5:19 into "license to sin" and "licentiousness".
That is Grace denying, Cross rejecting, Legalism.

And you read the verses, and then came to spit on them with your post, as you are just one more Grace hater, pretending to be a teacher, pretending to be spiritual.
If you were walking in truth, you would read 2nd Corinthians 5:19, and Romans 4:8 where. PAUL TEACHES , that God does not charge sin to the born again...and you would be happy about this..
But you are not, you are disgusted, because according to many of your posts... you are a Legalist trying to stay saved.... and a verse that says that God does not charge sin to the born again....including Romans 4:8. , does not encourage your self righteousness, and never will.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
But you are not, you are disgusted, because according to many of your posts... you are a Legalist trying to stay saved.... and a verse that says that God does not charge sin to the born again....including Romans 4:8. , does not encourage your self righteousness, and never will.

But, I don't do that. That is what you don't understand. And Jude 1:4 does mean what I said, not your twisted view that we can sin with no condemnation. Your view is the Gnostic view, specifically the Nicolaitans. Paul spoke against your view and theirs when he said,

1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? 2 Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?


15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! 16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Is 1 John 1:9 the same doctrine as Acts 2:38. 1 John 1:9 says to confess. Acts 2:38 says to Repent. Both are to receive the Holy Spirit, so how often do we need to confess to receive the Holy Spirit?
You continue to be THOROUGHLY CONFUSED about elementary Christian doctrine. So here is the truth:
1. You receive the Holy Spirit just once.
2. You can and do sin even after that (although sin does not have dominion over you).
3. You examine yourself daily.
4. You confess and repent of your sins as necessary.
5. You make sure that you have addressed your own sins, particularly before partaking of the Lord's Supper.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
But, I don't do that. That is what you don't understand. And Jude 1:4 does mean what I said, not your twisted view that we can sin with no condemnation. Your view is the Gnostic view, specifically the Nicolaitans. Paul spoke against your view and theirs when he said,1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? 2 Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?
And15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! 16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?

You're post proves you are a dishonest carnal person.
You have again accused me of being a Gnostic, when you post no quote of mine, and no information about Gnosticism.
That's the carnal work a deceiver. You just insinuate for the benefit of your carnality., 1stCenturyLady.
Do you recall a Thread that i posted to you in the last 3 weeks that refuted the very idea of a "sinning Christian", and you read it, and now here you are again being false.

So, go and find a quote of mine, im my over 6000 posts, or over 300 Threads, that even suggests that we can "continue in sin".
This "gnostic" insult, was the same you said to me when i first came to this forum.
You just make false accusations..

And for your information, as i told you over 15 months ago.... and you still have not learned or listened.. A true Gnostic does not believe that sin exists..
Thats a Mary Baker Eddy, or a L. Ron Hubbard.
Not that sin is all forgiven, but that its does not EXIST........ so, a true Gnostic, does not believe that Jesus is Necessary as why do you need a Cross when Sin is not REAL ?
Nearly all My Threads, and most of my Posts, are related to the Cross of Christ, and the forgiveness of SIN found there.
I use the Cross to highlight Grace deniers like you, as a matter of fact, as you know.

Also, you are unable to achieve, of yourself, any righteousness.
This is why Jesus had to die for you, = to give you His. "The GIFT of Righteousness".
You are still trying to achieve it, when this is not possible, as you can be a good person but that is not the same as being a RIGHTEOUS person.
You can live clean, pure, and keep the commandments, but that does not make you Righteous.,... as a sinner,= can never be righteous, based on their self effort.

The only righteousness that exists, is "GOD's Righteousness", and human's can't ever achieve this of themselves.
Religion tries, and Legalists like you, try...but its a fail.
BUT, a true believer will be given God's righteousness, and that is "the Gift of Salvation".
= When a person is born again, they have received God's righteousness.. This is not part of it, or half of it, or 1.456%.
Its "GOD"S Righteousness", completed by Christ on the Cross.... as "the Gift of Righteousness", and every born again Believer has this, or they are not born again.
So, there is no...>"let me work on that so that i can complete it"", as its completed by Jesus life already, and given to us as the "Divine Exchange", whereby Jesus becomes our sin, and the born again have become God's Righteousness.
You dont start the next day after you are saved.... trying to see if you can become righteous, as the born again have already become "the righteousness of God, In Christ".... instantly. = a "New Creation in Christ".

What you do, is work on your DISCIPLESHIP, because you have already been "made righteous", becoming "ONE WITH GOD" if you are born again.
The CULTS and the cultists, never understand that Salvation is God's Righteousness delivered.
The CULTS and the cultists, always talk about trying to deal with sin, or trying to be righteous, because the do not understand that the born again has become already...

"AS JESUS IS........so are the born again, in THIS WORLD".
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
JESUS did not die so we could sin and then our sin would be seen as righteous or right or even okay in the eyes of GOD .

No one on this forum, or anywhere on the Planet teaches that Jesus died for your sin so that you can go and live like the devil... unless its the devil, i suppose.

"License to sin" is not taught. But the DECEIVED who are a part of the cult of OSAS, teach that "there are those who teach license to sin".

Not One Youtube Video teaches this nonsense.
Not one Commentary.
Not one Preacher who is a Legit Protestant Denomination.
Not one real Protestant Denomination, teaches this nonsense.

So, until you have some evidence, and can post a QUOTE< that says...>"if you are saved, you can sin".., then you should give it a rest.
See, any person who would say that you can just be A-OK as a sinning Christian, does not even understand anything about Salvation or Redemption or Faith or The dominion of the Law, or anything related to Soteriology.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
No one on this forum, or anywhere on the Planet teaches that Jesus died for your sin so that you can go and live like the devil... unless its the devil, i suppose.

"License to sin" is not taught. But the DECEIVED who are a part of the cult of OSAS, teach that "there are those who teach license to sin".

Not One Youtube Video teaches this nonsense.
Not one Commentary.
Not one Preacher who is a Legit Protestant Denomination.
Not one real Protestant Denomination, teaches this nonsense.

So, until you have some evidence, and can post a QUOTE< that says...>"if you are saved, you can sin".., then you should give it a rest.
See, any person who would say that you can just be A-OK as a sinning Christian, does not even understand anything about Salvation or Redemption or Faith or The dominion of the Law, or anything related to Soteriology.

You did:

and a verse that says that God does not charge sin to the born again....including Romans 4:8. , does not encourage your self righteousness, and never will.

So you are saying you can sin and not be charged if you are in Christ. IOW, you don't understand the power of God to prevent us from sinning again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You did:

and a verse that says that God does not charge sin to the born again....including Romans 4:8. , does not encourage your self righteousness, and never will.
So you are saying you can sin and not be charged if you are in Christ. IOW, you don't understand the power of God to prevent us from sinning again.


You really don't understand that if Romans 4:8 teaches.... "blessed is the man/woman/person unto whom GOD will not charge you with you sin"......is not saying you wont do something carnal later....Its only saying you wont be Charged with it.
Why not?
Because Jesus has already been judged for your sin on the CROSS, 2000 yrs ago.
Jesus has "become sin" .. and the "one time eternal sacrifice for SIN"... ....and the born again have become "made Righteous".


When you read 2nd Corinthians 5:19 that says that GOD was in Christ, not charging Transgressions to you, (SIN) This does not mean you wont ever commit a work of the flesh later.
It literally means that you are passed from Eternal Judgement for any of that, as God has judged Christ on your Behalf, already, on The Cross.
You die Forgiven.,if you are born again, because Jesus became your sin, and God gave the born again His Righteousness, and that is who they became as a : "new Creation in Christ".

Paul then teaches......>"now that Romans 4:8 is revealed to you, and 2nd Corinthians 5:19 is revealed to you, do not use this Grace of God, as a eternal salvation ticket to commit carnality and practice old carnal desires.."

Galatians 5:13 ...."use not your liberty for an occasion to the Flesh".


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
If you are dead to sin, Romans 6, what do you base your belief on scripturally?
To be dead to sin means to be focused on righteousness. It does not translate into sinless perfection, because the flesh has not been eradicated.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
Out of 37 people who read this, you are the only one brave enough to answer!

Sorry, Robert, but you are wrong about what Paul meant in Romans 7. He was talking about BEFORE Christ; he was talking about what it was like under the Jewish Law, the Ten Commandments when all they had to keep them was their own willpower, and not the Holy Spirit inside of them. That is why in Romans 8:2 Paul says, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ HAS FREED ME FROM THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. Start reading at verse 5 of Romans 7. You are only reading 14-25 and misunderstand. Many read those verses out of context of the whole: Romans 7:5 through Romans 8:9 and cannot understand that Jesus takes away the desire to sin. They believe the lie that we are always struggling, but never arriving at freedom of sin in this life.

So, after Christ, Paul doesn't have that struggle to keep free from sin anymore. Romans 6:6-7 shows us that the "flesh" the "old man" the "carnal nature" is dead having been crucified with Christ and it that sin nature stayed on the cross. What was resurrected was a born again new creature with a new nature.

When we die as you mentioned maam, we are acquitted/freed from our sins, unless of course we sinned against the holy spirit, and then there is no ransom for us. All Christians including anointed ones, still sin, but like all Christians, if they are repentant, then it is not held against them, they are freed based on the sacrifice. No doubt you and I would agree that is not a free pass to practice sin.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
As Jude 1:4 says, this teaching of a person sinning in reality, but it not being charged to them or even called sin as you are teaching is turning the grace of God into lasciviousness.

I didnt write the New Testament.

Do you even have a bible, or are you just the standard commentary teacher whose bible sits and grows dusty.. while your cult teacher's commentary set stays open?

So, i appreciate the compliment, but, i didnt write Romans 4:8, or 2 Corinthians 5:19.

However just like PAUL, i do TEACH THEM both.

Paul wrote those, and as you are Peter obsessive, i can understand why you'd not know anything about those verses.

So, the reason the God does not charge sin to the born again is 2-fold.

1.) All sin has been redeemed by Christ on the Cross. If this was not the case then you'd still have your sin... So, God had to provide Christ as our sin bearer to deal with all our sin. And He did. Christ became our sin, died for them, paid for them all with his Blood , then rose anew, and our sin is gone.
He left them behind and came out of the Grave, "risen". = Sins are gone. Only Righteousness remains.

2.) Because Christ has been judged for all sin, is why 2 Corinthians 5:19 teaches that God does not count transgressions against the born again.
You dont believe this, and are on a forum denying it, because your theology denies Grace, rejects "imputed righteousness" and only exists to feed your carnal self righteousness Legalism.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
To be dead to sin means to be focused on righteousness. It does not translate into sinless perfection, because the flesh has not been eradicated.

Enoch, There are two meanings for "flesh." In Romans 8:8-9 Paul means carnal nature. The old man. We are spirit, soul and body. The spirit/mind and soul/conscience - our 'nature' has died and been reborn of the Spirit and become immortal. We have been given the mind of Christ. What Paul doesn't want you to be confused about is our mortal body. It must also die and be resurrected to become perfect and immortal. That is the meaning of the additional verse, verse 10. If we haven't been reborn of the Spirit and Jesus has not taken away your sin nature, we don't belong to Him.

8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. 10 And if Christ is in you, the (mortal) body is dead (or dying) because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
I didnt write the New Testament.

Do you even have a bible, or are you just the standard commentary teacher whose bible sits and grows dusty.. while your cult teacher's commentary set stays open?

So, i appreciate the compliment, but, i didnt write Romans 4:8, or 2 Corinthians 5:19.

However just like PAUL, i do TEACH THEM both.

Paul wrote those, and as you are Peter obsessive, i can understand why you'd not know anything about those verses.

So, the reason the God does not charge sin to the born again is 2-fold.

1.) All sin has been redeemed by Christ on the Cross. If this was not the case then you'd still have your sin... So, God had to provide Christ as our sin bearer to deal with all our sin. And He did. Christ became our sin, died for them, paid for them all with his Blood , then rose anew, and our sin is gone.
He left them behind and came out of the Grave, "risen". = Sins are gone. Only Righteousness remains.

2.) Because Christ has been judged for all sin, is why 2 Corinthians 5:19 teaches that God does not count transgressions against the born again.
You dont believe this, and are on a forum denying it, because your theology denies Grace, rejects "imputed righteousness" and only exists to feed your carnal self righteousness Legalism.

Taking Romans 4 out of the 8 chapter teaching as a stand alone, when Paul clearly clears up the error it can cause in chapter 6 is ignorance.

"My" theology establishes the eternal law of God. And the true meaning of Grace. Not your licentious meaning of grace you think is the truth. And "imputed" righteousness was for the Old Covenant (Abraham and David), not the New, which is true righteousness not just a covering over filth.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
When we die as you mentioned maam, we are acquitted/freed from our sins, unless of course we sinned against the holy spirit, and then there is no ransom for us. All Christians including anointed ones, still sin, but like all Christians, if they are repentant, then it is not held against them, they are freed based on the sacrifice. No doubt you and I would agree that is not a free pass to practice sin.

There are two meanings for "flesh." In Romans 8:8-9 Paul means carnal nature. The old man. We are spirit, soul and body. The spirit/mind and soul/conscience - our 'nature' has died and been reborn of the Spirit and become immortal. We have been given the mind of Christ. What Paul doesn't want you to be confused about is our mortal body. It must also die and be resurrected to become perfect and immortal. That is the meaning of the additional verse, verse 10. If we haven't been reborn of the Spirit and Jesus has not taken away your sin nature, we don't belong to Him.

8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. 10 And if Christ is in you, the (mortal) body is dead (or dying) because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.