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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Doesn't matter. I've seen you knock on Biden before plenty. You jump right on in and then when someone brings up Trump, then you do your two side thing.
It's cr*p like this. (Trump would look like a choir boy conmpared to BIDEN) , which you wrote, which is not at all true.

But that's what you do. You go all in, and then when someone says something to you, you..but..but,, then bring up Christ, and say we need to know Him, but you still leave your jabs so, it's just like you didn't bring up Christ. Then you go tell somebody else to raise up their hands and pray to the Lord, while you are still penning this stuff, trying to rationalize, and yet make yourself appear squeaky clean to any others on this forum.

I am so sick of it.

I really don't care anymore.
I voted for none of them . But bad as trump was , BIDEN IS FAR WORSE . AND if we even make another election
The next will be worse . Now let me explain why that is .
Cause the churches and world AINT REPENTING . TIS ALL going RIGHT INTO THE BEAST SYSTEM .
WE should be focued on , REPETANCE and preaching a jonah style message . INSTEAD the churches are NOT REPENTING
and rather have all their hopes set in the NEXT MAN UP . WONDER WHO THAT IS , TEN KINGS and the beast .
AND BOTH SIDES are gonna BOW BEFORE IT . ONLY the lambs whose trust was not in men but in GOD and IN CHRIST
are not gonna fall for the coming so called solution and super king and kings of the world . My advice
RUN from politics . I did say both sides cannot stand me . BUT THEN i dont point to either side
JUST TO CHRIST . THIS WORLD is done in and all we can do is point folks to CHRIST . TRUST IN HIM and not in men .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
That man is squinting like a chi wa wa trying to pass a peach pit . LOL .
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
I voted for none of them . But bad as trump was , BIDEN IS FAR WORSE . AND if we even make another election
The next will be worse . Now let me explain why that is .
Cause the churches and world AINT REPENTING . TIS ALL going RIGHT INTO THE BEAST SYSTEM .
WE should be focued on , REPETANCE and preaching a jonah style message . INSTEAD the churches are NOT REPENTING
and rather have all their hopes set in the NEXT MAN UP . WONDER WHO THAT IS , TEN KINGS and the beast .
AND BOTH SIDES are gonna BOW BEFORE IT . ONLY the lambs whose trust was not in men but in GOD and IN CHRIST
are not gonna fall for the coming so called solution and super king and kings of the world . My advice
RUN from politics . I did say both sides cannot stand me . BUT THEN i dont point to either side
JUST TO CHRIST . THIS WORLD is done in and all we can do is point folks to CHRIST . TRUST IN HIM and not in men .

I think you did a lot of backpedalling to post the above. We should always look to Christ,and I know the world is getting worse--that does not mean that the president is worse than the one before. but I think you use Jesus as long as it is convenient for you to do so. I've read your political stuff before.

No one said they couldn't stand you. I am saying you will say something, and then will say something about 'Jesus - something and that we all should do something" to make yourself look like you never had a dog in the fight, but were always pointing us to Christ. That is not true.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Actually I thought she was talking about me. My error, I apologize, please continue. :confused::oops:
i just thought the picture looked funny my friend . But the CHIUJAJA trying to pass the peach pit , WOULDNT BE THINKING that was funny .
Poor lil creature . a peach pit is pretty big for a lil dog to try and pass in its stool . YOU Know its eyes are gonna be a bugged out
and a squinting at the same times . Maybe the right eye would squint while the left eye bulged . WHO KNOWS
but what i do know is that lil dog is gonna be a straining . LOL
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I think you did a lot of backpedalling to post the above. We should always look to Christ,and I know the world is getting worse--that does not mean that the president is worse than the one before. but I think you use Jesus as long as it is convenient for you to do so. I've read your political stuff before.

No one said they couldn't stand you. I am saying you will say something, and then will say something about 'Jesus - something and that we all should do something" to make yourself look like you never had a dog in the fight, but were always pointing us to Christ. That is not true.
I have always said i voted for none of them and i have long warned to trust in none of them .
BUT beleive you me , BIDEN IS FAR WORSE than trump . AND that aint me supporting TRUMP either .
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
I have always said i voted for none of them and i have long warned to trust in none of them .
BUT beleive you me , BIDEN IS FAR WORSE than trump . AND that aint me supporting TRUMP either .
Well, I don't think so, and it doesn't matter anyway. What I told you about you is spot on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
I like the Saturday Motto

"They are going to take your homes and possessions, steal your children ... Why not go for the hat trick? Kill them, fry them up and eat them!

You know you are dealing with followers of the clan ....with the combined IQ of "The View" in order to go along with that level of insanity ....No wonder Jones was able to get them to line up and drink the kool aide ....


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I voted for none of them . But bad as trump was , BIDEN IS FAR WORSE . AND if we even make another election
The next will be worse . Now let me explain why that is .
Cause the churches and world AINT REPENTING . TIS ALL going RIGHT INTO THE BEAST SYSTEM .
WE should be focued on , REPETANCE and preaching a jonah style message . INSTEAD the churches are NOT REPENTING
and rather have all their hopes set in the NEXT MAN UP . WONDER WHO THAT IS , TEN KINGS and the beast .
AND BOTH SIDES are gonna BOW BEFORE IT . ONLY the lambs whose trust was not in men but in GOD and IN CHRIST
are not gonna fall for the coming so called solution and super king and kings of the world . My advice
RUN from politics . I did say both sides cannot stand me . BUT THEN i dont point to either side
JUST TO CHRIST . THIS WORLD is done in and all we can do is point folks to CHRIST . TRUST IN HIM and not in men .

Lets see
A vote for a democrat is a vote for the devil....abortion....LGBTQ...... communisms....illegal aliens....etc
Not voting is helping the devil and supporting abortion....LGBTQ...... communisms....illegal aliens....etc
Voting for a republican is picking sides between God and evil. That does not mean you like the republican.....but the odds are good that he supports God and does not support abortion....LGBTQ...... communisms....illegal aliens....etc
Ever hear of the Parable of the Talents.....if you can make a difference God expects it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Jesus Christ kingdom is not of this world, but if people wanna vote they can by however their government has it set up, we are even called to pray for people are in charge, according to Paul who wrote to Timothy concerning so, Paul also pointed out obeying the Government I believe in Romans 13?

Romans 13

New International Version

Submission to Governing Authorities​

13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

Love Fulfills the Law​

8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,”[a] and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

The Day Is Near​

11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.[c]

Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
You can say that....but it does not matter....this is the sort of thing that people know that is true.

They went berserk over Roe vs Wade being over it was the most important thing in their life to murder babies. You do understand people saw this and know this?

The BLM riots....taking cities hostage and burning looting and rioting....marching chanting cuss words to Christ and a stake of Bibles being burnt. Assaulting and enforcement officers being shot....if anybody stood up against the the courts pounced on them. No prosecutions for all this. The BLM leaders openly Marxist....declaring this on live TV. Democrats supported all of this....You do understand people saw this and know this?

The whole George Floyd and Rodney King thing was a completed joke. You resist arrest whatever that follows is on you. Blaming law enforcement officers is ignorant. No reason for law enforcement officers to risk like and limb to bring in such a monster. I am adamantly opposed to armed law enforcement officers wrestling with such an individual, because he can take their weapon....a prefer double taps in the chest....looks less violent and no one accused of kneeling on his head to subdue him. You do understand people saw this and know this?

Cancel culture was all over the news...defacing and pulling down historic statues...You do understand people saw this and know this?

Teaching our children false history...and cancel culture to our kids. The parents and the republican are fighting this and it is all over the news. You do understand people see this and know this?

LGBTQ Democrats support this and protect them and again it is all over the news.... You do understand people saw this and know this? Sex with have to be kidding me....They had picture of one of them caught eating poop our of diaper. You do understand people saw this and know this?

The democrats are now admitting they are socialists....but the democrats were socialists back in the 60's, now they are some strange form of vegan, tree hugging, communists...afraid of cow farts! You do understand people saw this and know this?

They are destroy or economy in everyway they every level.....illegal aliens....mindless spending....jacking up fuel prices by shutting down our production. You do understand people see this and know this?

The support for criminals and the distain for law enforcement. You do understand people see this and know this?

Democrats are more than do not see God in their campaigns. At the DNC they removed the word God from the the Pledge of Allegiance. And why? Because they would lose voters! So it is not just the politicians it is the majority of democrats that are anti-God...Notice the democrats are not worried about offending the few democrats that believe in fact they are alienating them. For them, if you are a white Christian and are patriotic, you are a white supremacist. You do understand people saw this and know this?

But it is the salivating lust for the blood of babies that is the most disgusting!
Trump , the Orange Head Mullah of the MAGA Taliban does not believe in Democracy nor the Rule of's vital that he never gains power again in a Democracy that he is too stupid to appreciate and understand ....he must go--- everything else is secondary...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2019
Northern Wisconsin
United States
Not all of the issues in the OP are ethical. Some are administrative. Though I am pro-2nd Amendment, neither position, for or against, violates the Bible.
Republicans have a mix of ethical & administrative objectives, too.

I lean right for their ethics, but more toward center on administrative issues (such as managing disabilities). Conservatives tend to throw their own poor "under the bus."


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom


Well everybody knew that Biden was going to give Iran permission to build nukes but they voted for him regardless, what could possibly go wrong?..;)

Dunno if voting Dem was sinful but it was definitely bad parenting..:)



Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
I put this in Theology because it is a question of Christian morals.

Taking these democrat initiatives into consideration.

Gun Control
High taxes
Open borders---invasion of illegal aliens receiving government subsidies---Opposed security wall. Sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. Offering tax payer social services and medical to illegal aliens.

Against election security---No ID's required---illegal aliens voting---students on visas---Not allowing law enforcement---covering windows---running ballots after the monitors have left. Since they desire Marxism or communism they do not want fair and honest elections so they do everything they can to make it easy to cheat.

Federal prisoners voting---voter fraud on several levels.

Trying to program our children in school and collages to learn critical race theory and cancel culture history and communism and normalization of homosexualality and anti-Christian beliefs.

Support drug use --- pot stores---lenient on drug offenders.

Soft on crime, revolving door courts that gets people killed. Short prison sentences.

Anti-law enforcement---defund the police---supporting resisting arrest---blame everything on law enforcement.

Reduction of the military.

Working hard and as quick as possible to destroy the economy and jobs. Moving into a recession now.

Doing everything possible to cause inflation, concentrating on what will cause price increases a crossed the board. Groceries, clothes, automobiles, nearly everything.

Democrats are against gas and oil and shutdown wells and pipelines causing high gas prices at the pump and home heating. Purchasing oil from over sea so the prices will be higher.

Anti-Christian---forbid assembly of churches---arrest pastors.

Promoting the idea that if you are white and Christian, and a patriot, you are a white supremacist.

Promoting LGBTQ, communism, atheism, cancel culture, and disrespect towards their mother and fathers in our schools and colleges.

Supported the BLM riots---BLM leaders declare they are Marxist and chat cuss words to Christ as they march---burning Bibles---and churches---take cities hostage---burning and looting---assaults---rapes---murders---going to the homes of politicians they did not like and harassing them---democrats give a big thumbs up to all these hate crimes.

Cancel culture---the democrat attack on all we value and hold good. Physical attack on landmarks. But they salute those Pot stores and abortion clinics...LOL.

Support every give me – hand out Socialist program possible.

Some strange brand of communism.

Trying to get us all to drive electric cars…LOL And hiding all the dangers of them.

Are the democrats behind the movement to lower the age of consent? So they can have sex with 14 year old boys and girls? Are they behind human trafficking? Are they using human trafficking to fulfill their lusts until they can lower the age of consent? This is something that is going on under the radar.
It is the whole environment that they desire that makes me think it is possible. LGBTQ and the promotion of drugs and pot stores and other perversions. Watching Biden fondle children in front of the camera is sickening. Like father, like son, his son is a drug user and child molester. And of course his vice-president openly admits to being a druggie. Extremely serious and evil topics that people need to look into. How prevalent is human trafficking in your area? You need to know.

Then we have the crazy corner....stupid or decide?
The democrats have forbid any member of the party to identify what a woman is? I have personally seen them on TV refusing to identify what a female is. Even a female that is a candidate for the Supreme Court. Why? Because they support the LGBTQ community and want male transvestites to play in female sports...That is high school, collage, and the Olympics.

Of course it was Barak Hussein Obama that initiated this but still stupid. Uni-sex restrooms in high schools and collages. On how many levels is this wrong? One of many reasons you do not want to send your kids to a public school. Well you might want to check because the democrats are trying to force it on private schools.
See Cleon Skousen's 45 strategic Soviet Communist points for destruction and takeover of the West. All of those philosophies were included in their strategic points of 1958 Communism.

Important to also understand that, Communism is only a 'tool'. It is only being used by the world controllers to help bring in their "one world government" over all nations and all peoples. It is Bible prophecy for the end, and is about the beast kingdom of Revelation 13:1.

And one of the most amazing things that was hard for me to understand, is that the Communist movement actually was 'funded' by Western wealthy socialists who desire a "one world government". Tax exempt foundations like the Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Ford foundations and many more are involved in funding Leftism and radical subversives in America (see Foundations: Their Power and Influence, by Rene A. Wormser, which is documentation of what was discovered by Congress about foundations in the 1950's Cox investigation, and the Congressional Reece Committee.)


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
I put this in Theology because it is a question of Christian morals.

Taking these democrat initiatives into consideration.

Gun Control
High taxes
Open borders---invasion of illegal aliens receiving government subsidies---Opposed security wall. Sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. Offering tax payer social services and medical to illegal aliens.

Against election security---No ID's required---illegal aliens voting---students on visas---Not allowing law enforcement---covering windows---running ballots after the monitors have left. Since they desire Marxism or communism they do not want fair and honest elections so they do everything they can to make it easy to cheat.

Federal prisoners voting---voter fraud on several levels.

Trying to program our children in school and collages to learn critical race theory and cancel culture history and communism and normalization of homosexualality and anti-Christian beliefs.

Support drug use --- pot stores---lenient on drug offenders.

Soft on crime, revolving door courts that gets people killed. Short prison sentences.

Anti-law enforcement---defund the police---supporting resisting arrest---blame everything on law enforcement.

Reduction of the military.

Working hard and as quick as possible to destroy the economy and jobs. Moving into a recession now.

Doing everything possible to cause inflation, concentrating on what will cause price increases a crossed the board. Groceries, clothes, automobiles, nearly everything.

Democrats are against gas and oil and shutdown wells and pipelines causing high gas prices at the pump and home heating. Purchasing oil from over sea so the prices will be higher.

Anti-Christian---forbid assembly of churches---arrest pastors.

Promoting the idea that if you are white and Christian, and a patriot, you are a white supremacist.

Promoting LGBTQ, communism, atheism, cancel culture, and disrespect towards their mother and fathers in our schools and colleges.

Supported the BLM riots---BLM leaders declare they are Marxist and chat cuss words to Christ as they march---burning Bibles---and churches---take cities hostage---burning and looting---assaults---rapes---murders---going to the homes of politicians they did not like and harassing them---democrats give a big thumbs up to all these hate crimes.

Cancel culture---the democrat attack on all we value and hold good. Physical attack on landmarks. But they salute those Pot stores and abortion clinics...LOL.

Support every give me – hand out Socialist program possible.

Some strange brand of communism.

Trying to get us all to drive electric cars…LOL And hiding all the dangers of them.

Are the democrats behind the movement to lower the age of consent? So they can have sex with 14 year old boys and girls? Are they behind human trafficking? Are they using human trafficking to fulfill their lusts until they can lower the age of consent? This is something that is going on under the radar.
It is the whole environment that they desire that makes me think it is possible. LGBTQ and the promotion of drugs and pot stores and other perversions. Watching Biden fondle children in front of the camera is sickening. Like father, like son, his son is a drug user and child molester. And of course his vice-president openly admits to being a druggie. Extremely serious and evil topics that people need to look into. How prevalent is human trafficking in your area? You need to know.

Then we have the crazy corner....stupid or decide?
The democrats have forbid any member of the party to identify what a woman is? I have personally seen them on TV refusing to identify what a female is. Even a female that is a candidate for the Supreme Court. Why? Because they support the LGBTQ community and want male transvestites to play in female sports...That is high school, collage, and the Olympics.

Of course it was Barak Hussein Obama that initiated this but still stupid. Uni-sex restrooms in high schools and collages. On how many levels is this wrong? One of many reasons you do not want to send your kids to a public school. Well you might want to check because the democrats are trying to force it on private schools.
This is an easy one for me. I won't vote for any party that has abortion (murder) as part of its major beliefs.