Coming In and Going Out

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
There are more than a few verses about this. (Coming in and going out).
Deut 28:6
Deut 31:2
Ps 121:8
John 10:9
Rev 3:12
There might be more, not sure.

What do you think it means?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
Dagnabbit!! I just saw this and am getting ready to go to church so wont be able to participate for quite a few hours.
I always love your posts!!! This study should be awesome!!!!!♥♥♥♥ Can't wait to discuss! or see what others have come up with. You always look for depth, and I like that. The Bible is not a book to be glossed over, and I so appreciate that you see that, and see that well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Well…I’m not the one to answer it. I think it might be one of those times where knowing Hebrew would help tremendously. The only person I’ve met who actually knows Hebrew is episkopos.
All I have are…vague impressions of it meaning going in and out from Gods presence/going in and out of walking in the Spirit. I’ve never done that. I have been given many blessings but not that one.
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Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
There are more than a few verses about this. (Coming in and going out).
Deut 28:6
Deut 31:2
Ps 121:8
John 10:9
Rev 3:12
There might be more, not sure.

What do you think it means?
Deut 28:6 be blessed in all things
31:2 Moses can no longer lead them reigns handed to Joshus
Ps 121:8 God will guard you in all you do
Jn 10:9 Through Jesus God will open His hand and satisfy their desires in all they do
Rev 3:12 Gods people will have His blessings eternally


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Deut 28:6 be blessed in all things
31:2 Moses can no longer lead them reigns handed to Joshus
Ps 121:8 God will guard you in all you do
Jn 10:9 Through Jesus God will open His hand and satisfy their desires in all they do
Rev 3:12 Gods people will have His blessings eternally
You lost me. You think “coming in and going out” means a different thing in each of those verses…?
Ive been getting…slightly peeved lately, by people acting like they understand something and can help me when they don’t and can’t. That sounds rude I guess. Maybe I’m just impatient with the way you’ve acted here. Maybe I should have just ignored you rather than answer. Sorry.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Lao Tzu in reverse sort of thing, lol.
A lot of claiming that taking one step equals having gone a thousand miles.
A lot of assuming we have gone further than we have.
Its pretty bizarre…don’t know why we do it…it’s a 2 year old thing to pretend we can do things we can’t and haven’t. Like pretending to read a book while holding it upside down. Haha! WHY though…? Why do we still do it?
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Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
You lost me. You think “coming in and going out” means a different thing in each of those verses…?
Ive been getting…slightly peeved lately, by people acting like they understand something and can help me when they don’t and can’t. That sounds rude I guess. Maybe I’m just impatient with the way you’ve acted here. Maybe I should have just ignored you rather than answer. Sorry.
You asked Gracie, and I did my best to keep it simple. Right or wrong that is the way I perceive it. I definitely try to help others with Bible questions, in line with our assignment. I might suggest to look to other translations to compare, many times that helps in understanding. Always keep in mind though, you have the final say on what it means, as you answer for it. When someone tells you something about God or His word, it is best to listen attentively, but then make sure it is accurate Acts 17:11. I am just a sower, and what I say may or may not be correct, but right or wrong falls upon you maam.

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
There are more than a few verses about this. (Coming in and going out).
Deut 28:6
Deut 31:2
Ps 121:8
John 10:9
Rev 3:12
There might be more, not sure.

What do you think it means?
I didn't see a "coming in" in Revelation 3:12. Maybe it's a translation thing.

I don't think there is anything sublime going on here. I think it's just about getting up and going somewhere, and then coming back. What do you think?

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
There are more than a few verses about this. (Coming in and going out).
Deut 28:6
Deut 31:2
Ps 121:8
John 10:9
Rev 3:12
There might be more, not sure.

What do you think it means?

Deut 28 is similar to Lev 26. It is part of what I know as the Holiness code, "If you obey my statutes and keep them then I will bless you in these ways, . . . .But if you do not keep my statutes then these curses, I will bring upon you until you repent and return to me.

Revelation 3:8 is the final reward for keeping God's statutes. There is no longer a need to go out from the presences of the Lord God.

Rev 3:12: - He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more.

The importance of these passages is that they are to encourage us to keep God's statutes always and not to shy away from them such that we turn away from the Lord. They are just as relevant today as it was for Israel while they were still in the desert with Moses.

Now I can hear the hackles rising up of the righteous "Christians" who proclaim that the OT commandments no longer apply to them as they were for Israel and not the NT "Christian."

But when we look at Christ's response to which is the greater commandment, he said this: -

Matt 22:35-40: - 35 Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, 36 "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?"

37 Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."

God will also bless Christians today if they keep all of the Law which hang on just two commandments in their coming in and their going out.

We are encouraged by God to Keep Him front and centre of our lives and when we do, then He will Bless us, but if we do not keep them then we will be cursed and suffer the fate of all who sin against God and experience the Second Death after we are judged as unrighteous.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Now I can hear the hackles rising up of the righteous "Christians" who proclaim that the OT commandments no longer apply to them as they were for Israel and not the NT "Christian."

But when we look at Christ's response to which is the greater commandment, he said this: -

Matt 22:35-40: - 35 Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, 36 "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?"

37 Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."

God will also bless Christians today if they keep all of the Law which hang on just to commandments in their coming in and their going out.
I guess my hackles go up a bit at it too, but for a different reason. I’m not one of those who was ever able to love God without selfishness and to love others as much as I love myself. I was too bad of a case. I’ve never been one of the naturally good ones. And the harder I tried to be good, to forgive, to love, to care, the worse it got for me.
There really are some bad, bad cases. Unlike you, they cannot obey Gods commands no matter how hard they try and for years and years.
They need different instruction than those who are able to obey the law naturally, to love God unselfishly and care for others as much as themselves.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
What do you think it means?
It could simply mean going out of your home and coming back in. In Moses' time it would have been tents. As to the allusion to sheep, sheep would be brought into the sheepfold (their home) in the evening and would go out to find pasture in the morning. People leave their homes to go about their business, and then return home for meals, relaxation, and rest. So this is probably nothing mysterious.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
We are to enter into His gates with thanksgiving. Are we to enter in and never go out? We are to enter into the gate of the Lord.

In the OT this has to do with temple worship. But in the NT it is entering INTO Christ to walk as He walked. We can only remain there as we learn to grow into the full stature of Christ.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
My thoughts go to God's blessing our coming into this word and going out of it until finally we are in His Kingdom, never to "go out" again....and He is our protector in between. Heeding His precepts will always bless us. He goes before us into situations to defeat enemies. He also goes before us to "prepare a place for us".
Probably gonna annoy ya, lol...but it's all I got off the top of my head and reading the scriptures. Not exhaustive, of course. :Hanging:
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
The OT verses about "coming in and going out" remind me...

One of my best friends in college was Jewish, and I spent some wonderful evenings with him and the lovely lady who would later become his wife. I asked him about this little box he had affixed to the door of the apartment. He said it's called a mezuzah, and it contains a piece of paper with the Shema written on it: “Hear, O Israel! The LORD our God, the LORD is one!" (Deuteronomy 6:4) This is the fundamental verse that grounds Judaism, and Jews are commanded to write this on their doorposts (Deuteronomy 6:9). Traditionally, Jews will touch the mezuzah in their coming in and going out to remind themselves of who they are.

So what I see in coming in and going out is life lived in the presence of and under the watchful and protective eye of God, whether that be the life of the inner man or the life lived out in the world.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I didn't see a "coming in" in Revelation 3:12. Maybe it's a translation thing.

I don't think there is anything sublime going on here. I think it's just about getting up and going somewhere, and then coming back. What do you think?
Yes, there is not a “coming in” stated there. It only says he will never Again “go out.” I just think it’s a related verse.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
My thoughts go to God's blessing our coming into this word and going out of it until finally we are in His Kingdom, never to "go out" again....and He is our protector in between. Heeding His precepts will always bless us. He goes before us into situations to defeat enemies. He also goes before us to "prepare a place for us".
Probably gonna annoy ya, lol...but it's all I got off the top of my head and reading the scriptures. Not exhaustive, of course. :Hanging:

Heeding means listening and paying attention to. So when you say say “heeding His precepts” you aren’t saying obeying, so no, you haven’t annoyed me. But even if you did annoy me, (or I annoyed you) we would both survive it as long as we didn’t play the stupid game of being offended that the other is offended. (When I see that ridiculousness happening I always think of the verse about being like children playing that say we played a sad song but you didn’t do what the game dictates by crying and acting sad so then we played a happy song and still you didn’t follow the rules and laugh and dance.) Like…I played the offended song but you didnt do either of the expected moves according to the rules by either apologizing profusely at my taking of offense OR being offended that I’m offended. lol. Silly. And I got off on that tangent because I think too much about everything, which isn’t me mocking devin but is rather me laughing at us all. Not that laughing at myself changes me. God built me to want (and maybe NEED) to take everything apart to see how it works and why it works the way it works and that includes taking myself apart to examine myself since I began seeing many absurdities and misfires in how I work and operate!

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program -
Listening and paying attention to His precepts does not equal doing them/obeying them just as doing what is the right thing/righteousness is sometimes admitting that we didnt DO the right thing but instead did the wrong thing. At first it can blow a fuse in your mind to begin to consider that doing righteously can mean admitting you did unrighteously but it is true and is an important and necessary step to freedom.
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Active Member
Nov 22, 2022
United States
What do you think it means?
In accordance with actuality, or, direct ‘experience’, you are the only “thing” which doesn’t come & go.
But thoughts (believed) make it seem otherwise. Namely, self referential thoughts.
Thus is seems like things, including “thoughts” - come & go.
But experience ‘itself’ comes and goes, yet that which is appearing as experience, can not & does not.

Notice in direct experience now… thoughts appear, and disappear.
Notice as well, perception appears & disappears.
As well, all sensations appear & disappear.

But you are eternal, infinite, and without condition.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
We are to enter into His gates with thanksgiving. Are we to enter in and never go out? We are to enter into the gate of the Lord.
Made me think of the recording about the gates which I no longer have because I lost that cellphone. Or maybe I do have it in my old email…hmm. I remember I tried to explain something I saw but it was during one of those weird “knowing but not knowing” states I experience that it’s best to keep silent during.(VIJ goes through the same thing. Makes you look completely nuts, best to keep silent until you come out of the state!) Or maybe I’m just crazy, lol. But I still see it, the looking at the gate from afar, the up closer looking through the gate, then entering the gate to speak with those in the courtyard, then climbing to the watchtower above the gate, then leaving the tower to speak with men in the courtyard again while having seen further into the land while you were in the tower. But meh - it’s only important to even mention IF it can help anyone other than myself, which I don’t think it can yet so…not important. Except maybe to say that even in the gates and towers we are apt to think we’ve gone further than we have. The gates are along the periphery.

In the OT this has to do with temple worship. But in the NT it is entering INTO Christ to walk as He walked. We can only remain there as we learn to grow into the full stature of Christ.

I see the temple worship as a “picture of“ rather than a different thing. Every speck and aspect of it (the sacrifices, the rules, the cloud, the fire, the incense, the decorations), speaks about heaven, Jesus, what He does, explains me and my tent and my experiences and sacrifices/dyings. I only see pieces but it’s enough to make me understand God has always been saying one thing, the same thing, the same things (‘im’).
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Heeding means listening and paying attention to. So when you say say “heeding His precepts” you aren’t saying obeying, so no, you haven’t annoyed me. But even if you did annoy me, (or I annoyed you) we would both survive it as long as we didn’t play the stupid game of being offended that the other is offended. (When I see that ridiculousness happening I always think of the verse about being like children playing that say we played a sad song but you didn’t do what the game dictates by crying and acting sad so then we played a happy song and still you didn’t follow the rules and laugh and dance.) Like…I played the offended song but you didnt do either of the expected moves according to the rules by either apologizing profusely at my taking of offense OR being offended that I’m offended. lol. Silly. And I got off on that tangent because I think too much about everything, which isn’t me mocking devin but is rather me laughing at us all. Not that laughing at myself changes me. God built me to want (and maybe NEED) to take everything apart to see how it works and why it works the way it works and that includes taking myself apart to examine myself since I began seeing many absurdities and misfires in how I work and operate!

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program -
Listening and paying attention to His precepts does not equal doing them/obeying them just as doing what is the right thing/righteousness is sometimes admitting that we didnt DO the right thing but instead did the wrong thing. At first it can blow a fuse in your mind to begin to consider that doing righteously can mean admitting you did unrighteously but it is true and is an important and necessary step to freedom.
Okay, I should have said "obeyed"... No, no acting like children! :hmhehm Lol.

" begin to consider that doing righteously can mean admitting you did unrighteously..."
This can be difficult to realize but it is glaring when that happens. It can be embarrassing to admit, at least to another person, that we were wrong and apologize. Yet, it's a must do IMHO.

Both yours and my thoughts never stop. At least yours are a bit more "ordered" Haha!
He WANT'S us to seek Him always and I do not think any could ever reach all knowledge in this life. I see us all maturing into His full stature and it won't be overnight. Doesn't mean we stop maturing (Devin), we keep growing as much as we allow ourselves to submit every single thing to Him.
Okay, I'm finished :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
The OT verses about "coming in and going out" remind me...

One of my best friends in college was Jewish, and I spent some wonderful evenings with him and the lovely lady who would later become his wife. I asked him about this little box he had affixed to the door of the apartment. He said it's called a mezuzah, and it contains a piece of paper with the Shema written on it: “Hear, O Israel! The LORD our God, the LORD is one!" (Deuteronomy 6:4) This is the fundamental verse that grounds Judaism, and Jews are commanded to write this on their doorposts (Deuteronomy 6:9). Traditionally, Jews will touch the mezuzah in their coming in and going out to remind themselves of who they are.

So what I see in coming in and going out is life lived in the presence of and under the watchful and protective eye of God, whether that be the life of the inner man or the life lived out in the world.
Good catch Lamb! Never thought of that at all. Sounds right on brother. Is the mezuzah that same little box some Jewish men wear on their foreheads? Or, around their necks ( the women do too but, I think it's a bit different looking and not on their foreheads)
Interesting comparison.
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