Why be a Christian??

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New Member
Nov 16, 2008
Well besides the obvious and explainable things like maybe god is there sometimes.. or he just magically appeared the other day and told me something..also besides looking at the negative in people....tell me why be a christian? Now before you start to say that I am a sinner and this and that.. you should realize that organized religion has killed more people then any other groups in the world! You should also realize that some people still, till this day view Jesus Christ as the devil himself. I still have some apprehensions about kids being force fed some of the teachings...this is because of the bloody aspect of Christ's crucifixion. Tell me, why believe in Christ?


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
Well besides the obvious and explainable things like maybe god is there sometimes.. or he just magically appeared the other day and told me something..also besides looking at the negative in people....tell me why be a christian? Now before you start to say that I am a sinner and this and that.. you should realize that organized religion has killed more people then any other groups in the world! You should also realize that some people still, till this day view Jesus Christ as the devil himself. I still have some apprehensions about kids being force fed some of the teachings...this is because of the bloody aspect of Christ's crucifixion. Tell me, why believe in Christ?
Because He wants me to


Active Member
Aug 13, 2011
United States
being a christian is not a religion but a family. too many people think of christianity as a religion instead of a family. a church that truly believes that they are in the family of Christ is a church that comes to the aid and assistance of each other. people know each other, welcome each other, love each other, and ect. this relationship of family is missing from many churches and i congratulate any church that gives their church an atmosphere of family.

i wonder how many people that go to church feel:
1. comfortable and not like a stranger within their church,
2. are free to express how they feel about God in any manner they choose
3. allow the Holy Spirit to lead the service as he sees fit. we have had times where our service turned into a praise and worship service without a sermon.
4. How many see the manifestation of God's glory manifest within their church? this is awesome to see.
5. How many people in your church move in their gifts? or can even tell us what their God given gifts are?
6. how many know the plan God has for you in their lives.
7. how many are living a Godly life to the best of their ability?
8. how many can hear when God speaks to them?
9. how often do your prayers get answered?
10. how much time do you spend with God?
11. how often do you tell others about God?

sorry i got carried away with things that allow us to see and hear God. these are a few things that make being a christian GREAT. some people don't even realize God is doing anything in their lives so they give up on God and become cynics where God is concerned. many see God start working in their lives but due to persecution or worldly things they lose their faith. these types of people seem to come back to God in times of trouble but after the trouble is pasted they fall right back into their old ways. these are the people that really have no joy in their lives but what the world can provide. there is so much more if you just are will to go after it. living in complete health, seeing even the tiniest things go your way(it is like being very lucky), asking for things in prayer and always getting an answer, live in Joy constantly and not worry about anything, constantly living with a peace that never leaves and which allows you to know that whatever happens will be worked out in my favor. there is just so much i cannot list it all. so why do a majority of christians choose not to live this way? is it fear? or lack of knowledge and understanding? is it pride? maybe someone else knows why.

i chose to be a christian to live in the best God has for us..to live victoriously in every area of life. i want others to know that they can do the same things and even greater things then they can imagine if they are just willing to whole-hearted give themselves over to God.

God bless.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I want to think of God and others before myself. Fact is, even if Christianity is radically different than reality and the afterlife is totally different than what I am lead to believe, as a Christ; my life will be worth living if I dedicate it to loving God and neighbor. That is why I am a Christian.


New Member
Aug 21, 2011
Western US
First off, the choice is not solely ours, God must first draw us to Him and then we have a choice to either accept or reject. Disciples of Christ were bought with a price, we are not our own, once we have become a child of God, it is no longer our life we live, it is His! We get to be His hands and feet! Why would you not want to be apart of His Body! He gives us His love so we can love Him back and be obedient to His commandments - it's grace.

ALL people will serve either one of two masters, Christ or satan, we can only serve one, otherwise our loyalities will be divided and we will fall. We know God is in all and has authority over all, even over the other master. It's the perfect plan! Why would you want to reject it? As a disciple of Christ, we become like our master, and are transformed to Christ! It is a relationship, where our eternal life begins now. He disciplines us, leads us, guides us, speaks to us, reveals things to us, transforms us, renews our minds, teaches us, trains us, loves us perfectly.

I agree with you though about organized religion, it is going back under the nicolaitans, which God said he detests in Rev 2:15, the system of having a hierarchial.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Tell me, why believe in Christ

One reason is because God loved us so much that he sent his only begotten Son to die on our behalf. He took all the sins of the world and loaded it upon himself so that those who believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

....and because this life is temporary, and the life we will live after this physical one is eternal. Where we end up after our bodies cease, is determined by the decisions we make in this life. One of the only two choices available, is receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior. When we truly repent from the heart, acknowledge what he has done for us on the cross and welcome him into our lives, he then sends the Holy Spirit to come and live in us. The Holy Spirit becomes our guarantee 2 Corinthians 1:22, 2 Corinthians 5:5, the seal of our redemption. Ephesians 1:13-14, Ephesians 4:30

Here is the other alternative, spoken by Jesus to the Jews on the mount...

John 8
[sup]23 [/sup]And He said to them, “You are from beneath; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. [sup]24 [/sup]Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.”

[sup]34 [/sup]Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. [sup]35[/sup]And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. [sup]36[/sup]Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.



New Member
Nov 16, 2008
I don't know.. your replies so far seem kinda one sided... I mean don't you think a little ass kid shouldn't be forced to watch something as horrible as Christ's crucifixion over and over. Sometimes kids are subjected to this kind of mentality when it comes to the church. I mean.. seriously. You must agree with me on this.. Either that or you should all go and burn down all your churches cause they are worthless to me!! I just don't see it as being right! I'm sorry! Seriously its like looking at and worshiping blood sacrifice! I'm sorry I have a problem with this!


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
...no, they shouldn't be forced to watch it, I agree. I remember my mom sending my sister and I to a catholic Sunday school once and I can still remember those graphic Michael Angelo type portraits and one in particular...millions of people, as far as the eye could see... in torment and being harassed by demon like creatures while others were lifted up by angels. This disturbed me deeply... :huh:

... there is a time however, when young people, at an age of knowledge, need to make the decision of following or not following God for themselves.

Just because a movie is about God, does not mean it is acceptable for children to watch...

PS: Jesus never terrified children into submission, he loved them just the way they were because that is the type of faith he desires in all believers...

Matthew 18:3
and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 19:14
But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”



New Member
Nov 16, 2008
I don't know.. I want to hear the positive things about Christ.. like the road to Damascus and how he helped Paul and changed his life around. I'm sick of this fixation on the crucifixion!


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Well, I don't think it's a fixation Tarm, more like an elementary principle of our salvation...gotta move forward from there eventually though... :huh: as the bible states...

Hebrews 6:1 NKJV
[ The Peril of Not Progressing ] Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God,


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Franciscans - a Catholic order believes that Christ would of come for us, no matter what - we just happened to kill Him. Compelling.


New Member
Nov 16, 2008
Well, I don't think it's a fixation Tarm, more like an elementary principle of our salvation...gotta move forward from there eventually though... :huh: as the bible states...

So you have to move forward from his blood? Like elementary school? I don't get it!!! hummm.... See I was thinking it was something that you just cant get away from! Cause he is on the cross bleeding for our sins etc.. This is because I always here people talk about his blood his body..etc.. even going as far as to talk about pleasing him..etc..Maybe you can explain this! For some reason its hard for me to understand all of this. This is why you shouldn't teach kids about this kinda stuff!


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
So you have to move forward from his blood? Like elementary school? I don't get it!!! hummm.... See I was thinking it was something that you just cant get away from! Cause he is on the cross bleeding for our sins etc.. This is because I always here people talk about his blood his body..etc.. even going as far as to talk about pleasing him..etc..Maybe you can explain this! For some reason its hard for me to understand all of this. This is why you shouldn't teach kids about this kinda stuff!

The blood of Jesus is the very reason why believers are cleansed from sin. He became the "mediator of a new covenant by means of his death for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance." Hebrews 9:15

Cause he is on the cross bleeding for our sins etc.. This is because I always here people talk about his blood his body..etc..

He is not on the cross.. :huh: God raised him up and is exalted on the right hand of the Father. Acts 2:32-33.

The bible says:
Romans 10
[sup]8 [/sup]But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach): [sup]9[/sup]that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. [sup]10[/sup]For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. [sup]11 [/sup]For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.

I have a feeling that we are not entirely on the same page here... :unsure:

Bless you!!!


New Member
Mar 30, 2011
I don't know.. your replies so far seem kinda one sided... I mean don't you think a little ass kid shouldn't be forced to watch something as horrible as Christ's crucifixion over and over. Sometimes kids are subjected to this kind of mentality when it comes to the church. I mean.. seriously. You must agree with me on this.. Either that or you should all go and burn down all your churches cause they are worthless to me!! I just don't see it as being right! I'm sorry! Seriously its like looking at and worshiping blood sacrifice! I'm sorry I have a problem with this!
Jesus Christ was not wrong in anything he did and the thing is that we as human beings are so foolish and stupid that we could do such a thing to someone who did no wrong and it's a fact that we do wrong things because of a thing known as original sin and it is this that leads people down a path of destruction and it is this that Christ on the cross shows our sin full nature.
So one can harp on about not liking it, like you say, but when you come to know the story in depth, then you will know what we are on about.
We all have to be saved from our sinful nature or we are doomed and lost with out no hope, that only leads to destruction.
Christ is the only way for salvation and with him, we will be have life abundantly and this is true life, not some ego driven worldly madness that some think is a good thing to have.
And this is something that no money can buy and it leads everything other in worldliness as just silliness, because as we mature in the lord we can see the folly in mans worldly nonsense.
When one comes to the Lord and are in the Lord one can see everything in a whole new light, as we have matured in truth and are not lead astray as such tempting of Satan and his lot.
Man in his sinful state thinks he is good and smart etc but he is just fooling him self big time, and for all his boosting it's just a poor joke.


New Member
Nov 16, 2008
Jesus Christ was not wrong in anything he did and the thing is that we as human beings are so foolish and stupid that we could do such a thing to someone who did no wrong and it's a fact that we do wrong things because of a thing known as original sin and it is this that leads people down a path of destruction and it is this that Christ on the cross shows our sin full nature.
So one can harp on about not liking it, like you say, but when you come to know the story in depth, then you will know what we are on about.
We all have to be saved from our sinful nature or we are doomed and lost with out no hope, that only leads to destruction.
Christ is the only way for salvation and with him, we will be have life abundantly and this is true life, not some ego driven worldly madness that some think is a good thing to have.
And this is something that no money can buy and it leads everything other in worldliness as just silliness, because as we mature in the lord we can see the folly in mans worldly nonsense.
When one comes to the Lord and are in the Lord one can see everything in a whole new light, as we have matured in truth and are not lead astray as such tempting of Satan and his lot.
Man in his sinful state thinks he is good and smart etc but he is just fooling him self big time, and for all his boosting it's just a poor joke.

I'm sick of Christians who's choice in scripture blows with the wind. I just think there should be some kind of age limit on this type of practice! What does everyone think? A child's mind can not take in this type if information about blood sacrifice etc and not have some residuals..what does it mean to die for sins. That's something us humans can not comprehend. He died for our sins.. blood etc.. his blood.. worship him..only him..please him...That's all I hear! A child's brain is like play dough, easily shaped and molded. I honestly think they should not let people worship until they are 18 years old!


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
A child's faith is pure. Adults rationalize away truth.

Love God and your neighbor - express your love though service.

This is true Christianity.

Remaining committed to doctrinal purity at the expense of love in action is a waste of time.

Love, Love, Love


New Member
Nov 16, 2008
A child's faith is pure. Adults rationalize away truth.

Love God and your neighbor - express your love though service.

This is true Christianity.

Remaining committed to doctrinal purity at the expense of love in action is a waste of time.

Love, Love, Love

I beg to differ a child's faith might not be pure because that child's faith might be poisoned by someone who is immature about the gospel. Not everyone is smart enough to even speak about the bible let alone teach kids!


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I beg to differ a child's faith might not be pure because that child's faith might be poisoned by someone who is immature about the gospel. Not everyone is smart enough to even speak about the bible let alone teach kids!

I never said their DOCTRINE is pure. Their faith is pure. Faith is a gift from God - it is immune from doctrine. Unfortunately, as adults we can place our faith from God in false doctrine or other foolishness. As children, we do no have many choices, but God.


New Member
Nov 16, 2008
I never said their DOCTRINE is pure. Their faith is pure. Faith is a gift from God - it is immune from doctrine. Unfortunately, as adults we can place our faith from God in false doctrine or other foolishness. As children, we do no have many choices, but God.

So you are trying to say that a Child's faith is pure even though they witnessed Christ being crucified like in the passion of the Christ movie.. the bible and in other modern day christian depictions of Jesus on the cross. How would it be pure if they only see the blood as a sacrifice? Especially a young impressionable mind? Remember...some times Jesus is never there when we need him to be..