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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I literally just witnessed a professing Christian scold me for saying that I know that God does not approve of Trump abusing and groping women and sexualizing his own daughters?!! This is exactly why I will not step into a church building unless God clearly leads me to do so. The churches are so sick, corrupt, and full of evil. I advise survivors not to walk into a.church. It's one of the most unsafe places one could go. God has fellowship for us outside the buildings called "churches." Stay safe, and don't go where God hasn't led you.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
I literally just witnessed a professing Christian scold me for saying that I know that God does not approve of Trump abusing and groping women and sexualizing his own daughters?!! This is exactly why I will not step into a church building unless God clearly leads me to do so. The churches are so sick, corrupt, and full of evil. I advise survivors not to walk into a.church. It's one of the most unsafe places one could go. God has fellowship for us outside the buildings called "churches." Stay safe, and don't go where God hasn't led you.
While I sympathize with your situation and agree that there is something to the statement that "The churches are so sick, corrupt, and full of evil."; it seems a bit of a misdirected overreaction to me. The specific problem you encountered seems to be more politically driven than "christian" driven. I have my own issues with the church, but I attend regularly. I had to put up with a bit of garbage yesterday. But to me, the spiritual thing for me to do was to "turn the other cheek" and understand that this is how the immature behave. We all have issues.

Your advice to survivors seems wise. They don't need to be hurt anymore than they already have been. And frankly, it's even worse coming from a source where it shouldn't.

I hope that makes sense. From my perspective, most church folks are fine. Our church has been very good to us and for us. A potential resource of overwhelming good when it works as intended. IMHO



Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
You're wrong, @St. SteVen. Every single church I've walked into is either pastored by a literal satanist (with satanist staff, deacons, etc) or they are so weak, no preaching of the meat of the Word.. You've mistakenly judged the situation as political. Read again! I don't care if it's Trump, or any nasty satanist. (And Trump is not a Christian..He worships Apollo... the god of forces.) I don't care who it is. If a man abuses women and children, and the church approves it. They are SICK and God is not there.

As a survivor, churches have been very unsafe because satanists/programmed cult handlers hide there in plain aight and the weak Christians with no discernment allow it to be so. This is why and how nearly 100% of the "Christian" churches are so full of the world, it's like walking into a club rather than a church. We should be hearing the unadulterated Word of God, and not 30 minutes of announcements, 15 minutes of jokes, followed by another 30 minute lights show and someone performing on the stage moved more by applause of men then the Spirit of God...5 minutes of "preaching" from the "message bible" ...15 minutes motivational speech and a joke ...put your money in the plate, more announcements, a couple jokes .... and don't forget the 1950's dance party for singles on Friday night! None of that crap is going to get anyone into the kingdom of God and it is a flashing neon sign that that place is VOID of God's presence.

Even the churches I've been in that preach scripture have been infiltrated with freemasons as deacons. And they too are satanists.

You don't need to convince me because I have walked into the churches myself. Some, God led me to because He wanted me to bust the blinders off and bring awareness of SRA/MK ....why? Because a good 30% of that 400 member church were bloodline programmed SRA/MK ....INCLUDING THE PASTOR AND HIS WIFE! I was eventually escorted out of that church by 2 of my friends after my children and I were sexually assaulted (by my former pastor and members of THAT church who were cult handlers). I went to my 2 friends to ask for prayer support and they told me I didn't belong there. About 4 years passed and they contacted me and apologized. They said they had no idea how much my testimony was needed and apologized for not receiving me. I haven't gone back. God had me there for a time and hasn't instructed me to go back.

Btw, that pastor was a 3rd or 4 4th generation Assembly of God pastor. He is high level illuminati bloodline and admitted that as a child, he was sexually abused IN THE CHURCH pastored by his father. He didn't go into more, but I know there was much more.

A survivor of SRA/MK who has not walked through much healing, deprogramming, and integration is in severe danger walking into churches that are FULL of programmed cult handlers. Those survivors get reported, handled, reprogrammed, and further victimized on a regular basis ....by "pastors", "deacons", etc. I KNOW, because I LIVED IT!!!!!

Get some discernment. Pray and ask God to open your eyes. There are programmed SRA/MK victims all around you. They may be your pastor. They may be the woman who leads the choir, or teaches children's church (pretty common!!) ...the boy scouts leader, or even the woman who sits next to you at church who's always had emotional issues and has never gotten to the root.

I can't walk into a church without God leading me there. I know too much. I know the cult bloodlines. I listen, and I have keen discernment .... it's been developed all my life, which is why the cult loved to exploit what God gave me by taking me to key locations that were/are portals. That's why they used me on the altars ..... spiritual capacity, exploited.

If I walk into a church, I notice the bloodlines, and people tell me things that add up and I know they are programmed. The mixture of the world in churches is so blatant..... it's sickening. No thank you! I'll meet/gather with a few here or there ...in our homes, or online ...but I won't walk into those buildings where they've booted God out.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Ask any survivor who has come to the Lord and gained levels of healing and freedom. They'll tell you they've had the same experiences. They're not welcome ...because the churches are run by cult handlers who do not want to be exposed. Or else, the churches are so weak and shallow, they can't handle any warfare that comes with awareness. And most of us have been rejected and booted out of the churches because when a person is walking the road to freedom, they talk ....they tell their testimony....they raise awareness ....a member comes to then who is in bondage and they begin to counsel that member to freedom .....and satan doesn't like it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Most Christians are so weak, they've not committed to God enough to be a threat to satan and his kingdom. They still have both feet in the world. They've never experienced true persecution and if they experience a little criticism, they think it's persecution. They don't even know the SRA/MK survivor they rejected who sat next to them in church has suffered severe persecution (rapes, tortures, threats, hospitilizations, electronic/EMF targeting, pets and loved ones killed, financial attacks, vehicles sabotaged, home invasions, etc) ....because they turned to Jesus and they expose satan wherever they go, and they aren't fulfilling their programmed roles for NWO/Babylon.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
From my perspective, most church folks are fine. Our church has been very good to us and for us. A potential resource of overwhelming good when it works as intended. IMHO
And yet, your church also has SRA/MK victims in it ....and very possibly is staffed by at least one cult handler. The test is ....let someone like myself walk in. Meet with the pastor and ask if he would be open to a meeting with me, allow me to share my testimony with him, and pray about a public testimony sharing ....with Q&A. I guarantee, the programmed cult members within the church will have already gotten the memo that I'm there before I even speak a word. That's where most of the opposition starts.

This is the very reason I speak ...this thing needs to be busted wide open! The CHURCHES need FREEDOM!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
This is why judgment begins at the house of God. Get the sickness out of the pulpits and the churches. Pedophiles wouldn't be able to hide in the pulpits, and pedophile rings being run from the churches would cease. Satanic rituals in the church basements would be stopped.
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States

This is for awareness. Most of us survivors can relate to the experiences she shares. She is far from healed or free and she needs Jesus. Please pray for her salvation.❤️

Our programmers and most of our handlers identified with being a perpetrator ...they own it and love it because they have given themselves to it .. their father, satan. Others, like myself, like Katy Groves, Fiona Barnett, and many many other survivors who are speaking out, exposing, and fighting for freedom ...perpetrating wasn't who we were and it didn't fit with our true heart identity although they tried to impose that identity onto us. Thus, the intense pain and brokenness.

She speaks of going to the authorities to report images on child pornography that her parents had involving her and being victimized by cops and reprogrammed in retaliation.

@Nancy back in 2013, I personally witnessed the covering up they do of child porn. I had run with my children in effort to find a place of safety. I began attending a church and Bible study, and befriended a woman who was very disturbed to discover child porn on a computer of someone she grew up with. She tried to tell people only to be attacked for it. She came to me ....and after some time, I learned that some of my own children had seen those images. :'( They were afraid to tell me. This was a man who was allowed to be in close contact with children as a 'youth minister"!! And unknowingly to me, before we arrived there, this man was caught trying to set up a meeting with a girl for sex.

I took the report I was given by my friend who eyewitnessed the child porn on his computer and reported it to the helpline of a so-called human trafficking awareness organization .....Advocates For Freedom .....and although they promised they would look into it, they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! That man was never exposed and still to this day is in contact with children!!

And that is MY personal experience with how the system can pose as "advocates" and "christians" to cover their INVOLVEMENT in child trafficking. :'(
The god of this world, and all that do his bidding, have nothing but severe punishment and a burning lake of fire to look forward to. That does not take away the pain of you survivors, but since this life is a drop in a HUGE bucket, and God is so faithful to bring you into His family all knowing that He is preparing a place the human mind cannot even try to imagine!

Bless you sis,
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
That does not take away the pain of you survivors, but since this life is a drop in a HUGE bucket, and God is so faithful to bring you into His family all knowing that He is preparing a place the human mind cannot even try to imagine!
Amen, sister! One of the things I take comfort in is knowing that this life is only a short span when compared to eternity. Our sufferings here will not even compare once we are in our eternal Home.

Romans 8:16-19
[16]The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
[17]And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
[18]For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

[19]For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Amen, sister! One of the things I take comfort in is knowing that this life is only a short span when compared to eternity. Our sufferings here will not even compare once we are in our eternal Home.

Romans 8:16-19
[16]The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
[17]And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
[18]For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

[19]For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
And the people said: AMEN!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
God is so faithful to bring you into His family all knowing that He is preparing a place the human mind cannot even try to imagine!
This is one of my favorite songs. ❤️

1 Corinthians 2:9-10
[9]But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
[10]But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
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Sep 12, 2020
United States
"Predators in the country, church, and kingdom"

Nathan Reynolds (survivor) and Perma Pastures Farm

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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
"Predators in the country, church, and kingdom"

Nathan Reynolds (survivor) and Perma Pastures Farm

This man say's many things along the same lines of a beloved sister I know does ;)

These things are so horrifying that the general public either does not want to see it, or they can't believe humans can be so evil...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
This man say's many things along the same lines of a beloved sister I know does ;)

These things are so horrifying that the general public either does not want to see it, or they can't believe humans can be so evil...
I appreciate you so much, sister. Not many ....very very few even take time to listen.

Yes, they don't want to know. The church is dissociative, @Nancy. God showed me that after I was told I didn't belong in the church when I reached out for prayer support. And I was rejected in churches many times after that.

Churches are weakly, and superficial. They can't handle any depth....whether in God, or depth and complexities of the realities of the things we expose in this thread. We need a depth and deep, deep roots in Christ before we can be able to handle these other realities. If we have no footing, we risk being swept off our feet in the tidal waves. We have to KNOW Him ....our identity is established in Him. None of these things can separate us from Him and His love. ❤️
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
This is another survivor testimony, @Nancy. Amazing how many times I listen to a survivor testimony and can relate to so much of what they experienced. She was raised Mormon. For me, I wasn't raised in church. But one of my handlers was an uncle (and his wife) who were both Mormon. They are the ones who took me to the Mayan pyramids as a small child (age 4) to be used on the altars.

Rachel Ramah
"Twinning and MK"
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Strong Trigger Warning for survivors, but when you feel strong enough in the Lord, Svali has some very important things to share about deprogramming, healing, and overcoming emotions that come along with trauma.

Quoting Svali:

She said, "I have to forgive myself in order to heal and not stay stuck in this (guilt, shame, etc). Because if I don't, then it's just gonna keep driving my programming. So I had to keep working on healing and forgiving myself Self-hatred is a big, big thing they use to drive amnesia and division between systems."

To the survivors reading this;
Please keep this ....journal it, pray, and come back to this during difficult times, because it's truth. ❤️

That's something God helped me see early on ....that in order to heal, I have to love those parts who were forced and coerced through trauma to come into agreements and do things they never would have chosen to do on their own. If I loathe parts of myself, or shrink back from seeing, hearing, knowing what they experienced and what they were forced to do....it hinders freedom for the whole of me.



Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Rachel Ramah
"Mormon Mind Control & SRA"
(also: protestant religious leaders, and political figures involved in trafficking, handling, SRA/MK, Sound of Freedom as a front, etc)

Guys, I have had this concern from the beginning, because of my experience seeing so-called trafficking busts that were really just a facade/for public consumption as they actually were just moving those victims from one handler to another. So these people who are claiming they have government officials helping them rescue victims ....while the government is still involved in MK projects/programs....no one stops the programs (even everyone's "god" Tr.mp) ...pretending to fight human trafficking while they are the ones trafficking!!!!!



Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
This is another survivor testimony, @Nancy. Amazing how many times I listen to a survivor testimony and can relate to so much of what they experienced. She was raised Mormon. For me, I wasn't raised in church. But one of my handlers was an uncle (and his wife) who were both Mormon. They are the ones who took me to the Mayan pyramids as a small child (age 4) to be used on the altars.

Rachel Ramah
"Twinning and MK"
I'm about 20 minutes in and saved to my "Watch Later" in YT.
How manipulative is the Evil one! And, very, very good at it. :mad:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I'm about 20 minutes in and saved to my "Watch Later" in YT.
How manipulative is the Evil one! And, very, very good at it. :mad:
You amaze me ...thankful for your caring heart, to take interest and time to hear and listen.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
This is from a post I wrote elsewhere on the forum a couple years ago. I want to bring this here as a refresher.

People are too fearful of "false memories." The best way to know you're getting the truth is to pray and ask God for the truth, then trust Him to keep you. I've had so many memories spontaneously surface, and when that happens, I pray ...and most of the time, those memories will be confirmed by other sources to be true.

But the main thing is ....if a memory surfaces, and you're submitting everything to Christ, and you ask Him to bring resolution.... He doesn't have to bring resolution to something that didn't happen. But if He speaks to your heart about those memories, and the pain that is at the root of those memories, that is a confirmation your memories are real.

When memories began resurfacing for me almost 20 years ago, it was very overwhelming at times. The Lord taught me to pray for truth according to His Word. This way, I didn't have to battle denial. I could trust that He is fully able to bring me to the truth and to keep me from believing lies.

Prayer for Truth
(according to Psalm 57:1-3; Psalm 51:6; Jeremiah 1:12; Isaiah 55:11)

"Be merciful unto me, O GOD! Be merciful unto me, for my soul trusts in You! In the shadow of Your wings will I make my refuge until these calamities be overpassed! I (will) cry unto You, the most high GOD, who performs all things for me! Send from heaven and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up! Send forth Your mercy and Your truth into Every Part of my being! You desire TRUTH in the INWARD parts, and I thank You that You will make me to know WISDOM in the HIDDEN part! I know that according to Jeremiah 1:12, You watch over Your Word to perform it! I have prayed according to Your Word, and I thank You that according to Isaiah 55:11, Your Word will not return unto You void, but it accomplishes the thing You sent it to do! I pray these things in the name of the True LORD JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth who came in the flesh 2000 years ago, the Son of the One True and Living GOD in whom there is NO duplicity! Amen."


James 1:17-18

17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.

Declaration of Faith:

Today I reaffirm, that I am a child of the One True GOD, and HE gives me GOOD GIFTS!

If I ask for bread, He will not give me a stone!

If I ask for fish, He will not give me a serpent!

If I ask for His truth, He will not give/send me lies!

In Him, there is NO darkness
neither shadow of turning!

He - JESUS CHRIST -IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE -
and in Him there is NO duplicity!

Post in thread 'Emdr' Emdr
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