Joel Osteen is extraordinarily amazing!

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Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
Yes, Osteen is a very charismatic Humanist who is very adept at working positive affirmation mantras. He also is well known for his creative imagination as he relates false narratives seemingly about real people who happen to reflect his current message of the day.

His organization brings in over a million dollars every day he opens.

Very lucrative.As his lifestyle shows.

That indeed is the problem with so very many today. all they want to hear is what they call positive feel good messages .
To them the word of GOD itself is NOT a postive message at all . New age secular humanism motiviational men
have just about taken over the realm .
IF we truly want to know whether its the LOVE that comes FROM GOD that we do embrace
Go into the all inclusive love churches who always often talk about love and tolerance .
They embrace just about anything and everything these days . CEPT ONE THING .
TRY brining in biblical doctrine that exposes sin , THEN SEE what they say . Watch how fast they change
watch how they treat the very WORDS of GOD and those who bring them . THEN You gonna see
and understand , the sensual love of the world IS NOT compatible nor will it agree with GOD . ITS ENMITY WITH GOD .
YOU try correct certain sins and errors in the church and you watch how they treat YOU and HIS WORDS .
See many are under the sway of this carnal mind wordly love , THEY THINK its the LOVE OF GOD
but when GODS own words are brought to the table , YOUGONNNA SEEE THEIR TEETH of upmost rebellion .
PS , do not expect TOLERANCE or love from them At all either .
Osteen is not a preacher called by God. Nor was his father before him,and from whom he inherited the business.

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I detest deconstructionism. And I'm afraid you don't know me at all, my friend.

i am sure you do detest deconstruction . yet you seem to have familar ties to the seeker friendly ways it introduced upon the church .
Its like a man yelling WATCH OUT for the ONE WORLD ORDER , yet the same man is helping build its religoin .
PS in case you wonder who that man i just spoke of was or is , ITS TRUMP .
people better be on gaurd and get BACK IN THE BIBLE .
Barney i see the seeker friendly lets find common ground in you . Whether or not you know that . ITS THERE .
But as i said , i am not saying your false , i am saying YOUR BEING INFLUENCED by some of it .
What you dont know , or what you DONT want to know is , ITS EVEN IN THE ADVENTIST CHURCH just as it is in every
denomination . NOW that dont mean EVERY CHURCH IN EVERY DENOMINATION is under it , BUT IT DOES MEAN
exactly what i said , every denomination HAS BEEN INFILTRATED BY IT . we better get back in the bible for a serious refreshing man .


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
i am sure you do detest deconstruction . yet you seem to have familar ties to the seeker friendly ways it introduced upon the church .
Its like a man yelling WATCH OUT for the ONE WORLD ORDER , yet the same man is helping build its religoin .
PS in case you wonder who that man i just spoke of was or is , ITS TRUMP .
people better be on gaurd and get BACK IN THE BIBLE .
Barney i see the seeker friendly lets find common ground in you . Whether or not you know that . ITS THERE .
But as i said , i am not saying your false , i am saying YOUR BEING INFLUENCED by some of it .
What you dont know , or what you DONT want to know is , ITS EVEN IN THE ADVENTIST CHURCH just as it is in every
denomination . NOW that dont mean EVERY CHURCH IN EVERY DENOMINATION is under it , BUT IT DOES MEAN
exactly what i said , every denomination HAS BEEN INFILTRATED BY IT . we better get back in the bible for a serious refreshing man .

I actually had to Google "seeker friendly" because I don't learn any more neo-Christian nonsense jargon than I absolutely have to.

You're out to lunch, Amigo.

And you don't know anything about the Adventist church.

Please tell me about something I believed before that I no longer believe, to show me how I'm being influenced.

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I actually had to Google "seeker friendly" because I don't learn any more neo-Christian nonsense jargon than I absolutely have to.

You're out to lunch, Amigo.

And you don't anything about the Adventist church.

Please tell me about something I believed before that I no longer believe, to show me how I'm being influenced.

I never said all adventists churches . And you are not understanding what i am saying .
I never said you sat and learned those things .
You do realize its influence is what i am talking about .
The feeling or idea or effect of something even if said person never sat under the teachings .
For example i can see it in more and more muslims , jews , buddists , etc
NOW THEY dont believe the same , but the EFFECTS of this transitional mindset is all over many of them too .
THEY SNUCK this crap into all religoins , as well as society itself . Most dont even know
they been influenced by it nor where its leading them either .
OH there is indeed an entity at work within Christendom and the false religoins , the entire world is and has been
under this seducer too . ONLY they dont realize it .
IT has come to UNIFY . And it has come in under the guise it is the God of love .
To the non religious , like athiest , it cometh in under LOVE , to all other religions it comes in
as though it is GOD and it is love and it is just time for humanity to find common ground . To all get along
IT BE THE DEVIL barney . PS the serpent dont come within as a dragon with horns , HE BE A SEDUCER
even appearing so friendly , so caring , so smiling and as though he has YOUR BEST in mind for you . Watch out
its all over the place . As more and more chant and find common ground in wordly stuff , in feeding the poor
in removing doctrine , or as they call it breaking down walls . And its influence IS EVERYWHERE .
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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
And you don't anything about the Adventist church.

We do know that Ellen G. White (founder) was a false prophet that made numerous false predictions...

False prediction number 1
Jerusalem’s future. In her book The Early Writings, she says “Then I was pointed to some who are in the great error of believing that it is their duty to go to Old Jerusalem and think they have a work to do there before the Lord comes. I saw that satan had greatly deceived some in this thing. I also saw that old Jerusalem never would be built up and that satan was doing his utmost to lead the minds of the children of the Lord into these things now, in the gathering time.” This prophecy did not come true. Since the nation of Israel’s rebirth in 1948, old Jerusalem has been greatly built up.

False prediction number 2

England will attack the United States. In 1862 she predicted that when England does declare war against the north during the Civil War, all nations will have an interest of their own to serve and there will be general war, general confusion. The result will be that this nation, the United States, will be humbled into the dust. This was from Testimonies for the Church volume 1 page 259. American history clearly shows that England did not declare war against the United States during the Civil War and the United States was not humbled into the dust. So she made another false prediction.

False prediction number 3
the Civil War is a sign that Jesus is about to return. In her writings Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 page 260 she says “I saw greater distress in the land than we have yet witnessed. I heard groans and cries of distress and saw large companies in active battle. I heard the booming of the cannon, the clash of arms, the hand-to-hand fight and the groans and prayers of the dying…” So obviously there she’s talking about the civil war.

Ten she says “God’s people must take warning and discern the signs of the times. The signs of Christ’s coming are too plain to be doubted and in view of these things, everyone who professes the truth should be a living preacher… All heaven is astir. The scenes of Earth’s history are fast closing. We are amid the perils of the last days.” The Civil War ended in 1865 and Jesus has yet to return. Another failed prediction.

False prediction number 4
Jesus was to return in a few months. In her book The Early Writings, she says: In a view given June 27, 1850, my accompanying angel said “Time is almost finished…” said the angel “Get ready, get ready, get ready…” I saw that there was a great work to do for them but little time in which to do it. Then I saw that the last seven plagues were soon to be poured out upon those who have no shelter…Early Writings page 64.

Mrs. White continues to relate her vision and makes a startling prediction that only a few months are left before the Lord will return. She says in her Early Writings page 67 “But now time is almost finished in what we have been years learning, they will have to learn in a few months. They will also have much to unlearn and much to learn again.” She said this in 1850. This is another failed prediction.

False prediction number 5
Adventists living in 1856 will be alive to see Jesus return. Over 135 years ago in May of 1856, Mrs. White made another fascinating prophecy during a meeting in Battle Creek Michigan. She said: I was shown the company present at the conference. Said the angel, “Some food for worms, some subjects of the seven last plagues, some will be alive and remain upon the earth to be translated at the coming of Jesus.” All those seventh-day Adventists that were alive to hear that are now dead, nobody was translated by Jesus. Yet another failed prediction.

False prediction number 6
Christ would return before slavery was abolished. She says again in her Early Writings: I saw the pious slave rise in triumph and victory and shake off the chains that bound him, while his wicked master was in confusion and knew not what to do, for the wicked could not understand the words of the voice of God. Soon appeared the great white cloud…On its at the Son of man.” Slavery was not abolished for another six years after these statements, and the Lord hasn’t returned yet. Another failed prediction.

False prediction number 7
She saw Enoch on Jupiter or Saturn. She says “The Lord has given me a view of other worlds. Wings were given me and an angel attended me from the city to a place that was bright and glorious. The grass of the place was living green and the birds there warbled a sweet song. The inhabitants of the place were of all sizes, they were noble, majestic and lovely. I asked one of them why they were so much more lovely than those on the earth. Then I was taken to a world which had seven moons.

There I saw good old Enoch who had been translated. Early Writings page 39 and 40. Don’t believe this? Ellen’s husband James White verified her vision when he wrote: At our conference in Topsham, Maine last November “Ellen had a vision of the handiworks of God. She was guided to the planets Jupiter, Saturn and I think one more. After she came out of the vision, she could give a clear description of their moons. It was well known that she knew nothing of astronomy and could not answer one question in relation to the planets before she had this vision.”

To this day highly detailed satellite pictures of Jupiter and Saturn have not revealed any life-forms of any size so I have no idea what Ellen White was talking about. So there you have it – seven failed predictions from Ellen White. Let’s talk about the truth for a minute. Ellen White said she had the spirit of prophecy directly from God. The truth is she did not. Ellen White said she had an accompanying angel given to her from God.

The truth is she did not. The truth is that Ellen White built the seventh-day Adventist Church based on lies. The truth is that Ellen White is a false prophet and the best thing you can do as a Christian is to run away from this church as fast as you can. Then you should find a Christian Church that has Jesus Christ as its centerpiece and that is founded on the truth of the Bible.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
My cousin, Rachel, suffered terribly from oral cancer and went through many treatments and surgeries. Eventually she had no tongue, was disfigured, could not eat, lived on Ensure. Some people in her town would laugh at her.

She listened to Osteen's sermons and the encouragement helped her tremendously to keep living. She had a strong desire to raise her son which she also managed to do. She lived longer than any doctors expected.

Sometimes people are in a circumstance where Osteen's type of preaching can help them along in their difficulties. Afterwards we hope they will grow more spiritually, of course, and learn more about the Bible's fuller message.

He does point people to Christ as their Savior. Also, he encourages them to seek out a Bible believing church which is good!

He does say that he has no seminary training so perhaps that is why he concentrates on a particular type of preaching.
I’m glad she found encouragement in listening to uplifting messages while traveling down a hard road.
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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
I like a guy named Greg Laurie of Harvest Ministries

Ever compare what he says to what the Bible teachers.

Let's just say... there are problems...

That's very clever of you to quote me without actually quoting me. All part of the "doing unto others" thing, I'm sure. I'll be back.

You raised the topic of the 7th Day Adventists so it's relevant to post false prophecies made by the founder

People need to be aware of those that claim to be speaking for God and have been proven that they actually were NOT speaking for the Lord.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
I have yet to find a preacher who I consider to be perfect.

True, but some teaching things concerning salvation that are in error that lead people to believe they can continue in sin and still be saved. This is a trick of the devil to deceive people in to thinking they are right with God but instead are actually on the highway to hell.

The least we can do is adhere to sound doctrine when it comes to salvation... and OSAS is definitely not sound doctrine that is be backed up by scripture which is why the reformers did not actually reform anything.

They failed to go back to God's W@ord and simply teach and believe what His Word says.

God's Word warns of many false teachers in the end times that will deceive many... this means, all preachers are suspect and therefore we should dig in to God's Word for ourselves!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States

You raised the topic of the 7th Day Adventists so it's relevant to post false prophecies made by the founder

People need to be aware of those that claim to be speaking for God and have been proven that they actually were NOT speaking for the Lord.

So then you weren't trying to quote me while ensuring I wouldn't get a notification?


Never mind. You'd never cop. But well played on your part.

Since I realize that you are now definitely targeting me, you should know that there are ways of monitoring what an individual posts other than looking at personal profile pages that have been blocked from view—ways that are freely available to anyone who is a forum member.

Also, you know that I can't, in good forum etiquette, address all of the charges you've copied and pasted here about Mrs. White without properly derailing the thread so, again—well played (although probably by accident).

Finally, while I'm sure we're all deeply touched by your concern for those who might be deceived, I didn't raise the topic of Seventh-day Adventists—Amigo did that. But don't let the truth get in the way of a slanderous good time.

Finally, I will say this much: Critics of Ellen White and those who scour the Interweb for false accusations against good people have a peculiar thing in common: They always hold the extra-biblical writings that Adventists claim are inspired to a much higher standard of textual criticism than they would ever dare to hold the inspired words of the Bible. Interesting.


amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Ever compare what he says to what the Bible teachers.

Let's just say... there are problems...

You raised the topic of the 7th Day Adventists so it's relevant to post false prophecies made by the founder

People need to be aware of those that claim to be speaking for God and have been proven that they actually were NOT speaking for the Lord.
That would be a huge understatement . lets just say there are problems . BUT it works . My advice for us all
WE BESS STAY DUG IN THE BIBLE , cause i have found a massive number of wolves in wool and BELIEVE ME THEY ARE MANY .