The Coming Global Mandates of Evildoers - Ready for the Harvest?!

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Feb 4, 2018
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Watch: MSNBC Freaks Out That Christian Nationalists Believe Their ‘Rights Come From God’​

by Kelen McBreen
February 23rd 2024, 9:44 am

MSM pundit says real Christians don't hold that belief


MSNBC on Thursday night told its audience that people who believe their rights come from God and not the government are “Christian nationalists,” not real Christians.
Politico National Investigative Correspondent Heidi Przybyla joined All In With Chris Hayes, saying:
“The one thing that unites all of them, because there’s many different groups orbiting Trump, but the one thing that unites them as Christian nationalists – not Christians by the way because Christian nationalist is very different – is that they believe our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don’t come from any earthly authority. They don’t come from Congress, they don’t come from the Supreme Court, they come from God.”

Przybyla was dragged online for the remark.

Daily Wire reporter Megan Basham wrote:

“I don’t believe that MSNBC does not know that our founders believed this too. I don’t believe they don’t know that our Declaration of Independence asserts this very fact—that we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights. I think they are trying to erase it from our national history and identity so that we will forget that we have these rights. Because people who do not know that their rights come from God not government are easily ruled and oppressed.”

Podcast host Graham Allen asked, “HAS SHE NOT READ THE CONSTITUTION?!?!?”

The Federalist co-founder Sean Davis posted an image of a U.S. one dollar bill featuring the words “In God We Trust.”

The media establishment is openly pushing anti-Christian propaganda on a regular basis.


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Feb 4, 2018
United States

Vacant LA Office Tower to Be Torn Down for Just 30 New EV Charging Stations

by Zero Hedge
February 23rd 2024, 9:30 am

"I don't know what's crazier...this headline or seeing office properties drop 80-90% in just a few years."


Kyle Bass, the founder of Dallas-based Hayman Capital Management, explained last year that the office tower segment of the commercial real estate sector is in such dire straights that towers need to be demolished as demand isn’t returning. He also mentioned converting these towers into residential apartments may not be feasible in some cases.
“It’s one asset class that just has to get redone, and redone meaning demolished,” Bass told Bloomberg in an interview.
In recent months, Vornado Realty Trust’s property near Madison Square Garden halted construction of a planned 61-floor office tower after Hotel Pennsylvania was demolished. The unfolding CRE crash forced Vornado to pause construction, with new plans of “temporarily” converting the property into tennis courts for the US Open.
The trend emerging for older towers is a complete tear-down. However, building a new office tower is no longer a viable option, considering the US market has years of elevated supply overhanging the market.
Here’s a great visual from a recent Morgan Stanley note showing how the CRE office segment is plagued with supply.
So, the trend at play is to tear down older towers, but what comes next?
Well, X user Triple Net Investor, citing a recent note from real estate firm CoStar, pointed out that a 68,000-square-foot office tower at 8121 Van Nuys Blvd. in Los Angeles is slated for demolition.
What comes next might be surprising. And it’s not a tower, but actually, the very real possibility of a charging station for electric vehicles.

“Add electric vehicle charging to the list of new uses envisioned to replace underused offices across the United States,” CoStar said.

And then they will have to install a network of 'polluting' propane or gas fired engines to produce the electricity.....Madness!!! at it finest. in the State of the fruit and nutcases
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Feb 4, 2018
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Bill Gates Praises India’s Sweeping Digital ID System as a Model for Other Nations​

by Didi Rankovic | Reclaim the Net
February 27th 2024, 6:01 am

Gates praises India's DPI - a buzzword pushed by the UN that encourages digital ID rollouts.


India’s digital ID system may have its critics among those opposed to digitization of people’s identities, but it has received praise from Bill Gates as one of the country’s innovations that are “changing the world.”

Gates, as well as EU and UN officials, refers to such systems as digital public infrastructure (DPI) – a buzzword for introduction of digital ID and payments by 2030.

Gates announced on his blog that he is visiting India, and made sure to note that the Gates Foundation is involved in what he calls “efforts that are saving millions of lives.”

This is a reference to India’s production of another of Gates’ “passions” – vaccines. As for DPI, Gates expressed his “admiration” for the country’s massive biometric identity DPI component, Aadhaar, and the fact that over 12 billion transactions are processed by it.

And, the Microsoft founder has another “passion” – agriculture. He made sure to note that he would be visiting a monitoring center where agriculture meets Aadhaar. More whopping numbers: the government uses the center in Odisha that has a registry of 7.5 million farmers to give them “real-time guidance,” Gates said.
It sounds like a surveillance state dream, at least as far as the “right” infrastructure is concerned: “Officials can keep track of who is growing what,” Gates continued, but he says this is done for the sake of providing those farmers with “advice.”

It has almost become a rule that projects like DPI effectively get tested in developing countries, orchestrated by globalist financial institutions like the World Bank.

Gates mentions that the developments around the implementation of DPI in Odisha are monitored by the World Bank, as well as Ethiopia and Sri Lanka, ostensibly in order for the example to be replicated there.

Last fall, the United National Development Program (UNDP) unveiled a campaign called “50-in-5” that aims to “help” 50 countries “design, launch, and scale components of their digital public infrastructure.”

This effort is one of those where the Gates Foundation shows up as a partner, while the program is supposed to promote “safe, inclusive and interoperable DPI” introduction in those countries.

When the campaign was announced, India was mentioned as a “success story” in the world of DPIs, while Africa was singled out as a particular target for “greater development of DPI.”
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Feb 4, 2018
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Feb 27 - Jews are Blamed for Gaza & WW3

February 27, 2024


Normally I get about 50 likes and reposts on Twitter. This meme got over 8700 likes and 2700 reposts. This tells me the Jewish gig is up.

Please send links and comments to [email protected]

The only way to avoid WW3 and ensure Israel's survival is for the Zionists to accept a two-state solution.

Like World War Two, WW3 is being "fought for the Jews." Nazi Jews (Zionists and their supporters) Vs. Communist Jews (Russia, China, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah.) Both sides are controlled by Freemasons who are go-fers for Organized Jewry.

As Albert Pike wrote in 1871, Masonic agents on both sides will produce a catastrophic war that will allow the satanist NWO to emerge like a phoenix from the ashes. The reason the media has become more receptive to conservative opinions is because only Trump can dupe Americans into fighting another war for Israel.

Mankind is doomed unless satanist Jewish central bankers return control of the nations' credit cards to the people. Everything can be explained as the banker's desire to extend their monopoly over credit into a monopoly over literally everything ( power, money, thought, behavior i.e. Communism.) Didn't the COVID scam and "vaccines" prove that they want to kill, control and dispossess humanity? "You will own nothing!" "Eat bugs!" 15-minute cities etc.

Even though Communist Jews are among Israel's fiercest critics, all Jews will be blamed. Antisemitism is going through the roof.


Anyone who does business with Israel or supports its genocide is under ferocious attack. Are pogroms next?

Stores that sell Israeli products are being ransacked. Even sellers of Coca Cola are targeted because Coke does business in Israel.

From Seinfeld to Ben-Gvir, Antisemites Attack Jews | The Caroline Glick Show In-Focus

Makow- If you're not an 'antisemite,' you are uninformed. Organized Jewry is waging a despicable war on God and man, on civilization itself. Jews must disavow both branches of Freemasonry. Jews cannot continue to blame "antisemitism" when they are clearly a rogue nation at war with humanity. Organized Jewry (WEF) is the Deep State. It has usurped control of our governments, rigged our elections, poisoned our bodies & skies, destroyed our marriages and families, corrupted our children, erased our national heritages, and attempted to eliminate the white race. What does it take to make you angry?
Elon Musk comes out of the closet as a Zionist Jew

"Some Jews have funded Hamas. It's unwise to fund organizations that want your annihilation."


Israelis are refusing to enlist in IDF genocide-

TEL AVIV - 18-year-old Sofia Orr, left, will become the first Israeli girl to be imprisoned for refusing to enlist in the mandatory Israeli military service due to her political beliefs.

"On February 25, the date of my conscription, I will refuse to enlist and will go to military prison because of that. I reject participating in the violent policies of oppression and apartheid that Israel has imposed on the Palestinian people, especially now during the war," Orr stated.

After announcing her position, Orr received death and rape threats and was accused of treason on social media. Her friends even described her as a self-hating Jew.

The British newspaper, The Times, quoted Sophia as saying, "Terrible things have happened in Israel, but terrible things are also happening in Gaza, and I feel sorry for everyone."

Previously, Tal Mitnick, an 18-year-old from Tel Aviv, was sentenced to 30 days in prison for refusing to enlist in the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF). He condemned the aggression on Gaza, describing it as a "revenge campaign... not only against the Hamas movement but against the Palestinian people."


US Airman who set himself on fire in front of Israeli embassy dies

"Free Palestine. I will not be complicit in genocide," he cried as he burned.

US Airman Who Set Himself On Fire In Front Of Israeli Embassy Dies | ZeroHedge

Video of self-immolation


Savvy Granny- "The owners of the central banking cartel however own Russia as a captured state and have done since 1917 when they seized the government and the independent Bank of Russia. Stephen Mitford Goodson goes right into the looting of the Bank of Russia in his Secrets of the South African Reserve Bank. A lot of that loot financed Hitler because
the Red Army could not break through Poland. The Owners had to bust through Poland from the West.

The Big Macher Eurasian Jews who pay the salaries of political actors like Putin fronting the real, covert executive have the stated goal of one, integrated Eurasian continent, one Russia / Soviet Union from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Gorbachev is on public record with this, as is Dugin, as is Putin. So yes.
I think Poland is definitely in the way, just as it was in the way of the Huns, the Mongols, the Tartars, etc."

Makow- This certainly contradicts Putin's public statements and behavior. I doubt very much that Russia wants the bother of subjugating Europe.
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Feb 4, 2018
United States

World Wars Are Orchestrated

February 27, 2024

(left, Wilhelm Canaris, Abwehr Chief, in a Masonic pose)

During the current opening phase of WW3, remember
Freemasons are on both sides of every conflict.
World wars are contrived and orchestrated to expand the power of
the satanist central bankers and demoralize and destroy humanity.
In August 1940, when Western Europe lay prostrate before
the Nazis, Admiral Canaris advised the Romanian Foreign Minister that Germany
would lose the war.

"You will be crushed. Great Britain is always victorious," the Abwehr told the Romanians.
"Great Britain" of course is the Masonic Jewish central banking cartel.

The West has a Death wish. Its fulfillment may be Putin's assignment.

From June 14, 2005

By Henry Makow PhD

In the possible run-up to World War Three
, it's worth asking if the Illuminati orchestrated World War Two, which saw the genocide of about 70 million human beings.

A detail in Prince Michel Sturdza's aptly titled The Suicide of Europe (1968) set off my alarm bells.

Sturdza was Romanian Foreign Minister from Sept.-Dec. 1940. He was a leader in the pro-Nazi, anti-Communist, nationalist Christian "Legionary" movement. The Nazis like their Communist counterparts were opposed to all nationalist movements. They soon overthrew the Legionaries and put these patriots in concentration camps.

Before assuming his post in 1940, Sturdza was visiting Berlin. No one wanted to speak to him with the exception of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, the wily chief of the Abwehr, German Army Intelligence.

Canaris had a request that both surprised and shocked Sturdza. He asked him to cooperate with Canaris' counterpart in Bucharest, a certain Moruzov who Sturdza suspected was a Communist agent.

Pressed on this, Canaris said Morozov was providing the "best information concerning Soviet Russia's military preparations."
Before leaving Berlin, Sturdza received a visit from Canaris' deputy, Captain Muller, "bearer once more of his chief's insistence, which left my wife and me perplexed."

"Captain Muller informed us that Great Britain had never been and would never be defeated. He added: "What I am about to tell you, coming from a Prussian officer, might perhaps be considered as an act of high treason. Pay attention, however. Don't under any circumstances take the responsibility as Minister of Foreign Affairs in your country, of pushing it into a war where you have Great Britain as an adversary. You will be crushed. Great Britain is always victorious."

This was a peculiar thing for a German Army Intelligence official to say especially since Germany appeared invincible in August 1940. It had just conquered France in June and sent the British packing.

Sturdza thought he was being tested and was non-committal. "I had not the faintest idea that I had been in contact with the greatest spy ring and traitors known to the military history of any country." (Page 162)

Indeed Canaris, who may have been of Greek-Jewish origin, sabotaged the Nazi war effort. Sturdza believes his spy ring was the main cause of the Nazi defeat. After a failed attempt to assassinate Hitler, its members were brutally murdered by the Gestapo.

Naturally, they are portrayed as courageous heroes: principled humanists who resisted fascist tyranny. Yet, the statement, "You will be crushed. Great Britain is always victorious," suggests a different agenda, a larger design.

The headquarters of the Communist-Capitalist International is in the City of London. The Bank of England financed the Nazi war machine just as they financed the Bolshevik revolution. The bankers orchestrated World War Two to destroy the great nation-states of Europe and wipe out the cream of the new generation. For example, the Soviets slaughtered 15,000 Polish officers in the Katyn forest even though the Poles could have helped resist the Nazis onslaught.

Was Canaris Illuminati or an Illuminati dupe? Apparently, he wanted to overthrow Hitler and end the war early, but the Allies insisted on "unconditional surrender," i.e. maximum slaughter. No nationalist forces were to remain. The German army had no choice but to fight to the end.

I don't see the Second World War as "the good war." It was fabricated to concentrate wealth and power and to degrade and demoralize humanity. Both sides were guilty of unspeakable atrocities.

The two great wars and the potential third are designed to bring about Illuminati one-world dictatorship and mind control.
Mankind is in the grip of a multi-generational diabolical conspiracy and is too mesmerized by sex and money to realize it.
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Feb 4, 2018
United States
Sad to see your ongoing anti-semitic commentary. There already was a 2-State solution implemented. The other State is Jordan.

View attachment 42512
Well you do know that the term 'Anti-Semitic or a variation of it is a hoax, a deliberate made-up term by lying non-semitic people to ward of criticism of their actions and deceitful plans, especially over the last 130 years. This is the naked truth whether you believe me or not.

As yourself, and many other people, they treat it as a real term to die for, and to them it means hate or racism against a so-called down trodden people. It is not and therefore it does not apply to me.

What I'm doing here is to preach the lies of these people and these are not most of Jews I must say. It applies to only the ones with real power and wealth. The other Jews just follow along as they hear the dog flute of the the piped piper being played as usual. And many Christian-Zionists are in the same crowd.

This is what I'm seeing and you cannot for some reason.

You pick up on the small stuff of a 2-State deal, as it is there to keep the masses attention off the real evil they create. And it has worked like dream.

I look at the people who pull the strings, the swindlers, the Central bankers, the planners of evil that have cause most wars in the past. They are truly the enemies of Christ and Christians and want they all dead.

Pharisaicism never died with Christ' actions, it just was passed on as a baton in a relay race to other people, of the 10th century....of an Asiatic-Turkish stock who lived South of Russia around the Black Sea. They are the Khazarians. Over 95% of all Jews today are from these people were never Semitic. The PM of Israel and all the previous ones were of the Khazarians....

Anyway, I know you will not get passed the first line of my post so it's a waste of time explaining this and much more.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Uber paranoia. When I clicked on the link, my browser blocked access for intolerance and hate.
And you know why this happened of course...think about it in light of what I just previously posted, in who has the power to do this, even not directly. Just like who had the power to make businesses, and turn them into tamed sheep who followed suit with the COVID hoax. Some sites are this way...biased and more will censor in the future. I'm sure of it.
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Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
I look at the people who pull the strings, the swindlers, the Central bankers, the planners of evil that have cause most wars in the past. They are truly the enemies of Christ and Christians and want they all dead.
I'm with you on all that - without the Jew hating rhetoric. ;)


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Nope! That's the best you got - word games. PUL-EASE.
Actually these games have works on you I'm afraid. And you are in too deep now..

And this is not a game as in' is the best you have got. This is deadly serious. Not a game at all.

The next true World war will be planned and started by these people you seem to worship, who possess the same spirit Christ hated. I just do not know how you can reconcile these Pharisaic spirits of men within your belief as a Christian? To then make them core or central as a part of your Eschatology that is not Christian at all.

That really is mind-blowing to me and actually stunning coming from a person that is so astute in knowing who is God and his Son ..
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I'm with you on all that - without the Jew hating rhetoric. ;)
You sound more like the MSM in your response...a type of propaganda

There is not hate at all for them, as my spirit does not truly hate anyone, even toward my enemies whom I detest their sometimes deadly actions.

One cannot get confused with those that react with strong language and even with contempt, and by even resorting to physical force to oppose he constant and ongoing actions of those who are truly hateful, non-God fearing themselves, and willing to do harm towards others, especially Christians .

And you have not seen any of this evil activity even during the near-past history of the 19th and 20th century? Well, I amazed....

You should read what Benjamin Franklin and the 1st Presidents up until Abe wrote about these money exchangers of an unfair balance.
Even the words of Winston Churchill who was half-Jew himself.....dare you to read all these writings.

My father, and his people lived this all, in Eastern Europe and few near Russia and in Poland and the Ukraine and were much more vocal, more soundly opposed to them. There was no MSM to say they were racist or hateful. They KNEW the truth about these people.

The early fathers of this land, virtually all their thoughts and and writings came true about them and their future plans.

It has been take all away from us by these tyrannical vampires as they have conquered nearly all the world today by money and power.

Today, truly, they own this land and control its people that was first founded ironically, by blood and sweat for religious and economic reasons with freedom to express and defend oneself.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Actually these games have works on you I'm afraid. And you are in too deep now..

And this is not a game as in' is the best you have got. This is deadly serious. Not a game at all.

The next true World war will be planned and started by these people you seem to worship, who possess the same spirit Christ hated. I just do not know how you can reconcile these Pharisaic spirits of men within your belief as a Christian? To then make them core or central as a part of your Eschatology that is not Christian at all.

That really is mind-blowing to me and actually stunning coming from a person that is so astute in knowing who is God and his Son ..
This is so much nonsense. It is a word game you play. Anti-semite has a sense of the word you are denying, Jew hatred, prejudice and racism. Pivoting on religion and politics.

Regarding religion, Jesus was a Jew and from that perspective, it is really mind blowing that you don't honor the culture he came from in forming the Judeo-Christian religion. On top of that, the end times includes Jesus people coming to accept him as the Messiah. Because I want Jesus to return, I encourage Jesus' people to turn to Christ. I don't worship the Jewish people but I do relate to them as kindred spirits, both theologically and politically. Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, after-all.

There are many miracles reported in Gaza since Oct 7. And I started a thread about the miracle of Oct 7, itself. Absolutely fascinating to see prophecy fulfilled and the hand of God at work. I weep at Christiandom not having eyes to see or ears to hear.

Regarding politics, your prediction of them starting WWIII is pure paranoia in that Israel only comprises 0.4% of the world's population. What a global threat they are! IMO, WWIII is more likely to be caused by NATO provocative expansion involving Russia via Ukraine and China via Taiwan.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
There is not hate at all for them ...You should read what Benjamin Franklin and the 1st Presidents up until Abe wrote about these money exchangers of an unfair balance.
Even the words of Winston Churchill who was half-Jew himself.....dare you to read all these writings.
Hmmm. So, these words are full of love, mercy and respect, eh? o_O


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
This is so much nonsense. It is a word game you play. Anti-semite has a sense of the word you are denying, Jew hatred, prejudice and racism. Pivoting on religion and politics.

Regarding religion, Jesus was a Jew and from that perspective, it is really mind blowing that you don't honor the culture he came from in forming the Judeo-Christian religion. On top of that, the end times includes Jesus people coming to accept him as the Messiah. Because I want Jesus to return, I encourage Jesus' people to turn to Christ. I don't worship the Jewish people but I do relate to them as kindred spirits, both theologically and politically. Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, after-all.

There are many miracles reported in Gaza since Oct 7. And I started a thread about the miracle of Oct 7, itself. Absolutely fascinating to see prophecy fulfilled and the hand of God at work. I weep at Christiandom not having eyes to see or ears to hear.

Regarding politics, your prediction of them starting WWIII is pure paranoia in that Israel only comprises 0.4% of the world's population. What a global threat they are! IMO, WWIII is more likely to be caused by NATO provocative expansion involving Russia via Ukraine and China via Taiwan.
Wow and wow and you think this tiny political state called Israel is the center of it all. I never inferred that at all, and you blindly think I do. Why, did I ever say that...of course not. It is bigger than this piece of sand. This is what I've been saying all along.

You have a very unreal and simplistic view of this entire subject and geopolitics. Been living a sheltered life I see.

As I said before you are in this too deep in this lie. These are not the Jews even of Christ's time today. And you will come back and say its all nonsense.

Good luck with your neo-Jewish view of things as you keep implicating Christ as agreeing with you.

Honor the culture of who and from where? These people borrowed and stole the customs and inventions of many people over the centuries. They do not have a real traditional culture.

And then you speak of what, miracles in THis to me is so unreal. What miracles?

And Jesus was not of these 'Jews' at all. You are seriously mistaken.

And then you think these many godless people in this plot of land and over the globe will turn the Christ in the future, let alone God. Another wishful thought to complete and force on and into your Biblical view of the so-called 'end times' you have created based on lies you have been fed and believed in.

You are routing for the wrong Jew. The ones you are speaking of and of Christ all died out, by divine plan. Killed, became slaves and assimilated into the nations centuries ago. Many became Christians. There was no Law and Pharisaic teaching of it anymore. No purpose of being a religious Law Jew anymore. And you can read all this in scripture by strong implications and deduction.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
What I'm doing here is to preach the lies of these people and these are not most of Jews I must say. It applies to only the ones with real power and wealth. The other Jews just follow along as they hear the dog flute of the the piped piper being played as usual. And many Christian-Zionists are in the same crowd.
Revelation 2:9
[9]I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Well you do know that the term 'Anti-Semitic or a variation of it is a hoax, a deliberate made-up term by lying non-semitic people to ward of criticism of their actions and deceitful plans, especially over the last 130 years. This is the naked truth whether you believe me or not.

As yourself, and many other people, they treat it as a real term to die for, and to them it means hate or racism against a so-called down trodden people. It is not and therefore it does not apply to me.

What I'm doing here is to preach the lies of these people and these are not most of Jews I must say. It applies to only the ones with real power and wealth. The other Jews just follow along as they hear the dog flute of the the piped piper being played as usual. And many Christian-Zionists are in the same crowd.

This is what I'm seeing and you cannot for some reason.

You pick up on the small stuff of a 2-State deal, as it is there to keep the masses attention off the real evil they create. And it has worked like dream.

I look at the people who pull the strings, the swindlers, the Central bankers, the planners of evil that have cause most wars in the past. They are truly the enemies of Christ and Christians and want they all dead.

Pharisaicism never died with Christ' actions, it just was passed on as a baton in a relay race to other people, of the 10th century....of an Asiatic-Turkish stock who lived South of Russia around the Black Sea. They are the Khazarians. Over 95% of all Jews today are from these people were never Semitic. The PM of Israel and all the previous ones were of the Khazarians....

Anyway, I know you will not get passed the first line of my post so it's a waste of time explaining this and much more.
You be one who must know that Anti-Semitic is a nonsense ! Think about it, the Arabs Islamic people are the Semitic people in fact !

Anyone who does not know this is a fact is not worthy !
You know that i am a Jew or that my forefathers were Jews but they became Christians, so i looked into all such things, Why ! well because i wanted to be informed on such subjects as i was really into such, even from 6yo i would ask and ask all the time what's this what's that but as to going in depth that was like pulling teeth !
I was only talking to idiots everywhere i went, the School was totally hopeless in regards to a education on such matters in depth and that was back in the 60's 70's sure i talked to people who were in WW2 and Jews with real true numbers on their arm.

I wanted to know in depth ! It lead me to seek about the Church and study the Bible intently and questioned everything in Bible study but that was full of lack of depth as well, as i was told to just believe ? how can i believe if i do not truly understand such, blind faith is not my cup of tea at all !

I had heard the story of what my Grand parents were going to do to their children, they were going to kill them all and themselves before the Nazis took over our Country ? So this was good reason for my seeking everything ! Who is who and who is truly who ? and what is truly the problem ! Do Goy think in depth, i think it must be surely not ?

As you are one who is bright on the subject and everyone that i know all my life could not give a rats about such in depth but for stupid foolish typical shallow dribble about Jews, that for the most is just only indoctrination and clearly not educated regarding such subjects in fact truly at all. that i am astounded of the majority's stance is just of a fool !

I remember talking to the old dudes who were in WW2 and they all would say, Better the Devil that you know, was their reason, that's what it all came down to why they were at War ? Devil indeed ! as the Devil is in the detail !
I think look out ! for idiots within our own Nations for all are not worthy people in fact as in my life i have came across many bad or real evil people who are an enemy in fact to all, as they will do anything to get wealthy etc they have a totally corrupt state of mind, nothing to do with race at all in fact ! as the Bible points this problem out in fact, for they are a product of Sin and they are Lost to this world and such morons disregard Christ Jesus, for they do not know him at all ! so such people go from bad to worse ?
Bad is just a idiot fool and many so called Christians are good for nothing dupes of their Religion totally blind and shallow worldly dupes ! who would bark on about a word they do not understand. like Anti-Semitic and go into a blind rage if anything goes nears such this Idol ? But 9 times out of 10 you will see the same moron, will take no regard if one was to mention Ant-Christ !
So i know directly that if one does not batter an eyelid at the mention of Anti-Christ, i know that they are not worthy of Christ Jesus in fact at all, for they are not Saved !
But if they play into the hands of having a spack attack regarding mention of Anti-Semite, then i know that they are total morons directly ! For the Semitic people are Arabs not Jews at all in fact but for a percentage are Semitic in fact !

Any one who has studied the Bible knows that the Jews came from only one Tribe of Semitic people in fact and then as you say the bastard Khazar Mob who are not worthy of being a Hebrew at all in fact !

People who idolise the Jews are of Satan in fact ! for they do not have a clue, i have seen religious dupes on the same page as any stupid Atheist moron on the issue ! They do not know anything that is worthy of Gods Hebrews in the Bible in fact ! They are not on the same page in fact and are clearly barking up the wrong tree !
Just as Jesus was having to deal with the every same issue and we still have the very same Lost people who are just like they were who attacked Jesus in fact !

Look at all who attack D. J. Trump. that is of the same spirit as they who killed Jesus, for they are on the same page, it's attack 24/7 relentless undermining, why because they have a evil spirit that is controlling them !
All such of an evil spirit only work to ramp up escalating and escalating, for they have to or they will become exposed if they do not !
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