The Coming Global Mandates of Evildoers - Ready for the Harvest?!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
This source and site is not a true genuine Christian, imo. Nice window dressing though.

He's a reply by the site owner I presume to a comment in the chat further down,,,

Judeo-Christian Clarion says:
April 13, 2023 at 7:25 pm
I do not think that anyone can know for sure if they are saved, because we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling for one. Second we see in so many parables that people thought they were saved, but were not. Like Matthew 7:21-23 where they say Lord Lord, didn’t we…and He says I know you not. We all will stand before the judgement seat of God and give an account. We must repent from the heart and we must seek God out so that we will know what His will is for us in our lives. We must be holy as He is holy and we must live godly lives and don’t forget about the narrow road and I could go on and on, but saved by grace or as I like to say, by the mercy of God was God’s part by sending the Messiah to die for us. Our part is to be eternally grateful for the shed blood of the Lamb of God. If we have a relationship with Him and seek Him, so we do His will and not ours, as Messiah Himself said , Not my will be done, but your will be done. And if we make the effort to keep His commandments and forsake the world, by picking up our cross and following Him, then we are keeping our end of the covenant, and where we fall short, God will be there to lead us the rest of the way home. Because we must have an element of faith in God. If we walk in the Spirit, we will live in the Spirit, and if we live in the Spirit then His covenant will be written on our hearts. God bless You!
Now that 1st statement and sentence of this reply tells me this person is not truly saved because he is not sure, and why I may ask of him is he not sure? And he is encouraging others to believe the same. He is grossly misunderstanding the scriptures and context he is sharing here.

There's a lot of fake Christians 'out there' and this is one of them. I would tread lightly with these sources; with enough poison to kill the truth as they say.

And for this source to then say Jesus was Jewish...Jew-ish. Wow, he has bought into the lie that Jew-ish people are of Jesus' day and his followers. Big major mistake. There were NO Jewish people in the 1st Century and before that time.

And then the immediate poster after this comment even expresses this fake truth a ridiculous end.
Antonio Peeler says:
December 25, 2021 at 2:17 pm
I agree with everything that was said. Yes, we have gotten so far from the Jewishness of our faith and its eastern character til it’s a disgrace to the faith. I’d like to keep in fellowship with such truth

How revolting to even say such a thing. He has also gone in too deeply and is lost in this so-called 'Jewishness of his faith so to speak. I will not have nothing to do with trash talk.... these folks will be in for rude awaking some day and scripture will bear me out...


Now he's the part at the end here, that is the most damming. These words can only be spoke of by a Messianic, pseudo-Jew non-believer, still lost in his sins...these folks are generally false teachers...and they believe in the Triad God to boot..

From the 1st paragraph of the source page...

"....Believers in Yeshua were a sect of Judaism and they went to the synagogue and they remained practicing Jews, believing in their Messiah Yeshua, and this was all after the Resurrection. So you see, a Jewish person can be a believer, and throughout the centuries there have been many Jewish people who were also believers in the Jewish Messiah Yeshua...."

Can you see what is so deadly in these words for salvation and by especially joining the ideas in the words I bolded.

I will let you figure this one out.

Great week P......I'll be out of pocket in a couple days for a spell....


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
This source and site is not a true genuine Christian
A far cry from the OP topic, "The Coming Global Mandates of Evildoers - Ready for the Harvest."

It's your position that 0.4% of the world's population, the Jews of Israel, have the power to invoke global mandates?

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Because one came from the other. See OT. Jesus exists in only one form, the Jewish Messiah.

One cannot understand too much of what Jesus said without understanding the Jewish religion and language. For instance, his dying words on the cross about his God forsaking him come from Psalm 22. When he talked about not coming to abolish the law, he's not talking politics but the Books of Moses. The same ting when Paul explains we are not saved by the Law but by Grace.

At least 4/5 of the Bible is Jewish (OT). And every author of the Bible is Jewish, with the possible exception of Luke. This explains why people say Judeo-Christian. Christianity did not pop into existence divorced from the culture around it - Jewish language, religion, history and customs.

I'm glad you asked but that term is much older than 10 years. According to this article, the term originated in 1821.
Because one came from the other is true but it is Shallow, typical and that is what a common Atheist would say or swallow in fact, but the fact of the Mater is clean difference in fact between the two Religions, for they are not the same thing ?
One is worthy of God and the other is lost in fact !

Sure Christianity was and is the blueprint of the OT but clearly different and it's this difference that the people who are truly born again understand and the carnal do not in fact !

The point is that Christ Jesus came because the people of God were being undermined in fact by the Godless Mob in fact ! It was this Godless Mob who killed everyone on Gods Prophets in fact ! and it is this Mob who killed Gods Son in fact ! So what you are doing is of the Anti-Christ in fact, by saying Judo Christian ? you have just bastardised Christianity in fact !
The Jews who were worthy of God were the first Christians in fact and the Goy only came in later in fact !

Now as to your claim that Jesus was only for the Jews ? only in one form ? that's outright Satanic ! saying he is only for the Jews ! He is however for everyone in fact, who calls upon the Lord ! and all people can only be Saved by Christ Jesus in fact !
No wonder creeps say Judo Christian values, because they are clearly not Saved in fact ! Their is a clear difference with the coming of Christ Jesus in fact ! and it was them Jews who were worthy of God ! The rest were lost and still are as lost for they are dupes of this World in fact ! yet they can be saved if the truly value Holy Moses and reject the Talmud totally !

For the Talmud is a Whore and no worthy Christian supports the Talmud in anyway ! True Born again Christians know the difference and Holy Moses is all fine and in relation to God that of the OT is fine ? but Christ Jesus has come in fact ! Now their is an issue nowadays in regards Jesus ? for they who are not truly born again are of this world in fact and they seek Jesus ? for they do not have him ! so they are seeking and looking for the second coming to come, so that they wish to seek such the hard way, through Hellfire ! they do this because they are not worthy of Christ Jesus in fact ! For if they had Christ Jesus they would be one with him now in fact !

The term you state 1821 means zip ! It's the common dribble in Australia for say 10 years of more maybe 20 now ? but i never heard such in the 60's 70's 80's for sure ! Then some bastard Mob kicked such off and such rubbish grew to become common dribble mentioned off the cuff.
But what this comes across as is, that the Jews are above Christianity in fact and so such fools claim that the Jews are our elder brothers ?

No they are not such at all, they are the prodigal son ! They missed the boat and are lost in fact and can only be worthy of God through the Son of God ! as no one comes to the Father but through the Fathers only begotten Son ! get that ! their is only the one Son ! and he did come in fact and if one does not have him in you then one is not worthy of him ! Water Baptized are not Born again, they can only repent of their Sin, period ! this is done so they may in time become worthy of God and that they will become born again ! = worthy of him ! abiding in him ! and not this world that is full of deceptions and delusions !

Look i know carnal and devout Atheist people who swallow this Judo Christian line ? and they clearly put the Jews on top over Christianity in fact ! because the morons do not know Christ Jesus in fact, it's that simple ! The intent is clearly the workings of Satan ! I have to wrangle with such idiots all the time. Such is blasphemy to put Judo first ! If anything it should be said Christian Judo ! but Christian will suffice just fine thank you ! as if Christian is not enough :rolleyes: for the poor fools.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Please explain this paranoia. What would be the motive for millions of people to pretend for generations to be Jewish who actually live in Israel, practice the Jewish religion and speak the Jewish language, enduring world wide hate with the goal of Muslims to destroy them using violence all the time?
It's unlike you to not answer direct questions.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States

"And it's not just Palestine. Jewish malfeasance around the world seems worse than ever, and with far greater consequence. Whether it is pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, sexual predator Harvey Weinstein, the crypto fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried, war-mongering leader of the Senate Chuck Schumer, Jewish lunatic Volodymyr Zelensky destroying the nation of Ukraine, or any number of Jewish billionaires who have used their money to corrupt politicians of all parties and all nations--enough is enough. The time has come to take an unambiguous anti-Jewish stance. The stakes are simply too high."

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
View attachment 42781

"And it's not just Palestine. Jewish malfeasance around the world seems worse than ever, and with far greater consequence. Whether it is pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, sexual predator Harvey Weinstein, the crypto fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried, war-mongering leader of the Senate Chuck Schumer, Jewish lunatic Volodymyr Zelensky destroying the nation of Ukraine, or any number of Jewish billionaires who have used their money to corrupt politicians of all parties and all nations--enough is enough. The time has come to take an unambiguous anti-Jewish stance. The stakes are simply too high."
I would call such anti-Christ ! that's a more informed point of view ?

The major point with all people is that they do not have the Grace of Christ Jesus in fact, that's the major problem in fact and even Christians do not have Grace because they have not passed over to become truly born again in Christ Jesus, all Christians who are not truly born again are lost in fact, just as all of the Jews are lost ! as are all Islam Lost in fact, for they are of this world in fact !
One must be truly born again to be worthy of Christ Jesus in fact !

It's not a Race issue it's a Anti-Christ issue in fact !

Sadly their is a worldly born again issue, that i have come across, for they are not Saved but are of this world in fact but are only religious dupes following a Religion only but not following Christ Jesus at all in fact ! They are not truly born again. like queer Priest they are abomination to God in fact, they are not worthy of God, but some stupid worldly Church full of creeps !

Look at this world o meter from Jan to Mar 2020 from the top death rates in the world number one killer is Abortions by far ! Now most people are fine with that ? could i say that ? Who would go to War over such acts ?

I have said years ago, That if a Nation came to your Nation and only clearly stated that the only thing that they wanted to do was rape your small children ! and then be on their way ? what would out Nation do ? Nothing ! i am sure of that ! that sounds stupid up front ? but it's happening before our eyes in fact within, they are being groomed for all such depravity in fact and a Nation that has such little regard for Abortion clearly is not worthy of God in fact ! so what next is to come ! not to mention what is truly on the cards ? do you know ! or care ?
So on with the deaths list.
At Number 12 Corona Virus 35,016 deaths
At 11th 75,645 Child birth deaths 2x number 12
10th the Flu 118,980 3x number 12
9th Malaria 7x
8th Suicides 7x
7th Traffic accidents 9x
6th Aids 12x
5th Alcohol 17x
4th Smoking 35x
3rd Cancer 60x
2ed Disease 90x
1st Abortions = 10,402,251 that's say 300 times more than Corona virus !

What truly is the MSM and our Governments playing us for and not to mention what did Jesus say about this world ? what was it ? Full of Deceptions and Delusions !
So remember what they did so as to mislead the people with Covid. What's truly up with all that truly !
Should such as they be worthy of my respect ! am i living in awe of such as Them ? hell No !

When one sees deception, should we call such out ? now who created the deceptions is the first call ?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I would call such anti-Christ ! that's a more informed point of view ?

The major point with all people is that they do not have the Grace of Christ Jesus in fact, that's the major problem in fact and even Christians do not have Grace because they have not passed over to become truly born again in Christ Jesus, all Christians who are not truly born again are lost in fact, just as all of the Jews are lost ! as are all Islam Lost in fact, for they are of this world in fact !
One must be truly born again to be worthy of Christ Jesus in fact !

It's not a Race issue it's a Anti-Christ issue in fact !

Sadly their is a worldly born again issue, that i have come across, for they are not Saved but are of this world in fact but are only religious dupes following a Religion only but not following Christ Jesus at all in fact ! They are not truly born again. like queer Priest they are abomination to God in fact, they are not worthy of God, but some stupid worldly Church full of creeps !

Look at this world o meter from Jan to Mar 2020 from the top death rates in the world number one killer is Abortions by far ! Now most people are fine with that ? could i say that ? Who would go to War over such acts ?

I have said years ago, That if a Nation came to your Nation and only clearly stated that the only thing that they wanted to do was rape your small children ! and then be on their way ? what would out Nation do ? Nothing ! i am sure of that ! that sounds stupid up front ? but it's happening before our eyes in fact within, they are being groomed for all such depravity in fact and a Nation that has such little regard for Abortion clearly is not worthy of God in fact ! so what next is to come ! not to mention what is truly on the cards ? do you know ! or care ?
So on with the deaths list.
At Number 12 Corona Virus 35,016 deaths
At 11th 75,645 Child birth deaths 2x number 12
10th the Flu 118,980 3x number 12
9th Malaria 7x
8th Suicides 7x
7th Traffic accidents 9x
6th Aids 12x
5th Alcohol 17x
4th Smoking 35x
3rd Cancer 60x
2ed Disease 90x
1st Abortions = 10,402,251 that's say 300 times more than Corona virus !

What truly is the MSM and our Governments playing us for and not to mention what did Jesus say about this world ? what was it ? Full of Deceptions and Delusions !
So remember what they did so as to mislead the people with Covid. What's truly up with all that truly !
Should such as they be worthy of my respect ! am i living in awe of such as Them ? hell No !

When one sees deception, should we call such out ? now who created the deceptions is the first call ?
Yes, there are many Anti-Christian spirits today, more per population that any other time from the time of Christ and it's getting worse by the day. The spirits of this world are working over time on people who are not truly born-again and growing into Christlikeness.

Truly born-again. the experience of knowing you have the spirit of the Son and Father alive in you...

I will be out on the high seas for a spell starting tomorrow Reggie....hold the fort down if you back soon
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Yes, there are many Anti-Christian spirits today, more per population that any other time from the time of Christ and it's getting worse by the day. The spirits of this world are working over time on people who are not truly born-again and growing into Christlikeness.

Truly born-again. the experience of knowing you have the spirit of the Son and Father alive in you...

I will be out on the high seas for a spell starting tomorrow Reggie....hold the fort down if you back soon
I was just with the QLD State opp Leader today and off tomorrow to Canberra, mixing with that lot for a bit, so i will be gone as well. I am going to tell them no more money for Ukraine ! They have to work it out by diplomats, and not just with killing people like total morons, Peoples lives are worth what ? clearly nothing to them !
I think i know them by their works in fact ! so i will not be with such as them, same thing with Abortion on demand i am not standing back and backing down on that as well ever !
I am going to stand on their tail, about forcing out good Nurses because they did not want to be pushed into taking a experimental COVID Drug ! for they were not that stupid in fact, to have some Nazi like bunch of morons dictate such total nonsense, but now they have won their case regarding the Law ! but now they are being hounded by such Nazi like morons as well, that are still not letting many of them come back to work !
Typical Socialism trash can bunch of worms Governments, who always try to fool the public 24/7 and threaten good people, that they have to become simpleton fools as well !
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Ezra 5 1-2 (VOICE) The prophets Haggai and Zechariah (descendant of Iddo) spoke to the Jews in Judah and Jerusalem with the words of the True God of Israel encouraging Zerubbabel (son of Shealtiel) and Jeshua (son of Jozadak) to resume the reconstruction of the True God’s temple in Jerusalem, and the prophets of God gave them assistance.

The God of who? Israel. The God we worship is the God of Israel.


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Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
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Feb 4, 2018
United States

Patrick O'Carroll - Bank of England is a Criminal Conspiracy

March 14, 2024


Liz Truss spent decades in politics while remaining blissfully unaware that her Tory Party is owned and controlled by London's Zionist House of Rothschild. This may explain while she only lasted 49 days as Prime Minister (Sept.-Oct 2022.)

The US and UK are private corporations owned by the Rothschilds and operated by Israel.

by Patrick O'Carroll

In the following clip, former British prime-minister and puppetician
Liz Truss explains how Britain is ruled not by "democratically elected" puppeticians but by the Bank of England:

Liz Truss Calls Out The Central Bankers!!!

Liz Truss says: "What I found out when I got into Number Ten ... was that I was not holding the levers [of power]. The levers were [being] held by the Bank of England and the [City of London controlled] Office of Budget Responsibility, and not by the prime-minister or the chancellor [head of the Treasury] ... What I am saying ... is that if the Bank of England governor cannot be sacked and the prime-minister can be sacked, then the Bank of England governor is going to have more power than the prime-minister. And that is a problem in a [so-called] democracy".

Liz Truss spent decades in politics while remaining blissfully unaware that her Tory Party is owned and controlled by London's Zionist House of Rothschild. This may explain while she only lasted 49 days as Prime Minister (Sept.-Oct 2022.)

On 4 Oct 2022, puppetician Liz Truss asserted that every British prime-minister actually works for Britain's REAL BOSS, ISRAEL, as she grovelled shamelessly to Britain's Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI), saying: "As you know, I am a huge Zionist, I am a huge supporter of Israel and I know that we can take the Britain-Israel relationship from strength to strength". Source here: “I’m a huge Zionist, I’m a huge support of Israel” - Liz Truss.




From her marriage to "Mafia Don" Jacob Rothschild on 20 Oct 1961 until her death on 13 Jan 2019, Serena Dunn Rothschild was the chief financier, or de facto owner, of the Rothschild-Tory Party for over 37 years, and she went on to select ALL NINE of the following puppeticians as "leader" of the same British Rothschild-Tory Party:

Alec Douglas-Home, the Rothschild-Zionist-Handler of Neville Chamberlain;
Edward Heath, Freemasonic child-rapist;
The "Ironing Lady" Margaret Thatcher, whose Rothschild-Zionist-Handler was Rabid-Zionist Keith Joseph;
John Major;
William Hague;
Iain Duncan Smith;
Michael Howard;
David Cameron, from a monarchy-batard bloodline having strong ties to HSBC and the Opium Holocaust;
Theresa May.
No one should EVER assume that any of these puppeticians was "independent", or "genuine", or "organic".


The British Rothschild-Labor Party is controlled directly by the Marxist Fabian Society of London, whose Marxist training camp is called the London School of "Economics". All the "leaders" of the Rothschild-Labor Party are also selected by the House of Rothschild. Tony Blair's Rothschild-"Illuminati"-Handler was "cuddly" Zionist Michael Levy.

Also, the Marxist Fabian Society of London had a permanent desk in the Kremlin in 1917-91 to guide the progress of Bolshevik-Zionism (communism) for the Zionist London-NY-Alliance, which colonized Russia in 1917.


(Victor Rothschild in a Masonic pose)

In 1945-90, the sole-dictator of communist Russia was Victor Rothschild, who "worked remote" from London and who oversaw the wholly staged "cold" war from which the Zionist London-NY-Alliance earned an absolute fortune by compelling the taxpayers of East and West to finance untested weapons that it already knew they would never need to be deployed, given that the wholly staged "cold" war was wholly staged.

Currently, the "Illuminati" are grooming Keir Starmer as Britain's next puppetician-in-chief. But British slaves can NOT expect any help from Starmer because, according to Declassified UK, he is tainted as a former member of the Trilateral Commission, which effectively means that he is STILL a member of the Trilateral Commission.


The Bank of England is the OLDEST CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY in the history of "capitalism", dating from 1694, although, as practiced today, "capitalism" should properly be called Centrally Planned Monopoly Capitalism, and should correctly be viewed as the Western dialectic of communism.

True Capitalism died in Britain in 1694; and in the USA when the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913. The Bank of England also invented the Central-Bankster-Warfare Model, by which taxpayers are forced to finance wars that the Zionist London-NY-Alliance concocts by installing puppet dictators as its controlled opposition. The Bank of England is really the epicenter of all evil on Earth because it has planned and financed all wars for over 300 years, with those wars escalating after around 1808, when Proto-Zionist Nathan Mayer Rothschild became a financial "advisor" to the British Regime and also acquired control over the Bank of England.

The Bank of England owns whole countries, such as the USA and Germany, outright. After the Rothschilds won the US Civil War, the US Corporation was founded in 1871, and its owner has remained the Bank of England ever since. Above, puppetician Liz Truss just confirmed that the Bank of England owns and rules Britain. But what she failed to mention is that the Bank of England also owns the USA, the US Fed, Germany, and other nations, too.

The Bank of England is owned by seven Jewish "Illuminati" bloodlines, namely the following ones:

Rothschild (Jewish), today under its new "Mafia Don" Nathaniel Rothschild ("5th Baron Rothschild");
Windsor, English monarchy (de facto Jewish) with the English monarch dubbed the "Capo di Tutti Capi";
Oppenheimer (Jewish);
Samuel (Jewish);
Warburg (Jewish);
Goldsmid (Jewish);
Stern (Jewish).

The Bank of England is EXTREMELY POWERFUL given that it is the Jewish owner of all the following private service corporations (and because all corporations must necessarily be owned by either a person or an entity):

The US Regime (DUNS® number 052714196), a subsidiary of DC (DUNS® number 949056860)
The US "Federal" "Reserve" System (DUNS® number 001959410)
The Conspiracy for Foreign Royalty (CFR, DUNS® number 046827838)
The US TreasureTrove (DUNS® number 026661067)
The Infernal Revenue "Service" (IRS, DUNS® number 040539587)
The USA's COVID Death Cult (CDC, DUNS® number 927645465)
The USA's Fraud and Death Administration (FDA, DUNS® number 138182175)
The DrugCompetition Elimination Administration (DEA, DUNS® number 167247027)
NASA (Not A Space Agency, DUNS® number 003259074)
The Federal Bureau of Intimidation (FBI, DUNS® number 878865674)
The NSA (No Such Agency, DUNS® number 617395215)
The Security Eradication Commission (SEC, DUNS® number 003475175)
The Department of Offense (DOD, DUNS® number 030421397)
The Department of Injustice (DOJ, DUNS® number 059200814)
The Department of Layabout (DOL, DUNS® number 029536183)
The Terrorism Support Agency (TSA, DUNS® number 050297655)
The Department of Homeland Insecurity (DHS, DUNS® number 932394187)
The Federal ArmJab Annihilators (FAA, DUNS® number 056622429)
The National Ocean and Atmosphere Annihilators (NOAA, DUNS® number 079933920)
The Federal Emergency Magnification Agency (FEMA, DUNS® number 037751583)
The Federal Communication Comminutors, FCC (DUNS® number 020309969)
The State of New York (DUNS® number 041002973)
The State of California (DUNS® number 071549000)
The State of Delaware (DUNS® number 037802962)
The City of NYC (DUNS® number 021741036)
The City of Lost Angeles (DUNS® number 159166271)
The City of Wilmington (DUNS® number 067393900)
The City of Baltimore (DUNS® number 052340973)

The Talmudic "new" world order is being set up as a single corporation called "NWO Inc" that will be registered in Jerusalem and owned and run by the "Antichrist" (sic) as CEO. It is being set up by the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal (the English monarchy, the City of London, the "Monopoly Capitalists" of Wall Street (often called the "Illuminati" bloodlines), and the House of Rothschild).

When Zionism was born in 1500s England, its chief aim was defined as installing "the Antichrist" in Jerusalem, and all the rest was just a means to that end. Even the Jews were set up as dupes and human-shields for the same British Freemasonic project called Zionism.

Thus, Israel may appear to be "Jewish" but it is really a Freemasonic Rothschild Vassal State that barks orders at the USA and Britain, who stopped being "sovereign nations" well over a century ago.

Related - Victor Rothschild was a Communist Agent
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
A pathetic clown wandering around the White House masquerading as the President of these United States of America. He is of the US if you understand the legal difference I'm making.

Dan: I hope this country has the opportunity to still salvage its heritage and its form of lawfulness and God-fearing nature, with a sane and 'strong' National leader, even for 4 more years.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018

Patrick O'Carroll - Bank of England is a Criminal Conspiracy

March 14, 2024


Liz Truss spent decades in politics while remaining blissfully unaware that her Tory Party is owned and controlled by London's Zionist House of Rothschild. This may explain while she only lasted 49 days as Prime Minister (Sept.-Oct 2022.)

The US and UK are private corporations owned by the Rothschilds and operated by Israel.

by Patrick O'Carroll

In the following clip, former British prime-minister and puppetician
Liz Truss explains how Britain is ruled not by "democratically elected" puppeticians but by the Bank of England:

Liz Truss Calls Out The Central Bankers!!!

Liz Truss says: "What I found out when I got into Number Ten ... was that I was not holding the levers [of power]. The levers were [being] held by the Bank of England and the [City of London controlled] Office of Budget Responsibility, and not by the prime-minister or the chancellor [head of the Treasury] ... What I am saying ... is that if the Bank of England governor cannot be sacked and the prime-minister can be sacked, then the Bank of England governor is going to have more power than the prime-minister. And that is a problem in a [so-called] democracy".

Liz Truss spent decades in politics while remaining blissfully unaware that her Tory Party is owned and controlled by London's Zionist House of Rothschild. This may explain while she only lasted 49 days as Prime Minister (Sept.-Oct 2022.)

On 4 Oct 2022, puppetician Liz Truss asserted that every British prime-minister actually works for Britain's REAL BOSS, ISRAEL, as she grovelled shamelessly to Britain's Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI), saying: "As you know, I am a huge Zionist, I am a huge supporter of Israel and I know that we can take the Britain-Israel relationship from strength to strength". Source here: “I’m a huge Zionist, I’m a huge support of Israel” - Liz Truss.




From her marriage to "Mafia Don" Jacob Rothschild on 20 Oct 1961 until her death on 13 Jan 2019, Serena Dunn Rothschild was the chief financier, or de facto owner, of the Rothschild-Tory Party for over 37 years, and she went on to select ALL NINE of the following puppeticians as "leader" of the same British Rothschild-Tory Party:

Alec Douglas-Home, the Rothschild-Zionist-Handler of Neville Chamberlain;
Edward Heath, Freemasonic child-rapist;
The "Ironing Lady" Margaret Thatcher, whose Rothschild-Zionist-Handler was Rabid-Zionist Keith Joseph;
John Major;
William Hague;
Iain Duncan Smith;
Michael Howard;
David Cameron, from a monarchy-batard bloodline having strong ties to HSBC and the Opium Holocaust;
Theresa May.
No one should EVER assume that any of these puppeticians was "independent", or "genuine", or "organic".


The British Rothschild-Labor Party is controlled directly by the Marxist Fabian Society of London, whose Marxist training camp is called the London School of "Economics". All the "leaders" of the Rothschild-Labor Party are also selected by the House of Rothschild. Tony Blair's Rothschild-"Illuminati"-Handler was "cuddly" Zionist Michael Levy.

Also, the Marxist Fabian Society of London had a permanent desk in the Kremlin in 1917-91 to guide the progress of Bolshevik-Zionism (communism) for the Zionist London-NY-Alliance, which colonized Russia in 1917.


(Victor Rothschild in a Masonic pose)

In 1945-90, the sole-dictator of communist Russia was Victor Rothschild, who "worked remote" from London and who oversaw the wholly staged "cold" war from which the Zionist London-NY-Alliance earned an absolute fortune by compelling the taxpayers of East and West to finance untested weapons that it already knew they would never need to be deployed, given that the wholly staged "cold" war was wholly staged.

Currently, the "Illuminati" are grooming Keir Starmer as Britain's next puppetician-in-chief. But British slaves can NOT expect any help from Starmer because, according to Declassified UK, he is tainted as a former member of the Trilateral Commission, which effectively means that he is STILL a member of the Trilateral Commission.


The Bank of England is the OLDEST CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY in the history of "capitalism", dating from 1694, although, as practiced today, "capitalism" should properly be called Centrally Planned Monopoly Capitalism, and should correctly be viewed as the Western dialectic of communism.

True Capitalism died in Britain in 1694; and in the USA when the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913. The Bank of England also invented the Central-Bankster-Warfare Model, by which taxpayers are forced to finance wars that the Zionist London-NY-Alliance concocts by installing puppet dictators as its controlled opposition. The Bank of England is really the epicenter of all evil on Earth because it has planned and financed all wars for over 300 years, with those wars escalating after around 1808, when Proto-Zionist Nathan Mayer Rothschild became a financial "advisor" to the British Regime and also acquired control over the Bank of England.

The Bank of England owns whole countries, such as the USA and Germany, outright. After the Rothschilds won the US Civil War, the US Corporation was founded in 1871, and its owner has remained the Bank of England ever since. Above, puppetician Liz Truss just confirmed that the Bank of England owns and rules Britain. But what she failed to mention is that the Bank of England also owns the USA, the US Fed, Germany, and other nations, too.

The Bank of England is owned by seven Jewish "Illuminati" bloodlines, namely the following ones:

Rothschild (Jewish), today under its new "Mafia Don" Nathaniel Rothschild ("5th Baron Rothschild");
Windsor, English monarchy (de facto Jewish) with the English monarch dubbed the "Capo di Tutti Capi";
Oppenheimer (Jewish);
Samuel (Jewish);
Warburg (Jewish);
Goldsmid (Jewish);
Stern (Jewish).

The Bank of England is EXTREMELY POWERFUL given that it is the Jewish owner of all the following private service corporations (and because all corporations must necessarily be owned by either a person or an entity):

The US Regime (DUNS® number 052714196), a subsidiary of DC (DUNS® number 949056860)
The US "Federal" "Reserve" System (DUNS® number 001959410)
The Conspiracy for Foreign Royalty (CFR, DUNS® number 046827838)
The US TreasureTrove (DUNS® number 026661067)
The Infernal Revenue "Service" (IRS, DUNS® number 040539587)
The USA's COVID Death Cult (CDC, DUNS® number 927645465)
The USA's Fraud and Death Administration (FDA, DUNS® number 138182175)
The DrugCompetition Elimination Administration (DEA, DUNS® number 167247027)
NASA (Not A Space Agency, DUNS® number 003259074)
The Federal Bureau of Intimidation (FBI, DUNS® number 878865674)
The NSA (No Such Agency, DUNS® number 617395215)
The Security Eradication Commission (SEC, DUNS® number 003475175)
The Department of Offense (DOD, DUNS® number 030421397)
The Department of Injustice (DOJ, DUNS® number 059200814)
The Department of Layabout (DOL, DUNS® number 029536183)
The Terrorism Support Agency (TSA, DUNS® number 050297655)
The Department of Homeland Insecurity (DHS, DUNS® number 932394187)
The Federal ArmJab Annihilators (FAA, DUNS® number 056622429)
The National Ocean and Atmosphere Annihilators (NOAA, DUNS® number 079933920)
The Federal Emergency Magnification Agency (FEMA, DUNS® number 037751583)
The Federal Communication Comminutors, FCC (DUNS® number 020309969)
The State of New York (DUNS® number 041002973)
The State of California (DUNS® number 071549000)
The State of Delaware (DUNS® number 037802962)
The City of NYC (DUNS® number 021741036)
The City of Lost Angeles (DUNS® number 159166271)
The City of Wilmington (DUNS® number 067393900)
The City of Baltimore (DUNS® number 052340973)

The Talmudic "new" world order is being set up as a single corporation called "NWO Inc" that will be registered in Jerusalem and owned and run by the "Antichrist" (sic) as CEO. It is being set up by the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal (the English monarchy, the City of London, the "Monopoly Capitalists" of Wall Street (often called the "Illuminati" bloodlines), and the House of Rothschild).

When Zionism was born in 1500s England, its chief aim was defined as installing "the Antichrist" in Jerusalem, and all the rest was just a means to that end. Even the Jews were set up as dupes and human-shields for the same British Freemasonic project called Zionism.

Thus, Israel may appear to be "Jewish" but it is really a Freemasonic Rothschild Vassal State that barks orders at the USA and Britain, who stopped being "sovereign nations" well over a century ago.

Related - Victor Rothschild was a Communist Agent
It stuck out like dogs balls, when Liz Truss was railroaded directly like that ! it was So wrong !
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Feb 4, 2018
United States

US Navy Medic Shut Down for Releasing unclassified DOD Data Showing a 937% Increase in Heart Failure Among Vaccinated US Military Personnel​

by Paul Craig Roberts | Mar 16, 2024 |

Paul Craig Roberts – March 14, 2024

Yesterday I provided examples of how the establishment, which can only lie, is trying to narrative manage the no longer deniable evidence that the Covid vax is deadly and harmful to health. Big Pharma and its Bloomberg News, Annenberg Center and Harvard University Shills Adjust the Covid Vax Coverup and Advance the Displacement of Reality |

One of the narrative management tricks is to admit the adverse effects of the “vaccine” but to sweep them under the rug as “rare.”
If the dangers of the “vaccine” were rare, Big Pharma would not have its shills at work trying to discredit or dismantle the vaccine adverse events reporting system.

That the deaths and health injuries are anything but rare is evident from the report by a US Navy medic that Department of Defense data show that US Navy pilots have suffered a:
937% increase in heart failure
152% increase in cardiomyopathy
69% increase in ischemic heart disease
36% increase in hypertensive disease
36% increase in hypertensive disease
63% increase in other forms of heart disease

The corrupt US Department of Defense, a ramp for the excess profits of the armaments industry, tried to blame the events on the Covid virus itself.

However, “according to information published by the US Army, 97% of active-duty U.S. troops are fully vaccinated, 90% of Army National Guard members are fully vaccinated, and 91% of U.S. Army Reserve members are fully vaccinated.”

So, if the “vaccine” did not cause the deaths and health injuries, and the virus was responsible, obviously the “vaccine” was totally ineffective in protecting against the virus.

In actual fact, according to independent medical scientists, the “vaccine” not only did not protect but caused more deaths and worst health injuries than the virus itself. This is the honest, documented, verified conclusion of medical scientists whose research and results are not financed by Big Pharma and the universities that rely on pharmaceutical industry grants. It is the independent scientists who are motivated by truth instead of profit and career who tell the truth and suffer for it.

As the US Navy medic now suffers. Lt. Ted Macie met with the female Chief of Naval Operations and her aide, and afterward found that he was blocked from access to his computer. Charges are likely pending against him.

So, we see how powerful Big Pharma is. Not even the US Navy is permitted to release unclassified data that show the devastating impact of the Covid “vaccine.”

Army Medic Exposes 973% Surge in Heart Failure in Navy Pilots
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Most who took the so called COVID Vaccine will die from such.
I think they are hiding a lot of all such in relation to them COVID Jabs !
Look at King Charles and his Sons Wife for one ?
As i look around at the people i know, many are coming down with Cancers and such, it looks to me that this is going way out of control and i think such will only increase !
But we all know that the people who control this world do believe that the worlds population has to be reduced by 80% or else ! They say in fact. if not demand such !

The Covid Jab is not a Vaccine at all in fact ! and anyone who thinks it is a Vaccine is a fool ! Vaccines have never been made that way in fact ! that's why I and how many Nurses refused such total rubbish in fact ! and we became an enemy of the State to such Nazi type morons who dictated over us like a mongrel dog ! When we said No thanks ? what was their actions in Australia, nothing short of a Nazi Germany type response in fact !
I have no time for such 3rd rate trash acting like that and talking down to me !

Before Covid came about my mum was freaking out for me to get a common cold Jab, of i would not be allowed to see her in the old peoples Home! I said no way will i take such at all regardless, so she spun out about that ! then i seen the head of the Homes and sorted her out. One has to stand up to such rubbish !

I support Vaccines and i am not a anti Vaccine idiot at all ! but to have the Government demand that people like me are anti Vaccine people ! but i am only anti COVID Jab in fact, but that stance did not make the News at all, it was all about anti Vaccine idiots and that all were such idiots ! So how about all of the Nurses then ? were they all anti Vaccine people, No way ! not one ! but they were and are still targeted as such in fact ! Nurses were not protesting about Vaccines at all in fact ! but only this one so called Vax in fact, and that they smelt a Rat in the workings of this so called Vaccine in fact ! The Vaccine that is not a Vaccine at all in fact ! that was the issue, but the Nazi like response is still with us ! in wait for the next intent of demanding to dominate over everyone like a Nazi moron ! to Hell with people like that !
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Feb 4, 2018
United States

These Will be The Jobs Most Impacted by AI​

by Zero Hedge
March 19th 2024, 7:16 am

As artificial intelligence takes hold in society, some industries will be more impacted by the post-human technology.

Large language models (LLMs) and other generative AI tools haven’t been around for very long, but they’re expected to have far-reaching impacts on the way people do their jobs. With this in mind, researchers have already begun studying the potential impacts of this transformative technology.

In this graphic, Visual Capitalist’s Marcus Lu visualized the results of a World Economic Forum report, which estimated how different job departments will be exposed to AI disruption.


Data and Methodology​

To identify the job departments most impacted by AI, researchers assessed over 19,000 occupational tasks (e.g. reading documents) to determine if they relied on language. If a task was deemed language-based, it was then determined how much human involvement was needed to complete that task.
With this analysis, researchers were then able to estimate how AI would impact different occupational groups.
In our graphic, large impact refers to tasks that will be fully automated or significantly altered by AI technologies. Small impact refers to tasks that have a lesser potential for disruption.

Where AI will make the biggest impact​

Jobs in information technology (IT) and finance have the highest share of tasks expected to be largely impacted by AI.

Within IT, tasks that are expected to be automated include software quality assurance and customer support. On the finance side, researchers believe that AI could be significantly useful for bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing.