Where does the Pope get his authority?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
My argument had been against YOUR claim that these errors were written into Canon Law.
Okay, you win.
Which begs the question therefore, on what basis were these practises so persistently executed against a people whose sole purpose in life was to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and live in harmony with man and nature? I accept your declaration that it wasn't canon law to specifically murder Waldensian folk, although the authority to persecute heretics was and is in Canon law, originating as I said from that authority passed on to the bishop of Rome by the emperor Justinian, bestowing upon the Pope the right to lord himself over all churches, which right he has never relinquished.
So where was the justification? That it was church policy there surely can be no doubt, as the Waldenses weren't the only people/culture so abominably mistreated and targeted. If not Canon law that demanded the extermination of so called heretics, then what?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Well Mary, you actually proved me right by quoting those dictionaries...
:jest: NO, I didn't prove you right. I LITERALLY proved what you were saying wasn't true...........You crack me up Brakelite.:Laughingoutloud:


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
you actually proved me right by quoting those dictionaries...
Becomes irrelevant.
Thank you for confirming my initial statement.
You are unbelievable. The denominations you said that you would not classify as Protestant CALL THEMSELVERS PROTESTANT.


And you believe that I proved you right and what is written in the dictionary is irrelevant and I confirmed your initial statement. :Happy::jest::Laughingoutloud::jest::Laughingoutloud::jest::Laughingoutloud:

I am literally LAUGHING while typeing this to you...........You will never admit to being wrong!

You are probably the most
incorrigible person I have communicated with on this forum.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Okay, you win.
Which begs the question therefore, on what basis were these practises so persistently executed against a people whose sole purpose in life was to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and live in harmony with man and nature? I accept your declaration that it wasn't canon law to specifically murder Waldensian folk, although the authority to persecute heretics was and is in Canon law, originating as I said from that authority passed on to the bishop of Rome by the emperor Justinian, bestowing upon the Pope the right to lord himself over all churches, which right he has never relinquished.
So where was the justification? That it was church policy there surely can be no doubt, as the Waldenses weren't the only people/culture so abominably mistreated and targeted. If not Canon law that demanded the extermination of so called heretics, then what?
First of all – I already told you that here were leaders within the Church over the centuries that not only made mistakes – but behaved abominably. This, however, does NOT detract from the truths of Christ’s Church anymore that Peters reprehensible behavior in Galatians 2, for which Paul rebuked him.

Secondly, this "harmonious" people was anythig BUT. They lived in open rebellion aganst the Church, proliferating heresy. Today, we live in an era of ENDLESS heresy and mockery of God, so it's difficult for you to understand what an unthinkable abomination it was at that time for a sect to openly reject the Eucharist.
The Church, at the time surmised that endangering a person's eternal soul was a FAR grater threat to the public than any physical harm they might do.

As for the Pope’s Authority over the Church – this was NOT granted by any Emperor or mere human - but by Jesus Christ, who is God (Matt. 16:18-19, John 21:15-19), The Emperor’s approval of his Authority is neither here nor there . . .

Jude Thaddeus

Active Member
Apr 27, 2024
If it's neither here nor there, then where is it? :)
I think BofL means it makes no difference what the emperor thinks, he has no church authority. Sometimes, the emperor and the pope were at odds with each other, such as Emperor Constans II ordering the arrest of Pope Martin I, who dies in exile. 681:
No emperor ever made an official church teaching.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
You are unbelievable. The denominations you said that you would not classify as Protestant CALL THEMSELVERS PROTESTANT.

Doesn't matter what they call themselves. They aren't protesting any more, therefore they aren't Protestant. The dictionary you quoted gave the practise of protesting... Being protesting in favour, or for the testimony, that is sola scriptura, and against Rome. The wannabe Catholic Bishop, the late Tony Palmer, declared several times in large meetings that the protest was over, on the basis that the Lutherans and other former Protestant denominations were now for all intents and purposes in agreement with Rome because Rome, apparently, have changed. Rome, purportedly, now follow scripture and encourage it's reading... Rome no longer persecutes dissenters... Rome and the Lutherans have now publically declared agreement on justification by faith. So, no longer reason to protest, and everyone, mostly evangelicals, charismatics, and mainline denominational non Catholics, in the auditorium gave him a standing ovation. They agreed. The reformation and Protestantism was now over.
The dictionary definitions were correct, and still apply, but not to them.
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Jun 22, 2021
United States
YES, luxury: a condition great ease and comfort according to the dictionary. And that is what you and your ilk enjoy by not fighting against/defending people who are attacking your home, Neiborhood, Town, State or Country....ease and comfort.

Your "brothers" knew they could potentially go to prison for their "stand". My "brothers" know they could potentially DIE or loose a limb or suffer life long PTSD because they took a "stand"! Cry me a river THC.........

Yup, there would be peace on earth if all men where like you and your men. But there is one little problem with your fantasy: Satan

So get out of your fantasy world. Read all of Scripture in context. Find a man among you like Moses who as long as his arms were raised his enemies were being slaughtered.
Your stance is no different from the “world”; other religions, in Christendom, in Islam, even atheists, act the same way & propose the same agenda you do.

All followers of Christ, we are supposed to be called to a higher standard, and being “not of / no part of” this world as Jesus prayed (John 17:14-16). And to “keep…. without spot from the world” (James 1:27;4:4). But I guess such worldly thinking has been ingrained in you, and you have a hard time seeing it. I can understand that, I leaned toward that kind of thinking too.

But what helped me, besides recognizing that Jesus stated that love would identify His followers (John 13:35), was reading Isaiah 2:2-4, a prophecy about the Last Days, which we are living in:

“And it shall come to pass in the latter days, that the mountain of Jehovah's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

3And many peoples shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem.

4And he will judge between the nations, and will decide concerning many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”

This is being fulfilled now in these Last Days, among those who accept & follow Jesus, worshipping his Father Jehovah God, whom Jesus worshipped.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I think BofL means it makes no difference what the emperor thinks, he has no church authority. Sometimes, the emperor and the pope were at odds with each other, such as Emperor Constans II ordering the arrest of Pope Martin I, who dies in exile. 681:
No emperor ever made an official church teaching.
He may not have authority within the church, but I'm Justinian's case, He had authority over his empire, and the bishops acted with his permission. He was interested in theology, and wanted Christianity to flourish, but augmented his zeal with a powerful bent toward persecuting those who differed from his view as to who was the boss of the church. Hence other sects and even nations became victims of his intolerance. He wanted the popes to rule not only in Rome as the early bishops desired, but gave them official sanction to rule over all Christendom, which upset the other bishops in Antioch, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and elsewhere. Also, the Gothic kings had no intention of submitting their authority to someone else, and it took 5 years before Justinian's general Belisarius was able to "convince" them to leave, after having dealt permanently with the Vandals in North Africa. . That was in 538ad. The Goths did return a couple of times, but their number was up, and they eventually disappeared from existence.
All of the above was precisely as the prophets Daniel and John had revealed would take place during the rise and fall of pagan Rome.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Your stance is no different from the “world”; other religions, in Christendom, in Islam, even atheists, act the same way & propose the same agenda you do.
I have not proposed an agenda. I have stated facts.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Doesn't matter what they call themselves. They aren't protesting any more, therefore they aren't Protestant. The dictionary you quoted gave the practise of protesting... Being protesting in favour, or for the testimony, that is sola scriptura, and against Rome. The wannabe Catholic Bishop, the late Tony Palmer, declared several times in large meetings that the protest was over, on the basis that the Lutherans and other former Protestant denominations were now for all intents and purposes in agreement with Rome because Rome, apparently, have changed. Rome, purportedly, now follow scripture and encourage it's reading... Rome no longer persecutes dissenters... Rome and the Lutherans have now publically declared agreement on justification by faith. So, no longer reason to protest, and everyone, mostly evangelicals, charismatics, and mainline denominational non Catholics, in the auditorium gave him a standing ovation. They agreed. The reformation and Protestantism was now over.
The dictionary definitions were correct, and still apply, but not to them.
Well, if it 'doesn't matter that they call themselves' Protestants then it doesn't matter EVEN MORE that you don't call them Protestants. ;)

Even though in REALITY it does matter what they call themselves especially when what they call themselves fits the DICTIONARY DEFINITION of what they call themselves. But you don't live in reality. You live in a world where you are always right and you double down when you are proven wrong.

Just because the word PROTEST is in PROTESTant doesn't mean one is actively protesting when they call themselves a Protestant. Any etymologist (or 3rd grader) would tell you that. I know, I know, you are going to say it doesn't matter what etymologists say.........YOU are right and they are wrong!!! You crack me up.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
what they call themselves especially when what they call themselves fits the DICTIONARY DEFINITION of what they call themselves.
Protestants were so called and defined by their practise. Just as Christians are defined, not by anyone's self proclamation, but by their practise and lifestyle. Is someone a Catholic simply because they say so? Or is it because they've gone through various hoops, cut the red tape, and done all the obligatory rituals? What you are failing to understand, or deliberately ignoring, is that those so called Protestant denominations I'm their beginning were indeed living and practising in accordance to the etymologicaldefinitions. Today, they aren't. So they are no longer protestant. Calling themselves something they aren't, well, there's a name for that to.

You crack me up.....

I have sensed for some time now that you were falling apart. Duct tape fixes anything.


Active Member
Jun 22, 2021
United States
Protestants were so called and defined by their practise. Just as Christians are defined, not by anyone's self proclamation, but by their practise and lifestyle. Is someone a Catholic simply because they say so? Or is it because they've gone through various hoops, cut the red tape, and done all the obligatory rituals? What you are failing to understand, or deliberately ignoring, is that those so called Protestant denominations I'm their beginning were indeed living and practising in accordance to the etymologicaldefinitions. Today, they aren't. So they are no longer protestant. Calling themselves something they aren't, well, there's a name for that to.

I have sensed for some time now that you were falling apart. Duct tape fixes anything.
Nice post! Well-made points.

I appreciate your knowledge of history.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Protestants were so called and defined by their practise. Just as Christians are defined, not by anyone's self proclamation, but by their practise and lifestyle. Is someone a Catholic simply because they say so? Or is it because they've gone through various hoops, cut the red tape, and done all the obligatory rituals? What you are failing to understand, or deliberately ignoring, is that those so called Protestant denominations I'm their beginning were indeed living and practicing in accordance to the etymological definitions. Today, they aren't. So they are no longer protestant. Calling themselves something they aren't, well, there's a name for that to.
Oh goodness Brakelite. Now you have TRIPLED down just so you can make yourself feel 'right'.

Yup, Protestants are defined by their practice. They protested the Edict of Worms (which is where the term came from), they (the Reformers) Protested the teachings of The Church and broke off from The Church forming denominations. Men from those break away denominations protested the teachings of those men and started their own denominations etc. etc. so on and so forth.... until today when we have people who walk out of their Protestant church in Protest of what they are being taught and decide that they can sit in their basement on The Lords Day (Sunday) and interpret Scripture properly on their own! When they come to 2 Peter 3:16 they say, "Yup, those stupid men at my church were twisting Scripture. That is why I left because they don't have the Holy Spirit guiding them like He is guiding me". :jest: You Protestants crack me up.

Sounds like your theory is that in the beginning they were called Protestant because they were protesting the teachings/practices of The Church. But at some magic point in time they stopped being Protestant. Here we are 500 years later and those denominations are still not adhering to the teachings/practices of The Church. Sooooo what's changed Brakelite? When was that magic point in time that they stopped being Protestant Brakelite? I mean after all, they are still adhering to the original Protests of their founding!! Are they not?

I know you won't acknowledge THE TRUTH but here it is AGAIN:
They are not "so called Protestant denominations". They ARE Protestant denominations BECAUSE they fit the dictionary definition of a Protestant denomination! YOU can't change the dictionary and YOU can tell me and them that they are not what they say they are, but we really don't care about your opinion.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Nice post! Well-made points.

I appreciate your knowledge of history.
Lol....Ummm OR you could read the truth with factual points in my response to him and learn the real history of the word Protestant instead of @Brakelite opinion. ;)

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Lol....Ummm OR you could read the truth with factual points in my response to him and learn the real history of the word Protestant instead of @Brakelite opinion. ;)
His opinion seems to ring with more truth than your own…..you keep laughing….but the old saying is true….”He who laughs last, laughs best”…...time will tell….won’t it? Let’s see who is still laughing when it all comes crashing down….
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Jude Thaddeus

Active Member
Apr 27, 2024
His opinion seems to ring with more truth than your own…..you keep laughing….but the old saying is true….”He who laughs last, laughs best”…...time will tell….won’t it? Let’s see who is still laughing when it all comes crashing down….
Brakelite said: "He may not have authority within the church, but I'm Justinian's case, He had authority over his empire, and the bishops acted with his permission."

This is an opinion with no evidence. It implies bishops were subject to the emperor. Justinian had civil authority, bishops had church authority. Blending the two authorities into one never happened.

Nope, nothing in there about bishops acting with his permission. :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
"Emperor Justinian I had significant power over the bishops during his reign. As the Byzantine Emperor from 527 to 565 AD, Justinian exercised extensive control over both the state and the church. He saw himself as both the head of state and God's representative on Earth, which gave him a religious authority that he used to influence ecclesiastical affairs.

Justinian was actively involved in theological disputes and church governance. He convened church councils, such as the Second Council of Constantinople in 553, and imposed his will on theological debates, sometimes deciding on matters of doctrine himself. He also used his power to appoint and depose bishops, enforce orthodoxy, and manage the organization of the church within the empire. This control was part of a broader pattern where the Byzantine emperors often had a hands-on approach to church matters, reflecting the close relationship between the church and the state in the Byzantine Empire."

Two sources: "The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian" edited by Michael Maas. "Justinian and the Making of the Byzantine State" by John Moorhead.
Thanks, chat.