Faith and Medicine

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
I want to study about faith some more. I believe a major stronghold in my life has been broken in anxiety thanks to the amazing power of God. But now it is learning with every anxious thought to give it to God, while renewing my mind daily.

The Bible talks about protecting our minds and what we put in it. I have stopped watching CSI and Criminal minds, and video games (well video games for a time until I can figure out what helps and hurts me).

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
Philippians 4:8 NKJV

And also meditating on the Word of God.

Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.
Psalms 119:11

And that if we have faith as the grain of a mustard seed, we can move mountains.

So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
Matthew 17:20 NKJV

But where does things like medicine fall in? I have taken Zoloft many years, and when I have tried to go off, I have gotten even more depressed and anxious. I don't mind taken medicine. Even diabetics take medicine and people take Tylenol for headaches and everything. Because of a fallen world, we are effected physically, mentally, and spiritually.

But I truly have been awakened by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and think I believe if I go off my medicine and renew my mind daily...I can be free once and for all.
I have just seen multiple times in the New Testament that Jesus told people that their faith had made them whole.

I guess my questions are how do faith and wisdom go together? If I just stop medicine cold turkey in Jesus name and believe, can I really do that and not spiral backwards?

Or because of a fallen world, is medicine a blessing from God that helps me with my anxiety?

I know no one are doctors here. Well maybe, I don't know. Lol. But I am timid in this decision. Because I am feeling lead to, but don't know if I can be as bold as like Moses parting the Red Sea. I haven't seen anything like that this day and age...


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
But where does things like medicine fall in? I have taken Zoloft many years, and when I have tried to go off, I have gotten even more depressed and anxious.

I guess my questions are how do faith and wisdom go together? If I just stop medicine cold turkey in Jesus name and believe, can I really do that and not spiral backwards?

Or because of a fallen world, is medicine a blessing from God that helps me with my anxiety?

If you had already tried to get off of Zoloft and became more depressed and anxious, then you should take it as a blessing from God and stay on it.

Christians need doctors and hospitals when the need arises. We are not supermen as if that representation would appeal to sinners for believing in Him. Indeed, by becoming weak, Paul find that he can minister to others in that weakness.

1 Corinthians 9:22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. 23 And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

So even the christian with terminal illness, God can use as a witness to the lost, sick or otherwise.

There may even be christians out there that feel like they are not His for depending on medicine still as if they have no faith to be healed. They need to know that God can use them in their illness or in their weakness to mature in their walk with Him as well as minister to others that are suffering needlessly, and not just giving hope to the suffering lost in the world.

Continue to pray about this, but I would say that since you had already tried to get off of it, it is best to stay on it & witness that God loves you anyway. Maybe by doing so, others in that same weakness will believe you about God loving them in the weakness they are in too.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I guess my questions are how do faith and wisdom go together? If I just stop medicine cold turkey in Jesus name and believe, can I really do that and not spiral backwards?

I know no one are doctors here. Well maybe, I don't know. Lol. But I am timid in this decision. Because I am feeling lead to, but don't know if I can be as bold as like Moses parting the Red Sea. I haven't seen anything like that this day and age...

My answer is, Faith comes by hearing.
If you had heard from the Lord clearly, to come of meds, you wouldn't be asking this question. :)

Moses divided the Red Sea because he heard the word of the Lord speaking it. His faith was in the word...not in "a good idea". Or even- " the right thing to do."

Because I am now 'in my dotage' LOL I can tell you enthusiasm is not a good substitute for hearing from God!
I have seen people leap out of wheel chairs and run....
But next day , back in the wheel chair again.
I have seen people stomp on their glasses because some hyped up ministry told them that their eyes would be healed by the time they got home blah blah blah
Only to see them have to go next day and get their new glasses as quickly as possible. Asthmatics throw away their inhalers and pills, only to have to go and get their prescriptions refilled.

Now, I balance that with saying...I have myself 'heard' a word from the Lord in reference to a healing, and I have received healing...many times....sometimes instantly, some times over a period time, but because of the Word, I knew the healing would come. And it did.
That being the case...not every time...because I am on heart meds and high blood pressure meds...
"There is no condemnation...."

God is not in a rush. Take time to be with Him and listen, you will know if He is speaking this to you, or not.

He can also, as He has done with me..deliver you from all attacks of fear.
It sure didn't happen over night with me...years of winning some, but also losing battles with fear.

He is your Father, He is not reproaching you for taking your meds...but He can slowly and will, lead you out of them as you grow in His strength.
Just listen and trust.
Our faith is in the nature of God Himself...the proof of faith is not in how many times we got healed. :)

Just my two cents :)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2011
United Kingdom
My answer is, Faith comes by hearing.
If you had heard from the Lord clearly, to come of meds, you wouldn't be asking this question. :)

Moses divided the Red Sea because he heard the word of the Lord speaking it. His faith was in the word...not in "a good idea". Or even- " the right thing to do."

Because I am now 'in my dotage' LOL I can tell you enthusiasm is not a good substitute for hearing from God!
I have seen people leap out of wheel chairs and run....
But next day , back in the wheel chair again.
I have seen people stomp on their glasses because some hyped up ministry told them that their eyes would be healed by the time they got home blah blah blah
Only to see them have to go next day and get their new glasses as quickly as possible. Asthmatics throw away their inhalers and pills, only to have to go and get their prescriptions refilled.

Now, I balance that with saying...I have myself 'heard' a word from the Lord in reference to a healing, and I have received healing...many times....sometimes instantly, some times over a period time, but because of the Word, I knew the healing would come. And it did.
That being the case...not every time...because I am on heart meds and high blood pressure meds...
"There is no condemnation...."

God is not in a rush. Take time to be with Him and listen, you will know if He is speaking this to you, or not.

He can also, as He has done with me..deliver you from all attacks of fear.
It sure didn't happen over night with me...years of winning some, but also losing battles with fear.

He is your Father, He is not reproaching you for taking your meds...but He can slowly and will, lead you out of them as you grow in His strength.
Just listen and trust.
Our faith is in the nature of God Himself...the proof of faith is not in how many times we got healed. :)

Just my two cents :)

the exact instructions and complete know how to spiritual and natural healing has been lost over the centuries but is slowly being recovered - meanwhile we will mostly have to put up with what we have - twinc
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
My answer is, Faith comes by hearing.
If you had heard from the Lord clearly, to come of meds, you wouldn't be asking this question. :)

Moses divided the Red Sea because he heard the word of the Lord speaking it. His faith was in the word...not in "a good idea". Or even- " the right thing to do."

Because I am now 'in my dotage' LOL I can tell you enthusiasm is not a good substitute for hearing from God!
I have seen people leap out of wheel chairs and run....
But next day , back in the wheel chair again.
I have seen people stomp on their glasses because some hyped up ministry told them that their eyes would be healed by the time they got home blah blah blah
Only to see them have to go next day and get their new glasses as quickly as possible. Asthmatics throw away their inhalers and pills, only to have to go and get their prescriptions refilled.

Now, I balance that with saying...I have myself 'heard' a word from the Lord in reference to a healing, and I have received healing...many times....sometimes instantly, some times over a period time, but because of the Word, I knew the healing would come. And it did.
That being the case...not every time...because I am on heart meds and high blood pressure meds...
"There is no condemnation...."

God is not in a rush. Take time to be with Him and listen, you will know if He is speaking this to you, or not.

He can also, as He has done with me..deliver you from all attacks of fear.
It sure didn't happen over night with me...years of winning some, but also losing battles with fear.

He is your Father, He is not reproaching you for taking your meds...but He can slowly and will, lead you out of them as you grow in His strength.
Just listen and trust.
Our faith is in the nature of God Himself...the proof of faith is not in how many times we got healed. :)

Just my two cents :)

Wow now this really speaks to me, because I am a very enthusiastic person for the Lord! Lol!!!!! But sometimes I need to slow down to listen. Be slow to speak. Now THAT is hard. I wonder how long to pray on a subject like this before I speak or act. I cannot tell you how many foolish decisions I have made in excitement. :D I am thankful for God's forgiveness for sure. I think I am going to take my medicine longer until I have no doubts about this. Maybe talk to my doctor too, because God does give us doctors and medicine. They are great gifts. But I believe sometime soon I will be able to stop in full confidence. Even on medicine I have anxiety, but I have been more relaxed this week then I have in years.

The Holy Spirit has really been speaking with me this week.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Take you time...we cannot .."rush to hear" the time you least expect God to speak, He will speak.

You don't have to "prove anything"...not to yourself, or to God.
Rest in HIs love and He will lead you...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
If you had already tried to get off of Zoloft and became more depressed and anxious, then you should take it as a blessing from God and stay on it.

Christians need doctors and hospitals when the need arises. We are not supermen as if that representation would appeal to sinners for believing in Him. Indeed, by becoming weak, Paul find that he can minister to others in that weakness.

1 Corinthians 9:22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. 23 And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

So even the christian with terminal illness, God can use as a witness to the lost, sick or otherwise.

There may even be christians out there that feel like they are not His for depending on medicine still as if they have no faith to be healed. They need to know that God can use them in their illness or in their weakness to mature in their walk with Him as well as minister to others that are suffering needlessly, and not just giving hope to the suffering lost in the world.

Continue to pray about this, but I would say that since you had already tried to get off of it, it is best to stay on it & witness that God loves you anyway. Maybe by doing so, others in that same weakness will believe you about God loving them in the weakness they are in too.

Thank you for your words. God really has drawn me to Him over the years through this among other things. And I have been able to help others also. I just feel like right now I have been able to enjoy things in ways I haven't been able to before. Like I can finally relax.

It is different then the other times. But I do want to be wise as well. And not react in excitement as By Grace was talking about

It has come from cutting things out in my life that are harmful to my mind, and focusing more on the Word. And perhaps caffeine to some degree. :p
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Take you time...we cannot .."rush to hear" the time you least expect God to speak, He will speak.

You don't have to "prove anything"...not to yourself, or to God.
Rest in HIs love and He will lead you...

Delight yourself also in the Lord , And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Psalms 37:4 NKJV

There is a song based on this verse.

" Oh rest in the Lord, wait patiently for Him, and He shall give there they hearts desires. Commit thy unto Him and trust in Him. And fret not thyself unto the evil doers."

Comforting. Yes!!!! God breaks strongholds and I will wait patiently on Him. :)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
There is nothing wrong in trusting the Lord. And there is nothing wrong in taking medicine. As the Lord leads.

My opinion, and it is just mine, if one is depressed, I always tell them there is nothing wrong with your being depressed. You are thinking rightly. Why shouldn't we be depressed with the way things are going. Jesus was not a good time charley. He grieved. He was depressed. He felt.

But we have a Source of strength that the world does not have. We have the Spirit of God in us to bring us through it.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
There is nothing wrong in trusting the Lord. And there is nothing wrong in taking medicine. As the Lord leads.

My opinion, and it is just mine, if one is depressed, I always tell them there is nothing wrong with your being depressed. You are thinking rightly. Why shouldn't we be depressed with the way things are going. Jesus was not a good time charley. He grieved. He was depressed. He felt.

But we have a Source of strength that the world does not have. We have the Spirit of God in us to bring us through it.


My big concern is I have been suicidal in the past quite a bit and have a family now to think about. I was in inpatient faith based programs, Teen Challenge for one if anyone has heard of that, for 3 years with PTSD from sexual abuse and self injury. It has been a long road and God has been faithful. He has broke a lot of strongholds and has shown me much forgiveness and mercy.

This is where the wisdom comes in. I am a lot stronger in my faith and believe God delivers, but this is a fallen world. Medicine is a gift.

I wonder if anyone has ever fasted from antidepressants...


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
My big concern is I have been suicidal in the past quite a bit and have a family now to think about. I was in inpatient faith based programs, Teen Challenge for one if anyone has heard of that, for 3 years with PTSD from sexual abuse and self injury. It has been a long road and God has been faithful. He has broke a lot of strongholds and has shown me much forgiveness and mercy.

This is where the wisdom comes in. I am a lot stronger in my faith and believe God delivers, but this is a fallen world. Medicine is a gift.

I wonder if anyone has ever fasted from antidepressants...

I answer this very carefully. You are correct. Medicine is a gift. It is of God. I say trust God, pray to Him, go to the doctor, and trust what the doctor prescribes is for you from God. God is quite capable of fixing your condition to the approval of the doctor so that the doctor takes you off of said medication.

If indeed, you believe God is healing you to the point where you no longer need it, tell the doctor you would like to take yourself off of it. And follow his advice.

Understand this sister, God has shown us all much forgiveness and mercy. You are no different than any other believer in Christ. You may understand it more than others, but believe me you are no different than the others.

Concerning your thoughts in the past on suicide...please don't. If you really desire to sacrifice yourself for your family, then live for them, though it is most miserable in this life. Allow yourself to suffer for their benefit. But don't take away from them something they need. You have the Spirit of God in you and He hears you.

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Diseases and sicknesses are not without cause. Tracing back and discovering the cause puts one in a better position to do something about it.
If a person has cancer of the lung from smoking it is in their interest to quit if they want healing. Do we think that God will heal their cancer because they pray all the while unwilling to quit???

Depression and anxieties are also not without cause. Often those causes are multi generational. We can ask God for understanding, we can ask God for insight and to open our eyes, to show us the way, we can ask him to take away our stony hearts and give us hearts of flesh.

What we put into our minds and our bodies, the thoughts and feelings we nurture, the foods we eat, the choices we make because of convenience or some other pay off are all sowing what will be reaped.
We are always sowing and we are always reaping in how we hear and how we respond.

Consider what Jesus told some of the folks he healed...'go and sin no more' implying that their ailments we're the result of poor choices.

Yes, He is the healer and we can lean on him. He will show us the way to healing if thats what our hearts desire. Are we willing to take that way?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
I answer this very carefully. You are correct. Medicine is a gift. It is of God. I say trust God, pray to Him, go to the doctor, and trust what the doctor prescribes is for you from God. God is quite capable of fixing your condition to the approval of the doctor so that the doctor takes you off of said medication.

If indeed, you believe God is healing you to the point where you no longer need it, tell the doctor you would like to take yourself off of it. And follow his advice.

Understand this sister, God has shown us all much forgiveness and mercy. You are no different than any other believer in Christ. You may understand it more than others, but believe me you are no different than the others.

Concerning your thoughts in the past on suicide...please don't. If you really desire to sacrifice yourself for your family, then live for them, though it is most miserable in this life. Allow yourself to suffer for their benefit. But don't take away from them something they need. You have the Spirit of God in you and He hears you.


Last time I had suicidal thoughts was about 5 years ago in college. That is when I got on meds and stayed on them. I have had none since then and live a blessed life. I know now to rebuke any thought like that in Jesus name and would never go back. But this has been an up and down battle since I was 15. Ironically around when I got saved! I have definitely been through the refiner' s fire. My mind has been a battlefield. But God can and does deliver. But yes, this is why I have to use wisdom, because I never want to go back to that point. Not now, not ever.

But God has been bringing me forward and there will be a time, I won't have this battle anymore. If not in this life, in the next. For the time, I feel blessed and empowered. I am more at peace then I ever have been. There is hope for anyone with mental and emotional struggles . it can be overcome daily by renewing the mind and casting our cares on Christ. And yes, medicine also. It does not make someone a weaker Christian.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Diseases and sicknesses are not without cause. Tracing back and discovering the cause puts one in a better position to do something about it.
If a person has cancer of the lung from smoking it is in their interest to quit if they want healing. Do we think that God will heal their cancer because they pray all the while unwilling to quit???

Depression and anxieties are also not without cause. Often those causes are multi generational. We can ask God for understanding, we can ask God for insight and to open our eyes, to show us the way, we can ask him to take away our stony hearts and give us hearts of flesh.

What we put into our minds and our bodies, the thoughts and feelings we nurture, the foods we eat, the choices we make because of convenience or some other pay off are all sowing what will be reaped.
We are always sowing and we are always reaping in how we hear and how we respond.

Consider what Jesus told some of the folks he healed...'go and sin no more' implying that their ailments we're the result of poor choices.

Yes, He is the healer and we can lean on him. He will show us the way to healing if thats what our hearts desire. Are we willing to take that way?

YES! This is the challenge. I think food choices and exercising more would help. But I am trying to focus on one thing at a time. Lol!!!! I think renewing my mind and stopping things I am putting in my mind is the big thing to work on right now...

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 NKJV

The difference is I am willing now to do these things on my daughter and husband are a great motivator, but God has been revealing things to me also and convicting my heart.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I agree with what @Stranger said.

If you want to get off the your doctor to help you withdraw from them...God can quite easily help him lead you out of your dependance on them.

If not, then find a second opinion.
Praying for you. x
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