Michelle Obama's speech

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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
If you do some research you will find that there have been some white supremacists, that have been caught in the riots. There are some. But the majority are radical leftists.
Still no evidence of "White Supremist." Perhaps radicals who want a Civil War, but that has nothing to do with White Supremacy.

So, are you saying that the other side of the riots are by "Black Supremacist's"? There are certainly some that are!
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Our lives were improving under Trump until COVID hit. Then Floyd. Who actually caused these problems? Leftists. Why? Because all they do is attack and blame. The Democrat governor's praised Trump for his assistance. But now you have heard ZERO about that. The riots are being committed primarily by radical leftists along with some white supremacists. The left is looting stores. Businesses are closing and people are fleeing the radically left states. The cancel culture is coming after every conservative. The 1619 project is being pushed in schools. BLM is becoming the only thing that matters and is harming our communities and residential neighborhoods.
How about Russia, the opposition dude who got sick is a hard lefty Communist type of moron, he is playing along the lines much like the USA demorats dribbling nonsense 24/7. if he was poisoned I would be looking at his own Party of Anti-Christ as someone more radical maybe after his position most likely, he was not a problem to Putin. Putin is very popular in Russia regardless of what the media like to peddle.

Funny how the Anti-Christ media peddle everything is Putin's fault 24/7, not to mention it's the same with Trump witch hunt BS propaganda, it's just BS after BS you hear 24/7. if Trump does not win the election the USA will become a Communist Nation under the Demorats. Putin has pointed that out.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
So, are you saying that the other side of the riots are by "Black Supremacist's"?
The Black Supremacists probably hired the White Supremacists just to muddy the waters. They also asked them to wear BLM shirts and T-shirts.

That 'White Nationalists Causing George Floyd Riot Chaos' Talking Point Took Another Devastating Blow

"...Just saying. Yet, as the rioting intensified over the past couple of days, especially in Minneapolis, there was this ridiculous talking point that right-wing extremists, specifically white nationalist groups, were creating the chaos. That’s not true... Gov. Tim Walz doled out that talking point, that may be the rioting was caused by white supremacist groups..."

So Tim Walz decided to get some Fake News going, and now some idiots really believe this nonsense. Just like the Russian Collusion Hoax.

That 'White Nationalists Causing George Floyd Riot Chaos' Talking Point Took Another Devastating Blow
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
Still no evidence of "White Supremist." Perhaps radicals who want a Civil War, but that has nothing to do with White Supremacy.

So, are you saying that the other side of the riots are by "Black Supremacist's"? There are certainly some that are!

Guilliani has posted links and so have others showing boogaloo boys and other white supremacists have been involved. HOWEVER, they want to make the insane claim that the riots are happening because of the white supremacists. But they are being intellectually dishonest. The riots are primarily conducted by BLM supporters and Antifa types. When you see the videos and read the police investigations and see who got arrested it's so obvious that BLM and Antifa doing the riots. The small amount of white supremacists involved are minor in comparison. It's the radical left that are primarily involved.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
Guilliani has posted links and so have others showing boogaloo boys and other white supremacists have been involved. HOWEVER, they want to make the insane claim that the riots are happening because of the white supremacists. But they are being intellectually dishonest. The riots are primarily conducted by BLM supporters and Antifa types. When you see the videos and read the police investigations and see who got arrested it's so obvious that BLM and Antifa doing the riots. The small amount of white supremacists involved are minor in comparison. It's the radical left that are primarily involved.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
The Black Supremacists probably hired the White Supremacists just to muddy the waters. They also asked them to wear BLM shirts and T-shirts.

That 'White Nationalists Causing George Floyd Riot Chaos' Talking Point Took Another Devastating Blow

"...Just saying. Yet, as the rioting intensified over the past couple of days, especially in Minneapolis, there was this ridiculous talking point that right-wing extremists, specifically white nationalist groups, were creating the chaos. That’s not true... Gov. Tim Walz doled out that talking point, that may be the rioting was caused by white supremacist groups..."

So Tim Walz decided to get some Fake News going, and now some idiots really believe this nonsense. Just like the Russian Collusion Hoax.

That 'White Nationalists Causing George Floyd Riot Chaos' Talking Point Took Another Devastating Blow
Interesting report!

Amidst claims that white supremacists are the ones causing the riots in Minnesota, the report has this to say:

Leggat, the security consultant, said intelligence reports from his colleagues indicate most of the hard-core protesters in Minneapolis are far-left or anarchists, and that far-right groups have not yet made a significant appearance. He said looting is typically done by locals – usually people with no criminal record who just get caught up in the moment.
This point needs to be made. Whether the rioters are extreme right or extreme left, the riots need to be quenched. America doesn't need extremists of any color or creed causing anarchy! The extreme left "Marxists" are every bit as bad as the extreme right "Nazis."

Neither group represents the principles America was founded on--justice and liberty for ALL!


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
I meant the problems we are living in right now. The leftists didn't create COVID. But they have created the false narratives that have followed.

Leftists didn't kill Floyd, but they created the false narrative of police use of force and that there is a pandemic of blacks being unjustifiably killed by police. Then the attacks on white people in general and white fragility. And much more.
You say "false narratives" as if you proved something. You are being a little too partisan for me. That's like Trump saying Covid would be gone by April. Do you think you can make something true by saying it? Trump's statement about Covid being gone by April made him look stupid when April and May came along. Trump did not keep control over the narrative. That meant Democrats could laugh at him.

Trump also failed to make a statement that would have unified the nation when the Floyd video surfaced. He's the President. What he says matters. He could have calmed the nation. He didn't even try. He doesn't know how to unify people. If he had handled the Floyd situation better, I think he would have picked up more votes in the next election.

If blacks believed he was working to clean out the few bad cops on the police forces, some of them would have voted for him. He could have made a strong case for getting their votes. Look at the places with the worst cases -- they tend to be places where Democrats are in power. Not saying that most Democrats are racists -- but I am saying Democratic politicians have done a lousy job at removing racist cops from their police forces.

I think you're living in a bubble. Trump has lived in a bubble for a long time in New York City. He doesn't understand white farmers in Iowa or miners in Pennsylvania. He doesn't feel for them. Indeed Trump seems never to feel empathy for anyone -- that's a major problem for him.

Joe Biden has also lived in a bubble more than the average American. His life hasn't been as sheltered as Trump's, but he's still out of touch -- most politicians are. I heard a black woman on NPR (liberal radio!) saying she thought the same thing -- she said she didn't think Biden understood the problems of black people, but she was going to vote for him since at least he tried. She didn't think Trump even tried. I lived in Delaware for about a year in Dover. I worked there as the manager of a pizza store. I hired a lot of black people -- not because they were black but because they applied. They were grateful for the jobs, grateful for the opportunity. Most of them did a very good job too.

I learned a lot from talking to them too. I learned how "white Democrats" ran the state of Delaware. They wanted black people to vote for them and campaigned in a way to get black votes; but they didn't do that much to fix the problems blacks had in Delaware once they got elected. I know first-hand how white Democrats ran Delaware. I was originally from Pennsylvania, and I' back there now. Biden was born in Pennsylvania. I know how white Democrats do things here too. There is a problem.

Michelle Obama went to an Ivy League university. I read her dissertation on race relations. I also went to an Ivy League university. These are allegedly liberal schools -- but I think Michelle Obama was right about a lot of her complaints about race relations at Princeton. They are not as liberal as they might to think. Remember the black professor that had a problem with the police -- when Obama was President? He taught at another Ivy League school. He was in the middle of "liberal academia" -- and he knew that racism existed there. I think he and Obama mishandled that situation -- but at least they acknowledged the fact that racism existed in Democratic states.

Democrats often want to present a unified front -- so they don't want to talk that much about racism in places they run. Black Democrats mostly go along with this since they believe the white Democrats are at least trying to work on it while Republicans wouldn't.

Trump's problem with race is that he got elected largely by whites and he's afraid of alienating them. He thinks his re-election depends on appealing to white racists. You see this time and again when he makes statements that aren't openly racist but which are "dog-whistles" that appeal to racists. White racists hear him say "law and order" and that means white cops beating down black criminals. He can say he didn't mean anything racist by saying "law and order" but it still works for him since white racists take it that way. But then black people can take it that way too and say, "Wow, can you believe this guy? I'll never vote for him." Making vague comments can alienate voters.

He got even more far out when talking about making suburbia safer. That's another vague statement people can argue about. White people can look at it and say, "I'll vote for him -- he wants to keep black people out of where I live." Black people can look at it and say, "What a racist. I'll never vote for him." So which way should we interpret his statement? I read it as an appeal to racists -- I read it that way since he's campaigning for office and wants more white people to vote for him. He's losing the suburban vote in polls and knows it. It doesn't mean he himself is necessarily a racist (maybe he is, maybe he isn't) -- it means he's trying to get racists to vote for him. At any rate, vague comments like that enable Democrats to say, "See? He is a racist!" Trump sets himself up for attacks from Democrats by making vague comments.

His attempt to change voting by mail is also seen as racist by many. Is it? I think it is. It is easily seen as an attempt to suppress the votes of Democrats -- Trump admitted that himself when he said giving the post office money would help the Democrats so he didn't want to do it. Everything is about him -- whether he'll be elected again. He isn't showing empathy for anyone else. If changing who the post office operates would get him elected, he's all for changing it. If that means fewer Democrats vote, it's fine with him -- it's what he wants. Now we can see that the Democrats not voting if they couldn't vote by mail would mostly be blacks and Latinos, don't we? Thus Trump helps create the picture of himself being a racist. He does and says things that makes it easy for Democrats to point out his appeals to the white racists in the Republican Party. What he may not understand is that many Republicans are not racists even if they are white. He's losing some of them too. Thus we see prominent Republicans coming out and endorsing Biden.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Guilliani has posted links and so have others showing boogaloo boys and other white supremacists have been involved. HOWEVER, they want to make the insane claim that the riots are happening because of the white supremacists. But they are being intellectually dishonest. The riots are primarily conducted by BLM supporters and Antifa types. When you see the videos and read the police investigations and see who got arrested it's so obvious that BLM and Antifa doing the riots. The small amount of white supremacists involved are minor in comparison. It's the radical left that are primarily involved.
Why not let the FBI and local police forces do their jobs? Why not believe they will ferret out the guilty and arrest them? Why not believe our courts will prosecute the guilty and then send them to prison?

Why try to prosecute people on the internet?

I don't think I ever made the claim that "riots" are happening because of white supremacists. That would be a little crazy, wouldn't it?

The protests started over inappropriate police conduct in certain places. That's how things started. There were bad actors who saw that and they joined the protests, not to protest injustice but to create more injustice. There were criminals who saw the opportunity to loot and to destroy property. My guess is some of those were blacks filled with rage against whites. Then there were white racists who joined, wanting to make things bad enough that it sparked a race war.

You want to point a finger and say, "That side is worse than my side." Well, the other side says the same thing. I think both sides that encouraged violence are wrong. Both sides should be arrested, convicted and sent to prison. Peaceful protesters should not be -- but anyone else who wants to break the law or encourage others to needs to go to prison if you ask me.

Pointing fingers divides the country more. I'm not going to look at the crimes of the white nationalists and say, "Look how bad white people are." And I'm not going to look at the crimes of blacks during these protests and say, "See how bad black people are!" Pointing fingers is what both white nationalists and black nationalists want -- and yes, I think there may be some black nationalists enjoying and encouraging riots. They may be hoping to get their own country if white people say, "Racism can never be fixed -- let's just give the black people their own country so we can have some peace." Black nationalists don't mind if white people hate blacks -- they already believe it more or less -- and they'd love it if white people gave up on solving the problems of race and gave them their own country.

What many people may fail to see is that when something like Floyd's murder happens, it presents an opportunity for black nationalists. Some even like it when other blacks are victimized because they see it as a way to gain followers, as a way to gain influence and power and perhaps even their own country. So naive people are tempted to go demonstrate, never suspecting their ranks might be infiltrated by black nationalists who want to see violence done. Such naive people never suspect there could white nationalists pretending to be concerned about racism so they commit crimes and make the protesters look bad. Such naive people don't think that much about common criminals joining them. In my opinion, most protests are naive. I understand why good people want to protest, but they can be naive.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Why not let the FBI and local police forces do their jobs?
Because the FBI has been thoroughly corrupted by Obama, and the police forces should not be having to deal with domestic terrorists. The National Guard should have been out in full force in every state. So law and order is being sabotaged right from the top.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
You say "false narratives" as if you proved something. You are being a little too partisan for me. That's like Trump saying Covid would be gone by April. Do you think you can make something true by saying it? Trump's statement about Covid being gone by April made him look stupid when April and May came along. Trump did not keep control over the narrative. That meant Democrats could laugh at him.

Trump also failed to make a statement that would have unified the nation when the Floyd video surfaced. He's the President. What he says matters. He could have calmed the nation. He didn't even try. He doesn't know how to unify people. If he had handled the Floyd situation better, I think he would have picked up more votes in the next election.

If blacks believed he was working to clean out the few bad cops on the police forces, some of them would have voted for him. He could have made a strong case for getting their votes. Look at the places with the worst cases -- they tend to be places where Democrats are in power. Not saying that most Democrats are racists -- but I am saying Democratic politicians have done a lousy job at removing racist cops from their police forces.

I think you're living in a bubble. Trump has lived in a bubble for a long time in New York City. He doesn't understand white farmers in Iowa or miners in Pennsylvania. He doesn't feel for them. Indeed Trump seems never to feel empathy for anyone -- that's a major problem for him.

Joe Biden has also lived in a bubble more than the average American. His life hasn't been as sheltered as Trump's, but he's still out of touch -- most politicians are. I heard a black woman on NPR (liberal radio!) saying she thought the same thing -- she said she didn't think Biden understood the problems of black people, but she was going to vote for him since at least he tried. She didn't think Trump even tried. I lived in Delaware for about a year in Dover. I worked there as the manager of a pizza store. I hired a lot of black people -- not because they were black but because they applied. They were grateful for the jobs, grateful for the opportunity. Most of them did a very good job too.

I learned a lot from talking to them too. I learned how "white Democrats" ran the state of Delaware. They wanted black people to vote for them and campaigned in a way to get black votes; but they didn't do that much to fix the problems blacks had in Delaware once they got elected. I know first-hand how white Democrats ran Delaware. I was originally from Pennsylvania, and I' back there now. Biden was born in Pennsylvania. I know how white Democrats do things here too. There is a problem.

Michelle Obama went to an Ivy League university. I read her dissertation on race relations. I also went to an Ivy League university. These are allegedly liberal schools -- but I think Michelle Obama was right about a lot of her complaints about race relations at Princeton. They are not as liberal as they might to think. Remember the black professor that had a problem with the police -- when Obama was President? He taught at another Ivy League school. He was in the middle of "liberal academia" -- and he knew that racism existed there. I think he and Obama mishandled that situation -- but at least they acknowledged the fact that racism existed in Democratic states.

Democrats often want to present a unified front -- so they don't want to talk that much about racism in places they run. Black Democrats mostly go along with this since they believe the white Democrats are at least trying to work on it while Republicans wouldn't.

Trump's problem with race is that he got elected largely by whites and he's afraid of alienating them. He thinks his re-election depends on appealing to white racists. You see this time and again when he makes statements that aren't openly racist but which are "dog-whistles" that appeal to racists. White racists hear him say "law and order" and that means white cops beating down black criminals. He can say he didn't mean anything racist by saying "law and order" but it still works for him since white racists take it that way. But then black people can take it that way too and say, "Wow, can you believe this guy? I'll never vote for him." Making vague comments can alienate voters.

He got even more far out when talking about making suburbia safer. That's another vague statement people can argue about. White people can look at it and say, "I'll vote for him -- he wants to keep black people out of where I live." Black people can look at it and say, "What a racist. I'll never vote for him." So which way should we interpret his statement? I read it as an appeal to racists -- I read it that way since he's campaigning for office and wants more white people to vote for him. He's losing the suburban vote in polls and knows it. It doesn't mean he himself is necessarily a racist (maybe he is, maybe he isn't) -- it means he's trying to get racists to vote for him. At any rate, vague comments like that enable Democrats to say, "See? He is a racist!" Trump sets himself up for attacks from Democrats by making vague comments.

His attempt to change voting by mail is also seen as racist by many. Is it? I think it is. It is easily seen as an attempt to suppress the votes of Democrats -- Trump admitted that himself when he said giving the post office money would help the Democrats so he didn't want to do it. Everything is about him -- whether he'll be elected again. He isn't showing empathy for anyone else. If changing who the post office operates would get him elected, he's all for changing it. If that means fewer Democrats vote, it's fine with him -- it's what he wants. Now we can see that the Democrats not voting if they couldn't vote by mail would mostly be blacks and Latinos, don't we? Thus Trump helps create the picture of himself being a racist. He does and says things that makes it easy for Democrats to point out his appeals to the white racists in the Republican Party. What he may not understand is that many Republicans are not racists even if they are white. He's losing some of them too. Thus we see prominent Republicans coming out and endorsing Biden.

Let's just unpack the false narrative shall we?
Police make about 60 million contacts a year. You know what percentage of people are killed by police a year from those contacts?

Police make about 30 million arrests a year. Do you know what percentage of people are killed by police during those arrests?

In 2018 there were 998 police deadly force incidents. In how many of those cases was the suspect armed?

Studies have shown that police are not racist when it comes to the use of force. A black officer is more likely to shoot a black man than a white officer is.

Please answer my questions. It's important to the understanding of the false narrative.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Let's just unpack the false narrative shall we?
Police make about 60 million contacts a year. You know what percentage of people are killed by police a year from those contacts?

Police make about 30 million arrests a year. Do you know what percentage of people are killed by police during those arrests?

In 2018 there were 998 police deadly force incidents. In how many of those cases was the suspect armed?

Studies have shown that police are not racist when it comes to the use of force. A black officer is more likely to shoot a black man than a white officer is.

Please answer my questions. It's important to the understanding of the false narrative.
What you are overlooking is the fact that there is lot more white people than black. You need to look at the odds -- and black men are more likely to be killed by the police than whites. Yes, more whites get killed by the police, but there are more whites.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Trump also failed to make a statement that would have unified the nation when the Floyd video surfaced. He's the President. What he says matters. He could have calmed the nation. He didn't even try. He doesn't know how to unify people. If he had handled the Floyd situation better, I think he would have picked up more votes in the next election.

This is a false narrative. There is NOTHING Trump could have said or done to satisfy his detractors--NOTHING!

Those of us who watched as the Obama administration tore this nation down for eight long years unified to get Trump elected. But those who hate Trump have been looking for ways to bring him down since BEFORE the election, and they almost succeeded. But GOD had something else in mind. I believe that God placed Trump in the Oval Office to take America a few steps back from the anti-Christian atmosphere and policies of Obama.

Do you really believe that the riots are about one man being killed by police?? WAKE UP!!! This unrest has been brewing for decades. The universities, and now the public schools, have been telling kids that our capitalist system is evil and communism is good. That's the main objective of some rioters--advance a Marxist ideology and replace our constitutional republic. But first, they have to destroy our system--"BURN IT DOWN," as one of BLM's leaders said. Only the naive would believe that the Marxist BLM leaders have America's best at heart.

His attempt to change voting by mail is also seen as racist by many. Is it? I think it is.

The Democrats started pushing the vote-by-mail scheme back in April. Even though it's clear that this is the least secure way to vote, Pelosi pushed for making mail in voting part of the relief package.

Pelosi says Democrats will push for vote by mail in next coronavirus relief package
April 27, 2020, 10:46 AM EDT
By Rebecca Shabad

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Monday that Democrats will push for a vote-by-mail provision in Congress' next coronavirus relief package.

In an interview on MSNBC’s LIVE with Stephanie Ruhle, Pelosi said that it's important to protect the “life of our democracy” as the coronavirus crisis continues.

Pelosi says Democrats will push for vote by mail in next coronavirus relief package

Pointing fingers divides the country more.

Did you watch the Democratic Convention? I've been alive for quite a few years, and I've never seen so much finger-pointing as I did from the Dems. Like I said before, the convention mantra was "It's Trump's fault!" I've heard them blame him for everything from COVID-19 to racism.

You want to point a finger and say, "That side is worse than my side." Well, the other side says the same thing. I think both sides that encouraged violence are wrong. Both sides should be arrested, convicted and sent to prison. Peaceful protesters should not be -- but anyone else who wants to break the law or encourage others to needs to go to prison if you ask me.

Like I said above, both extremes--the extreme right and left--are equally evil. I agree with you that both sides have encouraged violence and are wrong to do so.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Because the FBI has been thoroughly corrupted by Obama, and the police forces should not be having to deal with domestic terrorists. The National Guard should have been out in full force in every state. So law and order is being sabotaged right from the top.
You are being silly. The FBI has not been "thoroughly" corrupted by Obama any more than it was under Bill Clinton. It was partially corrupted and that was mostly at the federal level. Bush did his best to weed out the bad actors at the FBI when he was President, and he had his hands full too. The local FBI agents were doing their jobs very well under Clinton. They sent reports to Washington where they got sat on. My belief is that 9/11 could have been prevented if Bush had had a little more time to clean out the bad actors in the FBI's home office. They had information that potential terrorists were in the US. France warned us about at least one of them. They did nothing except twiddle their thumbs. That does not mean the field agents had been corrupted. Not at all. We know they investigated some of the terrorists and tried to raise a red flag. They were very good FBI agents if you ask me.

You are also trying to undermine the faith of the American people in the FBI and the rest of our government. You talk about respecting law and order while saying out of the other side of your mouth that the FBI is totally corrupt. I refuse to buy your line. I refuse also to buy the line that every police force in the country has been corrupted and should be dismantled. No, there are some bad police officers; but that doesn't mean all police forces are "thoroughly corrupted."

I doubt you ever talked to an FBI agent. I have. They could not always please me by doing what I thought was right; but I understood why not. They were respectful and intelligent for the most part. On the other hand, when I lived in Washington, I overheard a conversation by FBI agents that should never have been conducted in a public space. The entire FBI hasn't been corrupted. They still do wonderful work if you are reading the right kind of news sources. The problem is in Washington, and some of the bad actors are being dealt with.

No one is above. The bad actors at the FBI are finding that out. The FISA court scolded them. While I think Carter Page was a crook, I also despise what the methods used against him. I am glad Page was found guilty and just as glad that Kevin Clinesmith was for presenting false information to the FISA court. Yes, I'm glad to see justice done.

Ex-FBI lawyer admits to false statement during Russia probe

WASHINGTON (AP) — A former FBI lawyer pleaded guilty Wednesday to altering a document related to the secret surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser during the Russia investigation.

Kevin Clinesmith is the first current or former official to be charged in a special Justice Department review of the investigation into ties between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Attorney General William Barr appointed John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to scrutinize decisions made by officials during that probe.

Clinesmith pleaded guilty to a single false statement charge, admitting that he doctored an email that the FBI relied on as it sought court approval to eavesdrop on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page in 2017.

The sentencing guidelines call for zero to six months in prison, but the punishment is ultimately up to U.S. District Judge James Boasberg, who accepted Clinesmith’s plea. Sentencing was scheduled for Dec. 10. Clinesmith resigned from the FBI before an internal disciplinary process was completed. . . .

“At the time, I believed the information I was providing in the email was accurate, but I am agreeing that the information I inserted into the email was not originally there and I inserted that information,” Clinesmith said.

I don't care if he thought the information he added was accurate or not. He forged a document. He should go to jail for that. There is something wrong with the way he was thinking if he thought forging a document was okay if it was true. If it was true, why didn't he have the documents to prove it? Why did he have to forge something?

The next question then is how many Trump appointees will go to jail? Maybe the Postmaster General won't. I think he got a lawyer who told him if he did what Trump wanted, he could wind up in prison.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Police make about 60 million contacts a year. You know what percentage of people are killed by police a year from those contacts? ...
I'm not disputing the valuable service SOME police provide, but just as in the Ministry, I would guess that some 80% are dishonest. They witness crimes (like some "ministers") and don't report then because of the "Thin Blue Line" (or "Thin White Collar"); they exceed their Constitutional authority and violate citizens rights (like some "ministers" exceed Scripture and are the "HEAD" of their church); etc., etc.

It's true in every branch of Government; true in the church; and true in Corporate America. And the ONLY SOLUTION is to START OVER with Jesus and the Millennial Kingdom, -- if we survive the Tribulation! :)

And I hope we survive!
Bobby Jo

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... The FBI has not been "thoroughly" corrupted by Obama ...

You're RIGHT, -- Obama has not just thoroughly corrupted the FBI, he has THOROUGHLY CORRUPTED every branch of Government available to his criminality including the FBI, the Intelligence Agencies, the Department of Justice, the State Department and undoubtedly others as evidenced per the following list of CRIMINALS:

Obama, Barrack
Biden, Joseph
Jarrett, Valerie
Rice, Susan
McDonough, Denis
Degnan, Kelly
Johnson, Jeh
Lew, Jacob
McGlynn, Arthur (Danny)
Neufield, Mike
Raskin, Sarah
Sheets, Nathan
Szubin, Adam
Sherwood-Randall, Elizabeth
Dempsey, Michael
O'Sullivan, Stephanie
Brennan, John O.
Conion, Patrick
Clapper, James R.
Bell, Robert
Christenson, VADM to NATO
Hursh, James
Litzenberger, to NATO
Lute, Douglas
Parish, Scott
Waser, Tamir
Greehreng, Paul
Power, Samantha
Lynch, Loretta
Yates, Sally
Rosenstein, Rod
Comey, James
McCabe, Andrew
Clinesmith, Kevin
Strzok, Peter
Page, Lisa
Phillips, John R.
Tefft, John
Bass, AMB to Turkey

and certainly a DOZEN others, but probably DOZENS.​

And the trail WILL lead to the feet of Obama! :)
Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2020
central Florida
United States
Did anyone hear or see Michelle Obama's speech?

Transcript: Michelle Obama's DNC speech - CNNPolitics

I heard this when I was in my room, came out and saw who was speaking on the tv, saw Michelle Obama and was wowed by this part of her speech, I like what she said here and it's quite Biblical⬇

"Empathy: that's something I've been thinking a lot about lately. The ability to walk in someone else's shoes; the recognition that someone else's experience has value, too. Most of us practice this without a second thought. If we see someone suffering or struggling, we don't stand in judgment. We reach out because, "There, but for the grace of God, go I." It is not a hard concept to grasp. It's what we teach our children."

Michelle also lied in her speech when she said that "protesters" are protesting "peacefully". Michelle also supports abortion.

When Jesus spoke about not loving "the world", I believe he was speaking about people like Michelle Obama.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States

If we give the Oval Office, House and Senate to Democrats.., the Entire Country to Democrat Control... what's the worst that can happen?
St. Louis has been number 1 for years...war zone. 70 miles north of me. But usually Chicago is second or third.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I would imagine that some of you think that some of us are too hard on the Democrats. Several of us have mentioned that the Democratic platform includes support for abortion. Also, some of us have commented that the Obamas have both supported partial-birth abortion, getting back to the OP.

WARNING, THIS IS GRUESOME: Partial-birth abortion involves delivering the body of a late-term baby, that is, all but the head. In order to deliver the head of the baby, scissors are inserted into the base of the head. They are opened and closed repeatedly in order to shred the baby's brain so that the head is made small enough to be delivered.... The Obamas have both supported a woman's "right" to have this done to her baby.

How about this scenario? Let's say a teen-aged mom who is single decides that she cannot afford to feed her six-month old baby, and the baby is affecting her physical and emotional health. So, she chooses to take her baby to the nearest family planning clinic to have the baby's brain shredded by a scissors-wielding "health-care professional." How many people would have nice things to say about a politician who supports THIS barbaric practice??

How many on this forum would wonder why I would NEVER like a politician who supported a woman's right to have her six-month-old baby killed? No one would, right? But what's the difference in the two practices, REALLY? In the first scenario, a developed human baby is slaughtered. In the second, a developed human baby is slaughtered.

Have Christians become so desensitized to the fact that a human baby is killed in an abortion that we really don't think about all of the evil implications of this practice? That we don't have a problem saying nice things about politicians who support this? This saddens me beyond words. I can only imagine how much it grieves and infuriates our Heavenly Father, who created all human babies in His image.

BTW, I oppose ANY politician that I know supports abortion. Party doesn’t matter—Republicans, Democrats or independents.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Abortion is MURDER! That's one of the main Democrat platforms. They are getting RICH murdering unborn babies. Hard to imagine women protesting for the right to murder their own children! But it is true! These are truly the LAST days!
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