Michelle Obama's speech

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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
What you are overlooking is the fact that there is lot more white people than black. You need to look at the odds -- and black men are more likely to be killed by the police than whites. Yes, more whites get killed by the police, but there are more whites.

Not overlooking that fact at all. What you are overlooking is that 6% if the population commits about 50% of the violent crime. Thus police are more likely to be in areas where the crime is. Which means they will have more contacts with that population. When you look at the amount of crime vs contacts it's not an issue.

So my questions remain. How many shootings occur vs the amount of contacts. And how many involve people that are armed? You cannot understand the reality until you understand those things. If you don't understand those thing you will buy the false narrative. You will believe a lie. As Christians we are to seek the truth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
Why not let the FBI and local police forces do their jobs? Why not believe they will ferret out the guilty and arrest them? Why not believe our courts will prosecute the guilty and then send them to prison?

Why try to prosecute people on the internet?

I don't think I ever made the claim that "riots" are happening because of white supremacists. That would be a little crazy, wouldn't it?

The protests started over inappropriate police conduct in certain places. That's how things started. There were bad actors who saw that and they joined the protests, not to protest injustice but to create more injustice. There were criminals who saw the opportunity to loot and to destroy property. My guess is some of those were blacks filled with rage against whites. Then there were white racists who joined, wanting to make things bad enough that it sparked a race war.

You want to point a finger and say, "That side is worse than my side." Well, the other side says the same thing. I think both sides that encouraged violence are wrong. Both sides should be arrested, convicted and sent to prison. Peaceful protesters should not be -- but anyone else who wants to break the law or encourage others to needs to go to prison if you ask me.

Pointing fingers divides the country more. I'm not going to look at the crimes of the white nationalists and say, "Look how bad white people are." And I'm not going to look at the crimes of blacks during these protests and say, "See how bad black people are!" Pointing fingers is what both white nationalists and black nationalists want -- and yes, I think there may be some black nationalists enjoying and encouraging riots. They may be hoping to get their own country if white people say, "Racism can never be fixed -- let's just give the black people their own country so we can have some peace." Black nationalists don't mind if white people hate blacks -- they already believe it more or less -- and they'd love it if white people gave up on solving the problems of race and gave them their own country.

What many people may fail to see is that when something like Floyd's murder happens, it presents an opportunity for black nationalists. Some even like it when other blacks are victimized because they see it as a way to gain followers, as a way to gain influence and power and perhaps even their own country. So naive people are tempted to go demonstrate, never suspecting their ranks might be infiltrated by black nationalists who want to see violence done. Such naive people never suspect there could white nationalists pretending to be concerned about racism so they commit crimes and make the protesters look bad. Such naive people don't think that much about common criminals joining them. In my opinion, most protests are naive. I understand why good people want to protest, but they can be naive.
The left are the KINGS of finger pointing. That's all they have done. They are the ones that have pointed their finger at Trp his entire four years. They are the ones pointing their fingers at police, whites and conservatives. They are the ones pointing fingers at anyone who disagrees with them and trys to punish them.

The left is the one that seeks to divide our country into groups. Man you need to wake up.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
The Dem leaders nearly always accuse others of what they do! They get rich murdering unborn babies. If Trump wins again all Hell will break loose! The Left are murderers!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I would imagine that some of you think that some of us are too hard on the Democrats. Several of us have mentioned that the Democratic platform includes support for abortion. Also, some of us have commented that the Obamas have both supported partial-birth abortion, getting back to the OP.

WARNING, THIS IS GRUESOME: Partial-birth abortion involves delivering the body of a late-term baby, that is, all but the head. In order to deliver the head of the baby, scissors are inserted into the base of the head. They are opened and closed repeatedly in order to shred the baby's brain so that the head is made small enough to be delivered.... The Obamas have both supported a woman's "right" to have this done to her baby.

How about this scenario? Let's say teen-aged mom who is single decides that she cannot afford to feed her six-month old baby, and the baby is affecting her physical and emotional health. So, she chooses to take her baby to the nearest family planning clinic to have the baby's brain shredded by a scissors-wielding "health-care professional." How many people would have nice things to say about a politician who supports THIS barbaric practice??

How many on this forum would wonder why I would NEVER like a politician who supported a woman's right to have her six-month-old baby killed? No one would, right? But what's the difference in the two practices, REALLY? In the first scenario, a developed human baby is slaughtered. In the second, a developed human baby is slaughtered.

Have Christians become so desensitized to the fact that a human baby is killed in an abortion that we really don't think about all of the evil implications of this practice? That we don't have a problem saying nice things about politicians who support this? This saddens me beyond words. I can only imagine how much it grieves and infuriates our Heavenly Father, who created all human babies in His image.

it not just one thing! But on this one point they show they are the most blood-thirsty evil that walks. You threaten this death mill of innocence and you have protests outside the supreme court with idiots like Chuck Schumer yelling, "You have released the whirlwind!" Agents of Satan that march at his command. "Support lawlessness and anarchy!" And they march! "Support destruction, and looting, and arson, and assaults, and murder!" And they march! "Support criminals and hate the police!" And they march! "Disarm the public so they are defenseless against the lawless. And prosecute and persecute anyone that dares to defend themselves! And they march. "Destroy the integrity of the voting system so they can cheat and fraud their way into power!" And they march.

It is not obey the police and don't resist arrest....it is make sure you do exactly what the criminals tells you to do when they are robbing or assaulting you and your family.

Insanity rules!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
This world has gone insane and the Dem leaders are leading the way! If they can't get it their way they want to destroy all of us!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2020
central Florida
United States
This world has gone insane and the Dem leaders are leading the way! If they can't get it their way they want to destroy all of us!

Well, the world is and has been under the control of Satan from the beginning. Most of the world has been blinded by him and they unwittingly do his bidding.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Well, the world is and has been under the control of Satan from the beginning. Most of the world has been blinded by him and they unwittingly do his bidding.
No, not from the beginning. Only after Adam disobeyed God and ate the fruit....
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
I'm not disputing the valuable service SOME police provide, but just as in the Ministry, I would guess that some 80% are dishonest. They witness crimes (like some "ministers") and don't report then because of the "Thin Blue Line" (or "Thin White Collar"); they exceed their Constitutional authority and violate citizens rights (like some "ministers" exceed Scripture and are the "HEAD" of their church); etc., etc.

It's true in every branch of Government; true in the church; and true in Corporate America. And the ONLY SOLUTION is to START OVER with Jesus and the Millennial Kingdom, -- if we survive the Tribulation! :)

And I hope we survive!
Bobby Jo

Completely false. Studies have shown that police only use force in .04% of the time. That means they do not use for 99.06% of the time. Now in those .04% of the time force is used only .4% of the cases had excessive force used. That translates to 99.6% percent of the use of force applications were found to be excessive.

That is a TINY fraction of officers being involved in excessive force. So you are completely off base here. 99% of officer are good honest people.

Where your frustrations should lie is with police unions. Because they are the ones that protect those 1% of officers that need to be removed from the force or at least severely disciplined.

You too have fallen victim to the false leftist agenda to demonize police.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Completely false. Studies have shown that police only use force in .04% of the time. ...

Apparently you've never been given a speeding ticket (i.e., 49 in a 35) when you were doing the speed limit. And apparently you've never been accosted by an "officer" who was exceeding his authority and violating your Constitutional Rights. And apparently you've never seen Youtube Videos of people who have be ACCOSTED, ARRESTED, HANDCUFFED, FINGERPRINTED, and JAILED for NO CRIME.

In fact, just yesterday evening I ran across a Video where an officer cited a motorist for SPEEDING, -- but HE HADN'T BEEN SPEEDING. The Video had over ONE MILLION Views in a MONTH. So unless you live on another planet, there are citizens like myself who have not only EXPERIENCED criminal cops, but see other citizens experiencing the SAME UNLAWFUL CONDUCT.

So yeah -- cite a bogus statistic, but if DISHONEST POLICE were held accountable for their ABUSE OF POWER and being ARRESTED by HONEST COPS, we'd start seeing MORE HONEST COPS. :)

Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Completely false. Studies have shown that police only use force in .04% of the time. That means they do not use for 99.06% of the time. Now in those .04% of the time force is used only .4% of the cases had excessive force used. That translates to 99.6% percent of the use of force applications were found to be excessive.

That is a TINY fraction of officers being involved in excessive force. So you are completely off base here. 99% of officer are good honest people.

Where your frustrations should lie is with police unions. Because they are the ones that protect those 1% of officers that need to be removed from the force or at least severely disciplined.

You too have fallen victim to the false leftist agenda to demonize police.
Right on all counts. A law enforcement officer is much more likely to shoot a white man. Altercations require paperwork! lol
Most sensationalized police arrests involve large drugged up black men resisting arrest. If they steal bubble gum, then resist arrest, that is a serious crime. If they steal bubble gum and injure an officer that is a serious crime. Bottom line, once they choose to resist arrest, they are a criminal and the outcome is their fault.

There is no reason to expect law enforcement to risk life and limb taking a large drugged up black man into custody. There is no way to make that look like a pillow fight. If they choose to be violent, whatever happens is their fault. I do not want armed officers wrestling with a criminal...as soon as he starts resisting arrest he is instantly a criminal. I do not want officers using choke holds, batons, pepper spray, or tasers. I want them to step back away out of arms reach, and draw their weapons and let the criminal decide from there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
Apparently you've never been given a speeding ticket (i.e., 49 in a 35) when you were doing the speed limit. And apparently you've never been accosted by an "officer" who was exceeding his authority and violating your Constitutional Rights. And apparently you've never seen Youtube Videos of people who have be ACCOSTED, ARRESTED, HANDCUFFED, FINGERPRINTED, and JAILED for NO CRIME.

In fact, just yesterday evening I ran across a Video where an officer cited a motorist for SPEEDING, -- but HE HADN'T BEEN SPEEDING. The Video had over ONE MILLION Views in a MONTH. So unless you live on another planet, there are citizens like myself who have not only EXPERIENCED criminal cops, but see other citizens experiencing the SAME UNLAWFUL CONDUCT.

So yeah -- cite a bogus statistic, but if DISHONEST POLICE were held accountable for their ABUSE OF POWER and being ARRESTED by HONEST COPS, we'd start seeing MORE HONEST COPS. :)

Bobby Jo

Do you struggle with the acceptance of truth? It seems you do. You see NO ONE has made a claim that excessive force is never used. The TRUTH is, it is rare. I don't buy the narrative because it's a lie. Don't believe the lie.

Let me tell you a true story. We had an officer in our community stop a black woman for going 43 in a 25. She claimed she was not speeding and he pulled her over because she was black.
However the officer body camera showed that the radar registered the woman going 43 mph. TRUTH matters.

Please link to that speeding video you were talking about.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Right on all counts. ...

WRONG, in the fact that police can and do exceed their authority. They can and do lie to you to VIOLATE your Constitutional Rights. And they can and do ACCOST, HANDCUFF, ARREST, and IMPRISON people who have COMMITTED NO CRIME.

Take a look at what the FBI has done to Manafort, Flynn, Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Roger Stone, and a HOST of OTHERS. Their "prosecutions" were PERSECUTIONS. As such it's DISHONEST to both DEFEND all law enforcement, and to ATTACK all law enforcement. But until GOOD law enforcement starts arresting BAD law enforcement, -- we can't trust any of them.

So to prove the point, I challenge ANYONE to show me a Video where there are two officers, with one officer violating a citizens rights, and the second officer arresting the first officer (-- crossing the "Thin Blue Line" --). But I CAN show video's where an officer ARRESTED another officer for an offense, and the first officer was drummed out of the Police force.

Bobby Jo

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... Please link to that speeding video you were talking about.
BAD COPS NAMED KAREN LIE COPS CAUGHT BY BAIT CAR -- ("Bait Car", because he is a WELL KNOWN "First Amendment Auditor", and his car is equipped accordingly with cameras both front and rear.

Posted: Jul 19, 2020; 1,166,411 views = avg. of 32,400 views PER DAY
... and notice the dark blue Honda which crests the hill right behind him and is gaining on him at the onset of the video. Then at the end of the video, a SECOND cop tries to TRESPASS the motorist from the gas station and then lies about it to the Sergeant. (Beware of "coarse language")

And if you need more videos of Police harassing, exceeding their authority, lying, and arresting citizens who haven't committed a crime, there's THOUSANDS on Youtube now that phone cameras are EVERYWHERE. And cameras don't lie like people.

More "Discrepancies" between a Cop and a Dash Cam:
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=BQsDXREafv0 -- added "spaces"
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=BdQU_zv6Iqw -- added "spaces"
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=wAqaGewmC70 -- added "spaces"
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=CwSozhlshqc -- added "spaces"
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=ci3eC7T3uQ8 -- added "spaces"
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=zImch5oB5NQ -- added "spaces"
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=creSWKHcaDs -- added "spaces"

... and a GOOD cop arresting a BAD cop, and then being "threatened into quitting and got blacklisted":
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=lFwhw6BRHDo &
https:// www. sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/fl-sb-jane-watts-miami-case-20170208-story.html-- with added "spaces"

If you want MORE, just let me know! :)

It appears that my ticket was for being "white", having an Hispanic cop in an Hispanic State. There were NO OTHER vehicles on the road anywhere near me; there was a patrol car a block ahead of me; I was NOT ALLOWED to see the "radar"; and the officer was an obvious heavy user of steroids. And after the FALSE ticket I installed a "Dash Cam" in each of my three vehicles, but NOT on the "Dash". They're all installed on the Dome Light, which sees my speedometer, turn signals, seat belt light, and MY HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEL. -- All because of criminal cops.

SOME cops are "over-achievers"/"racists"/"angry"/etc. and write tickets because they can, -- justified or not.
Bobby Jo
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Do you struggle with the acceptance of truth? ...
Do you struggle with the acceptance of CONTEXT? -- You cite "excessive force" as the standard; but I cite the CONSTITUTION as the standard. If a police officer oversteps his authority and violates my Constitutional Rights, then that cop is a CRIMINAL. And ALL Criminals need to be ARRESTED and PROSECUTED, just as any "civilian" criminal.

I guess the "good" thing is that we're seeing the same response as evidenced in 1776; but the "bad" news is that we're seeing the same response as evidenced in 1776! :)

Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
WRONG, in the fact that police can and do exceed their authority. They can and do lie to you to VIOLATE your Constitutional Rights. And they can and do ACCOST, HANDCUFF, ARREST, and IMPRISON people who have COMMITTED NO CRIME.

Take a look at what the FBI has done to Manafort, Flynn, Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Roger Stone, and a HOST of OTHERS. Their "prosecutions" were PERSECUTIONS. As such it's DISHONEST to both DEFEND all law enforcement, and to ATTACK all law enforcement. But until GOOD law enforcement starts arresting BAD law enforcement, -- we can't trust any of them.

So to prove the point, I challenge ANYONE to show me a Video where there are two officers, with one officer violating a citizens rights, and the second officer arresting the first officer (-- crossing the "Thin Blue Line" --). But I CAN show video's where an officer ARRESTED another officer for an offense, and the first officer was drummed out of the Police force.

Bobby Jo
Criminal and crooked Police
Criminal and crooked politicians
Criminal and crooked preachers

Your challenge! That is funny! How old are you?
If you are paying attention you would know that good deeds are in the minority on the 5 0' clock news.
Now with smart phones the same is true...how many good things have law enforcement done...people do not follow them around recording all the good things they do. It is kinda like when the Republicans do something bad it is big news, but when the democrats mess up it aaahhh, no big deal, that is their character, you have to expect that from them.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Criminal and croaked Police ...

Definition of crooked | Dictionary.com
[ krook-id for 1-4, 6; krookt for 5 ]
not straight; bending; curved:a crooked path.
askew; awry:The picture on the wall seems to be crooked.
deformed:a man with a crooked back.
not straightforward; dishonest.
bent and often raised or moved to one side, as a finger or neck.
(of a coin) polygonal:a crooked sixpence.​

... but I kinda like the choice of YOUR word BETTER:

[ krohk ]
verb (used without object)
to utter a low-pitched, harsh cry, as the sound of a frog or a raven.
to speak with a low, rasping voice.
Slang. to die.
verb (used with object)
to utter or announce by croaking.
Slang. to kill.
the act or sound of croaking.​

What an unintelligent individual!
Bobby Jo
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