Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
I have a suggestion for you, my dear troll. Why don’t you stick with commenting on your fuzzy-headed PM rather than thinking you know so much about American politics. Just a friendly suggestion. :)

I am not commenting on American politics, just the involvement of individuals on the difference between facts and fraud.
If it is true believers in the US are happy to lie, commit sedition and plot rebellion because they do not like a political group who legitimately are voted into office, I am called to testify to these folk before the Lord the sin they are committing.

It is better to fall into the hands of man than the hands of the Lord.
It is truly a sad day when corruption of peoples hearts goes so far they cannot tell the difference between right and wrong, respect and truth.

Qannon is a prime example of delusion and insanity. Pedophilia is unfortunately so wide spread, it is impossible to prosecute or resolve, rather it is a social issue that needs to be identified and contained. Making this political is like making any issue that effects whole populations linked to how you vote is absurd and dangerous. And make no mistake anything you throw at me is nothing compared to what believers have accused me of when I was speaking of love and faith in Jesus. And the sad reality is, people on this forum will have been abused as children and some may be struggling with being conflicted over these issues. Thankfully my kids have had no situations they have had to cope with, but I have met enough who have been harmed to know how devastating this is.

How can any christian group claim to know the light of life and walk in this way?
I would go further, talking theology is simple, living it out is where reality actually is.

I have learnt so many walk in sin as if the Lord is happy with them, and they are superior to other people and groups, when in their hypocrisy they are just the same. I have interacted with people who claimed to know Jesus, been ministers yet denied Jesus called them to forgive and love all, or even that Jesus loved them by dying upon the cross as the depth of His love and power to redeem us. To them faith was a distant thing but spiritual gifts and miracles the reality. Others have been rabid racists who would swear and curse given a chance and thought of Christ like a warrior fighting in the trenches against the hordes of unbelievers.

But in Christ to witness that is what we do. We stand on His word and let His light shine above the worlds ways and its desires.
And to anybody with any sense, to the church we must go and share the words they claim to hold dear. But for many they will be trampled under foot as their salt has lost its saltiness.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
I am keeping an eye on this thread because I want to see how that Texas lawsuit pans out... and of course... I'm waiting to see if the prophets got it right... LOL

There is a large irony here. I can imagine the chaos that will arise if the Supreme Court tries to say 10% of the electorate should be ignored and have their vote taken from them. The pressure to avoid a massive dispute is in some ways simple. Delay coming to a conclusion and work through the points step by step. There are some serious constitutional issues that have never been truly addressed for 2 hundred years, and also an assumption of confirmation of a fair vote, no matter how slandered and lied about.

The overtones are also racist. Vast black, latino and other communities have voted democrat, yet their vote is accused to be fraudulent, while the predominantly white populations are facing no such challenge. Further still the white old male voters are passed it, has beens, from a past era that actually has no future. Unfortunately the supreme court is embedded in this group and not the more open optimistic and idealistic youth of today and their aspirations for a better tomorrow. It can be seen that the population shifts mean even Texas will go blue a few elections from now, so whatever the outcome now, you cannot role back what is happening. By then maybe 25% of the old folk will be gone anyway.

The last hurrah before the plunge to meet the Lord.

As far as being called a troll, can you hear the sound of a decisive argument or deep insight that puts me in my place? I hear silence and a desperate prayer for deliverance, except the messiah they are praying for is Trump. If they see Jesus in Trump, can they see Jesus at all?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
That Texas is affected by the election is without doubt.

But Texas doesn't get a say in how Pennsylvania changes or doesn't change their Election laws.
That's the standing that is what is shakey.

A State can challenge another State on a matter of Constitutional integrity that affects the challenging State.

Now that Pennsylvania has signed on with a friend of the court brief does give weight to this. Several of the Battleground states have done so...but they haven't filed a lawsuit themselves...which is the problem. If they definitely got a case worthy of being heard.

There no problem of other states not filing law suits. Amici Curiae is a Lawful and sufficient means for other states information to be heard and considered.

I can't suit McDonald's over the happy meal they served my neighbor. I have no standing in the case... even if my neighbor got so angry they woke me up from their fit of anger over the happy meal.

I haven't any reason to believe your scenario would carry any consideration in the courts.

However the Several States Representatives have a bound duty to Represent their citizens against other States over reaching their bounds of authority that cause harm to an other States citizens.

Impriorities of any unlawful nature in a Federal Election Effects Citizens of all of the Several States.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
I haven't any reason to believe your scenario would carry any consideration in the courts.

This is the very definition of being without standing...

That's why the case may go unheard. Now if citizens or officials of these states had gone through the process that Texas has...good chance it would get heard...and their filings would suggest that they would have if they thought of it in enough time. (Plenty of whispered discussions going on through third parties and smokey back rooms)

Look at today's date
Look at when the electoral college meets...

Tick tock.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Possibly because Trump has feared they might be needed to closer to home if domestic unrest erupted due to his challenging the election results. He took similar measures to protect the White House itself.

Time will tell if these dreams were from God, but they suggest the globalists are going to try and interfere with the Texas case. They are not meeting person to person because of Covid-19, but are doing so via conference call. Should communications be tampered with, it could effect how they decide on the case, or at the very least delay it (your "food" order). The military marching out to a weird tune suggests they will not be needed because there will be no unrest. The Supreme Court will decide against Texas, and the election will not be overturned.

Just a guess on first look, and no guarantee they are from God. But that's the general suggestion.
Trump has been saying he will use the military to distribute the vaccine.. face of fauci?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I am not commenting on American politics, just the involvement of individuals on the difference between facts and fraud.
If it is true believers in the US are happy to lie, commit sedition and plot rebellion because they do not like a political group who legitimately are voted into office, I am called to testify to these folk before the Lord the sin they are committing.

It is better to fall into the hands of man than the hands of the Lord.
It is truly a sad day when corruption of peoples hearts goes so far they cannot tell the difference between right and wrong, respect and truth.

Qannon is a prime example of delusion and insanity. Pedophilia is unfortunately so wide spread, it is impossible to prosecute or resolve, rather it is a social issue that needs to be identified and contained. Making this political is like making any issue that effects whole populations linked to how you vote is absurd and dangerous. And make no mistake anything you throw at me is nothing compared to what believers have accused me of when I was speaking of love and faith in Jesus. And the sad reality is, people on this forum will have been abused as children and some may be struggling with being conflicted over these issues. Thankfully my kids have had no situations they have had to cope with, but I have met enough who have been harmed to know how devastating this is.

How can any christian group claim to know the light of life and walk in this way?
I would go further, talking theology is simple, living it out is where reality actually is.

I have learnt so many walk in sin as if the Lord is happy with them, and they are superior to other people and groups, when in their hypocrisy they are just the same. I have interacted with people who claimed to know Jesus, been ministers yet denied Jesus called them to forgive and love all, or even that Jesus loved them by dying upon the cross as the depth of His love and power to redeem us. To them faith was a distant thing but spiritual gifts and miracles the reality. Others have been rabid racists who would swear and curse given a chance and thought of Christ like a warrior fighting in the trenches against the hordes of unbelievers.

But in Christ to witness that is what we do. We stand on His word and let His light shine above the worlds ways and its desires.
And to anybody with any sense, to the church we must go and share the words they claim to hold dear. But for many they will be trampled under foot as their salt has lost its saltiness.

God bless you
You must know a lot of Communists

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Why are you always on the attack? ...

2 Tim. 4:2 preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. 3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths.

I'm not trying to keep you from your foolishness, -- but keeping OTHERS from following your ill considered example. So go your way, and receive your "reward". :)
Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
The Clintons and the Bidens have been into one scandal after another. This whole system of election fraud and dominion's control of votes was probably the reason that Obama was elected. It certainly was not because of his accomplishments or reputation...most people had never heard of him before he was elected and even his placement in Chicago politics was a series of scams. It is the political, name it and claim it sin.

The Dominion system and systems like them were probably responsible for converting other countries to communism or dictatorships. My son works with some Venezuelan doctors that made it out and are still trying to get their families out. A very sad story.
Very sad. :(
Yes, I think this election steal is not unique. Rather, I believe it is simply the first time the actors in the scam were so self assured they'd get away with it yet again that they didn't care if it was patently obvious. They believe themselves untouchable.

No one could rightly believe Joe Biden, a racist, garnered more black votes in this election than did BHO.
But it is that illusion yet again that is what made those false numbers appear. Thinking that people will believe it and as such concede Biden couldn't be a racist if the black voters gave him that much trust. And besides, just look at his VP choice!
Identity politics. Not unique either.

The world is watching this too. Imagine what their leaders are thinking. Especially if they've ever watched Joe Biden try to put a cogent sentence together and fail. That's going to be the leader of the most powerful nation on earth? A man that introduced himself in one of his basement filmed campaign messages as Joe Biden's husband? And he'll have the nuclear launch codes? :eek::confused:

WATCH: Angry Joe Biden Nearly Falls Over After Being Startled by His Wife Jill


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
I don't know if you have seen the Documentary by Dinesh D'Souza called Hillary's America.
There is a New one called the Trump Card but it hasn't been released free on YT yet.
You can buy or rent it for like $5. My wallet tells me I need to wait lol

But this is free .. so far.
Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Documentary Film
1HR 45 Min
That's great to put out there so people are aware. Thank you. Imagine America had she won the election.

I've heard of this documentary. I checked and they have a copy at the local library that I'll be borrowing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
That's great to put out there so people are aware. Thank you. Imagine America had she won the election.

I've heard of this documentary. I checked and they have a copy at the local library that I'll be borrowing.
You can watch it at that link. if you want, it's free on youtube
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
That's great to put out there so people are aware. Thank you. Imagine America had she won the election.

I've heard of this documentary. I checked and they have a copy at the local library that I'll be borrowing.

The video in Ziggy's post on my side has a message the page is not able to be loaded. This video link is something my security settings allows me to view. I'm posting it in case anyone else had the same issue with their browser.
I want to get the DVD from the library to see if there are extras too.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Trump has been saying he will use the military to distribute the vaccine.. face of fauci?
I admit I don't like the sound of that. Use the military to distribute the vaccine?

I remember this back in March when this whole thing was getting underway:
The U.S. military is gearing up to fight the novel coronavirus, which is spreading rapidly across the U.S. Plans include deployment of hospital ships as overflow for hospitals, allocation of critical medical supplies and research in military labs on development of treatment and a vaccine. Judy Woodruff speaks with Defense Secretary Mark Esper about these efforts and keeping service members safe.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I admit I don't like the sound of that. Use the military to distribute the vaccine?

I remember this back in March when this whole thing was getting underway:
The U.S. military is gearing up to fight the novel coronavirus, which is spreading rapidly across the U.S. Plans include deployment of hospital ships as overflow for hospitals, allocation of critical medical supplies and research in military labs on development of treatment and a vaccine. Judy Woodruff speaks with Defense Secretary Mark Esper about these efforts and keeping service members safe.
There is NO good reason for the military to be involved. I’m very concerned about this.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
There is NO good reason for the military to be involved. I’m very concerned about this.
Same here.
Hopefully President Trump will elaborate in the coming days.

Per the drug this doctor is referring to: "...if you take it you will not get sick." This drug won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for helping to heal people with parasitic infections. And this is what this doctor is saying is deeply effective in helping those with Covid-19.
Ivermectin Uses, Side Effects & Warnings -

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I’ve been watching the state hearings. One thing I’m hearing over and over from the people observing the ballot counting in the battleground states is that things are happening this year that they have not seen before. These are experienced observers and even some poll managers. I’m hoping the legislatures and courts will take their testimonies seriously.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
That's why the case may go unheard. Now if citizens or officials of these states had gone through the process that Texas has...good chance it would get heard...and their filings would suggest that they would have if they thought of it in enough time. (Plenty of whispered discussions going on through third parties and smokey back rooms)

Look at today's date
Look at when the electoral college meets...

Tick tock.

Maybe you could give the Court a call and give them your Tick tock message...


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
There is NO good reason for the military to be involved. I’m very concerned about this.
It is unlawful for the DOD/Military/or any other FEDERAL government entity, under peacetime conditions, to even vaccinate civilians who consent to take it. Now under a State of Emergency they can perform this act. And we do have a standing SOE signed by Trump in the Spring, for this COVID. So they technically can do this, and if they do it, it will be considered or viewed as a type of Federal coercion, leading into a potential near-future martial law or military junta.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
Well, you saw it a little. Believe me, I can be even scarier. I had to be when I taught 8th graders in public school. ;)

Truth is I get annoyed by you at times,.. BUT you have your good points too and I actually don't think you mean to be what's the word for it,.. angry about everything? I think you should leave that for when it matters like with all that's going on in this country today be angry at that and take your anger out on that. I think that's a lot more important than say whoever likes Halloween, Harry Potter,.. and petty stuff like that. (Cause it really should be petty when we're facing the possibility of another Civil War.)
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