Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
I believe, especially being a Christian, one has to privately go the way of their inner spirit, as it calls and directs them. I really do try to keep politics out of my mind when it comes to assessing the climate of the type of leadership in the country where I live. I listen to both my mind and my heart, the spirit of Christ. And then there is sometimes no real reply for direction.

APAK... I really appreciate this post... It is the first time I have felt you to speak from the heart... and I respect what you have said... Being Canadian... and on top of that a Canadian who purposely does NOT involve herself in politics.... I have found myself so very baffled and confused over this Trump phenomenon... and I am guilty of getting caught up in the wonder of it all... I have spent the last four years trying to figure out how on earth... a rich celebrity made it to the position of president of the United States... When Trump first got elected... I knew NOTHING of him... Over these last four years... I have heard many of his speeches/comments at press conferences... and my opinion of him was FORMED from what I have seen. The fact that he is most certainly a narcissist causes me to cringe inside.. yet it is no secret that many SUCCESSFUL business CEO's possess this "condition". Some would call it ruthless/determined... I simply call it appalling and unacceptable... especially in a man who is supposed to be the LEADER of a nation. I have found Mr. Trump to be a DICTATOR... and although he did fight to keep the economy running and open... He totally ignored the pandemic... stating that it would magically disappear... and then he politicized mask wearing.

Anyways... It is a sad state of affairs... and I can't see how any outcome is going to make a difference at this point... So much damage has been done... America as you have known it is GONE... No matter who officially becomes president on January 20th... there is going to be a civil unrest to the point of perhaps a civil war. I think things are WAY PAST the point of TRYING to SAVE America.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
It certainly has been an ugly business within the church... and it is truly astonishing ( as Beth Moore has worded it )... to watch what is happening at this time. I have no idea who Tom Starnes is... however... I do know of Beth Moore.
The saddest thing in this whole mess is that satan has succeeded ( quite easily ) in absolutely dividing the church... ( as if doctrinal differences weren't bad enough )... and he used POLITICS to do it.That is a sad statement about Christianity I think.

I have heard so many on these forums rant and rave about protecting their freedoms... and rights... yet they refuse to RESPECT the freedoms and rights of their brothers and sisters in Christ who are unable to support Mr. Trump. Those who refuse to accept Mr. Trump are suddenly the enemy...It seems rather hypocritical to me.
You haven’t been on this forum very long, have you? Perhaps this explains why you have it all wrong. The Christians who have shown any support for Trump’s policies are the ones being trashed. We’re told that real Christians couldn’t possibly support him in any way. I have felt like I need a disclaimer every time I say anything positive about his policies. “I know that Trump is rude........, but he’s had some great policies that support the unborn and Israel and religious freedoms and patriotism.......”

PLEASE, give us a break!!!!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
You haven’t been on this forum very long, have you? Perhaps this explains why you have it all wrong. The Christians who have shown any support for Trump’s policies are the ones being trashed. We’re told that real Christians couldn’t possibly support him in any way. I have felt like I need a disclaimer every time I say anything positive about his policies. “I know that Trump is rude........, but he’s had some great policies that support the unborn and Israel and religious freedoms and patriotism.......”

PLEASE, give us a break!!!!!!!!

No.. I have not been on these forums long.... Why or How you equate that to ME being WRONG... seems to be theme... LOL
I am observing... and sometimes I make comments... My comments are respectful.. and they are honest... It's not my style to
demean others for their opinions.

I don't care who voted for who... the bashing is happening on BOTH sides. I respect that many Christians voted for Trump.
I just don't understand it is all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
No.. I have not been on these forums long.... Why or How you equate that to ME being WRONG... seems to be theme... LOL
I am observing... and sometimes I make comments... My comments are respectful.. and they are honest... It's not my style to
demean others for their opinions.

I don't care who voted for who... the bashing is happening on BOTH sides. I respect that many Christians voted for Trump.
I just don't understand it is all.

The description of satan is the father of lies.
I have a problem with anybody whose main means of communication is by lying about themselves and everyone else. No christian can support such an approach because it is the opposite of following Jesus and the Kingdom.

I would say the policies or principles are irrelevant, because the individual involved is totally compromised. Roger Stone made a name for himself by recognising lying and making an issue about everything to a lying degree gained attention and support. I cannot think of a more satanic approach one could invent.

It therefore worries me any group who would call themselves as knowing Jesus align themselves with this strategy. They have no spiritual discernment at all.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
It therefore worries me any group who would call themselves as knowing Jesus align themselves with this strategy. They have no spiritual discernment at all.

You have read enough of my posts to KNOW how I feel about Trump.... I have read enough of your posts to know that we are on the same page.
You have been one of the posters that has broken things down in a way that I could at least understand... perhaps it's because we both communicate in similar ways... for the most part.

Spiritual discernment is something I find lacking also... When I think of all the Christians who follow and believe in the Word of Faith and Prosperity gospels... I CRINGE and WONDER how it can be.... This bothers me WAY more than those who voted for someone in a SECULAR office. The president has no obligation to carry himself as a Christian... What has occurred in the American political arena these last 4 years is nothing short of appalling... I don't think anyone can argue otherwise.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
You have read enough of my posts to KNOW how I feel about Trump.... I have read enough of your posts to know that we are on the same page.
You have been one of the posters that has broken things down in a way that I could at least understand... perhaps it's because we both communicate in similar ways... for the most part.

Spiritual discernment is something I find lacking also... When I think of all the Christians who follow and believe in the Word of Faith and Prosperity gospels... I CRINGE and WONDER how it can be.... This bothers me WAY more than those who voted for someone in a SECULAR office. The president has no obligation to carry himself as a Christian... What has occurred in the American political arena these last 4 years is nothing short of appalling... I don't think anyone can argue otherwise.
Lol, throw in the kitchen sink, why don’t you?? Who said anything about WOF in this thread? Stop judging.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Lol...well he does speak truth of His Word but sometimes flavors it with "vinegar" making it hard to swallow.:D
Hugs BJ, I am not picking on you, I promise!:)
Yup, vinegar is a good germ killer. But if you’re trying to catch flies, they say honey works better. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Lol, throw in the kitchen sink, why don’t you?? Who said anything about WOF in this thread? Stop judging.

It was a direct comment to Follow Him.... the last time I checked... conversations are allowed... YES ?? I do not tell you what to say... Please give me the same courtesy... I was not talking to you.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
APAK... I really appreciate this post... It is the first time I have felt you to speak from the heart... and I respect what you have said... Being Canadian... and on top of that a Canadian who purposely does NOT involve herself in politics.... I have found myself so very baffled and confused over this Trump phenomenon... and I am guilty of getting caught up in the wonder of it all... I have spent the last four years trying to figure out how on earth... a rich celebrity made it to the position of president of the United States... When Trump first got elected... I knew NOTHING of him... Over these last four years... I have heard many of his speeches/comments at press conferences... and my opinion of him was FORMED from what I have seen. The fact that he is most certainly a narcissist causes me to cringe inside.. yet it is no secret that many SUCCESSFUL business CEO's possess this "condition". Some would call it ruthless/determined... I simply call it appalling and unacceptable... especially in a man who is supposed to be the LEADER of a nation. I have found Mr. Trump to be a DICTATOR... and although he did fight to keep the economy running and open... He totally ignored the pandemic... stating that it would magically disappear... and then he politicized mask wearing.

Anyways... It is a sad state of affairs... and I can't see how any outcome is going to make a difference at this point... So much damage has been done... America as you have known it is GONE... No matter who officially becomes president on January 20th... there is going to be a civil unrest to the point of perhaps a civil war. I think things are WAY PAST the point of TRYING to SAVE America.

The rift within the US is most definitely real, and started way before Trump. I believe he amplified it x10, and not that he is a racist and all the other phrases launched at him. Now talk about politics. That is the lies of politics talking from the extreme left in this country, and then the neutral Democrats and even Rhino Republicans just conveniently chimed in and joined the 'political' liars.

You know I also just knew of Trump as a type of showboat and was very indifferent about him as a person. I knew that he went bankrupt in the early 1990s and then became business savvy and very successful. I thought he had not a prayer when I heard he was running for the President. And then I learned over time before and when he was elected what he actually stood surprised me in a very good way. I never thought he was a savior. I'm never that desperate and too over-concerned about world affairs. I just knew I was tired of the elitist Presidents, like especially the Bushes and Clinton. Trump was in heart a commoner and a populist, although in the world he was a very competitive wealthy man. You know that the US has never had a populist President before. Jennings, of the later 19th century came close and then was cheated out if his election/Presidency...for another story.

I bet in Canada as in other countries, especially of a great Anglo-Saxon influence, all the PMs have never been populists? They have be part of the elite, everyone of them. And you know when you are raised and taught that this is what a PM should look like and act like then you become conditioned for the elite and not your fellow citizens, and ignorant of the truth.

I believe that with the introduction of Biden, Americans especially can see that he represents the elite, the so-called global agenda today, and not the individual person that has God-given rights. Why cannot a person live with the hope of prosperity, decent living and peace of mind to live for God?

If you do not mind me saying so, the Trudeau family have always been socialists eager for the birth of a NWO. And believe me, I did not think this up just now, because of the current situation. I knew this years ago...I guess I've been spoiled living the the US.

Even though NZ was great for me individually growing up, the best place in my books, the government since the 80s took a nose dive and has succumb to socialists and even radical greens and communist elements. Not good for me as I'm a conservative Christian man, who wants to still shake hands, and say hello to you on the street to pick you up even though the receiver might think why don't you mind your own business.

If America is gone today or ready to drop, then Canada, UK, NZ and OZ and Europe were already gone and never knew they were dead already...just saying

Thanks for listening,,,APAK
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
If America is gone today or ready to drop, then Canada, UK, NZ and OZ and Europe were already gone and never knew they were dead already...just saying
There is no doubt that America has always been the leader of the free world. As goes the USA so go all the other Western nations.

But the rot began after Reagan.
All the politicians decided to become globalists and essentially traitors, and not one of then had the perception or wisdom to see that (1) the Cold War was not over and (2) China had every intention of dominating the West and the world. The recent massive cyber attack by Russia is proof that the Cold War is now cyberwarfare. The recent virus attack by China shows that the Chinese threat is now biowarfare to destroy the West and take control of the rest of the world.

1. Then along came Radical Islam, and all the Western nations simply threw their doors wide open to Muslims, and mosques were established by the hundreds of thousands in the West, while Christians and churches were banned in Muslim lands.

2. Then along came massive migrant invasion, and once again all the Western nations threw their doors open to illegal immigration. This not only undermined the laws of the land, but destroyed Western and Christian values since it was Muslims who predominated.

3. Then along came the Wuhan virus, and once again, all the Western nations decided to use that as an excuse to rob the free citizens of their freedoms. Thus everything that was bogus became reality, and reality and truth were suppressed on all sides.

4. Then along came the massive election fraud in the USA, and the courts (including the Supreme Court) outright refused to address this major crime. American citizens expected Trump to use his presidential authority to rectify this situation with the Insurrection Act, but today he has tweeted (imagine tweeting about such things) that "martial law = fake news". In other words, he has failed to act decisively and will not take drastic action.

Thus the whole world has gone into Soviet-style totalitarianism and Bolshevism, and every Constitution has been trashed. This is all in preparation for the take over of the whole world by the Antichrist.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
If you do not mind me saying so, the Trudeau family have always been socialists eager for the birth of a NWO. And believe me, I did not think this up just now, because of the current situation. I knew this years ago...I guess I've been spoiled living the the US.

Oh my goodness... APAK!!!!!!!! You are talking to someone who knows NOTHING about politics.. and you have left me with a smorgasbord of information.. most of which I do not understand... LOL

I had to look up the word populist... So... Trump was a president for the common man... the regular working class... This is obviously what got him elected... as well as the fact that no one wanted Hillary. I absolutely understand voting for someone with FRESH EYES so to speak... He was not a career politician... he was not an elite... YET he was an ELITE.. because he was wealthy.

Anyways... I think I understand that part. I appreciate that Trump perhaps did some wonderful things for America... as well as for Israel... and to be honest... what he did for Israel is the ONLY thing I had to hesitate on regarding if this was WORTH all the nastiness that came from these four years of TRUMP. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem was HUGE... His support of Christian values. I really truly understand this... and perhaps that truly is ALL that matters... and should be how one "should" vote... policy over personality.
I don't have a problem with people who voted for him.... I just have a problem with him... his personality... his behaviour... and his rhetoric...

He is the one responsible for all the divisiveness in my opinion... One of his first agendas at the beginning was to build the WALL... and make the Mexican's pay for it... He is the one who made an ENEMY out of the press... His condescending remarks... his dismissive statements... He could have TRIED to work WITH the press... but right from the get-go... he decided to make a platform of FAKE NEWS.

Anyways... as far as my country... ( just to show you that I am not simply bashing your government )... my government is no better... YES... Trudeau is a socialist... I am not familiar with all these terms... but Canada is a big open pasture... come one.. come all... and meanwhile.. we can't even take care of our own... I may not be interested in politics.. but I do have some understanding of the bigger picture.

But I don't vote... I never have... because I have never been able to make that compromise of the lesser of two evils... I forfeit my right to complain or give opinion to how my country is run... because I don't serve my country... I don't believe in my country's agenda... I do not understand why it always has to be.... a good guy and a bad guy.... Why is Biden the one that ran against Trump? or Hillary against Donald? Is there no one in the middle that can run for such a position?

Anyways... I am unable to have a deep conversation about the intimate details of how politics work... I do thank you for taking the time to address me... Ironically I had put you on IGNORE for some reason awhile back... I'm glad that I took you off. Blessings to you.
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
There is no doubt that America has always been the leader of the free world. As goes the USA so go all the other Western nations.

But the rot began after Reagan.
All the politicians decided to become globalists and essentially traitors, and not one of then had the perception or wisdom to see that (1) the Cold War was not over and (2) China had every intention of dominating the West and the world. The recent massive cyber attack by Russia is proof that the Cold War is now cyberwarfare. The recent virus attack by China shows that the Chinese threat is now biowarfare to destroy the West and take control of the rest of the world.

1. Then along came Radical Islam, and all the Western nations simply threw their doors wide open to Muslims, and mosques were established by the hundreds of thousands in the West, while Christians and churches were banned in Muslim lands.

2. Then along came massive migrant invasion, and once again all the Western nations threw their doors open to illegal immigration. This not only undermined the laws of the land, but destroyed Western and Christian values since it was Muslims who predominated.

3. Then along came the Wuhan virus, and once again, all the Western nations decided to use that as an excuse to rob the free citizens of their freedoms. Thus everything that was bogus became reality, and reality and truth were suppressed on all sides.

4. Then along came the massive election fraud in the USA, and the courts (including the Supreme Court) outright refused to address this major crime. American citizens expected Trump to use his presidential authority to rectify this situation with the Insurrection Act, but today he has tweeted (imagine tweeting about such things) that "martial law = fake news". In other words, he has failed to act decisively and will not take drastic action.

Thus the whole world has gone into Soviet-style totalitarianism and Bolshevism, and every Constitution has been trashed. This is all in preparation for the take over of the whole world by the Antichrist.
You hit the nail on the head! We really need to see with our spiritual eyes what this is all about. I keep telling people to stop worrying about what is happening in the world....instead focus on friends and family to bring them into the Kingdom of God while they still can.
To keep a constant attitude of prayer and repentance...
To separate from the world as much as possible and let God be our source that we trust to supply our every need and to cover us with His protection against the enemy who is out to kill, steal and destroy us.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
You hit the nail on the head! We really need to see with our spiritual eyes what this is all about. I keep telling people to stop worrying about what is happening in the world....instead focus on friends and family to bring them into the Kingdom of God while they still can.
To keep a constant attitude of prayer and repentance...
To separate from the world as much as possible and let God be our source that we trust to supply our every need and to cover us with His protection against the enemy who is out to kill, steal and destroy us.

This is beautifully stated... and after reading this... I really do think I have made too many comments on the issue of the American election... I have truly tried to understand certain things and I have failed... I will do as you have suggested.... pull back... pray... and repent.
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
He is the one responsible for all the divisiveness in my opinion... One of his first agendas at the beginning was to build the WALL... and make the Mexican's pay for it... He is the one who made an ENEMY out of the press... His condescending remarks... his dismissive statements... He could have TRIED to work WITH the press... but right from the get-go... he decided to make a platform of FAKE NEWS.
That's really impossible for one person to be responsible for all the divisiveness....Obama did a pretty good job with his comments as well....but the people who involve themselves to be divisive are ultimately responsible.
I hope you get my point here....someone can say something offensive but the one who takes offense and acts on it are the ones flaming it and escalating it beyond reason.
Proverbs is so full of wisdom...
Prov 17 (NKJV)
⁹ He who covers a transgression seeks love, But he who repeats a matter separates friends.
¹⁰ Rebuke is more effective for a wise man Than a hundred blows on a fool.
¹¹ An evil man seeks only rebellion; Therefore a cruel messenger will be sent against him.
¹² Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs, Rather than a fool in his folly.
¹³ Whoever rewards evil for good, Evil will not depart from his house.
¹⁴ The beginning of strife is like releasing water; Therefore stop contention before a quarrel starts.
¹⁵ He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, Both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord.

¹⁹ He who loves transgression loves strife, And he who exalts his gate seeks destruction.

God Bless!


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
That's really impossible for one person to be responsible for all the divisiveness....Obama did a pretty good job with his comments as well....but the people who involve themselves to be divisive are ultimately responsible.
I hope you get my point here....someone can say something offensive but the one who takes offense and acts on it are the ones flaming it and escalating it beyond reason.
Proverbs is so full of wisdom...
Prov 17 (NKJV)

If you read the post I quoted you on... I have taken heed to your words... and will no longer be commenting about the election.
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
This is beautifully stated... and after reading this... I really do think I have made too many comments on the issue of the American election... I have truly tried to understand certain things and I have failed... I will do as you have suggested.... pull back... pray... and repent.
Thank you's what He has continued to say to me for years....always reminding me the battle belongs to Him and all He needs from me is to stay faithful to the end...faithful to do as His Word commands and as He leads me.
God Bless
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
If you read the post I quoted you on... I have taken heed to your words... and will no longer be commenting about the election.
I am not condemning you sister, my intention is to continually redirect the mindset that the enemy traps us into...and to see who is really and truly behind all this evil.
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