Civil War Wednesday?

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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Very good question seeing that the power grids are not one giant thing but individual power companies and many locally owned. Not to mention solar power many places that are not connected to any grid
I have heard over the years that U.S. power grids are very interconnected and vulnerable to attack. Sadly, I don’t know that any president has tried to remedy the situation.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
As an electrician who has worked on power grid...

This isn't's still very much a manual thing.

Monitoring is done by telecom but switching is not.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
As an electrician who has worked on power grid...

This isn't's still very much a manual thing.

Monitoring is done by telecom but switching is not.

General: America’s Power Grid Vulnerable to Electronic Attack

Government, military, industry huddle to address growing EMP, other electronic threats

Bill Gertz - MAY 3, 2019 5:00 AM

A senior Air Force general is warning that America's electrical power grid is vulnerable to electronic attacks ranging from nuclear-produced electromagnetic pulse, to tactical electronic weapons from China or Russia, to geomagnetic storms—all of which can plunge the nation into darkness.

Air Force Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast, commander of the Air Education and Training Command in San Antonio, Texas, issued the warning in a telephone interview during a conference earlier this week that brought together experts to find ways to protect against what the military is calling the electromagnetic spectrum, or EMS, threat.

"The American people need to understand that we built western civilization on electricity and information," Kwast said. "Whether it's our 4G LTE and our cell phones, or whether it's our energy grid, electricity and information are the magic sauce for economic development, economic growth, and the vibrancy of our economy."

The infrastructure to support electrical power and information transmission were built without consideration of electronic or other types of attacks, he said.

"But we see evidence of China and Russia looking at that as a vulnerability in American society and we have to be mindful of that," the three-star general said.

Kwast was among some 300 experts who took part in an Air Force-hosted summit on electromagnetic spectrum threats at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama that ended Wednesday. The conference participants included some of the nation's most experienced government and private sector specialists on electronic threats, as well as international experts.

The conference was part of the Electromagnetic Defense Task Force that is aligned with President Trump's directive announced last month aimed at strengthening the nation against electromagnetic attacks or events.

As the conference was meeting, an electric power industry lobbying group published a report based on what it said was a three-year investigation of EMP. The report sought to minimize the potential impact of electromagnetic pulse attacks and solar flares.

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) report stated that simulations of a 25 kiloton nuclear blast in near-earth space or the upper atmosphere would spread an EMP over an area of 3 million square miles.

The report, however, appeared to minimize the danger of EMP on the electric grid by concluding between 5 percent and 15 percent of digital relays used to control power transmission would be disrupted or damaged by the main burst called an E1 EMP.

"E1 EMP impacts alone were not found to cause immediate, interconnection-scale disruption or blackout of the power grid, but this finding is not conclusive due to uncertainties regarding how damaged [digital protective relays] might respond during an actual event, or how potential E1 EMP damage to generator controls and other systems such as automatic generation control (AGC), not included as a part of this study, might affect the long-term operation of the grid," the report said.

The report was criticized by some grid security advocates as "junk science" designed to oppose what the electric industry has said would be an expensive hardening of the electric grid.

"EPRI’s EMP report is obviously a last-ditch effort to derail the recent White House executive order on coordinating national resilience to electromagnetic pulses that would fast-track protecting the national electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures from EMP threats," said Peter Pry, an EMP expert who took part in a congressional commission on EMP threats.

The report is "not a scientifically legitimate alternative view on the EMP threat, is authored by non-experts who make false claims, and should be accorded no more credibility than the ‘independent laboratory analyses' funded by the cigarette industry in the 1950s falsely claiming there is no causal link between smoking and lung cancer," Pry added.

The United States' three main electric power grids—in the east, west, and Texas—are vital to the functioning of American society and represent the most critical of the 16 critical infrastructures to be protected.

Kwast said the military has been seeking to harden its facilities and bases from electronic attacks but that more needs to be done.

"What we're doing is really digging into the technology and problem of the fact that we never really designed our energy grids and to potential adversaries that might want to weaponize the electromagnetic spectrum," Kwast said of this week's conference.

"Even though it may be resilient to lightning strikes it is not resilient to some of the other techniques."

A nuclear detonation in space is not the only danger.

"I know people get stuck in this mindset that it has to be a nuclear detonation in space to create this," Kwast said. "That's just not true. Our knowledge of the electromagnetic spectrum is becoming so sophisticated that we know that our adversaries can design tactical electromagnetic weapons that can target very tactical and specific things."

Electronic attacks can be "as simple as you zapping somebody's computer, or a base, or a local area." The advanced arms can also be a "very discriminating weapon that has no attribution, meaning you wouldn't know who did it. So that's a concern," Kwast added.

During this week's conferences several table-top war games and red-teaming exercises were held to assess the vulnerabilities and help identify solutions.

Much of the exercises are secret. "I would tell you that we are discovering strategies to take this vulnerability away and make sure our potential competition cannot use it as a weapon against America," Kwast said.

The electronic threat to command and control and other vital systems was outlined in a task force report last year that concluded "multiple adversaries are capable of executing a strategic attack that may black out major portions of a state’s grid."

High-technology electronic strikes could impact the communications systems of most U.S. military installations simultaneously.

"In terms of strategy, from an adversary’s standpoint, military installations represent the vulnerable underbelly of the defense enterprise," the report said. "In particular, if deliberate or natural EMS phenomena affect an installation’s command post, the capabilities of associated forces may be degraded or stopped."

Contrary to the industry-funded study, the Air Force report included a chart showing that a nuclear detonation over the United States would cause a catastrophic power outage affecting an estimated 318 million people for 30 days."

Nuclear power stations also are vulnerable to blackout causing EMP that could produce meltdowns and the release of radioactive material if electricity used to maintain cooling systems is disrupted for long periods. Most nuclear power plants are limited to around 16 hours of batter backup power.

On the EPRI report, Kwast said the Air Force welcomed the study but will "put under the scrutiny of the scientific method with engineers and scientists that have no potential advantage on the outcome and then we'll bring that evidence out."

The Air Force will produce a report on the conference within 60 days that will be presented to Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other leaders.

Source: General: America's Power Grid Vulnerable to Electronic Attack
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Two For Tuesday at KFC.
War For Wednesday at USA.
I wonder what Thursday has in


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
While Trump likely won the vote count (we will never know what the real count was), he did not win the election. These are two different things.
What kind of twisted reasoning is this? Are you saying that Biden could have actually garnered the votes claimed for him in the face of hard evidence to the contrary? If Christians cannot separate fact from fiction, then what should we expect from others. Do you even know about the vote switching shenanigans in Italy?


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
Why you guys in america always compete for pride and put a risk of many civilian lives only for 5 years throne, no matter if trump or biden win you should not worry about that, didn't you ?

If there was a Civil War it would not be for a four to eight years of someone to be in power but would completely change everything. This is a time when the liberals are trying to fundamentally change America by tearing up our Constitution and enslaving us all. Freedom is the right of every sentient being and it is America where that freedom started and we must defend that freedom.

It is not pride we fight for but for the soul and freedom of America and the World. As America goes so does the rest of the globe
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2019
United States
Wimpiest False Flag Operation in the history of the world...


Who planned this? The Three Stooges?

I demand a do-over. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Oct 11, 2020
United States
I'd propose that Trump & Pence ain't go'in nowhere. I expect that they will use the EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM to declare a NATIONAL EMERGENCY, and to announce that they have authorized the Military and/or U.S. Marshals to arrest individuals which have conspired to Fraudulently Alter the results of the November Election. And the National Guard deployments which were intended to "suppress" the non-violent Conservatives will be used to deter the violent liberal mobs.

But of course this will only be a stop-gap because satan's minions will have FAILED ONCE AGAIN, so satan will have to PERSONALLY come up from his pit to deal with (murder) Trump & Pence (Rev. 11). And once satan has unabated control of world governments, they will give their allegiance to the U.N. which will effect the Mark of the Beast and the electronic currency.

So it's really not needing an immediate 2-week supply in your pantry; but rather a 6-month supply of Food, Fuel, and Necessities for when you can't buy or sell. And as a word to the wise: -- #1 get out of the cities; #2 pre-pay your utility bills so that they might not shut off your power; $3 don't forget your sword, and remember that 2 is 1, and 1 is none, because swords often malfunction.

... and good luck!
Bobby Jo

You literally think this is going to happen on Wednesday?


Active Member
Oct 11, 2020
United States
This doesn't mean that the Liberals won't use an armed insurrection on Wednesday to invoke martial law and make Christianity illegal. They already have silenced them. Not much but a step away.
We already have one well-known BLM/Antifa figure (John Sullivan) and a CNN report (Jade Sacker) who admitted dressing in MAGA gear to infiltrate the Capitol rally, and were two of those who entered the building. Sullivan was arrested... and has been released already.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2019
Port Richey, Florida
United States
The choice is simple.

Fight or eat dogs
Wednesday isn’t good for me. I have an appointment to get a crown on a chipped tooth.
I think I’ll just go to work and continue to believe that God’s arm is not short. He didn’t need Gideon’s powerful sword, God called for his trust and obedience ... the BATTLE belongs to THE LORD.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Sadly, I don’t know that any president has tried to remedy the situation.
When you come right down to it, the politicians have always been obsessed with themselves, but never with the welfare and security of their country. Even Communist China puts them to shame.

Cyber-warfare have been a fact of life for a very long time. It was used in the recent election fraud. Yet a comprehensive and effective plan to deal with it was never developed. Always too little and too late.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
When you come right down to it, the politicians have always been obsessed with themselves, but never with the welfare and security of their country. Even Communist China puts them to shame.

Cyber-warfare have been a fact of life for a very long time. It was used in the recent election fraud. Yet a comprehensive and effective plan to deal with it was never developed. Always too little and too late.
The report I posted above says this:

The conference was part of the Electromagnetic Defense Task Force that is aligned with President Trump's directive announced last month aimed at strengthening the nation against electromagnetic attacks or events.​
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Your great grandparents manage to survive without any of those "conveniences", I'm sure you can. The trouble is that we've become to dependant on them. Be a good idea if we all went through that experience in order to learn to cope. The time is coming when every earthly support will be removed from underneath those that determine to believe the Bible and retain hope of the second coming. Maybe we need to get used to it.
Through an act of terrorism?
Do you live off the grid? Have you ever?
My maternal grandparents lived in a cabin in the mountains when I was a child. Wood stove, icebox, no fridge. Coal oil lamps. They were very old and had lived that way all their lives even as children. No radio until one day my aunt brought a radio to the house and music filled the home.
It was great. And at night, because there was no light pollution then in the bowl of the mountains where we were, you could see all the stars The memory feels like yesterday.

This is a spectacular photo array from a few years ago. What our major cities would look like without lights. The things we miss with the lights on. This Is What Our Cities Would Look Like Without Light Pollution


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
I don't think you were trying to be humorous with this comment, but I laughed. Sorry! Just picturing all the "fossil fuel is evil" folks sitting in their tiny electric cars, shrieking hysterically.
I was trying to be both actually. Humerous, to take the edge off the seriousness of the topic matter, and serious as well.

It's not difficult to prepare for a week ahead of time. Withdraw some cash. Put gas in your car (unless it's a Leaf LOL). Make sure your medications are sufficient. Check the batteries for your flashlight. Buy a nice stash of canned and boxed food and bottled water.
True. But what if it lasts longer than a week? Like say, six months?

Keep praying. Hard to figure the future the Dem's have laid out for us through stealing our election, the offices they entered through that device, is going to be positive.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Through an act of terrorism?
Do you live off the grid? Have you ever?
My maternal grandparents lived in a cabin in the mountains when I was a child. Wood stove, icebox, no fridge. Coal oil lamps. They were very old and had lived that way all their lives even as children. No radio until one day my aunt brought a radio to the house and music filled the home.
It was great. And at night, because there was no light pollution then in the bowl of the mountains where we were, you could see all the stars The memory feels like yesterday.

This is a spectacular photo array from a few years ago. What our major cities would look like without lights. The things we miss with the lights on. This Is What Our Cities Would Look Like Without Light Pollution
When Christ said to the tempter, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God," He repeated the words that, more than fourteen hundred years before, He had spoken to Israel: "The Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness.... And He humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that He might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live." Deuteronomy 8:2, 3. In the wilderness, when all means of sustenance failed, God sent His people manna from heaven; and a sufficient and constant supply was given. This provision was to teach them that while they trusted in God and walked in His ways He would not forsake them. The Saviour now practiced the lesson He had taught to Israel. By the word of God succor had been given to the Hebrew host, and by the same word it would be given to Jesus. He awaited God's time to bring relief. He was in the wilderness in obedience to God, and He would not obtain food by following the suggestions of Satan. In the presence of the witnessing universe, He testified that it is a less calamity to suffer whatever may befall than to depart in any manner from the will of God.
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God." Often the follower of Christ is brought where he cannot serve God and carry forward his worldly enterprises. Perhaps it appears that obedience to some plain requirement of God will cut off his means of support. Satan would make him believe that he must sacrifice his conscientious convictions. But the only thing in our world upon which we can rely is the word of God. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33. Even in this life it is not for our good to depart from the will of our Father in heaven. When we learn the power of His word, we shall not follow the suggestions of Satan in order to obtain food or to save our lives. Our only questions will be, What is God's command? and what His promise? Knowing these, we shall obey the one, and trust the other.
In the last great conflict of the controversy with Satan those who are loyal to God will see every earthly support cut off. Because they refuse to break His law in obedience to earthly powers, they will be forbidden to buy or sell. It will finally be decreed that they shall be put to death. See Revelation 13:11-17. But to the obedient is given the promise, "He shall dwell on high: his place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure." Isaiah 33:16. By this promise the children of God will live. When the earth shall be wasted with famine, they shall be fed. "They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied." Psalm 37:19. To that time of distress the prophet Habakkuk looked forward, and his words express the faith of the church: "Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation." Habakkuk 3:17, 18. EGW.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Through an act of terrorism?
Do you live off the grid? Have you ever?
No. And I have no confidence in myself in coping without angels at my side encouraging, protecting, and feeding me and my family throughout such a time. Stocking up some basic supplies may help in the short term, but who can truly hide against the technology of the military and the manpower behind them if they really wanted to seriously find you? Even remote cabins in the wilderness are not that difficult to find. The wilderness does provide distance between you and the general public seeking to steal your supplies etc, but when the final death decree comes against all Commandment keeping Christians and there's a reward for your head, there's will at that time be only one protection. God.
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