Some Israel Eschatological Passages

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Ordained Chaplain
Oct 12, 2011
United States
Some Israel Eschatological Passages

Isa 4:2, 3; 26:19
Dan 12:1-3
Eze 20:33, 34; 37:1-4, 11-14

“It requires no profound study to observe that the earthly, Messianic, Davidic kingdom was offered by John the Baptist, by Christ and by His disciples, that it was rejected even to the murder of John the Baptist and the crucifixion of the King, and that it was not set up in connection with the first dispensation, nor is it being set up in the present dispensation (but is for the millennial kingdom, which in my suspicion is for Christ and His Body to teach Israel for a thousand years—NC). Nevertheless, every oath-bound covenant of Jehovah will yet be consummated, His kingdom will come, and His bidding be done on earth as it is in heaven (this is in reference to the millennial kingdom on the old earth prior to the new earth; the difference is shown between His will in heaven being also done on the earth—NC).

“The Church does not appear in the OT. As something new (and eternal in the new heaven—NC) in God’s provision for Jew and Gentile, the true Church and some of its unique characteristics are spoken of by Paul as “mysteries.” These mysteries were withheld from the OT saints, but are freely revealed to NT saints, hence the Church is not found in the OT. These mysteries include the Church itself, its Head, its message of grace, the Body of Christ as an organism made up of saved Jews and Gentiles, indwelt by Christ as the “hope of glory” (Col 1:27), its ministry controlled by the Lord Jesus Himself, its ultimate removal from the earthly scene by resurrection or “translation” (Heb 11:5), and its approaching marriage as the Bride of the Lamb (Rev 21:9 - the Spirit and the Bride are in the holy city, new Jerusalem “saying come”). Not a hint of these things appears in the OT. On the contrary, this is the ethnic group (Christian Jews and Gentiles—NC) which the Lord Jesus spoke of when He said, “I will build My Church”; an accomplishment which was still future at the time of it announcement. Never does Scripture confuse it with Israel—past, future or present.” —L S Chafer (1871-1952)

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Some Israel Eschatological Passages

Isa 4:2, 3; 26:19
Dan 12:1-3
Eze 20:33, 34; 37:1-4, 11-14

“It requires no profound study to observe that the earthly, Messianic, Davidic kingdom was offered by John the Baptist, by Christ and by His disciples, that it was rejected even to the murder of John the Baptist and the crucifixion of the King, and that it was not set up in connection with the first dispensation, nor is it being set up in the present dispensation (but is for the millennial kingdom, which in my suspicion is for Christ and His Body to teach Israel for a thousand years—NC). Nevertheless, every oath-bound covenant of Jehovah will yet be consummated, His kingdom will come, and His bidding be done on earth as it is in heaven (this is in reference to the millennial kingdom on the old earth prior to the new earth; the difference is shown between His will in heaven being also done on the earth—NC).

“The Church does not appear in the OT. As something new (and eternal in the new heaven—NC) in God’s provision for Jew and Gentile, the true Church and some of its unique characteristics are spoken of by Paul as “mysteries.” These mysteries were withheld from the OT saints, but are freely revealed to NT saints, hence the Church is not found in the OT. These mysteries include the Church itself, its Head, its message of grace, the Body of Christ as an organism made up of saved Jews and Gentiles, indwelt by Christ as the “hope of glory” (Col 1:27), its ministry controlled by the Lord Jesus Himself, its ultimate removal from the earthly scene by resurrection or “translation” (Heb 11:5), and its approaching marriage as the Bride of the Lamb (Rev 21:9 - the Spirit and the Bride are in the holy city, new Jerusalem “saying come”). Not a hint of these things appears in the OT. On the contrary, this is the ethnic group (Christian Jews and Gentiles—NC) which the Lord Jesus spoke of when He said, “I will build My Church”; an accomplishment which was still future at the time of it announcement. Never does Scripture confuse it with Israel—past, future or present.” —L S Chafer (1871-1952)
The Gentile Church did not appear in the OT era simply because God had not yet prepared a portion of Israel to reach out to them yet. Just as God reached out to Israel through their forefathers, and through Moses, so God began to reach out to Gentile nations in the time of Christ and following.

I don't personally see a big difference between how God reached out to Israel and how He has now been reaching out to other nations. It is the same God, the same Moral Law, and the same hope of resurrection to immortality. I see in Christ an equal standard of justice for Jew and for Gentile, and therefore the same system of Salvation for both kinds of people. The Law for Israel was merely preparatory for Christ, while the Gospel today is the fulfillment for all nations, including Israel.

I don't see anywhere in the NT Scriptures where Israel and Gentile nations are to be divided in any way except that as a nation Israel does not experience restoration until other nations have experience their own national awakenings as we've seen them in NT history? The long delay in Israel's national restoration is consistent with how God has always dealt with Israel and with how He is dealing with Christian nations who have fallen. They can be set aside for a long time in a state of spiritual stagnation, leaving only small remnants of faith to carry on the fight.

This is the difference I have with Dispensationalism, although I agree with its idea of a Millennial Kingdom in which Christ reigns from heaven and Israel is restored on earth. Since these are speculative matters I don't see such disagreement as necessarily divisive among true Christians. And I can't say I'm absolutely sure about any of these matters that concern the future.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
God's Church is shown all over... the Old Testament Scriptures.

1 Cor 10:1-4
10 Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;
2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;
3 And did all eat the same spiritual meat;
4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink:
for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ can be taught from just about every Book of The Old Testament, starting with Genesis 3:15.

The Christ is ETERNAL, without beginning or end. Jesus The Christ came in the flesh as "Emmanuel" which means 'God with us' (Matthew 1:23). Per Hebrews 7 Jesus as Melchizedek of The Old Testament met Abraham, blessed him and offered Abraham "bread and wine". The man which Abraham stood talking with and begged to not destroy any righteous that might be in Sodom and Gomorrah was The Lord Jesus Christ in that Old Testament time. Jesus was one of the "three men" that appeared to Abraham suddenly at his tent door (Genesis 18).

Jesus Christ is Who Jacob wrestled with and would not let go until He blessed him.

And God's Birthright Blessings first given to Abraham INCLUDED The Gospel of Jesus Christ! that is what the Promise by Faith was about, which Abraham believed God and God counted Abraham's Faith as righteousness. Apostle Paul confirmed this in Romans 4 and Galatians 3 about The Gospel Promise and Abraham's Faith. That is why Paul said those of Faith have become the children of Abraham. So no believing Christian has any excuse for not understanding this.

But if one wants to THINK like a blind Pharisee, go ahead and argue against God's Church that began in The Old Testament times, and those of the Hebrews and then the seed of Jacob that KNEW about The Gospel of Jesus Christ, and waited for it, even though Jesus did not die on the cross in their day! Nevertheless, A REMNANT knew about it, for Christ showed them back then in Old Testament times.


Ordained Chaplain
Oct 12, 2011
United States
The Gentile Church did not appear in the OT era simply because God had not yet prepared a portion of Israel to reach out to them yet.
You make some interesting points. Concerning Israel reaching out to the Gentiles, it was the Christian Jews, because they were first to be Christian, through whom God reached out to the Gentiles; and this presents a great division between Israel and Christianity. The non-Christian Jews are considered to be Israel, not Christians. The Christian Jews are no more Israel but Christians. All ethnicity is gone, because all are Christian (Rom 10:12; Act 15:9; Gal 3:28; Col 3:11).

Ethnic Israel will remain Israel, God doesn't want to change that, they being His first chosen people; and after 4000 years bringing them to restoration and salvation. That is, the Jews believing in God, which is well beyond what can be said about the majority of the unbelieving world.

The situation without direct Scripture makes it difficult to be certain concerning certain passages of Israel's eschatology, but it's my opinion that if one is experienced enough in the Word, one can often infer enough from Scripture concerning this issue. Just knowing for certain from the prophecies that God will be restoring Israel, aids in the research. It appears to me that God is a bit secretive in Scripture about the end times of His people Israel.


Ordained Chaplain
Oct 12, 2011
United States
But if one wants to THINK like a blind Pharisee, go ahead and argue against God's Church that began in The Old Testament times, and those of the Hebrews and then the seed of Jacob that KNEW about The Gospel of Jesus Christ, and waited for it, even though Jesus did not die on the cross in their day! Nevertheless, A REMNANT knew about it, for Christ showed them back then in Old Testament times.
I like all that you've said, but it's my understanding that the ecclesia, or gathering of the people in the OT was not the same ecclesia, or gathering of the Christians--the Church and Body of Christ. I think this answers to why the word "church" is not in the OT.

The "Church" has to do with only Christians, and is what the Lord Jesus meant by, "I will build my Church" (Mat 16:18). It's common for many to consider there is some type of union between Israel and the Church, but there isn't. They would have to be a part of the Body, which of course they aren't. But God definitely has always had a plan of restoration for the Israelites who believe in Him; otherwise it would bereft one to wonder why He spent 4 millennia in continually restoring them to fellowship; which for now doesn't exist, but they are still in union with Him and I'm certain He will be bringing them back to Himself in the millennium.

Of course much concerning the eschatology of Israel is not in plain direct doctrine, which requires much inference of Scripture!


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
You make some interesting points. Concerning Israel reaching out to the Gentiles, it was the Christian Jews, because they were first to be Christian, through whom God reached out to the Gentiles; and this presents a great division between Israel and Christianity. The non-Christian Jews are considered to be Israel, not Christians. The Christian Jews are no more Israel but Christians. All ethnicity is gone, because all are Christian (Rom 10:12; Act 15:9; Gal 3:28; Col 3:11).
You still do not understand brother, and actually are pushing 'leaven' idea of men that you picked up somewhere. Show me that you have studied the Bible history of 1 Kings 11 through 2 Kings 17 about God have divided old Israel into 2 separate kingdoms and peoples. Per the Jewish historian Josephus, he said the title of 'Jew' is what only those of the 3 tribe house of Judah that returned from the Babylon captivity called theirselves. The ten northern tribes were not present when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem and took Judah captive. Nor were the ten northern tribes known as Jews.

The Biblically illiterate continually push the falsehood that all Israelites were known as Jews. Josephus said that title originated from the sole tribe of Judah. Well, Judah never was a part of the northern ten tribe "kingdom of Israel" under Jeroboam.

The majority... of the early Church after Christ was rejected at Jerusalem, were of the ten lost tribes of Israel that were scattered out of the holy land first. The ten northern tribes of Israel were NOT EVEN PRESENT in the holy land at Jesus' 1st coming; only the small remnant of them that migrated to join with Judah in Jeroboam's day. That certainly was not all ten tribes.

Per the prophecies God gave through Hosea, the ten tribed "house of Israel" was scattered to the wilderness by God, and He hedged up their paths so they could not find their way back. They lost their heritage of God's feast days, new moons, and sabbaths, and became as Gentiles, living among Gentiles. But God never lost them. He knew exactly where they went. Then God said He would lead them into new lands, and there given them a new covenant, and He would take the names of Baali out of their mouths, and call Him "Ishi". (Friend). That is pointing directly to The Gospel of Jesus Christ going to the peoples of Asia Minor and Europe, between the historical western Christian nations.

So those who don't understand that prophecy to the "house of Judah" is for JEWS ONLY,

and that prophecy for the "house of Israel" is for then TEN TRIBES OF ISRAEL ONLY,

... will misunderstand much of both Old Testament and New Testament Bible prophecy.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
I like all that you've said, but it's my understanding that the ecclesia, or gathering of the people in the OT was not the same ecclesia, or gathering of the Christians--the Church and Body of Christ. I think this answers to why the word "church" is not in the OT.
You still don't understand, and probably will not until you closely study what Apostle Paul taught in Romans 4 and Galatians 3 about the Promise by Faith which Abraham first believed, and then about God's Birthright Blessings that began... with Abraham, and then continued all the way down to Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh, where God's Birthright still is to this day (1 Chronicles 5).

A remnant of God's chosen, starting in the Old Testament, already knew... about The Gospel. That is the Faith which Abraham believed. But the rest of the children of Israel were blinded, like Paul said.

Rom 11:1-4
11 I say then, Hath God cast away His people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
2 God hath not cast away His people which He foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying,
"Lord, they have killed Thy prophets, and digged down Thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life."
4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? "I have reserved to Myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal."

That above conversation between Elijah and God was back at 1 Kings 18 & 19. The ten northern tribes had been scattered to Assyria by then. Then Paul per Romans 11:5-10 reveals that the rest of the children of Israel were 'blinded'.

So there's always been an Old Testament 'remnant' that knew about The Gospel that Messiah would come. That especially is what the Book of Isaiah is about, Isaiah's name meaning 'Yah has saved'.

Apostle Paul in Hebrews 7 reveals that Lord Jesus was actually the Melchizedek of the Old Testament that met Abraham, and blessed him, and offered Abraham "bread and wine". (what are those "bread and wine" symbols of per The New Covenant? Hmmm.........?) So Abraham knew, even as with what Jesus said to the blind Pharisees at the end of John 8 that Abraham saw His day, and rejoiced and was glad. The Pharisees said to Jesus that He was not even yet 40, and had He seen Abraham? Then Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I AM."

If one does not overcome the 'leaven' doctrines of men, and get down to actual Bible study line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little, they will likely never come to this kind of matter in God's Word. And just to think, the orthodox unbelieving Jews had access to these things about Christ in the Old Testament all the time, but were blinded to them.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
You make some interesting points. Concerning Israel reaching out to the Gentiles, it was the Christian Jews, because they were first to be Christian, through whom God reached out to the Gentiles; and this presents a great division between Israel and Christianity. The non-Christian Jews are considered to be Israel, not Christians. The Christian Jews are no more Israel but Christians. All ethnicity is gone, because all are Christian (Rom 10:12; Act 15:9; Gal 3:28; Col 3:11).

Ethnic Israel will remain Israel, God doesn't want to change that, they being His first chosen people; and after 4000 years bringing them to restoration and salvation. That is, the Jews believing in God, which is well beyond what can be said about the majority of the unbelieving world.
So, you're saying that your position is, Ethnicity is gone for the Church, but not for Israel? That's a pretty standard Amillennial position, but it may also be a Premillennial position--I'm not sure. I don't hold to that myself, but respect it nonetheless.

I interpret "no Ethnicity" in the New Testament to mean that God is no respecter of persons, that in regard to Salvation ethnicity is meaningless. But for me, that does not mean there is no such thing as ethnicity in God's future plans. My view of the Millennium retains national distinctions. And with the promise made specifically to Israel, that alone requires ethnic distinctions!

I agree with you, however, that the Jews who reached out to the Gentile world were Christians, and no longer Rabbinic Jews. They converted to Christ, the Jewish Messiah, which sadly most of the Jews did not do. As you do I hope the rest of the Jews come along later, when Christ returns. At least I assume that's your position?

You state that non-Christian Jews are "Israel." This is a little confusing to me, though I do recognize that present Israel is predominantly a "Jewish State." Israel is a state, consisting of both Christians and non-Christians, Messianic Jews and Rabbinic Jews. How can "Israel" then be only the "non-Christian Jews?" Surely there are Christians among those who are of Jewish ethnicity? Perhaps you are defining "Jew" as strictly a non-Christian Rabbinic Jew?
The situation without direct Scripture makes it difficult to be certain concerning certain passages of Israel's eschatology, but it's my opinion that if one is experienced enough in the Word, one can often infer enough from Scripture concerning this issue. Just knowing for certain from the prophecies that God will be restoring Israel, aids in the research. It appears to me that God is a bit secretive in Scripture about the end times of His people Israel.
I see no reason for God to be secretive about the Jewish Hope. The Jews are simply "hardened" to it, with the exception of a small minority who become "Messianic Jews."

So there is no sense emphasizing Israel's national salvation at a time when it is not yet even possible--not with so many "hardened" Jews who simply refuse to let that happen. When all nations have had their opportunity to be "chosen nations" then God will judge all the Jews, and remove those who prevent those who would convert to Christianity from doing so.


Ordained Chaplain
Oct 12, 2011
United States
You still do not understand brother, and actually are pushing 'leaven' idea of men
I don't expect many to know or understand this type of teachings, but I share it for those who may want to understand.


Ordained Chaplain
Oct 12, 2011
United States
So, you're saying that your position is, Ethnicity is gone for the Church, but not for Israel? That's a pretty standard Amillennial position, but it may also be a Premillennial position--I'm not sure. I don't hold to that myself, but respect it nonetheless.
It's ok of coarse that we have a different understanding concerning most of this issue! Thankfully none of these doctrines are essential and do not negatively affect faith.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
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I don't expect many to know or understand this type of teachings, but I share it for those who may want to understand.
Well, that's just making excuses for your lack of Bible study. I have to say that being honest with you.

You should... be able to see The Gospel in just about every Old Testament Book also; especially since in the New Testament Books we are shown many Old Testament passages that are about Christ. Those living in Old Testament times didn't have that available knowledge, but we have it because of The New Testament has already come, and is written.

Why is this so important?

It is because the Promise by Faith which God first gave through Abraham represents The Gospel of Jesus Christ. And God's Blessings to Abraham are a part of The Gospel. And all that was 'transferred' to his son Isaac, and then to his son Jacob. And the new name 'ISRAEL' which God gave to Jacob represents that same Gospel of Jesus Christ, because the name Israel means the 'overcomers with God's help'.

Then from Jacob that Gospel Promise and Blessings went to his son Joseph. And then to Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh. And that is where the transfer stopped, with Ephraim and Manasseh, so that is where The Gospel and God's Blessings rest to this day. And who do they represent today?

Ephraim and Manasseh today are represented by the historical Western Christian nations. The Genesis 48 prophecy that Jacob transferred to Ephraim all the way from Abraham, is a great number of seed. And Jacob told Ephraim that his seed would become "a multitude of nations". Ask yourself, does that mean Jews today in which the majority of Jews today still reject Jesus Christ? Of course not!

So why... are you pointing to the majority of unbelieving Jews when you use the word "Israel"?

God's TRUE Israel today are represented by the "multitude of nations" prophecy to Ephraim, which means the WESTERN CHRISTIAN NATIONS of history! Are the Jews in today's state of Israel not Israelites too, you might ask? Yes, not all, but many of them in the holy land today represent the "house of Judah" (3 tribes), not the "house of Israel" (ten tribes). Have you not understood what the Ezekiel 37 joining of the two sticks is about, how God divided old Israel into "two nations" back in Solomon's day?

God's Birthright Blessing followed... the northern ten tribes to Asia Minor and Europe, which once Jesus Christ was rejected by the Jews in Jerusalem, The Gospel would then go to those scattered ten tribes along with the Gentiles, and they would believe, and become the "multitude of nations" in The Gospel of Jesus Christ. A remnant of Jews among them would also believe on Jesus Christ, but the majority of those scattered were the ten tribes, which made up the majority of Israelites of the seed, and still do to this day.

Thus per God's Word, one cannot say the word Israel without seeing the Christian Church, because that is where the Gospel Promise went to, along with the Blessings God gave through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

So do you not understand why it is that the Western Christian nations come to the aid of the nation state in the holy land called Israel?

One of God's Blessings to Abraham's seed was control of the gates of his enemies, which is about great military blessings and strength. That is why God would say about Ephraim and Manasseh that He would use them to push the people together to the ends of the earth (Deut.33), and that Ephraim God said is the "strength of Mine head" (Ps.108), and that Ephraim is God's firstborn (Jer.31:9). This is why the Western Christian nations have often had to come to the aid of the state of Israel in the middle east, because even though the majority of those unbelieving Jews there in the holy land still reject Lord Jesus Christ, they are still our brethren representing the seed of old Israel, specifically the 3 tribe "house of Judah" (Judah, Benjamin, and Levi = today's Jews). Thus there are TWO ISRAELS today, which is actually the revealing in Ezekiel 37 about the two sticks, which is called "two nations" there. It's simply that the Israel representing Christ's Church of the Christian West, (and the ten lost tribes of Israel), is not called Israel.
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Ordained Chaplain
Oct 12, 2011
United States
“He shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers” (Rev 2:27).

Albert Barnes: “There is an allusion here to Psalms 2:9; “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” There is a slight change in the passage, “he shall rule,” instead of “thou shalt break,” in order to adapt the language to the purpose of the speaker here. The allusion in the Psalm is to the Messiah as reigning triumphant over the nations (Christ and the Christians teaching Israel—NC), or subduing them under him; and the idea here, as in the previous verse, is, that his redeemed people will be associated with him in this dominion. To rule with a scepter of iron, is not to rule with a harsh and tyrannical sway, but with power that is firm and invincible. It denotes a government of strength, or one that cannot be successfully opposed; one in which the subjects are effectually subdued” (restored Israel will be desirous to be “ruled with a rod of iron” via the Lord Jesus—NC).


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Per Ezekiel 37, God showed that Israel is divided into "two nations", and the example in that Chapter of the joining to the 2 sticks to make one stick is about the future repair of the division of old Israel into "two nations", starting at 1 Kings 11.

Ezek 37:19-22
19 Say unto them, 'Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in Mine hand.

20 And the sticks whereon thou writest shall be in thine hand before their eyes.

And say unto them, 'Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land:

22 And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all:

Verse 21 has NOT... happened yet today. Nor has verse 22.

God's Israel today is STILL divided into TWO NATIONS. That is about God having split old Israel in Solomon's day into TWO SEPARATE KINGDOMS (see 1 Kings 11 thru 2 Kings 17). God's Word uses the idea of 'houses' for each one.

1. Israel state in the middle east = "house of Judah"
(represented today by a remnant of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, and a small remnant out of the ten northern tribes that refused Jeroboam's calf idol worship, along with the strangers that live in Judea in the southern land).

2. Israel of the ten tribes scattered mainly to the West = "house of Israel"
(These were the ten northern tribes of old Israel scattered to Asia Minor and Europe that would become the historical Christian nations, making up Christ's Church along with Gentile believers, and some remnants of the scattered Jews from Babylon that also believed The Gospel of Jesus Christ.)

Jesus said that He was not sent but unto the "house of Israel", and that meant among those where The Gospel would be received (Matt.15:24). That was not in holy land, because the majority of Judah there rejected Him and The Gospel. Instead, The Gospel was received in majority by the western nations of Europe which would become the historical Christian nations, Britain being one of the first nations to accept The Gospel and turn from old Baal worship. Other nations in Europe would also soon turn to Christ Jesus, and begin to put away their idols. This is where the majority of the ten northern tribes wound up which God removed from the holy lands first, where they would slowly migrate to.

In the Scottish Declaration of Arbroath in the 13th century, their version of a Declaration of Independence, they claimed origin from ancient Israel. The people of Denmark do not say 'Denmark', they say, 'Dan-mark'. One of the features of the tribe of Dan was putting his 'mark' (name) upon places where he would wind up.

And the linguist Leroy Waterman of the University of Michigan in the 1930's translated portions of the Assyrian cuneiform tablets which reveal what the Assyrians called the ten northern tribes of Israel that were captive first to their lands. Their Assyrian names are where the name Cimmerian was derived, and anthropologists and archaeologists know quite a bit about the Cimmerian tribes that migrated westward into Asia Minor and old Europe. Those are where the Celts came from. In the areas of what is called France today, those were known as the Gauls. The Book of Galatians that Apostle Paul wrote is to the Gauls. The word Gaul and Norman were other names the Romans used to call the Celtic peoples.

A pastor from Scotland many years ago sent me a copy of a news article in a paper there about a DNA test some researchers were doing, testing the European people's ancestral origins. The Anglo-Saxons have long tried to claim they are a separate race from the Celtic peoples. But the DNA results showed that the majority of Caucasian peoples in Europe are all from the same root stock of Cimmerian and Scythian tribes that migrated into Europe from the east. That includes the Anglo-Saxons. And as a matter of fact, the word Caucasian was derived from the people that crossed westward through the Caucasus mountains north of the Black Sea, on their way migrating into Europe. These were actually migrations of the ten tribes of Israel that had been captive to Assyria, but under different names, and having forgotten their heritage as part of Israel, as God would prophesy in the Book of Hosea.