1 Peter 3:15 applied to the tone we use in responding to posts

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Apr 19, 2014
Quebec City, Province of Quebec, Canada
Hello my friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

I am a little unconfortable with the tone that is used in some of the responses made by believers on this forum. So, perhaps some of us may like to provide more input along the lines of what is taught by Peter : "... Always be prepared to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..." (1 Peter 3:15, NIV 2011). Please let us not forget the gentlness part of the Christian attitude when dealing with other board members.

Before making condemning or harsh statements, perhaps sometimes we should post a few respectful and gently articulated questions to make sure we have rightly understood what the other person meant by what she said. Some of us do this already. Let's follow their example, and not encourage each other in being disrespectful toward anyone, whatever their beliefs might be.

May God bless us all, and remind us that we are not only to know the right things about Him, but also speak with each other and with those outside of the Christian faith in ways that are christlike.

In Him,


This Vale Of Tears

Indian Papist
Jun 13, 2013
DanielGarneau said:
Hello my friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

I am a little unconfortable with the tone that is used in some of the responses made by believers on this forum. So, perhaps some of us may like to provide more input along the lines of what is taught by Peter : "... Always be prepared to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..." (1 Peter 3:15, NIV 2011). Please let us not forget the gentlness part of the Christian attitude when dealing with other board members.

Before making condemning or harsh statements, perhaps sometimes we should post a few respectful and gently articulated questions to make sure we have rightly understood what the other person meant by what she said. Some of us do this already. Let's follow their example, and not encourage each other in being disrespectful toward anyone, whatever their beliefs might be.

May God bless us all, and remind us that we are not only to know the right things about Him, but also speak with each other and with those outside of the Christian faith in ways that are christlike.

In Him,

Greetings, Daniel

Thank you for that kind reminder because it's something I struggle with myself, watching the tone by which I come across.

The other side of it I've written about before, that Christianity isn't about niceness and that the most holy people of God in the Bible were often terse, irascible, and even derogatory. And Jesus himself certainly set the example of being ready to condemn in unambiguous terms the hypocrisy and oppression of the religious leaders and lawyers who use religion to keep people from God. Other examples include St. Paul ridiculing a church he founded when they entertained a preacher who struck them. Paul derisively mused that if he had hit people, they might better listen to his words. Another example is St. Peter (who you quoted) cursing somebody who thought the gifts of God could be purchased with money, and I mean a divine curse that would have been carried out if that person had not repented. Then one of my favorites is Elijah heckling the priests of Baal when they couldn't get their god to set fire to the altar and another is Elisha, his successor, predicting a bear would kill a group of young men who poked fun at his baldness.

Now there is simply no excuse for rudeness and people who are rude are most often not doing it in the course of righteousness, but there are times when I don't apologize for the austerity I express; because I believe it's divinely inspired. The key here is discernment, something that I've been lacking in more times than I like to admit and after eviscerating somebody mercilessly I have to own up to my actions and apologize. I do also want to point out that everything can't be tied down to one Bible verse, as I am trying to illustrate with this post. I don't believe the Bible calls Christians to be "nice", it calls us to be compassionate, forgiving, slow to anger (notice it doesn't say never get angry) but ready with righteous indignation to defend the truth and defend the defenseless when called upon to do so. It's a balance alluded to in my signature.

Pax Christi.


New Member
May 18, 2014
Western USA
DanielGarneau said:
Hello my friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

I am a little unconfortable with the tone that is used in some of the responses made by believers on this forum. So, perhaps some of us may like to provide more input along the lines of what is taught by Peter : "... Always be prepared to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..." (1 Peter 3:15, NIV 2011). Please let us not forget the gentlness part of the Christian attitude when dealing with other board members.

Before making condemning or harsh statements, perhaps sometimes we should post a few respectful and gently articulated questions to make sure we have rightly understood what the other person meant by what she said. Some of us do this already. Let's follow their example, and not encourage each other in being disrespectful toward anyone, whatever their beliefs might be.

May God bless us all, and remind us that we are not only to know the right things about Him, but also speak with each other and with those outside of the Christian faith in ways that are christlike.

In Him,

On a perfect blog, I agree with your sentiment. But this is not a perfect blog.

Let me give you an example from the world. In the workplace that has a union, both union and management enter into a contract. But both sides purposefully leave loop holes in the agreement. Why? They do it so that they can cheat on the agreement - both sides love this. That way they can attempt to do those things that they want to their advantage and to the disadvantage of the other side. Then they can endlessly enter into arguments, that neither can win, except that they receive a ruling from an impartial (that’s a laugh) judge or they enter into binding arbitration or mediation. Mediation is just another term for “let’s forget our previous agreement and make a new agreement without causing us any great harm.” Both sides like confusion, fogging, deception, and hidden agendas. It’s a game of cat and mouse and who can get the upper hand.

When you enter into a discussion with other Christians this should not be so. Yet, many in Christian blogs, haven’t a clue how to dialogue. They are playing a cat and mouse game and believe it is important to win. Winning has nothing to done with it, but since they have hidden agendas they will never admit that. They will push their agenda by sacrificing common courtesy, truth, the Bible, and even Christ Himself. As the world does, they love confusion, fogging, deception, and hidden agendas. These are all tactics the world uses and so does the enemy of our souls.

These deceivers can be identified quite easily, but forum rules are always written to prevent the exposing of these disrupters.

Here are a few ways you can discern who these disrupters with hidden agendas are. 1. They will refuse to engage the discussion. If your question and line of reasoning is aligned with the Bible but not in alignment with their agenda, then they ignore it. 2. They are inept in their usage of the Scriptures and far too frequently resort to the teaching of a denomination or other men, rather than the Bible. 3. When a particular piercing question, designed to clarify their position, is posed they refuse to answer it. Instead, they ponder it as did the Pharisees in Matthew 21:25-27. If their answer threatens their agenda, they refuse to answer, or even worse than the Pharisees, they accuse you of being insincere or even lying about your motive for asking the question. I for one ask questions because I want to hear the answer. If it exposes their hidden agenda or reveals their ineptitude, so what? A Christian would welcome an instructing question: Proverbs 9:8-9 KJV, “8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. 9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.” But a disrupter is not sincere and will merely continue doing their assigned task of being a disrupter and will lash out with hate toward the questioner. If that doesn’t do the trick, then they love to feign that “well everyone knows what you’re up to and no body agrees with you and you’re stupid and anything else they can pull out of their bag of worn out tricks to fog the issue”. In other words, they abandon the issue and attack the messenger with blank bullets. Then they sneak and backbite until they get an ulcer over it or drive away their offender. It would be so much easier on their immortal soul if they would submit to sincere dialog and learn something. I learn something every time I dialog. I wish it all was edifying.


New Member
May 19, 2014
DanielGarneau said:
Hello my friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

I am a little unconfortable with the tone that is used in some of the responses made by believers on this forum. So, perhaps some of us may like to provide more input along the lines of what is taught by Peter : "... Always be prepared to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..." (1 Peter 3:15, NIV 2011). Please let us not forget the gentlness part of the Christian attitude when dealing with other board members.

Before making condemning or harsh statements, perhaps sometimes we should post a few respectful and gently articulated questions to make sure we have rightly understood what the other person meant by what she said. Some of us do this already. Let's follow their example, and not encourage each other in being disrespectful toward anyone, whatever their beliefs might be.

May God bless us all, and remind us that we are not only to know the right things about Him, but also speak with each other and with those outside of the Christian faith in ways that are christlike.

In Him,

I agree with this completely.
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Well-Known Member
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Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
Zeke, thus we are called to walk two miles when compelled to go a mile and surrender our cloaks when persecuted. The goal is to flip the aggressiveness on its head. A soldier could compel a Jewish citizen to march a mile, but was under very strict orders for it only to be a mile. If a Christian went over, it placed the soldier in a precarious position. We should do the same with aggressive language and heap burning coals upon the heads of our enemies by caring for them eternally above the petty.

With that said, this is not either be nice or ... As This Vale of Tears pointed out, there are times to admonish and stand fast. Those times just don't come every time I or you enter into a thread to converse.

Matthew 5:38-42
You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I tell you, don’t resist an evildoer. On the contrary, if anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. As for the one who wants to sue you and take away your shirt, let him have your coat as well. And if anyone forcesb you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to the one who asks you, and don’t turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

Daniel, wise words. This Vale of Tears, thank you for being honest. It's a struggle I succumb to as well.
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Apr 19, 2014
Quebec City, Province of Quebec, Canada
This Vale Of Tears said:
The same could be asked of you. I don't expect anyone to bare their souls on the internet. This is a discussion forum and it's publicly displayed. I hold back a lot of personal things about my life and my family, not because I don't trust you.....

Well, yes, it's because I don't trust you. Nor do I have a reason to.

This Vale Of Tears said:
2. I don't believe your story. The Catholic Church has never forbidden the reading of the Holy Scriptures. In centuries past, the only restriction was requiring an imprimatur from the bishop before making a copy of it, to ensure that errors were not made. But even before the days when a Bible didn't cost more than a house, people had pages of scripture that they would circulate among themselves, Psalms and parts of the gospel, etc. The accusation that the Catholic Church has kept the Bible from being read is one of the most outrageous smears concocted by the haters of the Catholic Church, of whom you are clearly one.
The above quotes are from General Christian Forum, topic "Why I am Catholic" postings # 18 and # 20. The closing remarks in both cases are not conductive to mutual understanding.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I was with you Daniel, until your last post......seriously? Now, I disagree with Vale's opinions and approach, well, often. But your quotes from him in your last post are actually examples of him being honest and nice. I am sorry to say this, but message boards, Christian or not, are not for the sensitive, easily wounded type of person. Many of us have been here for years and know the regulars, quite well. We can become a bit familiar in our language and approach to one another and I agree, it can get rough. Thank you for your reminder and I love the verse you used. Since you are so new, perhaps you should give people here a chance to show you more of themselves than just a snarky comment or two. In the case you presented in your last post, I would have also been very hesitant to share my testimony with you - you just got here.....and I know if you bothered to look around the site, you would run into lots of my opinions and testimony - Vale and I are pretty consistent in our beliefs. I do not think Vale was out of line on this one......


Fishin Everyday
Apr 13, 2014
Be Bold for Christ...........stand for what you have been taught and now believe in.
It was the whimpy Christians failures who got us into where we are today.....be strong for Him....meaning...there is more against the Christian than for it.
satan loves silence.......we know God has everything in control....that does not mean for us to lay down.

I appreciated those who stand for their savior..........and not listen to satan to keep quiet......

If ya haven't noticed lately....the Christian is at war..throughout the world.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
RANDOR said:
Be Bold for Christ...........stand for what you have been taught and now believe in.
It was the whimpy Christians failures who got us into where we are today.....be strong for Him....meaning...there is more against the Christian than for it.
satan loves silence.......we know God has everything in control....that does not mean for us to lay down.

I appreciated those who stand for their savior..........and not listen to satan to keep quiet......

If ya haven't noticed lately....the Christian is at war..throughout the world.
I am interested in a phrase you used, "it was the wimpy Christians failures who got us into where we are today".

1. Who are the wimpy Christians?
2. How did they fail?
3. Where are we today and how is it a different place than Christians have been for the past 2,000 years+ ?



Fishin Everyday
Apr 13, 2014
aspen said:
I am interested in a phrase you used, "it was the wimpy Christians failures who got us into where we are today".

1. Who are the wimpy Christians?
2. How did they fail?
3. Where are we today and how is it a different place than Christians have been for the past 2,000 years+ ?

You can't tell me ya know no whimpy Christians.........We had a news media show up at our Capital here in New Mexico...and it was for legalizing gay marriage rally.
The news man said...there are hundreds of homosexuals here..but I only count two Christians.

That's what I mean by whimpy Christians...they gripe about how bad things are getting....but do nothing to show they are against it.....
thus in my book.....whimpy.

But hey..............if there are Christians for gay marriage............Hmmmmmm...can't see that would be the case....but cha never know any more...since God's words have been so watered down.

Hey Aspen...noticed ya have over 7000 posts.........wow!!!!!! ya mean in all that time you haven't run across this from anyone? :)


New Member
May 18, 2014
Western USA
RANDOR said:
Be Bold for Christ...........stand for what you have been taught and now believe in.
It was the whimpy Christians failures who got us into where we are today.....be strong for Him....meaning...there is more against the Christian than for it.
satan loves silence.......we know God has everything in control....that does not mean for us to lay down.

I appreciated those who stand for their savior..........and not listen to satan to keep quiet......

If ya haven't noticed lately....the Christian is at war..throughout the world.
Hey Randor I appreciate your Candor.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
RANDOR said:
You can't tell me ya know no whimpy Christians.........We had a news media show up at our Capital here in New Mexico...and it was for legalizing gay marriage rally.
The news man said...there are hundreds of homosexuals here..but I only count two Christians.

That's what I mean by whimpy Christians...they gripe about how bad things are getting....but do nothing to show they are against it.....
thus in my book.....whimpy.

But hey..............if there are Christians for gay marriage............Hmmmmmm...can't see that would be the case....but cha never know any more...since God's words have been so watered down.

Hey Aspen...noticed ya have over 7000 posts.........wow!!!!!! ya mean in all that time you haven't run across this from anyone? :)
Yeah, I have been posting for about 4 years. We all have different opinions about what it means to be wimpy.

I do not think refusing to show up to protest gay marriage is wimpy. I tend to think it is a bit wimpy to go along with Christian culture without examining the issue. I have a friend that is a one issue voter. If you are prolife you will get his vote. People are playing a dangerous game when they become one issue voters - after all, Hitler was elected.....

Now we are getting somewhere - yes I agreed that people who gripe about the world going to Hell and then do nothing, are wimpy. But I also believe that the strongest people are not opinionated. They are secure in the truth.

This Vale Of Tears

Indian Papist
Jun 13, 2013
aspen said:
I am interested in a phrase you used, "it was the wimpy Christians failures who got us into where we are today".

1. Who are the wimpy Christians?
2. How did they fail?
3. Where are we today and how is it a different place than Christians have been for the past 2,000 years+ ?

Unfortunately, the history of Christianity is replete with examples of wimpiness with devastating consequences. Rather than go over the whole list, I'll just point out a couple that have had tragic, lasting effects. The first is the Western Church's failure to defend Constantinople when it was attacked and conquered by the Muslims. There was much debate among Catholic nations and even efforts to marshal armies to aid them when they were under siege, but in the end, apathy and cowardice held sway and the See of our Eastern Sister Church was brought to ruin. Today the EOC still exists and thrives, but think of how much stronger the universal church would have been today if we had been there for them back then.

The second is the Protestant retreat from opposition to contraceptives beginning with the 1930 Anglican Lambeth Conference. I consider Canterbury to be the Protestant See, but that's a whole different debate. It is interesting that the opposition fell away in the mainline Protestant denominations only after Canterbury took the lead, which is why I believe it's their See. Educated Catholics, as in not the many who ignore the Church's teachings out of ignorance, know the world of evil that has sprung from the widespread use of contraceptives. Books have been written on this topic. It's had a devastating effect on Western society both in rigor of population perpetuation and in morality, as alluded to in late Pope John Paul's encyclical on the theology of the body.

And those are just a couple of examples. I wish I could say the Christian Church has been valiant, unrelenting, and consistent through the centuries, but history tells another sad story.


Boast in Christ
Dec 28, 2013
DanielGarneau said:
Hello my friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

I am a little unconfortable with the tone that is used in some of the responses made by believers on this forum. So, perhaps some of us may like to provide more input along the lines of what is taught by Peter : "... Always be prepared to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..." (1 Peter 3:15, NIV 2011). Please let us not forget the gentlness part of the Christian attitude when dealing with other board members.

Before making condemning or harsh statements, perhaps sometimes we should post a few respectful and gently articulated questions to make sure we have rightly understood what the other person meant by what she said. Some of us do this already. Let's follow their example, and not encourage each other in being disrespectful toward anyone, whatever their beliefs might be.

May God bless us all, and remind us that we are not only to know the right things about Him, but also speak with each other and with those outside of the Christian faith in ways that are christlike.

In Him,

You know Dan I truly agree with what your saying here dont get me wrong but heres the thing.
Anytime I have seen anyone on this forum start an uplifting topic in the encouragement of the Spirit I have noticed a severe lack of support with you yourself no where in sight.

Its one thing to preach on Peters discourse but its quite another to help support those who look to raise the bar.

Topics and conversations which encourage real theological insight are shunned for those more controversial and scandalous invites.

Uplifting and praise worthy threads are supported by the same two or three people everytime but soon die away.

If you want to practice what you preach then help support those who are trying to do as you say instead of remaining silent and letting them fend for themselves.

Much love brother
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Boast in Christ
Dec 28, 2013
DanielGarneau said:
Hello Madad,

Thank you for the encouraging words, and for the exhortation to be an encourager wherever needed. I will be heeding both.

In Christ, through his Spirit,
Thanks man, you were right and your words wise, I thank you also for the conviction in myself to raise the bar.

Peace brother
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